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Eurasian Soil Science - The content and the composition of soil structural units of different hierarchical levels were studied for Haplic Chernozems (Loamic, Pachic) of Kursk region under...  相似文献   
Previous studies using F1 reciprocal crosses and two parental lines of broilers show the sire is instrumental in determining the in vitro leukocyte function and cytokine/chemokine profile. Since the innate immune response is the primary means young chickens have to protect themselves, we hypothesize utilizing a novel genomics approach to select sires based on an elevated pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokine profile. By identifying sires with increased pro-inflammatory cytokine (interleukin [IL]-1beta and IL-6) and chemokine (CXCLi2 and CCLi2) mRNA expression levels, we expect the progeny will also have elevated profiles. We characterized the pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokine profile of 119 sires using quantitative real-time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) and identified two populations with inherently high and low mRNA expression levels of IL-1beta, IL-6, CXCLi2, and CCLi2. Select high and low sires were then used to produce progeny for the second phase of the trial. Blood samples were collected from 214 progeny and the cytokine and chemokine mRNA expression levels determined. Progeny from high sires had significantly (P相似文献   
Studies of the response of the primary avian polymorphonuclear leukocyte, the heterophil, to microbe associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) through toll-like receptors (TLR) has concentrated on the activation of the respiratory burst, release of intracellular granules, and the induction of cytokine and chemokine expression. Virtually no studies have been described on the role of lipid mediators, leukotrienes and prostaglandins, as effectors of the avian inflammatory response. We have previously shown that flagellin (FLG), the bacterial lipoprotein mimic palmitoly-3-cysteine-serine-lysine-4 (PAM), and unmethylated CpG motifs of bacteria DNA (CpG) are all potent activators of the avian innate immune system. In the present studies, we hypothesized that FLG, PAM, and CpG are also capable of eliciting the production of these lipid mediators of inflammation by avian heterophils. Compared to non-stimulated control heterophils, all three TLR agonists were potent inducers (3-5-fold increase) of a rapid production (30 min) of leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) followed by a later release (60-120 min) of prostaglandin (PGE(2)) by the heterophils. LTB(4) and PGE(2) production were derived from lipoxygenase-5 (5-LO) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzymatic activities, respectively, as the selective 5-LO (caffeic acid) and COX-2 (NS-398) inhibitors eliminated LTB(4) and PGE(2) production from the MAMP-stimulated heterophils. These results demonstrate that both the lipoxygenase and cycloxygenase pathways are operational in avian heterophils in response to bacterial MAMPs. Treatment of heterophils with either FLG, PAM, or CpG also induced a significant increase in DNA binding by NF-κB family members' p50, c-Rel, and RelB. Additionally, the production of LTB(4) and PGE(2) were inhibited following treatment of heterophils with the specific pharmacologic inhibitor of NF-κB (Bay 11-7086), thus suggesting that TLR pathway activation of NF-κB controls LTB(4) and PGE(2) production. This the first report of the production of lipid mediators of inflammation by avian heterophils in response to PAMPs. Since FLG, lipoproteins, and bacterial CpG DNA are abundant during bacterial infections, these data support their role in the inflammatory response mediated by avian heterophils.  相似文献   
