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Several strains ofAspergillus nidulans, Cladosporium cucumerinum andPenicillium italicum with known resistance to ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitors were tested for resistance to three dicarboximides. Negligible levels of resistance to iprodione and vinclozolin were observed in one out of three strains ofA. nidulans. Two out of three strains ofC. cucumerinum displayed a low resistance to iprodione, and a high resistance to procymidone and vinclozolin. The latter strains were also moderately resistant to the isoflavonoid phytoalexins medicarpin and pisatin, but sensitive to the antibiotic pimaricin. All sixP. italicum strains examined displayed wild-type sensitivity to all three dicarboximides; the two of these tested in thin-layer chromatographic bioassays proved to be resistant to pimaricin.Iprodione and vinclozolin induced energy-dependent fenarimol efflux inA. nidulans. In line with this observation, in crossed-paper strip assays iprodione and fenarimol antagonized each other in their toxicity towardsA. nidulans; towardsC. cucumerinum, on the other hand, these fungicides behaved independently.The implications and practical consequences of the phenomena observed are briefly discussed.Samenvatting Verscheidene tegen ergosterolbiosyntheseremmers resistente stammen vanAspergillus nidulans, Cladosporium cucumerinum enPenicillium italicum werden getoetst op resistentie tegen dicarboximiden. Eén der drie onderzochte stammen vanA. nidulans bezat enige resistentie tegen iprodione en vinchlozoline. Twee van de drie onderzochte stammen vanC. cucumerinum vertoonden een lage graad van resistentie tegen iprodione en een zeer hoge tegen procymidone en vinchlozoline. Ze waren ook enigermate resistent tegen de fytoalexinen medicarpine en pisatine, maar gevoelig voor het antibioticum pimaricine. Alle onderzochte stammen vanP. italicum waren voor de drie getoetste dicarboximiden even gevoelig als het wild-type; voorzover onderzocht, bleken deze stammen resistent tegen pimaricine.Iprodione en, hoewel in mindere mate, vinchlozoline induceerden energieafhankelijke efflux van fenarimol inA. nidulans. In overeenstemming hiermee antagoneerden iprodione en fenarimol elkander in hun activiteit ten opzicht vanA. nidulans. Ten opzichte vanC. cucumerinum gedroegen deze fungiciden zich onafhankelijk van elkaar.De practische consequenties van de waargenomen verschijnselen worden kort aangeduid.  相似文献   
The almost simultaneous initial detections of avian influenza A H5N1 viruses in central Europe in February 2006, at a time devoid of migratory bird activity, raised the question of the origin of these viruses. This report presents molecular data from Europe providing evidence for multiple and spatially overlapping H5N1 introductions into Bavaria, Germany.  相似文献   
The present study compared the efficiency of transgenic (TG) cloned embryo production by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) with fetal-derived fibroblast cells (FFCs) which were transfected with pEGFP-N1 to in vitro-fertilized (IVF), parthenogenetic and SCNT counterparts by evaluating the rates of cleavage and blastocyst formation, apoptosis rate at different developmental stages, cell number, ploidy and gene expression in blastocysts. In SCNT and TG embryos, the rates of cleavage and blastocyst formation were significantly lower (p < 0.05) than those of IVF controls, but it did not differ between SCNT and TG embryos. In IVF control, 86.7% embryos displayed diploid chromosomal complements and the rates were significantly (p < 0.05) higher than those of SCNT and TG embryos. Most TG embryos (79%) with FFCs expressed the gene by both PCR and under fluorescence microscopy. The expression of apoptosis by TUNEL was first detected at six to eight cell stages in all embryos of IVF, SCNT and TG groups, but the expression rate at each developmental stages was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in SCNT and TG embryos than in IVF counterparts. The expression rate in inner cell mass (ICM) of TG embryos was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than in SCNT and IVF embryos. These results indicate that the high occurrence of apoptosis observed in SCNT and TG embryos compared with IVF counterparts might influence the developmental competence. Moreover, the SCNT embryos derived using non-transfected donor cells exhibited a lower apoptosis expression in ICM cells than in TG embryos derived using pEGP-N1-transfected donor cells suggesting a possible role of negative gene effect in TG embryos.  相似文献   
Reference is made to the first communication made under this heading. The haematological parameters did not undergo any visible change in response to the chosen experimental arrangement. Further studies should be undertaken, with the view to elucidating the possibility of bone marrow change. The blood glucose levels were strongly increased two hours from application of parathion-methyl, carbaryl/Lindan, and carbaryl/Lindan/parathion-methyl and strongly decreased 24 hours after application. Complementary experiments should cover chronic and subchronic situations.  相似文献   
