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A number of complaints, regarding the presence of resin-infiltrated splits in seasoned boards produced from Pinus elliottii sawlogs supplied from certain stands in State Forests, led to an investigation to determine the incidence of the defect and to find possible causes.

This paper deals mainly with the study of the first aspect. In the investigation two samples of stems were selected by a semi-random method from one mature stand, being clearfelled, in Entabeni State Forest (Northern Transvaal) and from three stands receiving, or due to receive, their fifth thinning. The clearfelling and thinning had produced logs containing heart shakes and this had given rise to the complaints.

During log preparation it was attempted to prepare as much as possible of the stem length into the longest sawlogs, working as closely as possible to the maximum limits for sweep and knots allowed by the departmental log specifications. This attempt resulted in the preparation of some logs containing slightly more than the permissible defects. Observations were made on stump surfaces of the orientation of shakes, and on log ends of their occurrence higher up in the stem, in an attempt to find a link between shake orientation and the known direction of strong winds, and to determine the height in the stem to which shakes extended from the stump. The orientation study produced no definite proof that wind was responsible, although there were strong indications.

This was followed by sowings up the logs mainly into structural timber, kiln seasoning and grading in two ways, viz A ignoring the resin-infiltrated checks and splits but taking all other defects pertinent to the relevant grades into consideration, and B taking all defects, including the checks and splits into consideration (Table 4). During the grading further measurements were taken on boards containing splits, to determine to what heights in the stem the shakes extended.

From the grading results, total and graded yields of sawn timber were computed, the differences in yields between the two grading procedures being a measure of the incidence and seriousness of the shake defect. Within log classes, (see footnote to Table 2) the yields obtained separately for each 2 cm top U.B. diameter class into which the logs had been segregated prior to sawing, were weighted according to the percentage size distributions of the logs yielded by the clearfelling and thinning operations in the relevant compartments, to obtain a weighted average for the log class.

The heights to which shakes were present in the stems of the two samples are shown in Table 3(a) while their incidence in logs of the various size classes are shown in Table 3(b). It is seen that shakes were more frequent and serious in the larger logs.

The presence of shake in the log samples, taken as a whole, caused only minimal yield losses (Table 4) but had the effect of somewhat reducing average board length (Table 5). However, sawn and graded yields are still excellent and the species should not be discriminated against in afforestation, because of the sporadic occurrence of the defect.

