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Clinical and anatomical features of lymphosarcoma in 118 cats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective To determine patients' characteristics and anatomical distribution of lesions in cats with lymphosarcoma. Design Prospective multi-institutional study of naturally occurring feline lymphosarcoma. Methods Veterinarians in Sydney were provided with free diagnostic laboratory services for suspect cases of feline lym-phosarcoma. Lymphosarcoma was diagnosed based on physical findings, radiographic and/or ultrasonographic images and results of cytological or histopathological examination. When owners were not interested in pursuing an antemortem diagnosis, suspect cases were collected for necropsy. Patients' characteristics and physical findings were recorded. A modified scheme for anatomical classification of lesions was devised including a ‘mixed’ category for cases which involved two or more anatomical forms. Results One hundred and eighteen cases were accrued over an 18 month period. The median age was 120 months and range 5 to 212 months. Age distribution was bimodal, with a small peak for cats less than 24 months, and a normal distribution centred on 97 to 120 months. Eighty cats were domestic crossbreds, 22 were Siamese or Oriental cats (including crosses), 6 were Burmese, 5 were purebred longhairs and the remaining 5 were one of a number of purebred shorthaired breeds. In comparison to 1017 consecutive cases admitted to our hospital for conditions other than lymphosarcoma, Siamese/Oriental cats were over-represented amongst lymphosarcoma cases (P = 0.0006). Male cats were also over-represented, accounting for 72 of 118 cases (P = 0.05). Abdominal lymphosarcoma was the most common anatomical form (43 cats), followed by mixed (39), nodal (20), mediastinal (9) and atypical (involving non-lymphoid organs, 7) forms. When analysed for specific organ involvement, 29 (25%) had mediastinal involvement, 71 (60%) had abdominal involvement including 60 (51%) with involvement of the intestinal tract and/or mesenteric lymph nodes and 36 (31%) with bilateral renal involvement, and 47 (40%) had peripheral lymph node involvement. No case of primary lymphoid leukaemia was identified. A noticeable subgroup of cats younger than 24 months had involvement of the anterior mediastinum with or without concurrent enlargement of cervical or axillary lymph nodes; Siamese/Oriental cats were over-represented in this subgroup. Among cases with nodal involvement, lymph nodes of the head and neck were frequently involved, mandibular nodes most commonly, followed by superficial cervical nodes. In seven cases a solitary node was affected. Conclusions Compared with similar surveys overseas, our cats were older and male cats were over-represented. There was a notable subgroup of young cats with mediastinal involvement. Siamese/Oriental cats were over-represented in this subgroup as well as in the larger population of cats with lymphosarcoma. Compared with overseas surveys, renal involvement, mixed cases and atypical cases (including nasal lymphosarcoma) were more common. A new subcategory of nodal lymphosarcoma, with involvement restricted to node(s) of head and neck, was identified.  相似文献   
Objective Correlation of immunophenotype with history, anatomical and morphological features of lymphoid neoplasia in the koala.
Methods Routine necropsies were performed on 51 koalas with suspected lymphoid neoplasia between 1986 and 1997 in New South Wales and Queensland. Immuno-phenotyping was by an immunoperoxidase method utilising species cross-reactive antibodies raised against human lymphocytes and an antibody raised against koala IgG. Cases were classified according to organs and tissues affected and the morphological features of neoplastic cells.
Results Twenty-six (51%) of the cases were of the T cell immunophenotype, 12 (24%) were of B cell immunopheno-type and 13 (25%) did not stain. The age and sex of koalas did not correlate with immunophenotype (P = 0.686 and P = 1.000, respectively). Thirty-two cases were leukaemic and 36 had multiple organ involvement, probably reflecting presenta tion of koalas at advanced stages of disease. Abdominal tissue involvement was most common (44 cases), followed by nodal (32), atypical (21) and cervicomediastinal (14). The T cell immunophenotype was over-represented among the leukaemic cases (P = 0.013). Generally, the T cell immunophenotype predominated except for many affected atypical tissues. Neoplastic cells were mostly of medium nuclear size with round to oval nuclei. No correlations were found for cell morphology, mitotic index and immunopheno-type.
