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The presence or absence of motorized boats, partnerships and multispecies catches characterize the fisheries of São Francisco River, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Fishing activity based on 109 interviews, carried out in the wet (high water: February and March) and dry (low water: July and August) seasons, with professional fishermen are described. Aiming to identify the fishery income components, a covariance model was proposed, with the income as the response variable, related to the factors: fishing ground; use of motorized or paddle boat; seasonality; presence of fishing assistant; and the following covariates: capture in weight in the week prior to the interview; fisherman experience in yrs; and distance (km) travelled for fishing. The results indicated that the main contributions to income were the absence of an engine (because of high price of the fuel), the absence of a partner (because of low capture) and the amount of fish caught by the fishermen.  相似文献   
Chloramphenicol has gained widespread use in the topical treatment of ocular infections. The rationale for this use was based on the ability of chloramphenicol to penetrate the cornea and enter the anterior segment, together with its broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. However, routine use in corneal ulceration or keratitis is not desirable. Hypopyon, when present, is usually sterile. Concerns about human exposure to chloramphenicol and its recent prohibition of use in food-producing animals, raise the need to review its indications and discuss alternatives. The role of chloramphenicol in ocular therapeutics is examined in this article.  相似文献   
A four-year-old Standardbred gelding presented with a 3.5 year history of intermittent epistaxis and spontaneous submucosal petechiae and ecchymoses in the nares and the mouth. Routine haematological and biochemical examinations were unremarkable. A thrombocytopathy was suspected when activated partial thromboplastin time, one stage prothrombin time, plasma fibrinogen and the platelet count were all normal. The patient's platelets failed to aggregate with serotonin, adenosine diphosphate, collagen (at 20 micrograms/ml) or the endoperoxide analogue U46619. Very high levels of collagen (100 micrograms/ml) did cause aggregation. The response to the calcium ionophore A23187 was reduced and although complete degranulation occurred the resulting aggregates were unstable. Thromboxane generation in response to collagen and ADP was inferred from the concentration of its stable metabolite thromboxane B2 and was reduced. A diagnosis of a thrombasthenia-like syndrome possibly equivalent to Type II Glanzmann's thrombasthenia in people was made.  相似文献   
During a 28 month period, 82 horses with clinical signs of abdominal pain were examined for left dorsal displacement of the large colon (LDDLC) using percutaneous ultrasound. Left dorsal displacement of the large colon was diagnosed when a gas echo dorsal to the spleen obliterated the dorsal splenic border, or when the colon was observed lateral to the spleen. In 42 horses, ultrasound confirmed a diagnosis of LDDLC and 40 horses had no evidence of LDDLC. There were five false negative results and no false positives. In four horses with LDDLC, the colon was displaced between the spleen and body wall; three of these colic episodes resolved with medical therapy and the fourth required a celiotomy to relieve a sand impaction. The remaining 38 horses had a renosplenic entrapment; surgical correction was elected in 4 horses, 21 horses were corrected by a nonsurgical rolling procedure, 12 were corrected at surgery after an unsuccessful rolling attempt, and one was corrected by rolling but required surgery later because of an additional lesion. Percutaneous abdominal ultrasound was a valuable aid in the diagnosis of LDDLC and in confirming correction of the displacement after a nonsurgical rolling procedure.  相似文献   
Résumé— Une étude clinique et histologique a été conduite chez 27 chiens d'eau portugais présentant des dépilations cycliques, focales et non inflammatoires. Les observations histologiques ont été comparées aux biopsies réalisées sur 6 adultes normaux et 25 chiots normaux de la même race, sans histoire familiale de dépilations. La chute du poil chez les chiens alopéciques est dûe à une dysplacie folliculaire avec mélanisation anormale des unités pilo-sébacées. Les observations histopathologiques particulières consistent en une apoptose proéminente des kératinocytes des gaines épithéliales internes et externes, et une dissolution de la matrice pilaire des follicules anagènes. L'observation d'une tendance familiale avec apparition précoce suggère un mécanisme héréditaire pour cette dysplasie. [Miller, W.H., Jr., Scott, D.W. Follicular dysplasia of the Portuguese Water Dog (Displasie folliculaire du chien d'eau portugais). Resumen— Se llevó a cabo un estudio en 27 Perros de Agua Portugués con pérdida de pelo ciclica, no-inflamatoria y regionalizada. Los hallazgos histológicos se compararon con biopsias de 6 adultos normales y de 25 carchorros de la misma raza sin antecedentes familiares de pérdida de pelo. La pérdida de pelo en el grupo de animales alopécicos era debida a una displasia folicular con melanización anormal de los complejos pilosebáceos. Como hallazgos histológicos únicos cabe destacar la presencia de un notable número de queratinocitos apoptóticos en la vaina folicular interna y externa asi como la disolución de la matriz del pelo en los foliculos en anagen. Se detectó una tendencia familiar la aparición de esta displasia a temprana edad, lo que sugiere una base herediteria. [Miller, W.H., Jr., Scott, D.W. Follicular dysplasia of the Portuguese Water Dog (Displasia folicular en el Perro de Aguas Portugués). Abstract— A clinical and histologic study was conducted on 27 Portuguese water dogs with non-inflammatory, regionalized, cyclic hair loss. Histologic findings were compared with biopsies from six normal adult and 25 normal puppy Portuguese water dogs with no known relatives with hair loss. The hair loss in the alopecic dogs was due to a follicular dysplasia with abnormal melanization of the pilosebaceous units. Unique histopathologic findings included prominent apoptosis of keratinocytes in the inner and outer root sheath, and dissolution of the hair matrix of anagen hair follicles. A familial tendency with an early age at onset was noted, suggesting an inherited basis for the dysplasia.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the seroprevalence of equine herpesvirus 1 in foals around weaning and after weaning on two large Thoroughbred farms using a type-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine exposure to infection.
Design A longitudinal population study in groups of Thoroughbred weanling foals.
Study population Two hundred weanling Thoroughbred foals from a population of about 380 foals were enrolled on two adjacent stud farms in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales. Foals on both farms were weaned from February to May 1995 into randomly selected groups of 10 to 15 foals. Farms were selected because of their willingness to cooperate in the survey and because their detailed records of foals and their movements. They were representative of well-managed large Thoroughbred stud farms in New South Wales. Both studs had upper respiratory tract disease among weanling foals around weaning each year although the sero-prevalence of viral respiratory disease on either farm was not known before the study.
Procedure Serum was collected from foals within each group at fortnightly intervals from 9th February until 1st June 1995, and at a single follow-up period in August 1995. Each sample was tested in triplicate using an antibody-detection ELISA which is type-specific for EHV-1 and EHV-4 antibodies.
Results and conclusions There was serological evidence of EHV-1 infection both before and after weaning. The prevalence of EHV-1 antibody in the sample population increased during the study and individual cases of EHV-1 infection were identified. The increase was caused both by the seroconversion of foals within the groups and by the recruitment into the study of foals with pre-existing EHV-1 antibody. Evidence of EHV-1 infection in Thoroughbred foals after weaning has not been reported previously in Australia and this has implications for vaccination regimens.  相似文献   
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