The herd sensitivity (HSe) and herd specificity (Hsp) of clinical diagnosis of an infection with classical swine fever (CSF) virus during veterinary inspection of breeding sows in a herd was evaluated. Data gathered from visits to herds during the CSF outbreak in 1997-1998 in The Netherlands were used for the analysis. Herds were visited one or more times by the same or by different veterinarians. On the basis of the veterinarians' reports, each visit was coded as 0 (negative clinical diagnosis) or 1 (positive clinical diagnosis). The HSe for clinical diagnosis of CSF was modelled as a function of days elapsed since introduction of the virus. The moment of introduction of the CSF virus in the CSF-positive herds was unknown, so for each herd, a probability distribution for the unknown number of days since introduction was derived from serum samples collected at depopulation. The information from the reports of the veterinarians and from the test results of the serum samples at depopulation was combined in a Bayesian analysis. Data from CSF-negative herds were analysed to estimate HSp of clinical diagnosis of CSF. The HSe of clinical diagnosis was 0.5 at 37 days after virus introduction (95% CI: 31, 45) and reached 0.9 at 47 days after virus introduction (95% CI: 41, 54). The estimated herd specificity was 0.72 (95% CI: 0.64, 0.79). Dependence of HSe and HSp on characteristics of the veterinarians and the herds also was studied. Specialisation of the veterinarian significantly, although not markedly, affected the HSe.  相似文献   
Increased resistance to Salmonella enteritidis (SE) organ infectivity in chickens can be conferred by the prophylactic administration of SE-immune lymphokines (ILK). Resistance is associated with an enhanced heterophilic accumulation within 4 h of ILK injection. In these studies, the role of IL-8 in ILK-mediated heterophil recruitment during SE infections in young chickens was investigated. Heterophil accumulation was enhanced 2-4 h after the i.p. injection of both ILK and SE (ILK/SE) when compared to the control chicks. An i.p. injection of a rabbit polyclonal anti-human IL-8 antibody significantly (P < 0.01) reduced the accumulation of heterophils in the peritoneum after the injection of ILK/SE. Injections of preimmune rabbit IgG had no effect on peritoneal heterophil numbers. Within 2 h of injection of ILK/SE, a ten-fold increase in heterophil chemotactic activity was found in the peritoneal lavage fluid from these chicks compared to the saline control chicks. Pretreatment, with the anti-IL-8 antibody, of the peritoneal lavage fluids collected from the ILK/SE-treated chicks dramatically reduced this heterophil chemotactic activity. Treatment of the lavage fluids from all groups with preimmune IgG had no effect on heterophil chemotaxis. Additionally, pretreatment of ILK with the anti-human IL-8 antibody had no effect on heterophil chemotaxis. The results from these experiments suggest that IL-8 is produced locally by the host in response to both the SE infection and the ILK. With these studies, it was established that IL-8 is a major chemotactic factor produced by the host, which aids in mediating the ILK/SE-induced recruitment of heterophils to the site of SE invasion.  相似文献   
从免疫学家角度来看,与家禽免疫学领域相比家禽营养学的信息无疑是非常广泛的,目前还处于发展初期.例如,许多必需营养元素已经被确定,饲料中的这些必需营养元素的浓度以及家禽对它们的可利用性,获得最佳生产效果的最小使用量已经研究清楚.但是,当这种信息应用于营养与免疫状态互作时,结果无法被确定.毋庸置疑的是,日粮中的所有营养元素具有的基本作用就是维持和优化免疫反应,缺乏和过度摄入对免疫系统和对病原体的敏感性都会产生负面影响.但是,基于当前的研究文献,家禽生产面临的问题是实现生产效益最大化的商业日粮的营养水平是否足以维持免疫系统和抗病力.有关营养对感染和免疫影响的探讨,需要考虑肉鸡的生长期,这是由它的代谢和生理学机制决定的,进而在感染期间发育和维持一个理想的免疫系统.  相似文献   
Samples of soddy-podzolic soil (long-term overgrown fallow and continuous bare fallow), gray forest soil (forest, farming agrocenosis), and a typical chernozem (virgin steppe, forest area, farming agrocenosis, continuous bare fallow) have been incubated under stable conditions; other samples of these soils have been subjected to six drying-wetting-incubation-freezing-thawing-incubation cycles during 136 days. The wetting of dried soils and the thawing of frozen soils result in an abrupt but short increase in the emission rate of C-CO2 by 2.7–12.4 and 1.6–2.7 times, respectively, compared to the stable incubation conditions. As the soil is depleted in potentially mineralizable organic matter, the rate of the C-CO2 emission pulses initiated by disturbing impacts decreases. The cumulative extra production of C-CO2 by soils of natural lands for six cycles makes up 21–40% of that in the treatments with stable incubation conditions; the corresponding value for cultivated soils, including continuous clean fallow, is in the range of 45–82%. The content of potentially mineralizable organic matter in the soils subjected to recurrent drying-wetting-freezingthawing cycles decreased compared to the soils without disturbing impacts by 1.6–4.4 times, and the mineralization constants decreased by 1.9–3.6 times. It has been emphasized that the cumulative effect of drying-wetting-freezing-thawing cycles is manifested not only in the decrease in the total Corg from the soil but also in the reduction of the mineralization potential of the soil organic matter.