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The major impacts of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) on cattle health and production have prompted many countries to embark on national elimination programmes. These programmes typically involve identifying and removing persistently infected (PI) cattle in infected herds and implementing biosecurity measures, such as pre- or post-movement testing. In order to design a systematic national control programme to eliminate BVD in New Zealand, which achieves the greatest benefits to the industries at the lowest cost to individual farmers, an accurate understanding is necessary of the epidemiology, economics and social motivation for BVD control in New Zealand. In this article we briefly review the pathogenesis of BVD, transmission and diagnosis of BVD virus infection, and effectiveness of vaccination. We summarise the current state of knowledge of the prevalence, risk factors for transmission, and financial impacts of BVD in New Zealand. We describe control programmes in Europe and then discuss the challenges that must be addressed to design a cost-effective national control programme to eliminate BVD in New Zealand.  相似文献   
An abortion outbreak occurred in a goat herd of Murciano‐Granadina breed in Almeria Region in Spain where 80 pregnant females aborted. All bacteriological and parasitological examinations resulted negative, whereas virological investigations and real‐time PCR assay showed the presence of Caprine alphaherpesvirus 1 DNA in the pathological specimens from aborted foetuses. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that the DNA was highly close related to the Swiss strain E‐CH (99.7%) and a little less extent to the Italian BA.1 strain (99.4%). Histopathological examination revealed multifocal, well‐circumscribed, 50‐ to 200‐μm‐diameter foci of coagulative necrosis in the liver, lungs and kidneys of three foetuses. In the periphery of the necrosis, there were frequently epithelial cells with the chromatin emarginated by large, round, amphophilic intranuclear viral inclusion bodies. The source of the infection in the herd could not clearly find out even some hypothesis were formulated. This seems to be the first report of an abortion outbreak due to Caprine alphaherpesvirus 1 in a goat herd in Spain.  相似文献   
The pyridine ring, substituted by a trifluoromethyl substituent has been successfully incorporated into molecules with useful biological properties. During the period 1990 to September 2017, 14 crop protection products bearing a trifluoromethyl pyridine have been commercialized or proposed for an ISO common name, covering fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and nematicides. Chemical processes have been developed to provide trifluoromethyl pyridine intermediates, from non‐fluorinated pyridine starting materials, at scale and with affordable costs of goods. These attractive starting materials were readily adopted by research chemists, and elaborated through simple chemical modifications into new active ingredients. In a second approach, substituted trifluoromethyl pyridine rings have been constructed from acyclic, trifluoromethyl starting materials, which again has served to identify new active ingredients. Molecular matched pair analysis reveals subtle, yet important differences in physicochemical and agronomic properties of trifluoromethyl pyridines compared with the phenyl analogues. This review focuses on the past 27 years, seeking to identify reasons behind the success of such research programmes, and inspire the search for new crop protection chemicals containing the trifluoromethyl pyridine ring. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
To obviate the destructive interaction of highly reactive metallocene catalysts with classical silica-based supports while retaining the advantage of supported catalysts, a noninteracting polystyrene support was developed. Supported catalysts for the polymerization of alpha-olefins are prepared by treating lightly cross-linked, chloromethylated polystyrene beads consecutively with a secondary amine, an ammonium salt of a weakly coordinating anion, and a neutral dialkylmetallocene. Catalytic sites are distributed homogeneously throughout the support particle, and the polymerization occurs within the bead, in contrast to traditional surface-supported metallocene catalysts. The copolymerization of ethylene and 1-hexene at 40 degreesC affords discrete spherical polyolefin beads with a size (0.3 to 1.4 millimeters) that varies according to the polymerization time.  相似文献   
In several mammalian species, the configuration of germinal vesicle (GV) chromatin correlates with the developmental competence of oocytes. Yet, no study has been published on the configuration of GV chromatin in ferret, nor is it known whether a specific configuration predicts meiotic competence in this species, in spite of the potential importance of ferret cloning to the study of human disease and to species conservation efforts. Here, we report on an analysis of the chromatin configuration in ferret GV oocytes and on how they correlate with meiotic development. Three distinct configurations were identified based on the degree of chromatin condensation: (1) fibrillar chromatin (FC), featuring strands of intertwined chromatin occupying most of the visible GV region; (2) intermediate condensed chromatin (ICC), characterized by dense, irregular chromatin masses throughout the GV; and (3) condensed chromatin (CC), which is highly compact and centered around the nucleolus. We also found that chromatin configuration was related to the extent of association with cumulus cells in cumulus–oocyte complexes; CC-configured oocytes were most often surrounded by a compact cumulus layer and also a compact corona but FC-configured oocytes were associated with neither. In addition, increasing chromatin condensation corresponded to an increase in oocyte diameter. Finally, following in vitro culture, significantly more CC-configured oocytes underwent maturation to meiotic metaphase II than did FC- or ICC-configured oocytes. We conclude that, in ferret, chromatin condensation is related to the sequential achievement of meiotic competencies during oocyte growth and differentiation, and thus can be used as a predictor of competence.  相似文献   
The study was aimed to assess the influence that short‐term progesterone treatments have on follicular dynamics, oestrus and ovulation in sheep. The treatment was tested thereafter in a field trial to assess its fertility after AI with fresh semen. In a first experiment, 12 ewes without CL were grouped to receive a new (n = 6) or used CIDR (n = 6) for 7 days and blood samples were obtained to follow plasma progesterone profiles. In a second experiment, 39 cycling ewes were synchronized by a 7‐day P4+PGF2α protocol using a new (n = 20) or a 7‐day used CIDR (n = 19). Half of both groups received 400 IU eCG and half remained untreated as controls. Ultrasound ovarian examination and oestrous detection were used to compare follicular dynamics, oestrus and ovulation in both groups. In a third experiment, 288 ewes in 3 farms were synchronized by the short‐term P4+PGF2α+eCG protocol and ewes were AI with fresh semen 24 h after oestrous detection. Lambing performance was used to test the fertility of the treatment. In Experiment 1, ewes with new inserts presented higher P4 concentration than ewes with used inserts throughout the sampling period (p < 0.05) and exhibited a P4 peak at days 1‐2 of the treatment that was not observed in ewes with used inserts. In Experiment 2, ewes treated with new and used inserts show similar ovarian and behavioral traits (p > 0.10). However, ewes treated with eCG show shorter interval to oestrus (p = 0.004) and tend to have larger mature CL (p = 0.06). In Experiment 3, oestrous presentation and lambing performance after AI with fresh semen was considered normal compared to published results. Results suggest that the oestrous synchronization protocol based on P4+PGF2α allows little control of follicular dynamics without compromising fertility after AI with fresh semen provided that eCG is added at the end of the treatment.  相似文献   
AIM: To monitor pregnancy in a group of rising 2-year-old dairy heifers on a farm on which abortion due to Neospora caninum was known to occur in previous years.

