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Background and Goal  A number of global events have generated intense scientific scrutiny and public concern of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (dioxin). DIoxins have been associated with a range of adverse health effects. 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is recognized as among the most dangerous of the dioxin compounds, and was a contaminant found In one of the herbicides used for vegetation control during the Vietnam conflict: Agent Orange. As a result of purging spray systems and leaking drums of Agent Orange concentrate, TCDD contamination occurred in the soils surrounding Hardstand 7 at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. This research uses a multimedia model to estimate the TCDD concentrations in surface soil around Hardstand 7 for a 70-year time Interval beginning with observed surface soil concentrations 1984. Methods  Hardstand 7 is a nearly 40-m circular concrete and asphalt aircraft parking area. The hardstand was used as a staging area for spraying equipment used to disseminate herbicide In a test area called C-52A within EAFB. Concentrated herbicide was also stored in 208-L barrels for use with the equipment, and later, for disposal. In 1984, a field investigation characterized the extent of TCDD contamination in surface soils around Hardstand 7 using a radial sampling protocol. The 1984 observed concentrations and locations was used in a multimedia model, CalTOX, as an initial source term concentrations and locations to estimate expected concentrations during the subsequent 70-years. Results  The results indicate that more than 94% of the TCDD observed in surface soils 1984 will remain after a 70-year period. Access restrictions and remediation activities at the site eliminate bar verification of the CalTOX estimates. Conclusions. TCDD is highly persistent in the soil medium and natural attenuation may not produce a significant decrease In soil concentrations. Recommendation  Active remediation actions may be required to prevent exposure to TCDD contamination surface soils. Verifying CalTOX concentration estimates an Important step that should be performed, however, the, model provides an easy to use tool to estimate TCDD surface soil contamination at herbicide storage or dispersion staging sites.  相似文献   
Background, Goal and Scope  To date, standardised bioassays for the assessment of the ecotoxicological potential in sediments and dredged material use test organisms like bacteria, algae and crustaceae. This paper presents the development and application of a novel sediment contact test (whole sediment) withMyriophyllum aquaticum, a representative of rooted aquatic macrophytes. The aim of the present study is to demonstrate the value of a sediment contact test with rooted macrophytes as a supplement to existing test batteries in order to improve the assessment of sediment toxicity. Methods  The newly developed sediment contact test withMyriophylhim aquaticum was applied to natural whole sediments. For performing the test, whorls ofMyriophyllum aquaticum were directly planted in the native sediment and incubated in the light at 24°C (cf. section results and discussion). The end points of the test were the number of the shoots and the fresh weight of the whole plants. The duckweed growth inhibition test withLemna minor according to ISO/DIS 20079 was performed in pore waters from sediment samples. The results of the sediment contact test withMyriophyllum aquaticum were compared with each other and with those of the aquatic duckweed test. Results and Discussion  A test protocol for the new plant-based sediment contact test using the aquatic plantMyriophyllum aquaticum as an indicator was developed. The best control sediment proved to be the OECD sediment (OECD 207). A test period of 10 days appeared to be sufficient for the test. The increase of biomass and the derived growth rate were found to be the most suitable evaluation parameters. The growth behaviour ofMyriophyllum aquaticum differed depending on the origin of sediments. Therefore, plant-affecting contamination, that is bound in sediments, was indicated. Conclusions  The novel sediment contact test withMyriophyllum aquaticum can indicate phytotoxic effects in sediments. Therefore, it allows a better assessment of the overall-toxicity in whole sediments. Recommendations and Outlook  The sediment contact test withMyriophyllum aquaticum is a valuable tool for the evaluation of the ecotoxicological risk potential of waters and sediments. It should become a complement to a standardised test battery generally used for the assessment of sediment toxicity.  相似文献   
Female Safari cats are offspring of domestic and Geoffroy parents, and are balanced heterozygotes with equal numbers of Blood cells containing domestic and Geoffroy-type glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD),an X-chromosome derived enzyme. In previous studies, however, we observed increasing percentages of Blood cells with Geoffroy G6PD in cats aged 4–12 years. Similarly, ratios of parental X-chromosome phenotypes greater than three to one are common in women over age 60, while women under 40 typically exhibit one to one ratios. Using a two-compartment hidden-Markov model of the distribution of phenotype in samples taken during the second stage of hematopoiesis (Blood cell production), we estimate, through simulation and mathematical calculation, the Geoffroy selective advantages necessary to reproduce the data obtained from female Safari cats. It is shown that small differences in the kinetics of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), less than might be detected by in vitro assays, can explain the “clonal dominance” observed with aging in cats, and by extension, human females. Conceptually, hematopoiesis in females can be viewed as a competitive exclusion process in which two populations of HSC (defined by parental X-chromosome phenotype) compete for environmental resources. As in many ecological examples, dominance may occur only after long periods of time.