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AIMS: To describe and evaluate the current practices used to manage and prevent facial eczema (FE) in North Island dairy herds, and determine the within-herd prevalence of cows with elevated activities of gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), and with concentrations of Zn in serum <18?μmol/L.

METHODS: Between January and May 2014, 105 herd managers from throughout the North Island of New Zealand were invited to participate in the study when regional spore counts for Pithomyces chartarum started to rise towards 30,000 spores/g pasture. Managers selected 10 representative cattle that were weighed and blood-sampled by the herd veterinarian. Blood samples were analysed for concentrations of Zn in serum and GGT activity. Pasture samples were also collected and submitted for spore count estimation. Finally a survey of farm management practices relating to prevention of FE was completed by the herd manager. A mixed-effects logistic regression model was used to determine associations between herd-level and cow-level explanatory variables and the probability of a cow having a concentration of Zn in serum <18?µmol/L.

RESULTS: Of the 1,071 cows tested, 79 (7.3 (95% CI=5.8–9.0)%) had GGT activity in serum >300?IU/L, and 35/106 (33 (95% CI=24.2–42.8)%) herds had ≥1 of the 10 cows sampled with GGT activity >300?IU/L. Of the 911 cows that were being treated with Zn, concentrations of Zn were between 18–35?μmol/L in 398 (43.6 (95% CI=40.4–46.9)%) cows, were >35?μmol/L in 32 (3.5 (95% CI=2.4–4.1)%) cows, and <18?μmol/L in 479 (52.6 (95% CI=49.3–55.9)%) cows. After adjusting for the confounding effect of region, the odds of a cow having concentrations of Zn in serum <18?μmol/L were 5.5 (95% CI=1.1–29) times greater for cows supplemented with zinc in water compared with those supplemented by drenching. Of the 105 herd managers, 103 (98%) stated that they had access to regional spore count data, but only 35/105 (33%) reported that they measured spore counts on their own farm. Overall, 98/105 (93%) managers reported that they had some form of FE management programme in place. Fungicides were used on their own or in combination with zinc treatments in 10 herds, ZnSO4 in water troughs was used in 68 herds, oral drenching with ZnO in nine herds, and ZnO supplied in-feed in 26 herds. Estimated daily dose rates of zinc were less than that required to treat a 400?kg cow on 42/68 farms that administered ZnSO4 in the water or ZnO as a drench.

CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study has shown that FE management on dairy farms in the North Island of New Zealand could be substantially improved. It is likely that improved FE management would occur if herd managers were provided with more feedback on the success (or otherwise) of their FE management programmes.  相似文献   
AIMS: To determine whether the application of lime or nitrogen to pasture affected the spore counts of Pithomyces chartarum.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The lime application studies were undertaken on a spring-calving, pasture-based, commercial dairy farm near Te Awamutu, New Zealand. On 6 November 2012, five randomly selected paddocks were split into three equal sections. In two of the sections, lime was applied at either 1.5 or 2.5?t/ha, and the central section was left as an untreated control. Each section was sampled for spore counting weekly from 16 January to 15 May 2013.

Starting in January 2013, five other randomly selected paddocks were monitored for spore counts. On 20 March 2013 the average spore counts in three paddocks were >100,000 spores/g of pasture. These paddocks were then divided into three equal sections and lime was applied as described above. Spore counting in each section continued weekly until 15 May 2013.

The nitrogen application study was carried out on three commercial dairy farms near Te Awamutu, New Zealand. Two randomly selected paddocks on each farm were divided into three equal sections and, on 20 December 2012, nitrogen in the form of urea was applied at either 50 or 80?kg urea/ha to two of the sections; the central section remained as an untreated control. Each section was sampled for spore counting weekly from 16 January to 15 May 2013.

RESULTS: Following pre-summer lime application, treatment at 1.5 or 2.5?t/ha did not affect spore counts over time compared with the control section (p>0.26). Similarly following autumn lime application, treatment at 1.5 or 2.5?t/ha did not affect spore counts over time compared with the control section (p>0.11). Following nitrogen application median spore counts remained <20,000 spores/g pasture throughout the trial period and there was no effect of treatment on spore counts over time (p>0.49).

