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Holstein bull calves, 8 to 12 wk of age, were anesthetized with halothane gas. An approximate 20-cm section of small intestine, 60 to 90 cm proximal to the ileocecal junction was clamped to isolate blood circulation to a single set of arcuate vessels and to form an intestinal segment fitted for infusion and drainage. The vein was catheterized to allow total venous collection. Donor blood was transfused via jugular vein to replace venous drainage. This technique was evaluated in four calves by exposing the lumen to eight replications (12 or 20 min incubation, 30-min wash with 39 C saline) of 16 mM L-Met (14C-labeled). Time course appearance of Met in venous blood indicated similar rates and patterns of absorption for individual calves. There were no clinically significant alterations in jugular blood chemistry profiles across replications. Four calves were used to evaluate the effect of three isotonic perfusion media (saline, Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate and M-199 tissue culture media) on Lys and Met absorption. Venous flow rates and absorption of Lys were faster with Krebs buffer than with other media. Perfusate medium did not influence venous flow rates or absorption of Met. Effect of restricting venous flow on absorption of Lys and Met was evaluated in two calves. Flow was alternately controlled (6.5 ml/min) or allowed to flow freely (mean = 12.2 ml/min). Restricting flow decreased steady-state absorption. Light and scanning microscopy indicated maintenance of mucosal tissue integrity throughout 8 h of anesthesia. Results demonstrate validity of the in situ technique to study nutrient absorption in the young bovine.  相似文献   
The effect of pre-treatment with a selective platelet-activating factor (PAF) antagonist, WEB 2086, on the actions of low-dose endotoxin was evaluated in ponies prepared with gastrointestinal strain gauges. Endotoxin (0.1 microgram/kg i.v.) produced a marked reduction in gastric contraction amplitude and rate, and an increased frequency and reduced duration of jejunal phase III activity fronts (AFs). WEB 2086 (6.6 mg/kg) administered i.v. 10 min before the endotoxin, produced significant antagonism (P less than 0.001) of the effect of endotoxin on gastric contraction amplitude and rate. The combination of WEB 2086 and endotoxin produced gastric contractions of significantly (P less than 0.01) higher frequency than in the control studies. WEB 2086 also reduced endotoxin-induced abnormal phase III AFs in the jejunum and increases in heart rate and packed cell volume. These results provide evidence that endogenous PAF plays a role in mediating the acute effects of endotoxin on equine gastrointestinal motility.  相似文献   
A multi-programmable, single chamber pulse generator with automatic, activity-sensing rate regulation was successfully implanted into an eight-year-old crossbred dog with symptomatic third-degree atrioventricular heart block. Postoperative Holter monitoring confirmed appropriate activity-related changes in the ventricular rate.  相似文献   
Of 345 market chicken carcasses received directly from selected processing plants across Canada, six yielded salmonellae. One of the plants submitted 122 carcasses none of which yielded these organisms. A second plant had one Salmonella-contaminated carcass among 20 which were examined. Each of these two plants was subected to detailed bacteriological examinations on four occasions.

In these detailed examinations a total of 175 samples or specimens for culture were taken from a variety of surfaces including vent areas of carcasses, operators' hands, equipment surfaces and from water in tanks of iced birds. Twenty-five (14 per cent) of the cultures yielded salmonellae and all but one of these were either S. oranienburg or S. infantis. Isolations were made during five of the eight series of examinations. The evidence indicated that Salmonella-infected flocks were frequently slaughtered and that Salmonella contamination could become widespread in the plant during processing. The organisms are apparently eliminated from all but a small percentage of the carcasses during processing but opportunities exist for recontamination during subsequent handling.

Facial abscessation and osteomyelitis due to dental disease is commonly seen in the Malayan tapir (Tapirus indicus), but little is known about the prevalence or etiology of these lesions. To determine the prevalence of dental ailments, 56 skulls and mandibles of deceased Malayan tapirs were visually and radiographically evaluated. Dental lesions were scored according to severity, and individuals were classified according to their age (juvenile/ young adult/adult) and origin (captive/free ranging). All of the lesions identified were of a resorptive nature. seemingly originating at the cementoenamel junction and burrowing towards the center of the tooth. Overall, 27% of the investigated skulls presented radiolucent dental lesions. The prevalence among captive animals was 52% (13/25), while only 6% (2/31) of the free-ranging tapirs had dental lesions. The second, third, and fourth premolars and first molar were the teeth most commonly affected, and the mandibular teeth were more often involved than the maxillary dentition. This study demonstrates a high prevalence of resorptive dental lesions in captive Malayan tapirs and provides a strong indication that age and captivity are significant risk factors in the development of these lesions. Dental disease, Malayan tapir, radiology, resorptive lesions, Tapirus indicus.  相似文献   
The objective of the research was to determine the relationship between circulating 17β-estradiol (E2) and secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) in cows. A second objective was to determine if response to E2 was influenced by interval between ovariectomy and the start of E2 treatment. Thirty-one nulliparous cows 3 yr of age were randomly assigned to a 2 × 4 factorial arrangement of treatments. Sixteen cows were ovariectomized at 18 mo of age (long term), and the other 15 cows were ovariectomized at 36 mo of age (short term). At the time of ovariectomy of cows in the short term group, 11 cows in the short term group and 12 cows in the long term group were implanted subcutaneously with 1, 2 or 4 polydimethylsiloxane capsules containing E2. The other eight cows served as non-implanted controls (n=4-short term, n=4-long term). All cows were fitted with jugular vein catheters on day 29 of treatment, and on day 30 blood samples were collected at 12-min intervals for 6 hr. At the end of 6 hr, luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) was administered and blood sampling continued at 12-min intervals for an additional hour. Serum was analyzed for LH and E2. Variables of LH secretion analyzed were mean concentration, frequency of pulses, amplitude of pulses and maximum concentration after LHRH. There were no significant interactions for any of the variables of LH among cows ovariectomized for the long and short term. There was a significant linear increase in mean concentration of LH with increased circulating concentration of E2. Frequency of LH pulses was not affected by circulating concentration of E2. As circulating concentration of E2 increased, amplitude of LH pulses increased and response to LHRH increased - resulting in an increase in mean LH. Interval from time of ovariectomy to the start of E2 treatment only had a minor influence on mean concentration of LH and profile of LH concentrations in circulation.  相似文献   
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