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The study was aimed to explore the protective effect of sulforaphane (SFN) on the reproductive function of male mice with cadmium poisoning.40 healthy clean grade male Kunming mice were randomly divided into four groups:control group (H2O),cadmium chloride group (2.3 mg/kg CdCl2),sulforaphane group (10 mg/kg SFN),sulforaphane + cadmium chloride group (10 mg/kg SFN+2.3 mg/kg CdCl2),and continuous administration for 10 d,all mice were executed by dislocated cervical vertebra at 2 d after the last administration,and then the pathologic changes of testicular tissues,organ coefficient of testicle and epididymis,sperm quality and concentration of testosterone were tested.Additionally,the contents of GSH and MDA,and the activities of T-SOD in testis were also detected at the same time. Compared with the control group,pathology damages were observed in cadmium chloride group,organ coefficient of testis and epididymis,sperm quality and levels of testosterone extremely significantly decreased (P<0.01),the activities of T-SOD and GSH content were extremely significantly decreased (P<0.01),and the concentration of MDA was extremely significantly enhanced (P<0.01).Compared with the control group,the activity of T-SOD and concentration of GSH in sulforaphane group were significantly increased (P<0.05),and the concentration of MDA was not significant different between the control group and sulforaphane group (P>0.05).While compared with the cadmium chloride group,the sperm motility rate and sperm total count in sulforaphane and cadmium chloride group were extremely significantly increased (P<0.01),the organ coefficient of testicle and epididymis was increased significantly (P<0.05),the concentration of GSH and activity of T-SOD in testicular tissue were extremely significantly increased (P<0.01),and the concentration of MDA was extremely significantly decreased (P<0.01).The results indicated that sulforaphane had the protection effect on reproduction function of male mice with cadmium poisoning.  相似文献   
以3年生人参为试材,设置4种遮荫棚处理(P1M1:拱形棚覆盖蓝色棚膜;P1M2:拱形棚覆盖黄色棚膜;P2M1:梯形棚覆盖蓝色棚膜;P2M2:梯形棚覆盖黄色棚膜),采用Li-6400便携式光合测定系统测定不同遮荫棚处理下人参叶片的相关光合参数,研究了开花期不同遮荫棚处理对人参叶片气体交换特性的影响,以期确定农田人参的最佳遮阴栽培方式。结果表明:农田人参叶片在开花期净光合速率处于高稳时期,不同遮荫棚下农田人参叶片净光合速率具有显著差异,表现为P1M1处理叶片净光合速率最高,P2M1处理次之,P2M2处理最低。蒸腾速率、水分利用效率和表观叶肉导度变化趋势与净光合速率相同。说明在拱形棚覆盖蓝色棚膜下,农田人参叶片光合代谢较强,有利于其生长,为农田人参最佳遮阴方式。  相似文献   
以已退化的北虫草菌种为试材,采用孢子分离、组织分离、活体蚕蛹、基内菌丝分离、蚕蛹回接等5种菌种复壮法,研究了不同复壮方法对退化菌种复壮效果的影响。结果表明:经活体蚕蛹复壮法得到的菌种在菌丝生长速度和子实体产量均是最高的,菌丝生长速度提高了29.97%,子实体产量提高了383.93%,故确定活体蚕蛹复壮法是5种方法中最好的虫草菌种复壮法。  相似文献   
不同行道树降温增湿及滞尘效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以海南热带海洋学院(三亚校区)校园行道树优势树种高山榕、大叶相思、印度胶树、菩提树、非洲楝、火焰木、马占相思、香樟、鸭脚木、小叶榄仁、垂叶榕、隆缘桉为研究对象,比较了乔木绿化树种的降温增湿和滞尘能力。结果表明:在相同环境生长的种龄相当的树种,降温增湿效应不同,高山榕、大叶相思、印度胶树的降温增湿能力最好;降温增湿效应比较差的是隆缘桉、小叶榄仁和垂叶榕。不同树种的滞尘能力也有差异,其中滞尘能力较强的乔木树种是火焰木、菩提树、高山榕和印度胶树。该研究结果对校园绿化和城市行道树的规划选择都具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