CONCLUSION: This study found that application of lime before the risk period for facial eczema, in November, application of lime after a spore count rise, in March, or urea application in December did not affect changes in number of spores produced by P. chartarum.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This study does not support previous suggestions that fertilising pasture with lime or urea could alter the spore counts of P. chartarum. Fertiliser use does not provide an alternative to, or support, conventional methods of facial eczema control such as zinc prophylaxis or treatment of pasture with fungicides.  相似文献   
Treatment of A. niger -inoculated onion seed with benomyl dust (1 g a.i./kg), or a foliar spray of thiram (0·4% a.i./ha) applied to plants grown from inoculated seed under temperate (UK) conditions reduced the incidence of A. niger in harvested crops. Treatment of naturally contaminated Sudanese onion seed with a benomyl + thiram mixture at a rate of 2·5 + 2·5 g a.i./kg or soaking the seed in hot water (15 min at 60°C) reduced the incidence of black mould on bulbs grown in the Sudan in field soil that had not previously been used for onion production. The seed treatments were less effective in crops produced in fields regularly used for onion production. However, incubation of harvested bulbs in moist chambers showed that damage to the internal storage tissue of onion bulbs caused by A. niger was reduced by seed treatment.  相似文献   
Les teneurs en hydrates de carbone non structuraux (TNC) des racines, collets et tiges des in-dividus de la morelle jaune (Solarium elaeagnifolium Cav.) issue des bordures, champ de cotonnier et verger d'oliviers ont été déter-minées mensuellement pendant une année. Les racines et, dans une certaine mesure, les collets ont été les organes où les réserves glucidiques étaient les plus importantes. Ces glucides ont atteint leur niveau le plus bas au moment de la formation des boutons floraux. La reconstitution des réserves en TNC a lieu entre la floraison et la maturation des fruits sur une durée de 2, 4 et 5 mois pour les individus issus du champ de cotonnier, des bordures et du verger d'oliviers, respec-tivement. L'évolution des TNC est plus influencée par le stade phénologique de l'espèce que par rhumidité et la température du sol. Les implications de ces réquitals pour définir une stratégic de lutte centre la morelle jaune sont également discutées. Seasonal changes in non-structural carbohydrates in silver-leaf nightshade (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.) The levels of non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) in the roots, root collar and stems of S. elaeagnifolium collected from field margins, cotton fields and olive plantations were determined monthly over a period of 1 year. The roots, and to a certain extent the root collar, were the organs with the largest carbohydrate reserves. The carbohydrate level was lowest at the time of flower bud formation. There was a build-up of TNC reserves between flowering and fruit maturation over periods of 2, 4 and 5 months from plants growing in cotton fields, field margins and olive plantations respectively. Changes in TNC are influenced more by the phenological stage of the plant than by soil humidity or temperature. The implications of these findings in defining a control strategy for this weed are discussed. Saisonale Einlagerung von Kohlenwasserstoffen beim Ölweidenblättrigen Nachtschatten (Solanum eleagnifolium Cav.) Die Gehalte unstrukturierler Kohlenwasser-stoffe (TNC) des Wurzeln, des Wurzelhalses und des Sprosses von Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. von Feldrainen, Baumwollfeldern und Olivengärten wurden monatlich über l Jahr hin bestimmt. Die Wurzeln und in bestimmten Maβe der Wurzelhals waren die Pflanzenteile, in denen die Kohlenwasserstoffe die wichtigsten Re-servesubstanzen waren; sie hatten ihr nie-drigstes Niveau zur Blütenbildung. Der Wiederaufbau dieser Reservestoffe zwischen der Blüte und der Fruchtreife dauerte bei den Pflanzen auf den Baumwollfeldern, den Feldrainen und den Olivengärten 2, 4 bzw. 5 Monate. Die Kohlenhydratbildung wurde mehrnach den Entwicklungsstadienals durch Boden feuchte und-temperatur beeinflußt. Die Aspekte dieserUntersuchungsergebnisse für die Bekämpfung dieses Unkrauts werden diskutiert.  相似文献   
Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - In this study, the impact of two water-saving techniques, Regulated Deficit Irrigation (RDI) and Partial Rootzone Drying (PRD) was investigated by...  相似文献   
International trade in vulnerable marine species is regulated once they are listed in CITES Appendices (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). Parties to the Convention submit proposal(s) 150 days prior to the CITES Conference for voting on the inclusion of new species in Appendices I and II, making a case for why CITES listing criteria are met in each case. Before the vote, Parties receive advice from (a) the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, (b) the International Union for Conservation of Nature—TRAFFIC and (c) the CITES Secretariat, among others. This paper offers an expert review of listing processes, which are the subject of much debate in fishery and environment‐protection communities, looking at two specific cases: silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis, Carcharhinidae) and bigeye thresher shark (Alopias superciliosus, Alopiidae). The reviewers determine that the evidence made available to voting Parties is substantial, but suffers from non‐standard presentation across assessments. The best available data are not always presented or described transparently in relation to CITES criteria. An extension of the assessment period, as well as the opportunity to refute evidence, has been suggested as ways to support more informed and effective decision‐making by CITES Parties, whose composition of delegations varies greatly in their experience of marine species management and trade. Experts welcomed a greater coherence of advice between fishery and non‐fishery sources in the long term, and proposed a range of suggested improvements for the delivery of information and advice to CITES Parties.  相似文献   
Koi herpesvirus (KHV) causes a highly virulent disease affecting carp, Cyprinus carpio L., and poses a serious socio‐economic threat to the UK carp industry. This study aimed to determine the geographic distribution and prevalence of KHV exposed fish in England and Wales through ELISA antibody testing. Only three of the 82 farms sampled produced positive results, suggesting fish farms provide a relatively safe source of fish. Of the 71 ‘high‐risk’ fisheries tested, 26 were positive. All eight geographic areas within England and Wales studied had at least one KHV positive site. Twelve consignments of imported koi carp from seven S.E. Asian countries were tested for KHV antibody. Six consignments from six different countries were positive. Although a high proportion of consignments were positive, the results indicate that lower risk stocks of fish exist that could be sourced by the ornamental carp sector. The study provides evidence that KHV is widespread and prevalent in ‘high‐risk’ fisheries. There are, however, prospects for controlling KHV as English and Welsh farms appear to be relatively free of the virus, and in most cases fish are not moved from fisheries to other waters.  相似文献   
To date aquaculture’s reliance on dietary marine sources has been calculated on a fish weight‐to‐weight basis without considering the absolute amounts of nutrients but this approach neglects the often considerable differences in the nutritional value of fish. We propose simple nutrient‐to‐nutrient‐based dependency measures that take into account these nutritional differences. In the first study reported here, individually tagged Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were reared in seawater supplied tanks with feed collection facilities. In the second, commercial net pens were used to grow over 200 000 fish. For both studies, a low marine ingredient feed containing approximately 165 g kg?1 fishmeal was compared to a control feed (approx 300 g kg?1 fishmeal) whilst fish oil inclusion was less markedly reduced. The low marine feeds supported similar growth and feed efficiency compared to the control feeds. With the low marine ingredient feeds, the weight of salmon protein and lipid produced through growth exceeded the weight of marine protein and lipid consumed by the fish meaning that salmon farming can be a net producer of fish protein and oil. The amount of n‐3 long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids deposited was sufficient to meet current recommendations from human health organizations.  相似文献   

