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Puri  S.  Swamy  S.L.  Jaiswal  A.K. 《New Forests》2002,23(1):45-61
Populus deltoides Bartr., a native of North America, is generally grown in India above latitude 28 °N. One hundred and six clones were evaluated for four years at Raipur situated at 21°12N latitude and 81°36E longitude. These were grown on vertisol soil. Based on growth and survival performance in the nursery for two successive years, nineteen clones were selected for field evaluation. The best five clones (G3, G48, 65/27, D121 and S7C1) were planted in an agrisilviculture system at a spacing of 4 × 4 m with soybean grown as an intercrop. After 4 years these clones had an increment of DBH by 66.5 to 77.5% and of height by 42.2 to 78.6% within one year when compared to that observed at 3 years of age. In rank order of growth the best five clones were 65/27 > G3 > D121 > G48 > S7C1. Total biomass varied between 20.9 to 35.8 Mg ha–1 in different clones. Among the tree components, stemwood accounted for 52–61% of the total biomass, followed by branches (20–25%), bark (9–13%) and leaves (7–10%). No significant variation between net primary productivity and photosynthetic efficiency was found in different clones. Soybean productivity decreased as the trees aged, reaching 40.5 to 58.1% in 4-year-old trees.  相似文献   
Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) significantly contributes to food and nutritional security of urban dwellers in many African countries. Economic and demographic pressures often lead to transformation of subsistence-oriented traditional homegardens into commercial production units. Such transformation is claimed to result in decreasing plant diversity, particularly of local species. A study was therefore undertaken in 51 gardens of Niamey, Niger, to assess the factors determining plant diversity and the suitability of UPA for in situ conservation of plant genetic resources. In each garden, the number and abundance of all human-used plant species were determined, and species density, Shannon index and Shannon evenness were calculated. In the 51 surveyed gardens, a total of 116 plant species were cultivated, most of them for the production of fruits or vegetables. Annual vegetables dominated, particularly exotic species grown for sale. In the cold season, an average of 14 species were cultivated per garden, the Shannon index was 0.96 and evenness was 0.39. Commercial gardens had a species richness similar to that of subsistence gardens, but a lower evenness (P < 0.005), caused by the dominance of a few vegetable species. Gardens of immigrants had a lower Shannon index than those of members of the local Djerma ethnic group. Stepwise multiple regression analysis showed significant influence of various variables on plant species richness and diversity parameters: garden size (richness and Shannon index), ethnicity of the gardener (richness and evenness), gender of the gardener and cash-oriented production (evenness), household size (richness) and garden possession status (Shannon index). Cluster analysis revealed the existence of five garden types. The highest species richness and diversity, particularly of perennial and local species, was found in large, peri-urban, commercial gardens managed by relatively wealthy, elderly gardeners with large families and a regular non-agricultural income.  相似文献   
Cashew apple and guava residues from fruit juice industry were prepared as dehydrated fruit powders and used at different levels of wheat flour substitution for cookies formulations. The effects of guava and cashew apple fruit powders supplementation on physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of the cookies were evaluated. The pH, fibre and protein content were significantly affected. Biscuits with 15 g and 20 g/100g cashew apple and guava fruit powders showed the highest scores for sensorial attributes, respectively. The supplementation seems to be suited for wheat flour substitution and it is possible to obtain cookies with value-added food ingredient within the standards.  相似文献   
Wool fabric was treated with liquid ammonia at -40 °C for 30 and 60 s prior to the application of polypyrrole (PPy). The polymer was deposited on wool fiber using the chemical oxidation method with 0.02 and 0.05 mol/l (Py) monomer concentration and FeCl3 as a catalyst. Functional groups of wool samples were analyzed using FT-IR, and surface morphology was investigated using SEM micrographs. Properties such as water absorbency, surface resistivity, abrasion resistance, weight add-on, and air permeability of coated specimens were explored. The FT-IR outcomes revealed the liquid ammonia pre-treatment changed the amount of amide I (NH), cystic acid, cystic monoxide, and dioxide content of the fiber. SEM micrographs revealed the descaling of wool surface after pre-treatment and smooth coating of polymer. Pre-treatment of wool in liquid ammonia improved absorbency of wool fabric with respect to the treatment duration. The surface resistivity of wool fabric decreased with the increase of monomer concentration and pre-treatment duration. The results of abrasion resistance confirmed that the pre-treated fabric exhibited lower loss of polymer after 200 cycles of abrasion. The weight of the fabric was increased and air permeability decreased when the monomer concentration and liquid ammonia pre-treatment duration was increased.  相似文献   