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to determine the effects of induced molt on basal functional activities of heterophils from aging hens. For this purpose, heterophils from both molted and unmolted hens were examined by in vitro bioassays for functional responsiveness and efficiency. We evaluated the ability of the heterophils to migrate to chemotactic stimuli, phagocytize opsonized and nonopsonized Salmonella-enteritidis (SE), and generate an oxidative burst in response to inflammatory agonists. A significant (P < 0.001) heterophilia was found in the molted hens within 2 days after feed withdrawal and remained throughout the length of the experimental feed withdrawal period. No significant differences were found in the random migration of heterophils from either group. The chemotactic movement of heterophils from molted hens was not affected until 8 days after feed withdrawal when compared with heterophil chemotaxis from unmolted hens. A significant decrease in chemotaxis by the heterophils from molted hens was observed days 8-12 after feed withdrawal (P < 0.05). Significantly (P < 0.05) fewer heterophils from molted hens were able to phagocytize opsonized (59% vs. 38%) and nonopsonized (26% vs. 15%) SE within 2 days after feed withdrawal. Likewise, significantly (P < 0.05) fewer bacteria were phagocytized per heterophil from the molted hens when compared with the number of bacteria per heterophil from the unmolted hens. The oxidative burst of heterophils stimulated by either opsonized zymosan A or phorbol myristate acetate of heterophils from molted hens was significantly (P < 0.05) reduced when compared with that generated by heterophils from the unmolted hens. These results indicate that feed withdrawal to induce molt alters the number and function of peripheral blood heterophils. This decreased efficiency of heterophil functional activity appears to play a role in the increased susceptibility of molting hens to SE infections.  相似文献   
Eight barrows (Yorkshire x [Finnish Landrace x Dutch Landrace]), initially 30 kg BW, were fitted with ileal cannulas to evaluate the effects of supplementing Ca benzoate (2.4%) and organic acids (OA) in the amount of 300 mEq acid/kg feed on dietary buffering capacity (BC), apparent digestibility and retention of nutrients, and manure characteristics. Swine were allotted in a 2 x 4 factorial arrangement of treatments according to a cyclic (8 x 5) changeover design. Two tapioca-corn-soybean meal-based diets were formulated without and with acidogenic Ca benzoate. Each diet was fed in combination with OA (none, formic, fumaric, or n-butyric acid). Daily rations were equal to 2.8 x maintenance requirement (418 kJ ME/BW(.75)) and were given in two portions. Chromic oxide (.25 g/kg) was used as a marker. On average, Ca benzoate lowered BC by 54 mEq/kg feed. This salt enhanced (P < .05) the ileal digestibility (ID) of DM, OM, arginine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, alanine, aspartic acid, and tyrosine (by up to 2.4 percentage units). Also, the total tract digestibility (TD) of DM, ash, Ca and GE, and Ca retention (percentage of intake) was greater (P < .05) in swine fed Ca benzoate, whereas N retention remained unaffected. Addition of all OA (formic and n-butyric acid, in particular) exerted a positive effect (P < .05) on the ID of amino acids (except for arginine, methionine, and cysteine). A similar effect (P < .05) was found for the TD of DM, OM, CP, Ca and total P and for the retention of N and Ca. In swine fed Ca benzoate, urinary pH decreased by 1.6 units (P < .001). In conclusion, dietary OA have a beneficial effect on the apparent ileal/total tract nutrient digestibilities, and Ca benzoate increased urine acidity, which could be effective against a rapid ammonia emission from manure of swine.  相似文献   
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