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Early-rearing salmonids in Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) fish hatcheries have been consistently affected by bacterial gill disease (BGD) (causative agent: Flavobacterium branchiophilum) for many years. Separate retrospective epidemiological investigations of BGD treatments at two OMNR fish hatcheries (Hatcheries A and B) for the 1999 production year were conducted using on-site hatchery records. Both investigations were carried out at the rearing unit-level, with early-rearing (<9 months of age) “tank-lot” as the unit of analysis to identify unique fish populations over time. Multivariable repeated measures logistic regression models were created for both hatchery datasets, controlling for lot-level and species effects. For Hatchery A, the species brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) were significantly associated with BGD treatment, as well as lower water exchange rate, and higher feeding and mortality percentages during the 2 weeks previous to BGD treatment. At Hatchery B, the species brook trout (S. fontinalis) and splake (Salvelinus namaycush × S. fontinalis) were significantly associated with BGD treatment, as well as lower individual fish weights and treatment for BGD during the previous week. These results emphasize the importance of water quality, feeding rate, fish size and prior mortality on the development of BGD. Significant hatchery and species effects were evident, and future observational research on BGD must account for these factors in their design and analysis.  相似文献   
Limited information is available on differences between sheep breeds with respect to helminth resistance under temperate conditions. The present study was designed to confirm and extend preliminary findings on observed breed differences in resistance to naturally acquired gastrointestinal nematodes in Suffolk and Texel sheep. Three trials were carried out. In trial 1 (1999-2003) lambs co-grazed from birth were faecal sampled at various time points up to 17 weeks of age. Worm burden was assessed at 17 weeks of age from a minimum of six lambs per breed in each of the 3 years. In trial 2, faecal egg count (FEC) was determined on six farms with co-grazed Suffolk and Texel purebred lambs. In trial 3 (2001-2003), ewes were faecal sampled at winter housing. In all three trials, an influence of breed on resistance to naturally acquired trichostrongyle infection was demonstrated. In trial 1, significantly higher FEC and worm burden was observed in Suffolk compared with Texel lambs following natural challenge. In trial 2, FEC recorded in lambs from six farms confirmed the breed differences previously observed. A breed difference in resistance to GI parasites was also observed in older ewes. In both breeds, an age effect on the FEC was observed with younger ewes having greater FEC than older ewes.  相似文献   
Endoscopic ultrasound was developed initially in humans to overcome limitations of conventional ultrasound in examining certain internal organs due to intervening bone or air-filled structures. Endoscopic ultrasound has been used most widely in investigation of the gastrointestinal tract in humans, but many intrathoracic applications as well as endoscopic ultrasound-guided techniques have recently been described. Mediastinal and pulmonary structures can be examined with endoscopic ultrasound since a high frequency ultrasound probe can be brought into close contact with the areas of interest via a transesophageal approach. The purpose of this report is to describe the application of endoscopic ultrasound as an aid in the diagnosis of intrathoracic disease in the dog. Two dogs, one with a history of prior esophageal foreign body extraction, the other with apathy, weakness and dyspnea were referred for further investigation. Both dogs had caudal intrathoracic soft tissue opacities diagnosed radiographically, but their origin and nature were difficult to determine. Conventional ultrasound was limiting in both dogs due to their location and superimposition of gas-filled structures. With endosonography lesions were characterized more completely. We have found endoscopic ultrasound to be an elegant diagnostic tool for the investigation of radiographically detected intrathoracic lesions in the dog whose origins are difficult to determine or do not lend themselves to investigation by conventional ultrasound. Endoscopic ultrasound provides valuable diagnostic information complementary to that provided radiographically which aids in therapeutic planning. Endoscopic ultrasound was also more sensitive for detecting mediastinal lymphadenomegaly than radiography in one of the dogs. An additional advantage of endoscopic ultrasound is the fact that US-guided tissue sampling can be performed during the examination.  相似文献   