The yield figures should be of some value to sawmillers processing both normal and shake-containing logs of this species.  相似文献   
[目的]从生理生化角度揭示不同光质处理对枫香家系叶色变化的影响,为探索枫香叶色对光质的响应机理提供参考。[方法]以2个枫香家系的1年生幼苗为试验材料,测定其在不同光质处理下叶片叶绿素、类胡萝卜素、花青素、可溶性糖、类黄酮和苯丙氨酸解氨酶的含量并分析其相关性。[结果]结果表明:试验后2个枫香家系叶色较处理前有一定程度的变化。红光处理组枫香幼苗叶片叶绿素含量显著高于其它处理组,而蓝光处理组叶片叶绿素含量则显著低于其它处理组。蓝光处理后,2个枫香家系叶片花青素含量较对照有显著提高,而红光处理则减少了叶片花青素含量。同时蓝光处理能显著提高枫香幼苗叶片类胡萝卜素、可溶性糖和类黄酮含量以及苯丙氨酸解氨酶活力,红光处理效果较对照无显著差异。方差分析表明,不同光质处理对枫香幼苗叶片叶绿素含量影响显著,而对花青素量和类胡萝卜素含量影响不显著。[结论]2个枫香家系叶色在光质处理下有相同的变化趋势,红光处理可以促进枫香幼苗叶片叶绿素合成;蓝光处理可以促进枫香幼苗叶片积累更多的花青素。  相似文献   
植物顶端有限生长相关基因与基因编辑育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着劳动力成本的增加,农作物的采收将逐步从人工采收过渡到机械采收,因此培育紧凑、矮化、果实成熟集中、耐密植、适宜机械化操作的新品种已成为作物遗传改良的主要目标。本文重点综述了不同物种FT及其同源基因对植物成花的调控功能,植株顶端的无限生长和有限生长的控制基因及其功能研究进展,以及通过基因编辑促进顶端成花进而导致植株顶端由无限营养生长转变为有限生殖生长,进一步介绍了通过多基因同时编辑的方法推动植物株型改变并培育新品种的成功案例。植株顶端成花和有限生长的特性可以促进果实的统一成熟,为适宜机械化采收的株型育种提供理论支持和实践指导。  相似文献   
为从氮素平衡的角度研究河套灌区氮素潜在污染风险,本文以河套灌区主要种植作物玉米和向日葵为研究对象,分析了传统种植模式下玉米和向日葵收获期农田土壤无机氮残留现状,并从氮素平衡角度利用氮素盈余、氮素潜在损失对玉米和向日葵种植的环境污染风险进行了分析。结果表明:河套灌区农田土壤残留无机氮随着施氮量的增加而增加,玉米田和向日葵田0~90 cm土壤无机氮(以N计)平均残留量分别为66.11 kg·hm-2和45.53 kg·hm-2。灌区中部的五原县玉米田土壤无机氮残留量最高,可达336.93 kg·hm-2,向日葵田以东部乌拉特前旗最高,残留量达273.66 kg·hm-2。玉米田和向日葵田平均氮素年输入总量分别为514.81 kg·hm-2和314.73 kg·hm-2,以化肥氮为主,占总氮素输入的85%以上。氮素输出主要是作物吸收带走,玉米和向日葵平均氮素年输出总量为362.10 kg·hm-2和209.65 kg·hm-2。过高的氮素输入导致玉米和向日葵年平均氮素盈余分别高达235.71 kg·hm-2和168.08 kg·hm-2,并伴随着每年169.60 kg·hm-2和122.55 kg·hm-2潜在损失的氮素。通过氮素平衡的综合分析得出,内蒙古河套灌区保持现有产量水平的玉米氮肥推荐用量约为280 kg·hm-2,向日葵为150 kg·hm-2,与目前河套灌区玉米和向日葵氮肥投入相比,分别节约198 kg·hm-2和128 kg·hm-2,同时该施用量也可以显著降低潜在损失的氮,降低环境压力。  相似文献   
施肥对青藏高原燕麦种子生产的增产效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过研究施肥水平对燕麦Avena sativa种子产量和品质的影响,筛选出适宜燕麦种子高产的施肥量,为提高燕麦种子生产能力提供直接的理论依据.研究结果表明:在试验设计的施氮梯度范围,施氮对燕麦产量和品质影响作用明显,施氮水平与种子蛋白质含量之间呈显著的线性回归关系(R=0.896 8,P<0.01),随着施肥量的增加,蛋白质含量持续增加;而施氮水平与有效分蘖数、小穗数、草产量和种子产量之间呈显著的二次回归关系(P<0.01),表现为"低-高-低"的变化趋势,施氮60 kg/hm2时燕麦种子产量为4358.5 kg/hm2,达到最高,施肥量继续增加,种子产量增幅下降,投入产出比降低.因此,从高产和高效角度综合考虑,生产中以收获燕麦种子为目的时,施氮量应选择60 kg/hm2,而以生产饲草为目的时,施氮量应选择75 kg/hm2.  相似文献   
为了充分了解及有效保存内蒙古地区的牧草种质遗传资源,对大兴安岭南段东南麓低山丘陵各类天然草场资源的分布及组成进行了调查研究,根据采集植物标本的鉴定结果统计,该地区共有野生种子植物和蕨类植物774种,属88科329属,饲用植物占植物总数的82.17%.同时调查还发现,该区草地资源存在过度放牧、良种未得到充分保护等问题,并提出了一些针对性的建议,为进一步完善该地区牧草育种和良种繁殖体系及有效地保护和利用牧草种质资源提供参考.  相似文献   
为调查四川省某规模化豪猪养殖场中豪猪大面积腹泻死亡的原因,本研究采集病死豪猪的肠道内容物和肺脏等病料样品进行细菌的分离纯化,通过培养特性观察、革兰染色镜检、生化鉴定、16S rRNA基因的克隆测序进行鉴定,并对分离菌株进行致病性、耐药性分析,对其喹诺酮类耐药基因进行PCR检测并测序分析。结果显示,分离得到1株革兰阴性菌,该分离株符合福氏志贺菌的培养特性和生化特性,并且其16S rRNA基因序列与福氏志贺菌该基因序列的同源性为99%;对小鼠具有较强致病性;药敏试验结果显示分离株具有多重耐药性,仅对丁胺卡那敏感,对喹诺酮类、四环素类、头孢类、氨基糖苷类、青霉素类和氯霉素类药物均表现为耐药;分离株的DNA促旋酶Ⅱ和拓扑异构酶Ⅳ的喹诺酮耐药决定区均有突变,且携带有质粒介导的喹诺酮耐药基因qnr A和qnr S。本研究是国内首次关于豪猪源福氏志贺菌病的报道,为豪猪养殖中该细菌性疾病的诊断防治等相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   
As one of the few felids that is predominantly diurnal, cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) can be exposed to high heat loads in their natural habitat. Little is known about long‐term patterns of body temperature and activity (including hunting) in cheetahs because long‐term concurrent measurements of body temperature and activity have never been reported for cheetahs, or, indeed, for any free‐living felid. We report here body temperature and locomotor activity measured with implanted data loggers over 7 months in 5 free‐living cheetahs in Namibia. Air temperature ranged from a maximum of 39 °C in summer to ?2 °C in winter. Cheetahs had higher (~0.4 °C) maximum 24‐h body temperatures, later acrophase (~1 h), with larger fluctuations in the range of the 24‐h body temperature rhythm (approximately 0.4 °C) during a hot‐dry period than during a cool‐dry period, but maintained homeothermy irrespective of the climatic conditions. As ambient temperatures increased, the cheetahs shifted from a diurnal to a crepuscular activity pattern, with reduced activity between 900 and 1500 hours and increased nocturnal activity. The timing of hunts followed the general pattern of activity; the cheetahs hunted when they were on the move. Cheetahs hunted if an opportunity presented itself; on occasion they hunted in the midday heat or in total darkness (new moon). Biologging revealed insights into cheetah biology that are not accessible by traditional observer‐based techniques.  相似文献   
