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Western U.S. rivers are currently influenced by legacy effects of reduced large wood (LW) loading and retention that has substantially reduced in‐stream habitat complexity. Large wood is typically associated with streams in undisturbed old‐growth forest and in the correct geomorphic context can drastically alter stream and valley habitat complexity. Streams with LW are typically multichannel and depositional, while streams lacking LW, due to relatively recent wildfire or logging (<200 years ago), are usually single channelled and erosional. We compared population biomass and individual growth rates of Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis in streams across a gradient of wood volumes. At both the square metre and valley length scales, standing stock biomass of aquatic invertebrates was the best predictor of trout biomass. However, at the valley scale, the number of pools was important in predicting trout biomass in combination with standing stock biomass of aquatic invertebrates. Individual growth rates of age‐1 Brook Trout were negatively affected by increasing density; however, growth rates for the largest and smallest individuals at each site were unaffected by density. Our results suggest the pool habitat created by LW acts synergistically with prey availability to dramatically increase trout populations. However, in streams lacking LW, negative effects of detrimental land use practices have persisted >100 years, suggesting that recovering lost animal production in mountain stream networks will only occur at decadal to century time scales.  相似文献   
In dogs diagnosed with solid tumors, regional lymph node involvement or evidence of distant metastasis can predict worse prognoses and significantly decreased survival. Lymph node size alone has been shown to be insufficient as a predictor for the accurate clinical staging of some canine neoplasia. However, certain regional lymph nodes (including those of the oral cavity) are difficult to access for routine tissue sampling. Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has demonstrated the ability to differentiate metastatic from inflammatory/benign lymph nodes in clinical studies with human cancer patients through the calculation of quantitative values of diffusion termed apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC). The objective of this prospective, exploratory study was to evaluate diffusion‐weighted MRI and ADC as potential methods for detecting metastatic lymph nodes in dogs with naturally occurring disease. We hypothesized that diffusion‐weighted MRI would identify significantly different ADC values between benign and metastatic lymph nodes in a group of canine patients with head or neck disease. Our study population consisted of eight client‐owned canine patients, with a total of 20 lymph nodes evaluated (six metastatic, 14 benign). Our results demonstrated that two of four observers identified a significant difference between the mean ADC values of the benign and metastatic lymph nodes. When data from all four observers were pooled, the difference between the mean apparent diffusion coefficients values of the benign and metastatic lymph nodes did not reach significance (P‐value = 0.0566). Findings indicated that diffusion‐weighted MRI is a feasible method for further characterizing enlarged lymph nodes in dogs with head and neck disease, however measured ADC values did not differ for benign vs. metastatic lymph nodes in this small sample of dogs.  相似文献   
Western juniper expansion is one of the largest threats to conserving sagebrush steppe ecosystems in the northwestern United States. Juniper expansion has degraded the sagebrush steppe by altering fire regimes and outcompeting shrubs and herbaceous vegetation for limited resources. We characterized the effect of juniper removal in a severely degraded sagebrush steppe habitat for 3 yr following juniper cutting. In addition, we measured the effect of low-intensity seasonal grazing on plant community recovery through cattle exclusion treatments. We monitored plant community composition (exotic annual grasses, preferred grasses, preferred forbs, and shrubs); fuel loads; and juniper recruitment in a factorial design of juniper removal and grazing exclusion. We found that although there were significant differences between cut and uncut juniper treatments, there were no consistent trends across all 3 yr. Our results suggest that other factors, such as timing of precipitation, may also have strong short-term effects on plant community composition. We detected no significant grazing effects during the study period, suggesting the current grazing regime is appropriate for the area. The cutting of juniper increased total fuel loads and herbaceous fuel loads. Compared with open interspace, a twofold increase in juniper seedlings and saplings was detected beneath juniper piles, which will act as sources for future juniper encroachment.  相似文献   
The spatial and temporal distribution of spawning activity by autumn‐run Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) was examined across multiple years. The study period included two years of extreme drought conditions when water temperatures in the spawning reach of the Stanislaus River were considered sub‐optimal for spawning and egg incubation. Despite varying levels of superimposition, redd counts and densities remained stable and positively associated with river location, indicating that superimposition may be driven by habitat preference rather than the absence of suitable spawning locations. Spawning occurred slightly later during drought years (6–10 days later compared with wetter years). This delay was attributable to deferred migration instead of deferred spawning, and the majority of redds were constructed at water temperatures exceeding the optimal temperature range. As a consequence, estimates of juvenile production during 2014 and 2015 were among the lowest on record. These findings may be related in part to the high hatchery contribution to the population, above‐average temperatures during spawning and incubation, and superimposition rates. Management recommendations include adequate cold‐water storage in the upstream reservoir, refined spawning habitat restoration techniques in the light of superimposition rates and, on a broader system scale, actions that reduce the amount of stray hatchery Chinook salmon.  相似文献   