METHODS: A prospective cohort study group of 164 rising 2-year-old heifers was pregnancy-tested and blood-sampled at 4–5-week intervals throughout gestation. Sera were tested for antibodies to N. caninum at 3–4-month intervals, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). When loss of pregnancy was detected, an N. caninum indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) was conducted retrospectively on stored sera collected the month before abortion, the month abortion was detected, and for the following 2 months, from heifers that aborted. All fetal and placental material detected following abortion was subjected to gross post-mortem and histopathological examination.

RESULTS: Eleven of 18 (61%) heifers that were seropositive and 4/146 (3%) heifers that were seronegative to N. caninum by ELISA, aborted. The relative risk for abortion among ELISApositive heifers was 23.6. Abortion occurred predominantly between Days 120 and 152 gestation among the ELISA-positive heifers and throughout gestation among the ELISA-negative heifers. IFAT titres rose around the time of abortion in most of the heifers that were previously seropositive by ELISA, but dropped rapidly again in post-abortion samples. IFAT titres among 4/6 ELISA-positive heifers that did not abort increased, but later in gestation than the time other heifers aborted. IFAT titres remained negative in heifers that aborted that were ELISAnegative.

CONCLUSIONS: Heifers that were seropositive to N. caninum by ELISA had a much greater risk of abortion than seronegative heifers. Most seropositive heifers showed evidence of a reactivation of infection during pregnancy. High (≥1:2,000) N. caninum IFAT titres also occurred in non-aborting heifers.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Culling of replacement heifers seropositive to N. caninum may be a cost-effective strategy for minimising risk of abortion. Pregnancy testing heifers before 5 months gestation may overestimate the number that calve in N. caninum-infected herds, but would assist in documenting the occurrence of abortion. Reliance on a high (>1:2,000) IFAT titre to rule-in N. caninum as a cause of abortion is likely to produce false-positive results.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to evaluate the feasibility of pre‐selection of high or low responder does prior to the superovulatory protocols. Twenty Saanen does received 800 IU of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) at the end of long‐term progestogen treatment. Fourteen days later, a second progestogen protocol associated with a multiple‐dose follicle stimulation hormone (FSH) treatment (5 IU/kg of FSH, in six decreasing doses between days 4 to 6 of the protocol) was administered. Transrectal ultrasound was used to assess the follicular status at the beginning of superovulatory treatments, at the oestrous onset and on the seventh day of the oestrous cycle for counting corpora lutea (CL). A significant lower number of CL was obtained in eCG‐treated in comparision with FSH‐treated does (p < 0.05). A quartic regression was able to explain the relationship between the number of CL in response to both treatments (r2=0.50; p < 0.05). Seventy per cent (14 of 20) of does maintained the same ovulatory response (high or low) after treatments. The Kappa (κ = 0.40; p < 0.05) and Spearman (rs = 0.39; p = 0.08) coefficients were able to show a relationship between treatments. Regarding the follicular status, there is a significant relationship between the number of small follicles (r = 0.71; r2=0.47; p < 0.01) and total follicles (r = 0.60; p < 0.01) at eCG and first FSH dose with the number of CL. Moreover, it was found a negative relationship between the presence of large follicles and the number of CL in response to eCG treatment (r = ?0.44; p < 0.05), but not from FSH (p > 0.05). In conclusion, the screening test with eCG has the potential to identify Saanen does that will better respond to the superovulatory protocol with FSH. In addition, it highlighted the importance of an ultrasound evaluation prior to the beginning of superovulatory treatments with FSH to characterize the follicular status and identify the potential donors of high ovulatory response in MOET programmes in goats.  相似文献   
This study evaluated colour‐Doppler ultrasound imaging (UI) as a substitute for laparoscopy to count the corpora lutea (CL) in superovulated sheep. Twenty‐five Santa Ines ewes were superovulated three times at 21‐day intervals. Corpora lutea were counted by colour‐Doppler UI (CLDOPPLER) 6 days after each superovulation and confirmed by laparoscopy (CLLAP) 12 hr later. The mean number of CL was similar for both techniques (2.1 ± 2.5 vs. 2.1 ± 2.7 for CLDOPPLER and CLLAP, respectively) with a significant positive correlation (r = .94; r2=.89). Colour‐Doppler UI effectively evaluated the ovarian response in superovulated ewes and efficiently identified animals that did not respond to superovulation.  相似文献   
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