In Ireland, about 90 000 ha of midland bog are being subjected to peat harvesting, principally by surface milling operations. Immediately after milling, the bog surface is free of plants and seeds. The invasion by plants of such surfaces, which have been left idle for periods of 1–12 years and which are adjacent to a peatland experimental farm, is described. The significance of such colonization for weed infestation of any subsequent crops grown on the area is inferred from data on weed proliferation on the experimental farm which has produced principally horticultural crops. Sixty-seven species of flowering plants, of which 39 are potential weeds, were recorded on the milled-over areas. This is in contrast with only 12 weed species on the experimental farm after 10 years of cropping although that number has grown to 52 species after 25 years. The farm functions as a seed source for the surrounding milled-over bog, but it is not the sole source of supply, as potential weeds (Sinapis arvensis, Veronica hederifolia) not found on the farm have been found on the bog. Wind appears to be the principal transport agency for invading species. Polygonum lapathifolium, which is dependent on flood-waters or on man for transport, is a major weed on the farm, but was not found on the milled-over bog. Tussilago farfara is much more evident on the milled areas examined than it was on the site of the farm before crop production began and than it is on the farm in 1984. Invasion de marais tourbeux par les mauvaises herbes après broyage En Irelande, environ 90 000 ha de marais au centre du pays subissent des opérations de tour-bage, surtout par broyage de la surface. Tout de suite après le broyage, la surface du marais se trouve indemne de plantes et de graines. Les auteurs décrivent l'invasion par des plantes de certaines surfaces contigues à une ferme tourbière expérimentale, après une période sans utilisation allant d'une à 12 années. A partir de données sur la prolifération des mauvaises herbes dans la ferme expérimentale, consacrée surtout à des cultures maraîcheres, ils considèrent si une telle colonisation est significative en ce qui concerne l'enherbement de cultures implantées ultérieurement sur ces surfaces. Soixante-sept espèces de plantes à fleurs, dont 39 éventuellement des adventices, ont été signalées sur les surfaces broyées. Par contre, la ferme expérimentale n'a produit que douze espèces adventices au bout de 10 ans de cultures; cependant au bout de 25 ans on a signalé 52 espèces de mauvaises herbes. La ferme fournit des graines aux marais broyés environnants mais elle n'en constitue pas la source unique, puisque certaines espèces éventuellement adventices (Sinapis arvensis, Veronica hederifolia) qu'on ne trouve pas à la ferme ont paru sur le marais. C'est surtout le vent, parait-il, qui véhicule les espèces envahissantes. Polygonum lapathifolium, espèce qui dépend d'inondations ou de l'homme pour véhiculer ses graines, est une mauvaise herbe importante à la ferme, mais n'a pas été signalé sur le marais broyé. Tussilago farfara se trouve sur les surfaces broyées en plus grand nombre que sur l'emplacement de la ferme avant l'introduction des cultures; en 1984 il est toujours moins abondant sur la ferme. Unkrautbesiedelung von oberflächlich gefrästen Torfflächen In Irland werden gegenwärtig ca. 90 000 ha Sumpfböden der mittleren Landesteile durch oberflächliche Bearbeitung mit Bodenfräsen zur Torfgewinnung genutzt. Unmittelbar nach dem Fräsen ist die Bodenoberfläche frei von Pflanzen und Samen. Die pflanzliche Besiedelung solcher, während einem bis zu zwölf Jahren sich selbst überlassenen und an eine Versuchsfarm angrenzenden Flächen ist Gegenstand vorliegender Untersuchung. Die Entwicklung der Unkrautpopulation in einer später darauf angebauten Kultur wird von der Unkrautflora der benachbarten, hauptsächlich Gartenbau betreibenden Versuchsfarm beeinflusst. 67 Blütenpflanzen, wovon 39 potentielle Unkräuter, wurden in den früher gefrästen Arealen festgestellt. Diese Beobachtung steht in Kontrast zu nur 12 Unkrautarten auf der Versuchsfarm nach zehn Jahren gärtnerischer Nutzung; allerdings stieg die Artenzahl auf 52 nach fünfundzwanzig Jahren. Die Farm wirkt als Unkrautquelle für die sie umgebenden Torfflächen; sie stellt aber nicht die einzige Quelle dar, da potentielle Unkräuter (Sinapis arvensis, Veronica hederifolia) vorgefunden wurden, die auf der Versuchsfarm fehlten. Es seheint, dass der Wind das wichtigste Transportmittel für einwandernde Arten darstellt. Polygonum lapathifolium, zur Verbreitung auf den Menschen oder fliessendes Wasser angewiesen, ist auf der Farm ein wichtiges Unkraut, wurde jedoch in der Umgebung nicht festgestellt. Tussilago farfara tritt auf den gefrästen Torfflächen viel stärker auf, als dies vor Aufnahme der gärtnerischen Produktion auf der Farm, aber auch 1984 der Fall war.  相似文献   
