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光唇鱼网箱养殖试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网箱单养、混养光唇鱼的试验结果表明,在25m2网箱中,单养光唇鱼以200~220尾/m2的放养密度比较合适,单位面积产量可达12.7~12.9 kg/m2;瓯江彩鲤网箱中混养光唇鱼,在瓯江彩鲤保持180尾/m2的放养密度不变的情况下,混养20尾/m2的光唇鱼,其效果比单养瓯江彩鲤更好,单位面积产量可达103.2kg/m2.  相似文献   
为了研究四种罗非鱼挥发性成份的化学成分,采用水蒸气蒸馏法提取罗非鱼挥发性成份,用气相色谱-质谱联用仪对其进行分离测定,结合计算机检索对分离的化合物进行结构鉴定,应用色谱峰面积归一化法测定各成分的相对百分含量。结果共鉴定出45种物质:奥利亚和奥尼各26种,尼罗24种,吉富18种。其中,有7种化合物为4种罗非鱼的挥发性成份所共有。2,4-二叔丁基苯酚在挥发性组份中的含量最高(奥利亚38.44%;尼罗37.34%;吉富35.21%;奥尼除外,占14.10%)。在挥发性成份中酯类、醇类、烯烃和有机酸类居多,分别有10种、6种、5种和4种,其中大部分为有特殊香味的挥发性物质,且该类物质在奥利亚、尼罗和奥尼三种罗非鱼中含量较多,在吉富中含量较少。奥尼罗非鱼中还检测出大量的特殊的挥发性物质L-抗坏血酸棕榈酸酯,其含量高达33.64%。  相似文献   
A numerical model for analyzing dynamic properties of a net-cage system exposed in the open sea is proposed. The model is based on a lumped-mass method. In this model, the mooring lines are divided into linear elements and the net cage divided into several plane surface elements. The interconnected points or corners are called nodes or lumped-mass centers. The external force is calculated on each element and then equally distributed to its nodes. By adding the contributed forces from the neighboring elements, a system of motion equations for nodes is formed. The volume reduction coefficient of a net cage is estimated by the ratio of minimum volume of net cage during fluid and structure interaction to the original volume. In general, the numerical results are in good agreements with the experimental data. However, the results also show that if the Reynolds number is lower than the suggested range of 1400–1800, the numerical model may underestimate the environmental forces on a net-cage system.  相似文献   
Growth and energy budget of juvenile cobia (initial body weight ∼ 22 g) at various temperatures (23, 27, 31 and 35 °C) were investigated in this study. Maximal ration level (RLmax, %/day) increased as temperature (T, °C) increased from 23 °C to 31 °C but decreased at 35 °C, described as a quadratic equation: RLmax = −0.023T2 + 1.495T − 17.52. Faecal production (f, mg g− 1 day− 1) increased with increased temperature (T, °C), described as a power function: lnf = 0.738lnT − 0.806. As temperature increased, feed absorption efficiency in dry weight (FAEd, %), protein (FAEp, %) and energy (FAEe, %) all increased first and then decreased, but the variation of feed absorption efficiency was small, with ranges of 89.59-91.08%, 92.91-94.71%, 93.92-95.32%, respectively. Specific growth rate in wet weight (SGRw, %/day), dry weight (SGRd, %/day), protein (SGRp, %/day) and energy (SGRe, %/day) showed a domed curve relative to temperature (T, °C), described as quadratic equations: SGRw = − 0.068T2 + 3.878T − 50.53, SGRd = − 0.079T2 + 4.536T −59.64, SGRp = − 0.084T2 + 4.783T − 63.08 and SGRe = − 0.082T2 + 4.654T − 60.99, and SGRw, SGRd, SGRp and SGRe maximized at 28.5 °C, 28.6 °C, 28.4 °C, 28.5 °C, respectively, as calculated from the regression equations. The relationships between feed conversion efficiency in wet weight (FCEw, %), dry weight (FCEd, %), protein (FCEp, %), energy (FCEe, %) and temperature (T, °C) also took on a domed curve described as quadratic equations: FCEw = − 0.726T2 + 39.71T − 473.8, FCEd = − 0.276T2 + 15.31T − 190.6, FCEp = − 0.397T2 + 22.05T − 277.9 and FCEe = − 0.350T2 + 19.39T − 239.9, and FCEw, FCEd, FCEp and FCEe maximized at 27.4 °C, 27.8 °C, 27.7 °C and 27.7 °C, respectively, as calculated from the regression equations. Energy budget of juvenile cobia fed satiation was 100C = 5F + 67(U + R) + 28G at water temperature 27 °C and 100C = 5F + 70(U + R) + 25G at water temperature 31 °C, where C is food energy, F is faeces energy, (U + R) is excretion energy and metabolism energy, and G is growth energy.  相似文献   
本文探讨应用Charm II放射免疫分析方法检测鳗鱼中磺胺类药物残留。确定鳗鱼检测的制样和控制点设定的方法,评价了免疫反应体系的灵敏度和特异性,验证了磺胺类最大残留限量50μg/kg的检测稳定性,90分钟可出检测结果。  相似文献   
随着海洋贝类养殖的发展,水域环境也在不断恶化。这些年来,贝类养殖经常发生大批死亡,作者参阅了有关文献,并根据自己在贝类病害和死亡方面所做的一些调查与积累的一些实践经验,进行分析,提出了防止对策,供大家参考。  相似文献   
黄志 《现代渔业信息》2006,21(9):18-20,30
在分析海口市海洋渔业资源和海洋捕捞现状的基础上,提出了近海渔业资源衰退的6项原因和加快保护和修复资源的10项措施和建议。  相似文献   
人工诱导池养3+龄鲥鱼性腺发育的初步试验与探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过模似鲥鱼性腺发育的自然生态条件和埋植 LHRH-A 和 Testosterone 缓释放颗粒激素,诱导池养3~+龄鲥鱼性腺发育季至第1期,成熟系数达0.9%。试验摸索出麻醉操作鲥鱼不死的有效方法。对今后鲥鱼全人工繁殖的前景及有关问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   
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