Aims: To compare the effect of a topically applied anaesthetic to no pain relief or meloxicam on the behavioural responses, pain sensitivity and weight gain of calves following disbudding with or without sedation.

Methods: A total of 364, 2–6 week-old calves from three commercial farms were systematically allocated to one of six treatment groups. All calves received a cornual nerve block prior to disbudding, with half restrained in a crate and half sedated with xylazine. Within these groups one third received no further treatment (control), one third were treated with meloxicam >10?minutes prior to disbudding and one third received a topical anaesthetic applied to the horn bud wounds following disbudding. The frequency of ear flicks, head shakes, head scratches and pain sensitivity of the wound were recorded on up to eight occasions over 24 hours after disbudding. Calves were weighed before, and 7 and 28 days after, disbudding to determine average daily weight gain (ADG).

Results: Compared to calves in the crate-control group, all other groups had reduced ear flicks at all times following disbudding (p?<?0.01). Treatment with meloxicam and topical anaesthesia in addition to sedation reduced head scratches compared to calves in the crate-control group (p?≤?0.013). At 22 hours after disbudding head shakes were reduced in sedated calves treated with topical anaesthetic compared to calves in the crate-control group (p?<?0.001). Pain sensitivity was lower in all sedated calves than unsedated calves (p?<?0.001). The ADG between Days 0–7 was 0.14 (95% CI?=?0.015–0.274) kg/day greater in sedated calves treated with meloxicam than calves in the crate-control group (p?=?0.03), and the ADG between Days 0–28 tended to be 0.06 (95% CI=?0.01–0.13) kg/day greater in sedated calves treated with topical anaesthetic than calves in the crate-control group (p?=?0.09).

Conclusion and clinical relevance: Sedation of calves for disbudding reduced the pain experienced in the following 24 hours. There was a benefit to providing calves with topical anaesthetic following disbudding on behavioural responses and pain sensitivity, which was similar to that of treating calves with meloxicam.  相似文献   
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