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Plant and animal species present on a coal fly ash slurry pond site and a dry deposit site were surveyed and sampled during a two-day period in October. Elemental analyses were determined for most of the species encountered. A total of 48 plant species were observed on the two sites, with 35 species on the wet site, and 20 on the dry site. Eighteen terrestrial and 7 aquatic animal species were found on the wet site, exclusive of vertebrates which were not studied with the exception of a carp (Cyprinus carpio). Eleven terrestrial invertebrates and one aquatic species were observed on the dry site. Neutron activation analysis was carried out for: Se, Hg, Cr, Ni, Zn, Co, Sb, Cd, and As. Using literature values for phytotoxicity, we conclude that, in general, plants did not accumulate toxic levels of metals. Only one plant (Impatiens biflora Willd.) showed a significant level of Cd. Of 20 plants analyzed on the wet site, 10 had excessive Se concentrations (>5 ppm); on the dry site 6 out of 18 had high Se values. In animals (Gryllus sp.; Melanoplus sp.; Trachelipus sp.; Lumbricus terrestris; Physa integra; Cyprinus carpio) the trace metal concentration was generally in between that of control animals and that of the fly ash itself. One exception included Zn, which, although the most variable element examined, was concentrated in all the terrestrial animals to levels higher than in fly ash. Crickets are the most consistent bioconcentrators with Cr, Se, and Zn at higher levels than for control animals. All animal species studied accumulated Se compared to controls.  相似文献   
Sodium hydroxide digestion of unhomogenized kidney and skeletal muscle for 20 min at 70 degrees C was a superior method for extracting gentamicin from tissues, compared with simple homogenization, trichloroacetic acid precipitation of homogenized tissue, and sodium hydroxide digestion of homogenized tissue. Fluorescence polarization immunoassay was used to quantitate gentamicin. Sodium hydroxide digestion of unhomogenized tissue allowed for the recovery of 90.0 +/- 5.9% (means +/- SD) from renal cortex and 79.9 +/- 3.5% from skeletal muscle. The limit of sensitivity was 17.4 ng/g kidney tissue, 15.8 ng/g digested muscle, and 39.0 ng/g digested heart. The within-assay coefficient of variation (CV) at 100 ng/g kidney was 9.2%; at 500 ng/g kidney, the CV was 2.5%; and at 2000 ng/g kidney, the CV was 1.5%. The between-assay coefficient of variation was less than 7.5% for all concentrations from kidney, and the 99% confidence interval at 100 ng/g kidney was 71.7-112.4 ng gentamicin/g kidney. The within-assay coefficient of variation (CV) at 100 ng/g muscle was 15%; at 500 ng/g muscle, the CV was 2.6%; and at 2000 ng/g muscle, the CV was 2.3%. The between-assay coefficient of variation was less than 15% for all concentrations from muscle, and the 99% confidence interval at 100 ng/g muscle was 72.5-136.8 ng gentamicin/g muscle. Gentamicin-free milk could be distinguished from milk containing gentamicin concentrations of 10 ng/mL milk with 95% confidence, and from milk containing concentrations of 30 ng gentamicin/mL milk with 99% confidence. Quantitative results at or below the tolerance level can be obtained within 90 min of sample acquisition using these extraction and assay methods.  相似文献   
[目的]分析研究洪泽湖湖滨地区植物群落对湿地水环境的净化效果,为该区生态修复提供参考依据。[方法]以洪泽湖湿地国家级自然保护区典型湖滨带为研究对象,通过对该区的水草区和无草区环境特征进行野外调查,并结合室内试验,测定湖泊湿地水体的营养盐(N和P)、化学需氧量(COD)及透明度(SD)含量的变化,定量分析水生植被在生长过程中对湖泊湿地生态系统中水环境的净化效果,并对其可能存在的影响因素进行探讨。[结果]水生植被对洪泽湖湿地水环境中TN、TP、COD、Chla的去除作用及对SD含量变化有较明显的影响。水生植物之间的竞争可以抑制藻类的生长,减轻水体的富营养化情况。[结论]该试验为研究洪泽湖湖滨带生态修复及增强其自净能力提供理论依据。  相似文献   
A study of the pattern and relative frequency of diseases in adult female mink during the lactation period was undertaken. All adult females that died between parturition (April/May) and July 1, 1990, from 48 farms in southern Ontario were selected for study, and the cause of death was determined by gross necropsy. In addition, the cause of death was determined by gross necropsy for all adults and weaned kits that died on one farm between April 1988 and March 1989.

The mortality rate among farms in the 1990 study, for adult females during the lactation period, ranged from 0.2% to 10.1%, with a median of 1.9%. Nursing disease (56%) was the most common diagnosis, followed by mastitis (11%), metritis (8%), and dystocia (7%). Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus spp. were the most frequent isolates from the cases of mastitis. In the 1988/1989 study, the mortality rate was highest from May to July, with a large increase in June as a result of nursing disease.

