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植物低聚糖提取和生物活性鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用酶解法从小麦细胞壁中提取出低聚糖。经过活性鉴定,具有诱导大豆和小麦抗毒素产生,特别是从小麦代谢、细胞、植株等水平上改善该作物体内防御功能等生物作用。水解酶的种类、纯度、酶活值与所降解低聚糖的活性程度密切相关;高纯度、高酶活单位的水解酶提取的低聚糖,具有较强的生物功能。对来源不同的低聚糖进行了活性差异的比较,同时还讨论了其它因素——诸如小麦细胞的生理状态,低聚糖保存条件等对低聚糖活性的影响。  相似文献   
城市湿地公园是城市绿地系统的重要组成部分,它的规划设计应从保护湿地的生物多样性、湿地生态系统的连贯性、湿地环境的完整性和湿地资源的稳定性着手,进行合理的规划功能分区和景观元素设计。  相似文献   
基于深度学习的病虫害智能化识别系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国农作物种植覆盖面广、分散度高,病虫害发生种类多、区域性发生规律复杂,传统的人工鉴定技术从效率、能力与精度方面均难以满足新形势下重大病虫测报要求。针对这一实践需求,以测报灯下害虫图像数据库(约18万张)、田间病虫害图像数据库(约32万张)为基础,构建了基于深度学习方法的病虫害种类特征自动学习、特征融合、识别和位置回归计算框架,并研发了移动式病虫害智能化感知设备和自动识别系统。通过近2年的精确度和实操运行效率检验,该系统在自然状态下对16种灯下常见害虫的识别率为66%~90%,对38种田间常见病虫害(症状)的识别率为50%~90%。随基础数据库的不断丰富、神经网络深层特征提取的不断完善,该系统有望进一步提高识别准确率,从而真正实现田间病虫害识别自动化、智能化和高效率。  相似文献   
European Journal of Plant Pathology - There are few studies of cucumber roots at the seedling stage infected by Pseudomonas amygdali pv. lachrymans (Pal). We used growth chamber assays to determine...  相似文献   
紫茎泽兰Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng是一种世界性恶性入侵杂草[1-2],化感作用是其种群竞争扩张的重要策略[3].次生物质通过器官表面的挥发是化感物质释放的主要途径之一,3-己烯-1-醇、水芹烯、2-蒈烯、α-蒎烯、莰烯是紫茎泽兰的挥发性化感组分[4-5].植物挥发物不仅影响本地植物的生长,而且也影响微生物的生长和发育.为从微生物学的角度进一步探讨紫茎泽兰的入侵机制,本试验以木霉Trichoderma harzianum和灰霉Botrytis cinerea为研究对象,研究了紫茎泽兰的5种挥发物对木霉和灰霉孢子萌发和菌丝生长的影响.  相似文献   
Testing of soil samples in greenhouse assays for suppressiveness to soilborne plant pathogens requires a considerable investment in time and effort as well as large numbers of soil samples. To make it possible to process large numbers of samples efficiently, we compared an in vitro growth assay with a damping-off assay using Pythium aphanidermatum as the test organism on tomato seedlings. The in vitro test compares the radial growth or relative growth of the fungus in soil to that in autoclaved soil and reflects suppressiveness of soils to the pathogen. We used soils from a field experiment that had been farmed either organically or conventionally and into which a cover crop (oats and vetch in mixture) had been incorporated 0, 10, 21, and 35 days previously. We obtained a significant, positive correlation between damping-off severities of tomato seedlings in damping-off assays and both relative and radial growth in vitro. In addition, radial and relative growth of P. aphanidermatum in the in vitro assay were positively correlated with several carbon and nitrogen variables measured for soil and incorporated debris. We did not find differences between the two farming systems for either growth measures of P. aphanidermatum or disease severities on tomato at different stages of cover crop decomposition. The in vitro assay shows potential for use with any fungus that exhibits rapid saprophytic growth, and is most suitable for routine application in suppressiveness testing.  相似文献   
提出高职院校学生实践技能水平的高低,已经成为评价高职教育水平的一个重要标志。根据专业实践教学研究成果,构建了"一体两翼"的实践教学目标体系、教学内容体系、教学条件保障体系和环境、师资、设备、经费"四元支撑"的保障体系。  相似文献   
A 7‐wk feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary Antarctic krill meal (AKM) on the growth performance, proximate composition of muscles, and antioxidative capacity of juvenile spotted halibut. Six diets were formulated to contain about 50% protein and 8% lipid. A control diet (R0) without AKM and the other five diets with 8.1, 16.2, 24.3, 32.4, and 42.5% AKM supplementation (R10–50) to replace 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% fishmeal protein were used to feed to juvenile spotted halibut. The juveniles were fed with each diet using three replicates and cultivated in the indoor culture system. Results showed that the specific growth rate, feed intake, and protein efficiency ratio in the R30 and R40 groups were significantly higher than that in other groups (P < 0.05). Survival rate in the R50 group was significantly lower compared with the R0 group and the other four AKM supplementation groups. Moreover, the rising AKM levels in diets had significant effects on the chemical composition of juvenile spotted halibut, showing significantly decreased contents of crude protein, but increased lipid and ash contents (P < 0.05). The total superoxide dismutase activity and catalase activity of serum and liver in AKM groups were significantly higher than those in the control group (P < 0.05). In contrast, the contents of malondialdehyde in serum and liver were significantly lower compared with the control group. These findings illustrate that a moderate AKM level in diets can significantly improve the growth performance, feed utilization, and antioxidative capacity in juvenile spotted halibut, which support the finding that AKM may be used as a good protein source for halibut in the aquafeed industry.  相似文献   
Uncertainties in the assessment of critical loads for acidic deposition are caused by the choice of biological indicators (BI), critical chemical values (CCV), the current methods used to determine critical loads for an ecosystem, and deficient field data. This paper focuses on the present steady-state mass balance (SSMB) approach, dynamic models and the importance of changes in atmospheric base-cation deposition (BCD), particularly in China. It is argued that 1) for the SSMB approach much uncertainty may come from the choice of BI and the related CCV, and long-term and large-scale monitoring data on weathering rates and growth uptake are urgently needed, especially in China, 2) significant uncertainty may be caused by changes in BCD during SO2 emission controls, particularly in China, 3) constructing a mechanistic Al submodel may be a promising direction for dynamic models, and 4) the nutrient cycle in the vegetation through biogeochemical processes should be incorporated into dynamic models but the input requirements should be moderate for broad application considerations. Generally higher BCD, different soil components and characteristics and different vegetation types in China compared to Europe and North America suggest that more field investigations on BI and their corresponding CCV be carried out before application of current approaches to specific areas, particularly in China.  相似文献   
鹅掌楸属杂交测定林的生长状况进行分析,结果表明5 a生树高、胸径、材积年平均生长量为1.92 m,2.5 cm,0.009 2 m3;生长最快杂交组合是T11×C8,其平均年生长量分别为2.39 m,3.4 cm和0.018 3 m3。3个生长性状杂交组合间都呈极显著的差异,为优良杂交组合的选择奠定基础。树高、胸径和材积的杂交组合(家系)遗传力分别为0.501,0.631和0.687,分别进行优良杂交组合选择,其现实遗传增益为16.3%,32.9%和116.1%。几种交配模式之间的材积生长比较结果是T×CC×TT自由授粉C自由授粉C×CT×S。优良杂交组合T11×C8、T12×C8、C9×T12的杂种优势率分别为108.7%,64.3%和110.7%。  相似文献   
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