Cows are the main economic production units of Ireland's cattle industry. Therefore, demographic information, including overall numbers and survival rates, are relevant to the Irish agricultural industry. However, few data are available on the demographics of cows within a national population, either in Ireland or elsewhere, despite the recent development of comprehensive national cattle databases in many EU Member States. This study has sought: to determine the rate of cow culling from the national herd; to determine the rate of culling by type (dairy, beef), age, method of exit, date of exit and interval between last calving and exit; to calculate the national cow on-farm mortality rate; and to compare the Irish rates with published data from other countries. This work was conducted using data recorded in the national Cattle Movement Monitoring System (CMMS). Culling refers to the exit of cows from the national herd, as a result of death but regardless of reason, and cow-culling rate was calculated as the number of cow exits (as defined above) each year divided by the number of calf births in the same year. Culling rate was determined by type (dairy or beef), date of birth, method of exit (slaughter or on-farm death), month of exit and interval between last calving and exit. The average cow-culling rate during 2003 to 2006 was 19.6% (21.3% for dairy, 18% for beef). While comparisons must be treated with caution, it concluded that the overall rates of culling in Ireland fell within published internationally accepted norms. The on-farm mortality rate of 3.2-4.1% was similar to that reported in comparable studies.  相似文献   
A doubled haploid population of Brassica juncea, developed from a cross between two parental lines differing for days to maturity, was used to study the efficiency of indirect selection for a primary trait through selection of secondary trait(s) over direct selection for the primary trait when quantitative trait loci information is available for both primary and secondary traits, and applied. Days to maturity was considered as primary trait, while days to first flowering, days to end of flowering, flowering period and plant height were considered as secondary traits. An RFLP linkage map was employed for QTL analysis of maturity and maturity-determinant traits, and a stable QTL B6 simultaneously affecting these two types of traits was identified. This linked QTL explained 11.7% phenotypic variation for days to maturity, 20.7% variation for days to first flowering, 24.3% variation for days to end of flowering and 14.4% variation for plant height. Phenotypic evaluation of maturity and/or maturity-determinant traits, viz. days to first flowering, days to end of flowering and plant height revealed that limited genetic advance for early maturity can be achieved through phenotypic selection of the primary and/or the secondary trait(s). However, the estimates of genetic advance for early maturity based on combined phenotypic evaluation and linked QTL data was found to be, at least, three times higher compared to genetic advance based on phenotypic evaluation only, demonstrating the potential of marker-assisted selection in breeding for early maturity in B. juncea.  相似文献   
Epizootics of sudden death in tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii) occurred at six research facilities and zoological gardens in New South Wales, Australia, in late 1998 and at one Queensland research facility in March 1999. There were 120 confirmed tammar wallaby deaths during this period; however, population censuses indicated that up to 230 tammar wallabies may have died. The majority of animals died without premonitory signs. A small proportion of wallabies exhibited increased respiratory rate, sat with a lowered head shortly before death or were discovered in lateral recumbency, moribund and with muscle fasciculations. Gross postmortem findings consistently included massive pulmonary congestion, mottled hepatic parenchyma and subcutaneous oedema throughout the hindlimbs and inguinal region. Approximately 30% of the animals examined also had extensive haemorrhage within the fascial planes and skeletal muscle of the hindlimb adductors, inguinal region, ventral thorax, dorsal cervical region and perirenal retroperitoneal area. The tissues of affected animals became autolytic within a short period after death. Bacteriological examination of tissues from 14 animals did not provide any significant findings. Toxicological examination of the gastric and colonic contents of four animals did not reveal evidence of brodifacoume or other rodenticides. Viruses from the Eubenangee serogroup of the Orbivirus genus were isolated from the cerebral cortex of nine, and the myocardium of two, tammar wallabies and the liver and intestine of another tammar wallaby. A similar orbivirus was also isolated from the cerebrospinal fluid of another tammar wallaby that died suddenly. The disease agent appears to be a previously unrecognised orbivirus in the Eubenangee serogroup. This is the first report of epizootics of sudden deaths in tammar wallabies apparently associated with an orbivirus infection.  相似文献   
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