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AIM: To determine whether the fungicide, carbendazim, as applied to pastures for controlling facial eczema (FE), would inhibit development of the free-living stages of the gastrointestinal nematode parasite Trichostrongylus colubriformis.

METHODS: Two studies were conducted, using sheep faeces containing eggs of T. colubriformis. In the first, the faeces were either exposed or not to an application of carbendazim sprayed at the recommended rate for FE control. After spraying, dishes containing the faeces were incubated at 20°C for 14 days, and the resulting third-stage infective larvae (L3) extracted by baermannisation and counted. In addition, naturally infested pasture was also sprayed, and the number of L3 present 7 days later was assessed by cutting herbage samples and extracting larvae by soaking in water and baermannisation. In the second, the faeces were incubated at 20°C for 0, 3 or 7 days before being exposed to no, one or two applications of carbendazim. After further incubation for 14, 11 or 7 days, L3 were similarly extracted by baermannisation and counted.

RESULTS: In the first study, there was a 74% reduction in the number of T. colubriformis larvae recovered from faeces exposed to carbendazim compared with faeces not exposed, but there was no reduction in the number of L3 recovered from herbage. In the second study, faeces incubated for 0 or 3 days prior to exposure to a single application of carbendazim yielded 98% or 89% fewer larvae, respectively, than faeces not exposed. Faeces incubated for 7 days prior to exposure yielded similar numbers of larvae to faeces not exposed.

CONCLUSION: Treatment of pastures with carbendazim for FE control is likely to result in reduced development of the larvae of T. colubriformis, and by inference those of other species, where the application coincides with the presence of freshly deposited faeces containing eggs and developing larvae. However, no effect of treatment on L3 was indicated. The significance of this for on-farm nematode parasite control remains to be determined, as does any potential for strategic applications of carbendazim to pasture aimed at reducing numbers of parasite larvae on pasture. The latter should not be contemplated without due consideration of the implications for the development of anthelmintic resistance.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine the effect of an anthelmintic treatment to lambs, followed immediately by a shift onto pastures with differing levels of larval contamination, on the development of anthelmintic resistance, in order to support recommendations to farmers regarding drench-and-shift practices for sustainable worm control.

METHODS: Newly weaned Romney lambs (n=72) were dosed with third-stage infective larvae (L3) of two nematode parasite species, Teladorsagia (=Ostertagia) circumcincta and Trichostrongylus colubriformis, comprising benzimidazole-resistant and -susceptible isolates, calculated to yield, after treatment with albendazole, a 95% reduction in faecal nematode egg count (FEC). Once infections became patent (Day 0), lambs were randomised into nine groups of eight animals, treated with albendazole at the manufacturer's recommended dose rate, and moved to individual pastures each previously prepared to have one of three different levels of parasite larval infestation (Treatment 1 = low contamination, Treatment 2 = medium contamination, and Treatment 3 = high contamination), and grazed on those pastures before receiving a second treatment with albendazole at Day 47. Anthelmintic resistance status in each group of lambs was measured using FEC reduction (FECR) and egghatch assays (EHA) after the first anthelmintic treatment, and FECR after the second treatment.

RESULTS: Egg-hatch assays demonstrated significant differences between treatments. The concentration of anthelmintic required to kill 50% of the eggs (LC50) for Treatment 1, comprising the least contaminated pastures, was significantly higher than for Treatments 2 and 3 on Days 33 and 40. Treatment 1 also had a significantly lower FECR at the final anthelmintic treatment, and significantly lower FEC than the other two treatments from Days 26 to 47.

CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrated that the populations of T. circumcincta and T. colubriformis in lambs treated with anthelmintic had significantly higher levels of albendazole resistance at the end of the grazing period in lambs moved onto pastures with relatively low levels of parasite contamination than those moved onto pastures with relatively higher contamination, confirming drench-and-shift onto ‘clean’ pasture as a high-risk practice for the selection for anthelmintic resistance. While this does not necessarily preclude the use of this practice it does emphasise the importance of taking appropriate remedial action to minimise the risk.  相似文献   
AIM: To compare the efficacy of chelated versus inorganic forms of dietary Cu supplements, fed as a bolus, when challenged by a daily bolus of dietary Mo in cattle on a low-Cu diet.

METHODS: Forty non-lactating, Friesian dairy cows of adequate Cu status were assigned to four groups and fed a basal diet of baled silage containing 5.3 mg Cu and 0.4 mg Mo/kg DM. The experimental design was a factorial of two chemical forms of supplemental Cu and two levels of Mo intake, provided as pelleted grain supplements made from crushed barley/molasses plus Cu and Mo. The supplements contained 140 mg Cu/kg as Cu sulphate pentahydrate (CS), 140 mg Cu/kg as Cu glycinate (CG), CS plus 38 mg Mo/kg as sodium molybdate (CS+Mo), or CG plus 38 mg Mo/kg (CG+Mo). Commencing on Day 0, supplements were fed once daily (offered 1–1.2 kg/cow) and were completely consumed within 5–10 minutes, which constitutes a bolus type of administration. Liver samples were collected by biopsy at Days ?24, 13, 41 or 47, and 69 for Cu determinations.

