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池塘工程化养殖系统研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从推水单元、水流速度、养殖单元结构、鱼粪收集单元结构等方面对国内外相关文献进行整理分析,系统总结了池塘工程化养殖系统的各个功能单元的优缺点,但对养殖水槽中的流场分布、流速、养殖单元槽体结构、粪便收集单元结构的研究仍较少。因此建议:参考水流动力学研究方法,筛选出推水单元最佳拦板角度,尽可能节约推水动力;建立针对国内养殖品种的管理模式、净化区结构形式;研发高效收集鱼粪和残饵的设备或施工结构。  相似文献   
大鲵虹彩病毒理化及生物学特性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
对大鲵虹彩病毒(Giant salamander iridovirus,GSIV)的理化特性及生物学特性进行了研究。结果表明:GSIV对热处理敏感,56℃和65℃处理30 min均可彻底灭活病毒;GSIV经酸(pH3)和碱(pH10)处理,病毒滴度(TCID50)与对照组相比较分别下降了8.58、9.04个对数级,差异极显著(P<0.01);GSIV经有机溶剂氯仿、乙醚以及胰蛋白酶处理,TCID50与对照组相比较分别下降了9.33、7.83、6.49个对数级,差异极显著(P<0.01)。冻融次数对GSIV滴度的影响不显著(P>0.05)。GSIV对细胞培养物的感染性试验结果表明,GSIV可在鲤上皮瘤细胞系(Epithelioma papilloma cyprini,EPC)、斑点叉尾鮰肾脏细胞系(Channel catfish kidney,CCK)、虹鳟鱼性腺细胞系(Rainbow trout gonadal,RTG-2)等细胞中增殖,但在EPC、CCK细胞中增殖速度快,TCID50高;GSIV在EPC细胞中的最适生长温度是25℃。GSIV在EPC细胞中增殖动态试验结果表明,GSIV感染细胞6 h后TCID50开始快速上升,进入对数增长期,72 h时TCID50达到最大值,以后趋于稳定。GSIV感染EPC细胞超薄切片透射电镜观察结果显示,在EPC细胞质中可见大量虹彩病毒样颗粒,呈晶格状排列,直径约140 nm。  相似文献   
在实船资料统计分析和基于船舶基本原理基础上,提出了适合渔政船设计初期空船重量及重心的估算公式,以此分析、整理出的回归方程更具有针对性。将空船重量、重心高度、重心纵向位置的公式计算结果与实船倾斜试验所得值相比较后发现,相对误差符合工程要求,重心纵向位置值亦在允许范围内。本估算方法可以给设计者以前期估算参考。  相似文献   
Sea cucumber, Apostichopus japonicus (Selenca), tolerates salinity fluctuations inhabiting intertide zone. This study deals with growth, food intake, food conversion and the bioenergetic responses of the red variant (wet weight of 2.60 ± 0.11g) and green variant (wet weight of 2.56 ± 0.08 g) A. japonicus to different salinities of 22, 26, 30, 34, and 38 psu at 16.5 ± 0.5°C. The results showed that salinity had a significant effect on specific growth rate (SGR) of both green and red variants A. japonicus (< 0.05). Both colour variants of sea cucumber had highest SGR at 30 psu, and then decreased when salinity below or above this point. Maximum SGR (the green 1.07 ± 0.08% day?1, the red 1.14 ± 0.09% day?1 respectively) is related with maximum food intake (FI) and highest food conversion efficiency (FCE) (< 0.05) occurring at 30 psu. Only under 22 psu, the green variant grew faster than the red variant (< 0.05), and under other four salinity treatments there was no significant difference between SGR of two colour variant holothruians (> 0.05). Values of adaptable salinity scope for green and red variants sea cucumber survival are 18.5~39 psu and 20.9~38.6 psu respectively. The average energy budget formula of sea cucumber at 30 psu was: 100C = 6G +42F +3U+49R (C, energy ingested; G, energy for growth; F, energy loss as faeces; U, energy used for ammonia excretion; R, energy loss for respiration). The sea cucumber had maximum energy ingested (C) and highest proportion of energy for growth (G) at 30 psu, and then decreased when salinity is above or below this salinity. Both red and green variants of A. japonicus deposited for growth were very low, and the energy loss in faeces and energy for respiration accounted for the majority of assimilation energy. The result clearly showed that the optimum condition for farming green and red variants A. japonicus, both with respect growth and energy allocation, is the salinity scope of 26 ~ 30 psu.  相似文献   