An experiment was carried out in which grass was cut and fed indoors, with or without supplementary barley. Seven animals were allocated to each of the following treatments: (1) grass ad lib . without supplementary barley; (2) grass ad lib . with supplementary barley at the rate of 0.5 lb/100 lb bodyweight; (3) grass ad lib . with supplementary barley at the rate of 1 lb/100 lb bodyweight. Supplementary barley increased total dry-matter intake and improved daily liveweight gain and food conversion rate. The mean daily liveweight gains for the 17-week experimental period were 1.60, 1.91 and 2.20 lb and the corresponding feed dry-matter conversion ratios were 6.18, 5.67 and 5.55 for Treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
The dry-matter digestibility of the diets was slightly higher when the grass was supplemented with barley than when grass alone was given. Although barley depressed the digestibility of protein, the absolute and the proportionate retention of nitrogen was increased. This was particularly marked on Treatment 3, presumably because of the higher net energy value of the diet containing the greater amount of barley. The N-retention data corresponded to the rates of liveweight gain obtained.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT To determine the relationship between incidence (I; proportion of diseased spikes) and severity (S; mean proportion of diseased spikelets per spike) for Fusarium head blight of wheat and to determine if severity could be predicted reliably from incidence data, disease assessments were made visually at multiple sample sites in artificially and naturally inoculated research and production fields between 1999 and 2002. Ten distinct data sets were collected. Mean disease intensity ranged from 0.023 to 0.975 for incidence and from 0.0003 to 0.808 for severity. A model based on complementary log-log transformation of incidence and severity performed well for all data sets, based on calculated coefficients of determination and random residual plots. The I-S relationship was consistent among years and locations, with similar slopes for all data sets. For 7 of the 10 data sets and for the pooled data from all locations and years, the estimated slope from the fit of the model ranged from 1.03 to 1.26. Time of disease assessment affected the relationship between incidence and severity; however, the estimated slopes from each assessment time were also close to 1. Based on the width of the 95% prediction interval, severity was estimated more precisely at lower incidence values than at higher values. The number of sampling units and the index of dispersion of disease incidence had only minor effects on the precision with which S was predicted from I. The estimation of mean S from I would substantially reduce the time required to assess Fusarium head blight in field surveys and treatment comparisons, and the observed relationship between I and S could be used to identify genotypes with some types of disease resistance.  相似文献   
The presence of a woody canopy in open oak woodlands affects not only the nutrition but also the species composition of the herbaceous community. Yet, the contribution of both effects (changes in nutrient concentrations and species composition) to total resources that are captured by the herbaceous community is not well understood. We assessed the mineral nutrition (N, P, K and Ca) of three herbaceous species and the herbaceous community as well as the species composition in contrasting microhabitats (beneath trees, beneath a leguminous shrub and in open spaces). Both trees and shrubs increased the nutrient concentrations of the herbaceous species that were studied, except for Taraxacum officinale. Their effects were less consistent when the entire community was considered and depended upon the nutrient being analysed. Species richness and N, P and K concentrations were positively associated, suggesting that more nutrients are captured by the herbaceous community as diversity increases. Our results suggest a close relationship between species composition and nutritional value at the community level that may explain the discrepancies observed between both levels of analysis (species vs. community). Thus, farm-level strategies based on the whole herbaceous community may overlook processes operating at the species level, which can be relevant to achieve sustainable management.  相似文献   
Natural killer (NK) cells are lymphocytes that can be distinguished from T and B cells through their involvement in innate immunity and their lack of rearranged antigen receptors. Although NK cells and their receptors were initially characterized in terms of tumor killing in vitro, we have determined that the NK cell activation receptor, Ly-49H, is critically involved in resistance to murine cytomegalovirus in vivo. Ly-49H requires an immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM)-containing transmembrane molecule for expression and signal transduction. Thus, NK cells use receptors functionally resembling ITAM-coupled T and B cell antigen receptors to provide vital innate host defense.  相似文献   
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