Forty-seven pregnant uteri were collected from an abattoir at eight chronological stages of gestation. Assessments were made of placentome number, weight, length shape and ratio of foetal to maternal tissue by weight. The study showed that there was a great variation in number, size, weight and shape of placentomes. There was no significant change in the total number of placentomes during gestation. Both mean weight and length increased significantly during gestation, but there was a significant change in the relationship between the two as gestation progressed. There was no correlation between the number of placentomes and the mean weight or length of the placentomes. The development of the placenta in the non-pregnant horn was significantly different from that of the pregnant horn, with fewer, smaller, lighter placentomes. However, there was no evidence that placentome development in the non-pregnant horn was affected by placentome development in the pregnant horn. The proportion of the placentome that was maternal tissue increased during gestation, but there was no significant effect of placentome number, or individual placentome weight or length on this proportion. Two placentome shapes were identified, but no effect on foeto-maternal proportion or relationship between shape and total placentome number or weight was identified. 相似文献
With recent advances in molecular biology, abnormalities in cancer cells that contribute to dysregulation of cell survival and proliferation are being characterized with greater precision. Through this process, key abnormalities in cancer cells involving proteins that regulate signal transduction, migration, mitosis and other critical processes have been identified. Such abnormalities often involve a class of proteins called kinases that act to phosphorylate other proteins in the cell, resulting in activation of these proteins in the absence of appropriate stimulation/regulation. Given their role in tumour biology, substantial effort has been directed at blocking the function of these proteins. Several approaches have been used, including monoclonal antibodies and small molecule inhibitors. While antibodies are primarily directed at cell surface proteins, small molecule inhibitors, also known as kinase inhibitors, target proteins throughout the cell. A variety of kinase inhibitors have been approved for the treatment of human cancers. In some instances, these inhibitors have exhibited significant clinical efficacy, and it is likely that their biological activity will be further enhanced as combination regimens with standard treatment modalities are explored. The use of kinase inhibitors in dogs and cats is relatively recent, although two inhibitors, toceranib (Palladia; Pfizer Animal Health, Madison, NJ, USA) and masitinib (Kinavet; Catalent Pharma Solutions, Somerset, NJ, USA) have been approved by the Federal Drug Administration (USA) for use in dogs. This article reviews the biology of protein kinase dysfunction in human and animal cancers, and the application of specific kinase inhibitors to veterinary cancer patients. 相似文献
An intracellular coenzyme has been observed by carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The pyridine nucleotides in Escherichia coli were specifically labeled with carbon-13 from the biosynthetic precursor, nicotinic acid. The intracellular redox status and metabolic transformations of the pyridine nucleotides were examined under a variety of conditions. A highly reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide pool was observed under anaerobic conditions only in cells that were cultured aerobically on glycerol. 相似文献
Cytochrome is present in the autotrophic sulfur bacterium, Thiobacillus thiooxidans. As mediator in the final electron transfer to oxygen, the cytochrome participates in the oxidation of sulfur compounds by extracts of the organism. 相似文献
Australia antigen was found in clams contaminated by drainage of untreated sewage from a coastal hospital. In closed-system aquariums, the antigen was ingested by clams and transmitted to previously uninfected clams. In opensystem aquariums, the titer of Australia antigen decreased with time, suggesting viral concentration rather than replication. 相似文献
Aims: To assess the inter-observer agreement for detecting bovine digital dermatitis (BDD) lesions in digital colour photographs of the hind feet of cows, which had been taken while the animals were standing to be milked, between two trained observers.
Methods: Thirty-six photographs were selected from a total of 184 photographs held by the first author (R1), who had classified them as negative (n=11) or positive (n=25) for BDD. They were delivered to a technician (R2) who had previously visually inspected cattle for BDD lesions, and who then recorded the photographs as being either BDD-positive or BDD-negative. The percentage agreement between R1 and R2, and two other inter-observer agreement statistics, Cohen’s κ and Gwet’s first-order chance correction agreement coefficient (AC1), were calculated. The cumulative membership probabilities of Cohen’s κ and Gwet’s AC1 were then calculated for different benchmark ranges of κ.
Results: The percentage agreement between R1 and R2 was 33/36 (92%), Cohen’s κ was 0.80 (95% CI=0.57–1.0) and Gwet’s AC1 was 0.86 (95% CI=0.69–1.0). Based on the cumulative membership probabilities for Gwet’s AC1, there was 75% probability that the two observers had almost perfect agreement (κ≥0.81). For both Cohen’s κ and Gwet’s AC1, there was >95% probability that the two observers had at least substantial agreement (κ≥0.61).
Conclusions: The two trained observers had at least substantial agreement in identifying from a digital photograph as to whether BDD lesions were present or absent. Therefore results from the two could be used interchangeably.
Clinical Relevance: Visual assessment for BDD lesions in the milking parlour can be subjective. However a high agreement between these two trained BDD inspectors means BDD prevalence reported from different regions in New Zealand by these two can be directly compared. 相似文献