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裘莉娟  邹志荣 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(13):3970-3971
针对西安市周边地区的地域特点、区位特征,找到了一条适合西安市周边地区观光农业的发展之路.  相似文献   
天津市农民专业合作组织发展现状与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用定性分析的方法结合典型调查的结果,研究了天津市农民专业合作组织的发展现状和存在的问题,提出了加快天津市农民专业合作组织发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
以“农超对接”中“农户+合作社+超市”模式为研究对象,选用数据包络分析(DEA)方法,对该发展模式技术效率水平进行了测算与分析.结果表明,“农户+合作社+超市”模式中不同产品、不同阶段的技术效率水平存在一定差异,且农户阶段技术效率水平最低;同时,“农户+合作社+超市”发展模式在我国“农超对接”过程中是行之有效的,该模式的整体技术效率水平处于较高水平.  相似文献   
循环超声法提取花椒油树脂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立一种超声辅助提取花椒油树脂的方法,该文以GC-MS的分析结果为定性指标,评价提取物中风味物质的组成与含量特点,以提取得率为定量指标对循环超声仪辅助提取花椒油树脂的工艺条件进行了优化。结果表明:提取溶剂为无水乙醇和石油醚体积比率为8∶2、原料粒度40目、液固比为10∶1、提取温度40℃、提取时间30 min、超声功率600 W是最佳提取工艺条件;此条件下花椒油树脂的得率为26.11%,较索氏提取器提取和非循环超声辅助提取方法的得率分别提高3.86%和8.40%。该方法耗时短、提取组分完全,并为类似天然食品添加剂的提取提供了新的思路。   相似文献   
2010年7月至2011年8月,采用走访调查法对大河坝、五道拐、老鹰岩、香菇坝一带公路沿线住宅数量动态及寨民向公路沿线迁居意向进行了调查,采用实地调查法对3群黑叶猴Trachypithecus francoisiXGB1,XGB1,LYY1通过公路的现状进行全天跟踪观察,并采用全事件记录法记录了XGBl对新环境的适应对策。调查表明:公路沿线已建成47个住房,其数量约为5年翻一番,90.16%村民渴望迁居,9.84%反对;猴群通过公路的成功率为74.77%,因住户活动干扰失败率为25.23%,其迁移路线距民房的平均垂直距离L1约为(20.00±2.16)m(n=7)~(23.10±2.69)m(n=10)。分析认为:黑叶猴群可能挑选不小于牡.建筑物间隔距离通过。有鉴于此,提出了几点应对措施。  相似文献   
利用分子标记辅助选择和田间鉴定选择相结合的方法,将抗白叶枯病基因Xa23和抗褐飞虱基因Bph18(t)导入明恢86、蜀恢527和浙恢7954等3个骨干中籼恢复系,获得带有Xa23抗性基因纯合的改良恢复系明恢86-Xa23、蜀恢527-Xa23、浙恢7954-Xa23和携有抗褐飞虱Bph18(t)基因的蜀恢527-Bph18(t)、浙恢7954-Bph18(t),并从蜀恢527/IRBB23 F1和浙恢7954/IR65482 F1复交后代中选育出的带有Xa23和Bph18(t)的双基因聚合系浙蜀-Xa23-Bph18(t)。明恢86-Xa23、蜀恢527-Xa23、浙恢7954-Xa23和浙蜀-Xa23-Bph18(t)对中国和菲律宾的17个白叶枯病菌均表现高抗,蜀恢527-Bph18(t)、浙恢7954-Bph18(t)和浙蜀-Xa23-Bph18(t)对褐飞虱的抗性也达到中抗以上水平。抗性改良恢复系及其与不育系II-32A、沪旱11A的测交种在不接种白叶枯病菌条件下的产量和结实率与原来的恢复系及相应杂交种相仿,但在接种条件下带有Xa23基因的恢复系及测交种的结实率和产量明显优于原来的恢复系及相应杂交种。研究表明,抗性基因Xa23在不同恢复系背景下的抗性表达完全,对恢复系白叶枯病改良的效果明显,而抗性基因Bph18(t)对褐飞虱的改良效果与遗传背景有关。对分子标记回交和复交改良恢复系的抗病虫性进行了讨论。  相似文献   
In order to ascertain the numbers of the electrodes (treatment for the sewage) and forecast the grain size property of the cracked mineral, based on the hypothesis of the equivalent effective volumes of one discharge of electro hydraulic power impulse technology, the formulas are worked out for computing the effective working areas of the two common working modes. The theoretic analysis and the results of the experiments of the treatment of bacillus coil liquid and crushing of quartz ceramic show that the results conform to the formulas relatively, and the precision of the calculated data has relations with the polluted degree of the sewage, the intensity, elasticity and dimension of the solid material, and the formulas for computing the effective working areas are feasible.  相似文献   
2BFJ-6型变量施肥精密播种机的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
变量施肥精密播种机是精准农业实施的一个重要机械设备.本文针对吉林省中部地区的玉米种植模式,设计了2BFJ-6型变量施肥播种精密播种机.该机一次可完成开沟、变量施肥、精量播种、覆土、镇压等作业.该机变量施肥装置采用GPS实时定位,根据各个地块的测土配方施肥结果,由田间计算机控制液压马达的转速实现实时变量施肥.该机采用勺式精密排种器和单体仿形机构确保了播量的精确和稳定的耕深.实验证实可有效保证变量施肥系统的稳定性和快速响应性及精密播种准确性.  相似文献   
The mountain hazards like snow avalanches, landslides, rock falls, debris flows and so on all have strong power of destruction which seriously threaten human’s lives and belongings. Therefore, it is necessary to study more the development of these disasters in order to prevent them. Setting up obstacles is the primary measure to control the movement and deposition process of mountain hazards. For the study of the influence of this measure on the development of disasters, the numerical simulation calculation aiming at the flow and deposition process of the granulars flowing past different built obstacles was made by the theory of SH granular flow and the method of finite volume discretization based on Roe's Scheme. Futhermore, the influence of different settings of obstacles on the granular flow is discussed. The numerical results show that the settings of obstacles have a great effect on the process of granular flow. That is, the effective precaution against the disasters is no other than setting up the obstacles correctly. As the numerical simulation calculation can optimize the setting of obstacle, it provides a reasonable and economic reference scheme of disaster prevention and planning of mountain area.  相似文献   
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