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将薰衣草精油利用原位聚合法合成薰衣草香精微囊,采用微囊化施香工艺制备香型刨花板。通过电子扫描显微镜观测薰衣草香精微胶囊保留情况,用气相色谱质谱联用仪检测香型刨花板释放香味的主要成分,计算其逸香率。结果表明:香型刨花板中薰衣草香精微胶囊部分保留较好,能释放香味气体,主要成份为芳樟醇、D-柠檬稀、二氢月桂烯醇等;优选香精微胶囊量,施香量以4.5%为宜;香型刨花板具有缓慢释放香味特性,放置60 d后板材释放香味的半衰期为104 d。  相似文献   
生物纤维饲料在蛋鸡生产中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物纤维饲料是对玉米淀粉湿磨国工过程中的浸泡液,黄浆和玉米皮渣等副产品经生物发酵方法而形成的一种新型饲料。本文研究了生物纤维饲料在蛋鸡饲养中的饲喂效果。试验表明,半风干生物纤维饲料(含水分26.68%)以5%比例添加蛋鸡日粮中的饲喂效果与对照组相比,日均产蛋量提高6.4%,平均产蛋率提高6.05%,料蛋比下降13.01%,毛利润提高90.70%,而风干生物纤维饲料(含水分15.44%),则以10%比添加于蛋鸡日粮时,表现出较明显的增产效果,其与对照组相比,日均产蛋量提高4.04%,平均产蛋率提高4.18%,料蛋比下降4.09%,毛利润提高25.74%。  相似文献   
2007年被教育部定为“高等学校管理年”,管理出质量,管理出效益。一流的大学必须要有一流的管理,建设一支稳定、精干、高效的管理队伍对高校的改革和长远发展至关重要。重视和解决目前高校管理队伍中存在的种种问题,努力构建和稳定一支高素质的管理队伍,是高校可持续发展的必然要求。  相似文献   
十字花科芸薹属种间杂种营养优势的利用研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
选用4个油菜雄性不育系和三种类型十字花科芸薹属种, 研究了不同杂交组合的亲和性, 杂种一代的营养优势表现和杂种营养优势的生理基础以及品质性状表现. 结果表明: 利用油菜雄性不育系与其它十字花科芸薹属种间杂交可以显著提高种间杂交的亲和性, 并具有细胞质遗传效应. 通过杂交制种可以获得大量的杂种应用于生产. 十字花科  相似文献   


Knowledge of archaeal communities is essential for understanding of the mechanism of carbon and nitrogen cycle in the mangrove sediment ecosystem. Presently, little is known about archaeal communities in the Dongzhaigang mangrove sediments. This study aimed to characterize the archaeal communities in sediments of different mangrove stands and to find out the correlations between archaeal communities and the environmental factors of sediments.

Materials and methods

Sediment samples were collected from the Dongzhaigang mangrove forest for analysis of soil properties and archaeal communities, by national standard methods and Illumina Miseq archaeal 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing, respectively.

Results and discussion

The archaeal community in the Dongzhaigang mangrove forest was constituted by some phyla from “TACK” and “DPANN” supergroups, and dominated by Euryarchaeota. Among sediments of the four mangroves in Dongzhaigang, principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) scatter plot showed a trend of difference in the archaeal community structure in the Bruguiera gymnoihiza and Kandelia candel stands from that in the Laguncularia racemosa and Sonneratia apetala stands. The abundance of the order Methanosarcinales was the highest in the sediments of K. candel mangroves, whereas the order of Methanobacteriales dominated in B. gymnoihiza sediments. The highest richness and diversity values of Archaea occurred in K. candel sediments, while the lowest in B. gymnoihiza. Pearson correlation showed the significant relationships between sediment properties and some dominant genera, with a positive and significant correlation between sediment properties and genus Methanobacterium, coinciding with the maximum values of sediment properties and abundance of Methanobacterium in the sediment of B. gymnoihiza. Such results indicated that the difference of archaeal community structure among mangrove sediments may be caused by the different sediment characteristics. Methanogenic communities in the Dongzhaigang mangrove forest sediments were, at the order level, constituted by Methanobacteriales, Methanomicrobiales, Methanosarcinales, and Methanomassiliicoccales.