RESULTS: The diets fed to the Cu+Mo groups were roughly equivalent to 25 mg Cu and 5.7 mg Mo/kg DM. Mean initial concentration of Cu in liver for all groups was 516 (SE 54) μmol Cu/kg fresh tissue. In cows supplemented with CS and CG, the final (Day 69) concentrations increased (p<0.01) to 939 (SE 166) and 853 (SE 163) μmol Cu/kg, respectively. These values were not different (p=0.72). For groups CS+Mo and CG+Mo, the final concentrations of 535 (SE 122) and 453 (SE 102) μmol Cu/kg were not different from initial values or from each other (p>0.25). The rate of accumulation of Cu in liver following bolus Cu and Mo intake was highly variable but was not affected by initial concentration of Cu in liver (p>0.9) or by the form of Cu (p>0.6). Mean rates of accumulation of Cu in liver were 4.0 (SD 3.8) and 0.65 (SD 2.0) μmol Cu/kg fresh tissue/day for the Cu-only treatments and the Cu+Mo treatments, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: When fed together as a bolus, high Mo intake negated the effect of supplemental Cu but it did not reduce liver Cu stores. There was no difference in the reaction of dietary Mo with chelated Cu (as glycinate) versus inorganic Cu (as sulphate) dietary supplements.  相似文献   
AIM: To provide information on current farmers’ opinions and farming practices thought to be related to anthelmintic resistance, and to test for associations between the presence of anthelmintic resistance and management practices on beef cattle- rearing farms in the North Island of New Zealand.

METHODS: A study using an interview-based questionnaire about management of internal parasites was conducted on 62 beef cattle-rearing farms in the North Island of New Zealand, using case-control analyses to test for associations between management practices and the presence or absence of resistance to ivermectin or albendazole. Resistance was inferred from faecal nematode egg count (FEC) reduction (FECR) tests (FECRTs) when there was <90% reduction in FEC 7-10 days after treatment of calves <12 months of age.

RESULTS: Of the 59 farmers who completed the questionnaire, most (n=40) ranked parasites highly, and at about the same level as quality and quantity of feed, as important production-limiting factors for their enterprises. In contrast, anthelmintic resistance was not perceived to be a problem on 13 farms, and its importance was rated low on 24, moderate on 15, and high on only six farms. Despite all farms having planned parasite control programmes, there was heavy reliance on clinical signs of parasitism to determine frequency of treatments. About one in three farmers with beef breeder cows routinely treated their calves at marking, one in five treated mixed-age cows, and almost half treated rising 2-year-old cows before calving. One in four farmers used anthelmintics on calves on 8–12 occasions in their first year of life. Co-grazing with other species was rare, but follow-on grazing within 3 months after older cattle or sheep was common. On most farms, grazing cattle was restricted to part of the farm, a finding with implications for parasite control and persistence of larvae in refugia. Macrocyclic lactone (ML) anthelmintics or their combinations with other action families were currently, and for the past 5 years, used more frequently than benzimidazoles and levamisole, and benzimidazole-levami- sole combinations. The prevalence of resistance to ivermectin was high (82%) and no plausible model of associations could be constructed from the data. The prevalence of resistance to albendazole was 60%, and the risk of resistance increased as the number of rising 1-year-old cattle present mid-winter increased, and decreased as the number of breeding cows >2 years old present mid-winter increased.

CONCLUSION: It is clear that in practice anthelmintic resistance is a secondary consideration to obtaining productivity advantages from the use of anthelmintics in beef cattle. Farmers’ opinions were divided on many issues and the overall impres- sion was of confused and diverse thinking regarding the principles of the use of anthelmintics. The overall outlook regarding anthelmintic resistance in cattle is bleak unless the need for integrated and long-term research activities is acted upon soon.  相似文献   
AIM: To determine whether drenching regimes for lambs by which a proportion (10%) of the heaviest animals was selectively left untreated, or animals are only drenched ‘on demand’ when faecal nematode egg counts (FEC) exceeded a threshold level, would result in measurable increases in parasite larval challenge in the autumn and/or decreases in the performance of lambs.

METHODS: A replicated study compared three drenching strategies in which mobs of lambs (n=360 in total) received either: a five-drench preventive programme, administered to all animals (Treatment 1); a five-drench preventive programme, but the 10% heaviest animals left untreated each time (Treatment 2); or drench treatments administered only when FEC exceeded 500 eggs per gram of faeces (epg) (Treatment 3). After the five-drench programme, animals in Treatments 1 and 2 were treated according to FEC as for Treatment 3. A triple-combination drench containing ivermectin, oxfendazole and levamisole, administered orally, was used for all treatments. There were nine farmlets, allowing three replicates of each treatment, in a completely randomised design. Parasite infestations on pasture were measured in autumn by pasture plucks, and worm burdens were monitored in tracer lambs, while the performance of lambs was assessed by liveweight gains, fleece weights, and body condition and dag scores.