Datura ferox seeds do not germinate when they are incubated intact and in darkness, even after 24 months of dry storage. If allowed to absorb water vapour for 3–4 weeks at 20°C, they lose dormancy, germinating even when incubated in darkness. The breakage of dormancy is directly related to the vapour pressure of the atmosphere where the seeds are stored, and good aeration is necessary for the process to occur. If seeds absorb liquid water, the toss of dormancy is much less than that of seeds stored in a saturated atmosphere. A similar effect is observed when seeds are buried in a soil at field capacity. The results indicate that a certain degree of imbibition, under good gas-exchange conditions, is important for breaking dormancy. As a hypothesis, it is proposed that most of the population remains dormant when not enough O2 is available for (he imbibed seed. The low rate of O2 entry could be due to poor diffusion through the water-saturated seed coat (seeds which absorb liquid water) or to a low O2 level in the surrounding atmosphere (soil at field capacity). One of the possible roles of O2 could be to oxidize the inhibitor(s) present in these seeds. La rupture de la dormance des semences de Datura ferox considérée comme un effet de l'absorplion de l'eau. Les semences de Datura ferox ne germent pas quand elles sont mises au germoir intactes et à l'obscurité, même aprés 24 mois de conservation au sec. Si elles peuvent absorber de la vapeur d'eau pendant 3 à 4 semaines à 20°C, elles perdent leur dormance et germent meme & à l'obscurité. La rupture de la dormance est en relation directe avec la pression de la vapeurd'eau de l'atmosphére dans laquelle les semences sont conservées; une bonne aération est nécessaire pour que le processus se déclanche. Si les semences absorbent de l'eau à l'état liquide, la rupture de dormance est beaucoup moindre que celle de semences conscrvées dans une atmosphére saturée. Un effet analogue est observé lorsque les semences sont ententes dans un sol ayant atteint sa capacity au champ. Les résultats indiquent qu'un certain degriS d'imbibition, sous de bonnes conditions d'changes gazeux. est important pour la rupture de la dormance. Comme hypothtése, il est proposé que la plus grande partie de la population reste dormante lorsqu'il n'y a pas assez d'oxygene disponible pour la semence imbibeée. Le faible taux d'absorption d'oxygéne pourrait étre du à sa fuible diffusion à travers l'enveloppe saturée d'eau de la semence (pour celles qui absorbent l'eau à I état liquide) ou à un bas niveau d'oxygene dans Tatmosphére environnante (cas d'un sol à la capacityé au champ). Un des rôles possibles de l'oxygéne pourrait être d'oxyder les inhibiteurs presents dans les semences. Das Brechen der Keimruhe in Samen von Datura ferox ah ein Effekt der Wasseraiifnahme Samen von Datura ferox keimen nicht, wenn sie bei Dunkelheit gehalten werden; auch nicht, wenn sie zuvor 24 Monate trocken lagerten. Wenn sie bei 20°C, 3 bis 4 Wochen tang Wasserdampf aufnehmen, verlieren sie die Keimhemmung und keimen sogar im Dunketn. Zwischcn dem Brechen der Keimruhe und dem Damptdruck der Luft in der sie gelagert werden, besteht eine direkte Beziehung. Fur diesen Vorgang ist eine gute BelCiflung Vorausselzung. Wenn die Samen flijssiges Wasser aufnehmen, ist der Verlust der Keimhemmung wesentlich geringer als wenn sie in einer gesättigten Atmosphäre gelagert werden. Eine ähnliche Wirkung wird beobachtet. wenn die Samen im Boden bei Feldkapazität gelagert werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass für das Brechen der Keimruhe ein bestimmtes Mass der Aufnahme bei ausreichendem Gasaustausch wichtig ist. Als cine Hypothese wird vorgeschlagen, dass die meisten der Population dormant bleiben, wenn für die mil Wasser vollgesaugten Samen nicht ausreichend O2 verfügbar ist. Der geringe Zutritt an O2 konnte auf die mässige Diffusion durch die wassergesättigte Samenschale (Samen die fliissiges Wasser aufnehmen), oder auf einen geringen O2-Gehalt in der umgebenden Luft (Boden bei Feldkapazität) zurückzuführen sein. Eine der möglichen Bedeutungen die dem O2 zukommen, könnte in der Oxidation des bzw. der Hemmstoffe der Samen liegen.  相似文献   
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