稻粉虱Aleurocybotus indicus David et Subramaniam, 属半翅目粉虱科, 以刺吸式口器为害水稻叶片而导致产量损失, 是我国闽?赣?浙等稻区的一种偶发性水稻害虫, 近20多年已鲜有报道, 但2019年-2021年在中国水稻研究所富阳试验农场稻田暴发?本文描述了稻粉虱的为害症状和形态特征, 并配以原色照片; 克隆得到了稻粉虱线粒体DNA COⅠ基因片段, 发现其与烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci序列一致性最高(85.80%); 田间调查表明, 富阳试验农场及周边稻田稻粉虱均有不同程度的发生, 但前者发生量明显较高(每个分蘖最高可达251头), 推测可能与农场温室内的稻粉虱越冬虫源有关; 利用稻苗浸渍法评估了不同作用机制的7种杀虫剂对稻粉虱的毒力, 发现双丙环虫酯?氯虫苯甲酰胺?氟啶虫胺腈?氟啶虫酰胺和溴氰虫酰胺对稻粉虱成虫均有较好的杀虫活性, 其中前4种药剂推荐中剂量处理后72 h的校正死亡率均可达100%, 其LC50分别为3.028?3.769?6.405 mg/L和7.894 mg/L?本研究可为我国稻粉虱的识别诊断和化学防治提供重要依据?  相似文献   
【目的】精确识别建立沙化土地封禁保护区对甘肃省不同生态系统下农户生计多样化的影响。【方法】在玛曲、民勤和山丹的国家级沙化土地封禁保护区(项目组)和未封禁区(对照组)进行调查问卷和访谈,研究沙化土地封禁保护政策的影响下生计策略与生计资本的关系。【结果】生计资本总值和生计策略总指数均呈现牧区<农区<农牧交错区的特征,且项目组低于对照组;生计多样化指数为 0 及 0. 5 以上的农户数项目组相比对照组下降幅度大,0~0. 5 的农户数项目组相比对照组上升幅度大。 【结论】建立封禁保护区在降低三县封禁区农户的生计资本的同时,也降低了纯农户的比例,但总体上生计多样化水平较低;自然资本是主导农户选择农业生产生活的主要因素,人力资本是主导农户选择非农业生产生活的主要因素。  相似文献   
Boiler is an important facility in power plant , the safety and economy of unit is affected by it. Studying the dynamic of boiler can improve the knowledge about boiler , which is important for. Features of MMS are introduced based on MMS simulation setting, and the real time capable module and non real time capable module are compared from principle. Real time capable dynamic model of boiler and non real time capable dynamic model of boiler of 330 MW unit are established . The experimental results show that the dynamic process of two type model accords with the mechanism of the object , at the same time, the validity of real time capable module is discussed .  相似文献   
电渣重熔能提高钢锭的质量,从而满足特种行业的需要,其过程伴随着复杂的物理现象,存在着磁流体流动、传热和传质以及电化学等多方面的影响。通过耦合电磁以及流动和温度方程对电渣重熔过程的三维瞬态进行了数学模拟,研究了熔化速率对重熔过程的影响。结果表明:电流密度、焦耳热和电磁力都随着熔化速率的增大而增大,当熔化速率由14.4 kg/h增加到27.0kg/h,电流密度、焦耳热和电磁力最大值的增大比例超过100%。随着熔化速率的增大,温度最大值有小幅的增加,而且速度最大值的增大幅度接近50%;金属熔池深度则由27 mm增大到38 mm,不利于保证铸坯的质量。  相似文献   
EEG spot-recording for clinical patients in the bed is always advocated due to easing patients and making them comfortable. But EEG signals recorded in the ward exposed to various noisesand interference is less effective in the EEG analysis. Atemporal-spatial filter is designed for noise removing of clinical EEG signals, the first filtering is temporal filtering using band-pass filter, and the second filtering is spatial filtering with ICA-based spatial filter. Experimental results indicate that various noises and interferences, such as power interference, blinking, eyes movements, muscle moments, ECG artifacts, etc., are removed effectively, individually or simultaneously.  相似文献   
In urban design, only by continuous and dynamic research work from design to finally putting it into practice, can we made good control on city appearance. This article analyzes nowadays defects in our urban design from two aspects as the result establishment and validated control, and tries to conceive a feasibility plan to solve the problem.  相似文献   
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