We evaluated the effects of Bacillus cereus, as an additive in water and feed, on the gut microbiota and immunological parameters of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings. Experiments were performed in tanks and net cages respectively. Experiment 1: Tilapia were housed in tanks for 42 days, and Bcereus was added to the water at 1.0 × 104 cfu mL?1 (Treatment 1) and 1.0 ×105 cfu mL?1 (Treatment 2) weekly. For the control, no probiotic was added. Experiment 2: Tilapia were housed in cages for 42 days, and the feed was supplemented with Bcereus at 1.0 × 107 cfu g?1 (Treatment 1) and 1.0 × 108 cfu g?1 (Treatment 2) weekly. For the control, no probiotic was added. Each treatment contained three replicates, with 50 male tilapias per replicate. The fish from the probiotic treatments in both tank and cage experiments had significantly higher serum lysozyme and peroxidase activities than the control. In the cage experiment, alkaline phosphatase and total superoxide dismutase activities in tilapia were significantly higher in probiotic treatments compared with the control. The results of polymerase chain reaction‐denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis showed that B. cereus supplementation in the feed and water affected the autochthonous gut bacteria community of tilapia and stimulated various potentially beneficial bacteria. Therefore, B. cereus, as a water or feed additive, could enhance the immune status and affect the gut microbiota of tilapia. Bacillus cereus was more effective as a feed supplement rather than a water additive for enhancing the immune status of tilapia.  相似文献   
根据2005年7、9月和2006年9、11月对青岛市崂山近岸海域的4次调查结果,分析并评价了该海域的营养状况。结果表明,表层无机氮、PO4-P和COD含量,仰口至港东、石老人、流清河湾海域略高于其他水域。底层无机氮、PO4-P均为仰口至港东水域含量较高,COD为太清宫湾水域含量较高,其余水域分布相对较均匀。从营养结构分析,7和11月该海域表、底层,N与P相比显得相对缺乏;9月表层,N与P相比也显得相对缺乏;9月底层N/P比值接近16∶1,氮、磷均不受限制。从营养状况看,除2005年9月份该海域水质处于富营养化水平外,其他调查月份水质均未达到富营养化。  相似文献   
淡水观赏鱼养殖在当前方兴未艾.生产上面临一个问题如何预防鱼病的问胚.本文作者探讨淡水观赏鱼常见病发病机制及预防方法.  相似文献   
东海蓝圆鲹的摄食习性   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
以2008年5月至2009年2月东海灯光围网采集到的叉长范围为52~276 mm的444尾蓝圆鲹为对象,对其胃含物进行分析,应用K-W非参数检验、卡方检验、聚类分析等方法,对不同季节和发育阶段条件下蓝圆鲹的食性进行了研究。结果表明,蓝圆鲹的摄食种类有80余种,浮游甲壳类(主要包括浮游甲壳类幼体、磷虾和桡足类等)和小型鱼类为其主要食物类群。若按相对重要性指数百分比(IRI%)排序,优势饵料种类最高的是七星底灯鱼(IRI%为40.44%),其次是口虾蛄Alima幼体(IRI%为14.24%)、太平洋磷虾(IRI%为11.26%)等。统计分析检验表明,蓝圆鲹的空胃率和平均胃饱满系数有显著的季节变化和叉长变化(P<0.01),摄食强度春季最高,秋季和夏季相对较高,而冬季最低;叉长50~99 mm和200~299mm的蓝圆鲹的摄食强度较高,其余叉长的强度相对较低。食物组成也随季节和发育阶段的不同而有所变化,在春季主要以七星底灯鱼和口虾蛄Alima幼体为食,夏季主要以甲壳类幼体为食,秋季主要以七星底灯鱼和太平洋磷虾为主食,冬季食物匮乏,小型桡足类丽隆剑水蚤和糠虾类占其食物组成的很大比例。聚类分析的结果表明,蓝圆鲹叉长200 mm是其摄食取向的拐点,小于这个叉长的蓝圆鲹以浮游甲壳类为主,大于这个叉长的以捕食小型鱼类为主,随着叉长的增大,蓝圆鲹更多的以游泳动物为食。根据蓝圆鲹摄食饵料的类群变化,东海蓝圆鲹的营养级为3.55,属于浮游动物和游泳动物混合食性的肉食性鱼类。  相似文献   
为进一步研究珍珠质形成的分子机理,使用RACE-PCR技术从三角帆蚌外套膜中克隆到一个新的贝壳基质蛋白基因hic9。RT-PCR和原位杂交技术结果显示,hic9主要在闭壳肌和外套膜中表达,且在外套膜外褶的外表皮各部分都有信号,在壳皮沟中同样有信号,这些结果表明,hic9是一个同时参与了贝壳角质层、棱柱层和珍珠层形成的多功能基质蛋白基因。hic9富含甘氨酸(14.81%)、脯氨酸(13.58%)和丙氨酸(12.35%),在序列中部形成"Gly-X-X"的结构(X为任意氨基酸),与近C末端连续重复丙氨酸结构(polyA)一起使hic9具有类似蛛丝蛋白的结构特征。hic9 C末端由一段疏水性序列"LAWMLFV"组成,推测这段序列形成β折叠结构,紧邻该序列89~91位是"Asp-Leu-Asp"序列,这是一个典型的Ca2+结合位点。此外,通过实时定量PCR检测了珍珠形成早期阶段hic9在初生珍珠囊中的表达情况,插片后3~15 d hic9在珍珠囊中的表达水平维持在大致相同的表达水平,在碳酸钙沉积物从无序向有序转变时期(18~25 d),表达水平较第15天有显著的升高,这表明hic9参与了这一过程,在珍珠层的形成过程中发挥了关键作用。  相似文献   
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