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to review the developments in the last few years in two important issues related to Fe deficiency in plants. First, the current knowledge on the possible ways to carry out the diagnosis and prognosis of Fe deficiency in plants is discussed. This includes discussion on the best ways to carry out a meaningful analysis of Fe-containing compounds in different plant parts. We will also discuss other measurement techniques that can permit to assess the Fe nutritional status in plants, including leaf chlorophyll concentrations and others. Second, the new developments in management techniques to control and remediate iron deficiency are discussed. This includes possible improved ways to supply Fe compounds available to plants, both to the soil and to the irrigation water. We also discuss possible ways to supply directly the plant with Fe containing compounds, either to the foliage or to the stem. A particular emphasis is given throughout the paper to fruit tree crops growing in Mediterranean areas.  相似文献   
Chinese cabbage plants [Brassica pekinensis (Lour) Rupr. cv. Nagaoka 50] were cultivated experimentally for two years (1993 and 1994) using a semi‐forcing technique of floating rowcovers, polyethylene (T1), polypropylene (T2), versus no floating row‐covers, control (T0). Five samplings were made, taking four plants per each replication and total phosphorus (P) (Ptotal), inorganic P (Pi), and calculated organic P (Porg) were determined as well as foliar acid phosphatase activity (FAPA). The aerial and root temperatures of the treatments T1 and T2 exceeded those of T0. The Ptotal concentration showed no significant variations with treatment, whereas the Pi concentrations increased in Ti and T2 and Porg decreased in both treatments with respect to T0. The FAPA was influenced a similar way as Pi, raising with temperature. The contents (mg plant‐1) of Ptolal, Pi, and Porg were greater in T1 and T2 than in T0, and this could be due to the fact that the highest temperatures (root and aerial zone) generated by the plastic rowcovers favored the absorption of P, thereby boosting FAPA and the fresh and dry weights, and yield.  相似文献   
Microbes have developed high-affinity uptake mechanisms to assimilate iron (Fe) and other metals such as aluminum (Al), gallium (Ga), chromium (Cr), and copper (Cu). Siderophores, which are metal chelating compounds, and membrane receptor proteins are involved in these specialized mechanisms. A few siderophore-producing microorganisms associated with plant roots also influence the uptake of some metals. In this study, the potential microbial-assisted Cu and Fe uptake by Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) plants was evaluated. Seedlings of cultivated common bean varieties Bayo-INIFAP (B) and Negro-150 (N) and wild types yellowish (WY) and black (WB) were developed in the presence of a Cu and Fe solution and associated with the siderophore-producing microorganisms R. leguminosarumbv. Phaseoli (strains 19, 44, and 46); Pseudomonas fluorescens(strain Avm), and Azospirillum brasilense (strain 154). Seedlings of cultivated variety N and black wild type WB inoculated with the strain CPMex.44 accumulated 71% and 30% more Fe than the un-inoculated plants, respectively; however, the wild black bean accumulated the highest absolute amount of Fe (221.56 mg/kg of dry matter) as compared with the cultivated black variety N (126.16 mg/kg of dry matter) (P < 0.05). In the wild type WY seedlings, the highest Fe accumulation was observed when the seeds were inoculated with the Pseudomonas strain Avm (206 mg/kg of dry matter) (P < 0.05). The interaction of Pseudomonas strain Avm with seedlings of the cultivated B variety and the wild type WB promoted the highest accumulation of Cu (51 and 54 mg/kg of dry matter, respectively), 7 and 14 mg more than in the respective non-inoculated seedlings. No promotion of Fe accumulation was observed in the seedlings of the cultivated B variety and in roots; instead, less Fe was accumulated. The wild type WY did not show any improvement in Cu accumulation. In this study, Rhizobiumstrains promoted Fe but not Cu uptake in P. vulgaris seedlings while Pseudomonas strains promoted the uptake of both Cu and Fe.  相似文献   
Sunflower broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) is a parasitic plant that infects sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) plants. In this work, sunflower plants were grown under greenhouse conditions in pots with the substrate infested or non-infested with broomrape seeds. At different numbers of days after sowing, plant height, internode lengths, number of leaves, head diameter, mineral composition of leaves, and potassium (K) concentration in stem were measured. The negative effects of broomrape parasitism were assessed from 57 d after sowing, when broomrape started to emerge. Parasitized plants exhibited lower shoot dry weight, height, and head diameter than control plants. The reduction in internode lengths was associated with a decrease in the gradient of K concentration from basal to apical stem. The mineral composition of leaves was also affected in parasitized plants. The concentrations of calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) in leaves of parasitized plants were lower than those of the control plants, while there were few differences for K, phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), and copper (Cu). The effects of parasitism are discussed in relation to their competition for resources and to perturbations of the host physiology such as hormonal and water balance.  相似文献   