With respect to sensitivity to benomyl in vitro four categories of fungi were distinguished; taxonomically related fungi usually proved to belong to the same category. Within the form-class Deuteromycetes a correlation appeared to exist between sensitivity to this fungicide and morphogenesis of conidia.Phoma betae, in contrast to all otherPhoma spp., was shown to be highly resistant to benomyl. This, however, may be expected on account of its perfect state. The data on the in vitro antifungal activity of benomyl conformed to those on the effectiveness of benomyl against plant diseases.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In rostinfizierten Bohnenblättern werden acht Tage nach der Infektion14C-Orotsäure und3H-Uridin in die Zellkerne von Wirt und Parasit eingebaut, wobei relativ hohe Aktivität in den Wirtskernen unter der Pustel gefunden wird. Vorbehandlungen mit Actinomycin D verhindert diesen Einbau zum grössten Teil. Die Durchmesser der Wirtskerne sind im Pustelbereich klein und nehmen nach aussen stetig zu; die Nucleolen sind dagegen im Bereich der Pusteln ebenso gross wie in 750–1000 Abstand vom Pustelrand, und im dazwischen liegenden Bereich kleiner. Unter den Pusteln vonUromyces phaseoli typica treten in grösserem Umfang Mitosen auf; die relative Zahl nimmt vom Pustelkern aus gegen das ungestörte Gewebe zu ab. Die Ergebnisse werden im Blick auf verschiedene Typen der Wirt-Parasit-Beziehung diskutiert.Orotic acid-14C and uridine-3H was applied to floating discs of tissue from main leaflets ofPhaseolus vulgaris infected withUromyces phaseoli. Label appeared not only in the nuclei of the host cells but also in the nuclei of actively growing hyphae of the rust, as shown by Tschen (1966). The label is accumulated by DNA-dependent RNA synthesis. Pretreatment with actinomycin D limits labelling to about 10%. The label is destroyed by treating the tissue with RNAse, not with DNAse.In sections of host tissues near the rust pustule, the activity was higher in host nuclei near the pustule. In this region there were many dividing nuclei. The nuclei are smaller directly below the pustule than in zones of tissue further away from the centre of infection. Cell divisions are most frequent on the 7th to 8th day after inoculation.The results contrast with those on wheat with rust and are considered as a stimulation of the host tissue in a progressed stage of host-parasite relationship; it depends on the density of infection. The results are consistent with observations of Yarwood and Cohen (1950) on hypertrophy of bean leaves with rust.Samenvatting Met orotzuur-14C, toegediend aan drijvende schijfjes van primaire bladeren vanPhaseolus vulgaris geïnoculeerd metUromyces phaseoli, is het niet slechts mogelijk de kernen van de waardplant te merken, maar zoals aangetoond door Tschen (1966) ook die van de actief groeiende hyphen van de roest.14C-accumulatie vindt plaats door van DNA afhankelijke RNA-synthese. Voorbehandeling met actinomycine D voorkomt de inbouw van14C voor ongeveer 90%. De substitutie wordt teniet gedaan door behandeling van het weefsel met RNAse, niet met DNAse.Coupes van het waardplantweefsel onder en rond het roest-sporehoopje geven een grotere activiteit in de waardplantkernen te zien dichtbij het sporehoopje. In deze omgeving zijn vele delende kernen te zien. Onder het sporehoopje zijn de kernen kleiner dan in de weefselgedeelten die verder van het infectiecentrum zijn verwijderd. Celdelingen vinden het meest plaats 7–8 dagen na de inoculatie.De resultaten, strijdig met waarnemingen aan door roest aangetaste tarwe, worden beschouwd als een activering van het waardplantweefsel in een vergevorderd stadium van de waardplant-parasiet-relatie, afhankelijk van de mate van infectie. Deze resultaten stemmen overeen met waarnemingen van Yarwood en Cohen (1950) betreffende hypertrofie bij door roest aangetaste bonebladeren.  相似文献   
Follicular wave emergence was synchronized by treating camels with GnRH when a dominant follicle (DF) was present in the ovaries. Animals were scanned twice a day from day 0 (day of GnRH treatment) to day 10, to characterize emergence and deviation of follicles during the development of the follicular wave. Follicle deviation in individual animals was determined by graphical method. Single DFs were found in 16, double DFs in 9 and triple DFs in two camels. The incidence of codominant (double and triple DFs) follicles was 41%. The interval from GnRH treatment to wave emergence, wave emergence to deviation, diameter and growth rate of F1 follicle before or after deviation did not differ between the animals with single and double DFs. The size difference between future DF(s) and the largest subordinate follicle (SF) was apparent from the day of wave emergence in single and double DFs. Overall, interval from GnRH treatment to wave emergence and wave emergence to the beginning of follicle deviation was 70.6 ± 1.4 and 58.6 ± 2.7 h, respectively. Mean size of the DF and largest SF at the beginning of deviation was 7.4 ± 0.2 and 6.3 ± 0.1 mm, respectively. In conclusion, the characteristics of follicle deviation are similar between the animals that developed single or double DFs.  相似文献   
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