RESULTS: Increased numbers of Haemonchus contortus and Trichostrongylus colubriformis larvae on pasture were found in the autumn on farmlets treating selectively or on-demand (Treatments 2 and 3). No differences were detected in other parasite species. Mean liveweight gains did not differ between treatments but some differences were detected between drenched and undrenched lambs in Treatment 2. Mean body condition and mean dag scores of lambs in Treatment 3 tended to be lower and higher, respectively, than those of lambs in Treatment 1; Treatment 2 was generally intermediate.

CONCLUSIONS: Drenching strategies for lambs designed to slow the development of anthelmintic resistance, by increasing the pool of susceptible worms available to dilute resistant survivors after treatment, resulted in increased numbers of H. contortus and T. colubriformis but not other species of parasite on pasture. The increased parasite challenge to lambs in the autumn was associated with small production losses, which may be acceptable to farmers wishing to implement such strategies. It is clear that further work is required on the interaction between management practices and the population dynamics of parasites, especially with regard to creating pools of susceptible genotypes to slow the development of drench resistance.  相似文献   
Debris flows have deposited inorganic laminae in an alpine lake that is 75 kilometers east of the Pacific Ocean, in Ecuador. These storm-induced events were dated by radiocarbon, and the age of laminae that are less than 200 years old matches the historic record of El Nino events. From about 15,000 to about 7000 calendar years before the present, the periodicity of clastic deposition is greater than or equal to 15 years; thereafter, there is a progressive increase in frequency to periodicities of 2 to 8.5 years. This is the modern El Nino periodicity, which was established about 5000 calendar years before the present. This may reflect the onset of a steeper zonal sea surface temperature gradient, which was driven by enhanced trade winds.  相似文献   
A 5-year-old, male Yorkshire Terrier had chronic and progressive neurologic signs compatible with lesions in the right brain stem and right forebrain. In magnetic resonance images of the brain there were multifocal lesions at different stages of evolution, consistent with an inflammatory disease. The lesions were located in the white matter of the cerebrum, in the diencephalon and mesencephalon. These lesions were hypointense in T1-weighted images and hyperintense in T2-weighted images with no mass effect and minimal enhancement with gadolinium. Necrotizing encephalitis was confirmed post mortem.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of different medium replacement intervals on the viability, antral cavity formation, growth and in vitro maturation (IVM) of oocytes from caprine and ovine pre‐antral follicles. Pre‐antral ovarian follicles (≥150 μm) were isolated from the ovarian cortex of goats and sheep and were individually cultured for 24 days using two different medium replacement intervals [2 days (T1) or 6 days (T2)]. Follicle development was evaluated on the basis of antral cavity formation, increases in follicular diameter and the presence of healthy cumulus oocyte complexes and fully grown oocytes. For caprine species, results showed a higher percentage (p < 0.05) of viable follicles in T1 than T2 from day 6 until the end of the culture. In addition, when comparing both treatments after the same culture duration, the rate of antrum formation was significantly higher in T1 than in T2 from day 12 onwards. Yet, in ovines, when both treatments were compared on day 24 of the culture, there were more viable follicles in T2 than in T1 (p < 0.05). In the caprine species, percentages of fully grown oocytes (≥110 μm) acceptable for IVM after 24 days of culture were significantly higher in normal follicles cultured in T1 (30.0%) than in T2 (6.7%; p < 0.05). On the other hand, in ovines, at the end of the culture, the percentage of oocytes destined for IVM was higher in T2 than in T1 (23.5% vs 2.9%; p < 0.05). In conclusion, under the same conditions, the frequency of medium replacement significantly affected the in vitro development of caprine and ovine pre‐antral follicles. To improve the efficiency of the culture system, the medium must be replaced every 2 and 6 days for goat and sheep pre‐antral follicles, respectively.  相似文献   
DM Kolb  R Ullmann  T Will 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1997,275(5303):1097-1099
The use of scanning tunneling microscopy in an electrochemical environment as a tool for the nanoscale modification of gold electrodes was demonstrated. Small copper clusters, typically two to four atomic layers in height, were precisely positioned on a gold(111) electrode by a process in which copper was first deposited onto the tip of the scanning tunneling microscope, which then acted as a reservoir from which copper could be transferred to the surface during an appropriate approach of the tip to the surface. Tip approach and position were controlled externally by a microprocessor unit, allowing the fabrication of various patterns, cluster arrays, and "conducting wires" in a very flexible and convenient manner.  相似文献   
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