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Humic products have been used in cropland agriculture for several decades, but lack of widespread credibility has restricted their use to small proportions of...  相似文献   
The persistence of plant-derived recombinant DNA in sheep and pigs fed genetically modified (Roundup Ready) canola was assessed by PCR and Southern hybridization analysis of DNA extracted from digesta, gastrointestinal (GI) tract tissues, and visceral organs. Sheep (n = 11) and pigs (n = 36) were fed to slaughter on diets containing 6.5 or 15% Roundup Ready canola. Native plant DNA (high- and low-copy-number gene fragments) and the cp4 epsps transgene that encodes 5-enolpyruvyl shikimate-3-phosphate synthase were tracked in ruminal, abomasal, and large intestinal digesta and in tissue from the esophagus, rumen, abomasum, small and large intestine, liver, and kidney of sheep and in cecal content and tissue from the duodenum, cecum, liver, spleen, and kidney of pigs. High-copy chloroplast-specific DNA (a 520-bp fragment) was detected in all digesta samples, the majority (89-100%) of intestinal tissues, and at least one of each visceral organ sample (frequencies of 3-27%) from sheep and swine. Low-copy rubisco fragments (186- and 540-bp sequences from the small subunit) were present at slightly lower, variable frequencies in digesta (18-82%) and intestinal tissues (9-27% of ovine and 17-25% of porcine samples) and infrequently in visceral organs (1 of 88 ovine samples; 3 of 216 porcine samples). Each of the five cp4 epsps transgene fragments (179-527 bp) surveyed was present in at least 27% of ovine large intestinal content samples (maximum = 64%) and at least 33% of porcine cecal content samples (maximum = 75%). In sheep, transgene fragments were more common in intestinal digesta than in ruminal or abomasal content. Transgene fragments were detected in 0 (esophagus) to 3 (large intestine) GI tract tissues from the 11 sheep and in 0-10 of the duodenal and cecal tissues collected from 36 pigs. The feed-ingested recombinant DNA was not detected in visceral tissues (liver, kidney) of lambs or in the spleen from pigs. Of note, however, one liver and one kidney sample from the pigs (different animals) were positive for a 278-bp fragment of the transgenic cp4 epsps (denoted F3). Examination of genomic libraries from these tissues yielded no conclusive information regarding integration of the fragment into porcine DNA. This study confirms that feed-ingested DNA fragments (endogenous and transgenic) do survive to the terminal GI tract and that uptake into gut epithelial tissues does occur. A very low frequency of transmittance to visceral tissue was confirmed in pigs, but not in sheep. It is recognized that the low copy number of transgenes in GM feeds is a challenge to their detection in tissues, but there was no evidence to suggest that recombinant DNA would be processed in the gut in any manner different from endogenous feed-ingested genetic material.  相似文献   
A survey of the prevalence of anthelmintic resistant nematode populations was conducted on 32 sheep farms in the Slovak Republic. In vitro egg hatch test and larval development tests were used for the detection of resistance to benzimidazole anthelmintics and they were compared with in vivo faecal egg count reduction tests. There was agreement in the declaration of resistance between the faecal egg count reduction test and both in vitro tests. The presence of resistant populations was determined on two farms using egg hatch test. In both farms, the LD(50) values were higher than 0.1 microg TBZ/ml, indicating resistance. By using LD(99) values it might be possible to reveal relatively small proportion of resistant larvae in the population. The prevalence of benzimidazole resistance has not change on Slovak sheep farms during last decade.  相似文献   
Understanding spatial population structure and biocomplexity is critical for determining a species’ resilience to environmental and anthropogenic perturbations. However, integrated population models (IPMs) used to develop management advice for harvested populations have been slow to incorporate spatial dynamics. Therefore, limited research has been devoted to understanding the reliability of movement parameter estimation in spatial population models, especially for spatially dynamic marine fish populations. We implemented a spatial simulation–estimation framework that emulated a generic marine fish metapopulation to explore the impact of ontogenetic movement and climate‐induced distributional shifts between two populations. The robustness of spatially stratified IPMs was explored across a range of movement parametrizations, including ignoring connectivity or estimating movement with various levels of complexity. Ignoring connectivity was detrimental to accurate estimation of population‐specific biomass, while implementing spatial IPMs with intermediate levels of complexity (e.g. estimating movement in two‐year and two‐age blocks) performed best when no a priori information about underlying movement was available. One‐way distributional shifts mimicking climate‐induced poleward migrations presented the greatest estimation difficulties, but the incorporation of auxiliary information on connectivity (e.g. tag‐recapture data) reduced bias. The continued development of spatially stratified modelling approaches should allow harvested resources to be better utilized without increased risk. Additionally, expanded collection and incorporation of unique spatially explicit data will enhance the robustness of IPMs in the future.  相似文献   
The ecosystem service concept has been proposed as a meaningful framework for natural resource management. In theory it holds concomitant benefit and consequence for the forest product sector. However, numerous barriers impede practitioners from developing concrete and enduring responses to emerging ecosystem service markets, policies, and initiatives. Principle among these barriers is that the ecosystem service concept has a complex history, numerous definitions in use, and an astounding diversity in rationale and application. This article provides a conceptual review of ecosystem services and its economic foundations, distinguishes among several current definitions of the term and their relatedness to strategies in practical application, discusses diverse approaches to valuation, and explores potential for future relevance in forest product and other sectors.  相似文献   
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