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The study was aimed to explore the protective effect of sulforaphane (SFN) on the reproductive function of male mice with cadmium poisoning.40 healthy clean grade male Kunming mice were randomly divided into four groups:control group (H2O),cadmium chloride group (2.3 mg/kg CdCl2),sulforaphane group (10 mg/kg SFN),sulforaphane + cadmium chloride group (10 mg/kg SFN+2.3 mg/kg CdCl2),and continuous administration for 10 d,all mice were executed by dislocated cervical vertebra at 2 d after the last administration,and then the pathologic changes of testicular tissues,organ coefficient of testicle and epididymis,sperm quality and concentration of testosterone were tested.Additionally,the contents of GSH and MDA,and the activities of T-SOD in testis were also detected at the same time. Compared with the control group,pathology damages were observed in cadmium chloride group,organ coefficient of testis and epididymis,sperm quality and levels of testosterone extremely significantly decreased (P<0.01),the activities of T-SOD and GSH content were extremely significantly decreased (P<0.01),and the concentration of MDA was extremely significantly enhanced (P<0.01).Compared with the control group,the activity of T-SOD and concentration of GSH in sulforaphane group were significantly increased (P<0.05),and the concentration of MDA was not significant different between the control group and sulforaphane group (P>0.05).While compared with the cadmium chloride group,the sperm motility rate and sperm total count in sulforaphane and cadmium chloride group were extremely significantly increased (P<0.01),the organ coefficient of testicle and epididymis was increased significantly (P<0.05),the concentration of GSH and activity of T-SOD in testicular tissue were extremely significantly increased (P<0.01),and the concentration of MDA was extremely significantly decreased (P<0.01).The results indicated that sulforaphane had the protection effect on reproduction function of male mice with cadmium poisoning.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of vitamin E on Cx43,the mechanism and function of vitamin E on bovine granulosa cells apoptosis and proliferation.In this study,granulosa cells were isolated from bovine ovary and cultivated in vitro by adding different concentration of vitamin E (0,25,50,100,200 and 500 μmol/L) for 24 h.After cultured,apoptotic cells were detected by FCM,mRNA expression levels of BCL2/BAXP53 and Cx43 genes were determined by Real-time PCR and cell proliferation was detected by CCK8.The results showed that compared to control group,100 μmol/L vitamin E could significantly inhibit the apoptosis of granulosa cells (P<0.05).Real-time PCR detection results showed that vitamin E significantly changed the mRNA expression levels of BCL2/BAX,P53,Cx43 genes (P<0.05).Vitamin E could significantly improve granulosa cells proliferation when granulosa cells were treated for 24 and 36 h (P<0.05).The results provided a theoretical basis on further analysis for studing the influence mechanism of vitamin E on oocytes development and maturity,and improvement of female animal reproduction by influencing granulosa cells proliferation and apoptosis.  相似文献   