The investigation indicated that the Dongzhaigang mangrove sediment ecosystems support diverse archaeal communities and methanogenic communities, and that there was a general trend of difference in the archaeal community structure in the B. gymnoihiza and K. candel mangrove sediments from that in the L. racemosa and S. apetala sediments. Such difference may be caused by the difference in sediment characteristics.
The difference in growth behavior between bovine embryos and murine embryos was studied on PMEF(primary murine embryos fibroblast)feeder layer. The results showed as follows: With embryos having attached, bovine embryonic trophoblast formed a transparent membranous structure covering on inner cell mass (ICM), however, murine embryonic trophoblast formed disc structure. Bovine embryos formed four kinds of ICM colonies with different morphology including the mass-like, the net-like, the stream-like and the mixture-like colonies. Compared with Murine ICM, the bovine ICM grew more fast. So, the bovine ICM was passaged at first after a culture of approximately 5 - 6 days in vitro, but murine ICM was passaged at first after an attachment of 3 - 4 days on PMEF feeder layer. The mixture colonies of bovine ICM differentiated very early, while the others differentiated very late. Most ICM-like mass of Bovine grew in a defined spot, but bovine ICMs like stream and ICMs like net proliferated fast and dispersed quickly. We found that the single blastomeres derived from late bovine morula and late murine morula formed sub-blastophere; moreover, the bovine ICM cell would differentiate rapidly if the trophoblast was removed.  相似文献   
使用小麦高产品种绵阳 11的套袋自交纯系为受体 ,白粒黑麦自交系为供体 ,选育了高抗条锈病和中抗白粉病的小麦新品系 98- 10 5 4系列。研究证明它们的抗性来源于小麦 6B染色体和黑麦 6R染色体的易位 ,含有与Yr9和绵阳 11的抗条锈病基因不同的新基因 ,暂时命名为YrBL。同时指出所得的 6R易位系是研究易位效应和基因表达的优良材料 ,在小麦育种中有重要应用价值  相似文献   
蛋雏鸡有效磷适宜水平的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验对0-6周龄蛋雏鸡日粮中有效磷(AP)的需要量进行了研究.选取1日龄罗曼蛋雏鸡360只,随机分为5个X理进行单因子试验,各处理设4个重复,每重复15只,试验期6周.对以玉米豆粕为基础的日粮设计0.65%-0.25%之间5个处理的有效磷水平.通过对不同处理雏鸡的体增重、料重比、胫骨质量和粪磷的排泄量等数据进行分析,当有效磷水平为0.35%和0.45%时,可获得最好的体增重和料重比,两个处理间差异不显著(P>0.05);0.25%低水平处理组体增重低于0.35%(P>0.05),也低于0.45%(P<0.05),但均显著高于高水平(0.55%-0.65%)的处理组(P<0.05).料重比以0.35%的处理组为最高,达2.60±0.11.骨骼质量和血液指标各处理间差异不明显.粪磷的排泄量随日粮中育效磷水平升高而增加,0.25%和0.35%处理组比0.65%处理组磷排泄量分别减少26.67%和22.51%(P<0.05).以上结果提示,以玉米豆粕为基础的日粮中有效磷水平为0.35%时不仅可以获得理想的生产性能,而且有利于对环境的保护.  相似文献   
抛秧稻田节肢动物在水稻生育前期以刺吸类物种为主,相对多度为67.96%~75.79%,其中以稻蓟马优势度指数最高,幅度为0.6004~0.7333;至拔节以后,以食叶类和刺吸类为主,相对多度分别为6.93%~41.87%和3.25%~33.20%;水稻各生长期,钻蛀类物种相对多度为0.35%~3.66%,相对多度很低.天敌主要为隐翅虫类和蜘蛛类捕食性类群.整个生长季节,禾本科杂草和阔叶类杂草为主要类群,禾本科杂草相对多度为24.49%~62.04%,阔叶类杂草相对多度为27.74%~69.39%,稗草和慈菇为其中的优势种群,优势度指数分别为0.187 3~0.615 6和0.082 5~0.171 5.  相似文献   
以休宁县66块毛竹标准地的调查资料的基础,采用科学与实用性兼备,多因子与主导因子相结合,多级序与逐级控制相联系的原则和方法,对该县毛竹进行立地类型划分,提出以地形及土壤因子为主要依据的三级分类系统,共划出3个立地类型小区,8个立地类型组,22个立地类型。  相似文献   
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