Antimicrobial resistance is a global challenge that impacts both human and veterinary health care. The resilience of microbes is reflected in their ability to adapt and survive in spite of our best efforts to constrain their infectious capabilities. As science advances, many of the mechanisms for microbial survival and resistance element transfer have been identified. During the 2012 meeting of Antimicrobial Agents in Veterinary Medicine (AAVM), experts provided insights on such issues as use vs. resistance, the available tools for supporting appropriate drug use, the importance of meeting the therapeutic needs within the domestic animal health care, and the requirements associated with food safety and food security. This report aims to provide a summary of the presentations and discussions occurring during the 2012 AAVM with the goal of stimulating future discussions and enhancing the opportunity to establish creative and sustainable solutions that will guarantee the availability of an effective therapeutic arsenal for veterinary species.  相似文献   
We found retardation of preimplantation embryo growth after exposure to maternal restraint stress during the preimplantation period in our previous study. In the present study, we evaluated the impact of preimplantation maternal restraint stress on the distribution of inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm (TE) cells in mouse blastocysts, and its possible effect on physiological development of offspring. We exposed spontaneously ovulating female mice to restraint stress for 30 min three times a day during the preimplantation period, and this treatment caused a significant increase in blood serum corticosterone concentration. Microscopic evaluation of embryos showed that restraint stress significantly decreased cell counts per blastocyst. Comparing the effect of restraint stress on the two blastocyst cell lineages, we found that the reduction in TE cells was more substantial than the reduction in ICM cells, which resulted in an increased ICM/TE ratio in blastocysts isolated from stressed dams compared with controls. Restraint stress reduced the number of implantation sites in uteri, significantly delayed eye opening in delivered mice, and altered their behavior in terms of two parameters (scratching on the base of an open field test apparatus, time spent in central zone) as well. Moreover, prenatally stressed offspring had significantly lower body weights and in 5-week old females delivered from stressed dams, fat deposits were significantly lower. Our results indicate that exposure to stress during very early pregnancy can have a negative impact on embryonic development with consequences reaching into postnatal life.  相似文献   
The American Samoa fishing ground is a dynamic region with strong mesoscale eddy activity and temporal variability on scales of <1 week. Seasonal and interannual variability in eddy activity, induced by baroclinic instability that is fueled by horizontal shear between the eastward‐flowing South Equatorial Counter Current (SECC) and the westward‐flowing South Equatorial Current (SEC), seems to play an important role in the performance of the longline fishery for albacore. Mesoscale eddy variability in the American Samoa Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) peaks from March to April, when the kinetic energy of the SECC is at its strongest. Longline albacore catch tends to be highest at the eddy edges, while albacore catch per effort (CPUE) shows intra‐annual variability with high CPUE that lags the periods of peak eddy activity by about 2 months. When CPUE is highest, the values are distributed toward the northern half of the EEZ, the region affected most by the SECC. Further indication of the possible importance of the SECC for longline performance is the significant drop in eddy variability in 2004 when compared with that observed in 2003 – resulting from a weak SECC – which was accompanied by a substantial drop in albacore CPUE rates and a lack of northward intensification of CPUE. From an ecosystem perspective, evidence to support higher micronekton biomass in the upper 200 m at eddy boundaries is inconclusive. Albacore's vertical distribution seems to be governed by the presence of prey. Albacore spend most of their time between 150 and 250 m, away from the deep daytime and shallow nighttime sonic scattering layers, at depths coinciding with those of small local maxima in micronekton biomass whose backscattering properties are consistent with those of albacore's preferred prey. Settling depths of longline sets during periods of decreased eddy activity correspond to those most occupied by albacore, possibly contributing to the lower CPUE by reducing catchability through rendering bait less attractive to albacore in the presence of prey.  相似文献   

The spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, is an invasive pest causing significant damage to soft skinned fruits. Control of D. suzukii is critical since there is no tolerance for infested fruit in the market. While most insecticides control one or more D. suzukii life-stages (e.g., egg, larvae, and adult), the impact of insecticides that are toxic to immature stages  is unclear on the subsequent generation of a field population. Insecticides were applied at field recommended rates on cherries and blueberries in the laboratory to determine immature D. suzukii mortality. Spinetoram, cyantraniliprole, malathion, methomyl, spinosad, and phosmet resulted in relatively high mortality of all immature life stages. Zeta-cypermethrin, cyclaniliprole, and fenpropathrin resulted in lower mortality of egg and all larval instars. Malathion was also applied to lowbush blueberries with different fruit sizes (small, medium, and large) in the laboratory and there was no statistical difference in mortality rates depending on fruit sizes. Mortality data from the laboratory experiments were used to parameterize a refined D. suzukii population model. The model revealed that the timing and order of different insecticide classes are important to control D. suzukii population. Model runs that included early applications of more effective insecticides resulted in high immature mortality and greater reduction of D. suzukii populations compared to treatments applied later.

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