The present objective of the study was to investigate the effect of fans cooling on dairy cow in northern mountainous region of Hebei in summer.Two cowsheds with the same structure and feeding technics were used to investigate the effect of fans on indoor temperature and humidity, physiological parameters and milking performance of dairy cow.The results showed that the average ambient temperature in cowshed with fans was 1.5℃ lower than that of the control cowshed, and the average wind velocity was 0.49 m/s higher than that of the control cowshed, reaching to 0.66 m/s.Temperature-humidity index (THI) of cowshed with fans was significantly lower than that of the control shed during the period of fans running (P<0.05).Besides, the rectal temperature and respiration rate of dairy cows in cowshed with fans were significantly lower than of the control cowshed (P<0.05), and the milk yield per cow per day was 17.0% higher than that of the control cowshed (P<0.05), however, the milk fat, milk protein and milk sugar were no significant difference from the control (P>0.05).Overall, fans could decrease indoor environment, moderate heat stress and increase performance and health of dairy cows in northern mountainous region of Hebei.  相似文献   
Arginine is one of the most important amino acids for animals,and participates in the synthesis and metabolism of many nutrients,plays a role in the development and function of the gastrointestinal tract.Intestinal barrier function is one of the most functions for intestine.The article will summarize the effect of arginine on intestinal barrier.It was explicated the influence on inteseinal immunity of Toll-like receptor.This research provided some references for further study of arginine regulation on animal production.  相似文献   
6种灌木不同器官生物量及其碳、氮含量的分配特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究晋北地区草地黄刺玫、沙棘、荆条、酸枣、绣线菊和柠条等6种常见灌木的叶片、新生枝、老龄枝生物量及其碳、氮含量的分配特征,旨在为草地准确估算草地植物碳、氮循环提供依据。结果表明:黄刺玫的地上生物量最大,是酸枣的7倍。沙棘叶片生物量占地上生物量的比例最大;黄刺玫新生枝生物量占地上生物量的比例最大;柠条老龄枝生物量占地上生物量的比例最大。黄刺玫、沙棘和荆条的地上部分各器官生物量分配特征相似,由高到低表现为叶片、老龄枝、新生枝;绣线菊、酸枣和柠条的地上部分各器官生物量分配特征相似,由高到低表现为老龄枝、叶片、新生枝。6种灌木地上部分各器官碳含量差异不显著,氮含量分布由高到低为叶片、新生枝、老龄枝。  相似文献   
质地多方面分析三个桃品种果实采后质地的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以鲜食桃品种"脆保"、"艳保"和"大久保"为试材,采用质构仪质地多方面分析测试法(TPA),研究3个品种果实采后不同贮藏时间的质地变化。结果表明:在室温和低温2种贮藏温度下,3个品种桃果实的硬度随着贮藏时间的延长逐渐下降,而粘附性、弹性、咀嚼性都随贮藏时间延长呈现先上升后下降的趋势,表现为"脆保""艳保""大久保";内聚性变化相对比较平缓。相关性分析表明,桃果实咀嚼性与粘附性呈极显著正相关,二者与果实硬度间亦表现为极显著正相关(P0.01)。弹性与硬度和咀嚼性之间均呈相反的线性相关关系,果肉内聚性值与其它参数值相关性较差。硬度、粘附性、弹性和咀嚼性可用于评价采后桃果实质地的变化,内聚性则反映了果实质地的细微变化。  相似文献   
选择种有"美国八号"(早熟)、"嘎啦"(中熟)、"富士"(晚熟)的混栽果园4片(各2/3hm~2)为研究对象,设置4个处理(分别为有色防鸟网、风动叶轮、超声波、生物驱避剂),对比了4种鸟雀驱避技术,调查其驱避效果,以筛选出最优的鸟雀驱避技术。结果表明:在相同品种条件下,4种鸟雀驱避技术防鸟害的有效程度以有色防鸟网驱避效果最好,持效性最长,稳定性最好;其受啄率分别为"美国八号"0.44%、"嘎啦"0.16%、"富士"0.20%。其次为生物驱避剂,其受啄率分别为"美国八号"1.92%、"嘎啦"2.24%、"富士"1.52%。然后为超声波驱避技术,其受啄率分别为"美国八号"9.64%、"嘎啦"5.56%,"富士"3.24%。驱避效果最差、持效性最短、稳定性最差的是风动叶轮驱鸟,其受啄率分别为"美国八号"10.00%、"嘎啦"6.52%、"富士"2.60%。3个品种综合调查结果表明,早熟苹果受啄率最高,其次是中熟品种,受啄率最低的是晚熟品种。  相似文献   
以中间锦鸡儿和玉米、苏丹草、高丹草种子为试材,以蒸馏水为对照,采用培养皿滤纸法,研究了不同梯度(0.5、1.0、5.0、10.0、25.0mg·mL~(-1))中间锦鸡儿花水浸提液对3种受体作物种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响,以期对农林复合系统生产和构建提供理论依据和有益参考。结果表明:随着中间锦鸡儿花水浸提液质量浓度的增加,受体作物玉米、苏丹草、高丹草种子的平均发芽率和发芽指数均表现"低浓度促进,高浓度抑制"效应,但不同质量浓度水浸提液对3种农作物种子发芽的影响有差异性,在质量浓度为1.0mg·mL~(-1)时,3种农作物的种子相对发芽率间无显著差异(P0.05),除玉米外,另外2种受体作物种子的平均发芽率均表现为促进作用,且对高丹草的促进作用最大,RI=13.70%;在高浓度浸提液(C≥5.0mg·mL~(-1))处理下3种受体作物种子的发芽指数与对照均表现显著差异(P0.05)。玉米、苏丹草和高丹草的胚根、胚芽对中间锦鸡儿花水浸提液的化感效应均表现为"浓度效应";3种受体作物的苗高随着浸提液处理浓度的增大表现为"低促高抑",高浓度的浸提液对高丹草幼苗高度的抑制作用最强。花水浸提液对苏丹草和高丹草的幼苗干重化感效应表现为"低促高抑"效应,而对玉米幼苗干重表现为"高浓度抑制"效应。中间锦鸡儿花水浸提液对3种受体作物的化感作用综合效应大小依次为高丹草玉米苏丹草。  相似文献   
以西瓜为试材,针对压砂保墒问题,选择压砂时期和灌溉定额作为研究因素,采用对比试验方法研究了压砂保墒效果及其种植西瓜的生产潜力。结果表明:压砂覆盖能够有效保持土壤水分,上年雨季前压砂与雨季后压砂相比较,播种初期前者处理土壤质量含水率可达10.8%以上,而后者仅为8.9%;补水条件下前者比后者处理西瓜纵径大2.8cm,西瓜横径大3.1cm,未补水条件下前者比后者处理西瓜纵径大3.9cm,西瓜横径大2.7cm;补水条件下,前者处理西瓜产量为12 301.0kg·hm~(-2),后者处理西瓜产量为7 549.1kg·hm~(-2),未补水条件下,前者处理西瓜产量为6 723.3kg·hm~(~(-2)),后者处理西瓜产量为3 829.5kg·hm~(-2),可见,压砂保水能够明显提高西瓜生产潜力。  相似文献   
以珍珠岩基质中亚美马褂木硬枝扦插苗为研究对象,研究了扦插苗生根类型、不定根数、不定根长、苗高、基径、鲜样质量和根芽距等生长指标,为选择高生长和高生根率无性系提供参考。结果表明:亚美马褂木扦插苗不定根形成有3种生根类型即皮部生根类型、中间生根类型和愈伤生根类型,其中愈伤生根类型扦插苗成活数量多,中间生根类型扦插苗生长最好,愈伤生根类型扦插苗生长较好。扦插苗鲜样质量与不定根数、不定根长、苗高和基径等相关系数达极显著正相关,苗高与不定根数和基径、不定根数与基径等相关系数达极显著正相关,不定根数与生根类型相关系数达极显著负相关。  相似文献   
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