The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of a soil depends on the type and amount of both mineral and organic surfaces. Previous studies that have sought to determine the relative contribution of organic matter to total soil CEC have not addressed differences in soil organic matter (SOM) composition that could lead to differences in CEC. The objectives of this study were (1) to compare the CEC of two distinct SOM pools, the “light fraction (LF)” composed of particulate plant, animal, and microbial debris, and the “heavy fraction (HF)” composed of mineral-bound organic matter; and (2) to examine the effects of differences in aboveground vegetation on CEC. Soil samples were collected from four paired grassland/conifer sites within a single forested area and density fractionated. LF CEC was higher in conifer soils than in grassland soils, but there was no evidence of an effect of vegetation on CEC for the HF or bulk soil. LF CEC (but not HF CEC) correlated well with the C concentration in the fraction. The mean CEC of both fractions (per kg fraction) exceeded that of the bulk soil; thus, when the LF and HF CEC were combined mathematically by weighting values for each fraction in proportion to dry mass, the resulting value was nearly twice the measured CEC of bulk soil. On a whole soil basis, the HF contributed on average 97% of the CEC of the whole soil, although this conclusion must be tempered given the inflation of CEC values by the density fractionation procedure.  相似文献   
All the accessions (35) of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) landraces collected from northwest Iberian plateau and maintained at the Spanish germplasm collection (CRF of INIA), were studied with the general objective of assessing the biodiversity of these landraces and to ascertain their value as genetic resources for the development of germplasm adapted to the areas where they were collected with long and chilly winters. The characterization study comprised 51 qualitative and 50 quantitative characters. Quantitative parameters were analyzed by Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The 2-dimensional plot (49.3% of cumulative variability) formed a main group of accessions and 4 outliers (#1, #9, #27 and #28) separated in the first PC. The characters with a higher contribution to the first PC were inflorescence length, leaf petiole length and leaf central foliole area. The presence of alkaloids, the percentage of plants killed by soil borne fungal diseases, the phenology, the yield per plant and yield components were also assessed. Twenty six accessions (the main group in the PCA plot) showed high homogeneity, with the following highlights: bitterness, indeterminate growth habit, early ripeness and spring sowing with the exception of #18, in which seeding date is unknown and it had a later phenology. By contrast accessions #9 and #27 were bitter of autumn sowing with determinate growing habit and they had the longest values of primary inflorescence length and a later phenology when they were sown in spring. Average values for yield and yield components showed a broad range of variation between accessions. The main yield component was the number of pods per plant. Accession #22 had the highest mean seed mass, although this had not significant influence in yield. Accession #17 showed the highest yield and #1 the lowest. This last also had the lowest values of inflorescence length, leaf petiole length and leaf central foliole area. No significant differences of resistance to soil-borne fungi were found between accessions. The year had a significant effect in the phenology, yield and yield components except for number of seeds per pod. The studied material might be of interest for the development of spring sowing germplasm adapted to north Iberian peninsula.  相似文献   
Thermal denaturation of recombinant human lactoferrin from transgenic rice with different degrees of iron saturation has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry. The maximum temperature, enthalpy change, and activation energy of denaturation were higher when recombinant lactoferrin was more saturated with iron, indicating an increase in the stability of the protein structure. Maximum temperature and activation energy values for apo- and holo-lactoferrins were practically identical to those reported for the same forms of lactoferrin from human milk, which indicates a similar thermal stability. However, the value of enthalpy change for denaturation of the recombinant lactoferrin was 2.5-3-fold lower than that found for the human milk protein. This finding may reflect the influence that the different glycosylation pattern may have in the relationship between lactoferrin domains. Denaturation of recombinant lactoferrin in milk was compared with denaturation in phosphate buffer, and results indicated that the protein was more heat-sensitive when treated in milk than in buffer.  相似文献   
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