Conclusion The prognostic value of an immunopheno-typic, anatomical and morphological basis for the classifica tion of lymphoid neoplasia in the koala currently is limited by the need to detect these neoplasms at an early age, the requirement for freshly fixed tissues and the restricted range of available cross-reacting antibodies.  相似文献   
Objective To determine the extent of the snake bite problem in domestic animals, its regional significance and the effects of antivenom treatment.
Design A questionnaire was designed seeking information on the number and type of domestic animals referred, whether treated or untreated, type of snakes and management of the bite.
Procedure The survey form was sent to 10% of veterinary surgeons, selected at random throughout Australia.
Results The response of 106 veterinary surgeons revealed that snake bite in domestic animals is frequent, with an estimated 6200 cases reported annually. Bites were more prominent in rural (78%) than urban areas (22%) with brown, tiger and black snakes accounting for 76%, 13% and 6% of cases, respectively. Cats and dogs were the most frequently reported victims. Ninety-one percent of cats and 75% of dogs survived following the administration of antivenom whereas 66% of cats and 31% of dogs survived without antivenom. Overall, in 33% of cases antivenom was not used, and venom detection kits were used in only 1% of cases. A number of drugs were used in various combinations with or without antivenom and intravenous fluids in the treatment of animals with snake bite, but their role in reducing the severity of envenomations was not assessed.
Clinical implications Antivenom significantly improves the chances of survival of domestic animals bitten by snakes.  相似文献   
Objective To describe a case of diabetes mellitus in a koala (Phascolarctos cinereus).
Design A case report with controls.
Procedures We describe clinical and laboratory findings in a 6-year-old, free-living, female koala presented with traumatic injury and subsequently found to have polydipsia, hyperglycaemia and glucosuria. Over a 5 week period, serum biochemical analyses, haematological examinations, urinal-yses, measurement of serum insulin and fructosamine concentrations, necropsy, histopathological examination of a range of tissues and immunohistochemical examination of the pancreas for insulin-containing cells were done. For reference purposes, serum insulin and fructosamine concentrations were determined in four and two healthy koalas, respectively, and three healthy koalas pancreases were examined histo-logically and immunohistochemically.
Results The koala had persistent hyperglycaemia, hyperlipidaemia, hyponatraemia, hypochloraemia and glucosuria. Serum insulin concentration of the diabetic koala was only marginally smaller than that of healthy koalas, but all concentrations were smaller than reference concentrations in dogs and people. Fructosamine concentration did not allow the diabetic koala to be distinguished from healthy koalas and concentrations of all koala analytes were greater than expected for healthy dogs and people. Histopathological examination revealed extensive degeneration of pancreatic islet cells and fatty infiltration of hepatocytes. Immunoperoxidase staining revealed decreased or absent insulin in the b cells of the affected koala.
Conclusion Clinical signs, clinicopathological results and histopathological changes were consistent with diabetes mellitus. The pathogenesis of the condition could not be determined but may have been related to the administration of a parenteral corticosteroid preparation, the stress of capture or tissue damage and inflammation.  相似文献   
The application of polymer matrix ear tags impregnated with 8.5% w/w cypermethrin to 6 wethers following shearing reduced lice to non-detectable levels on 4 of them at 29 weeks after tagging. At the conclusion of the study at 45 weeks the mean count of lice on tagged wethers was 3 per sheep compared to 158 on untreated wethers. In a second experiment, 6 non-infected sheep were treated at shearing with cypermethrin tags, 6 with 25 g/l cypermethrin backline formulation, 6 with tags plus backline and 6 were left untreated. Each group was exposed to 6 sheep with moderate to heavy infestations of lice. Compared to controls, all treatments delayed infestation, but cypermethrin tags gave no longer protection than backline treatment. All sheep were infested by 17 weeks after commencement of the study. At 45 weeks mean counts of lice were 38, 27, 20 and 74 respectively for sheep treated with tags, backline formulation, backline plus tags and untreated. Possible reasons for the better effect observed from applying tags to infested sheep than to sheep which were not infected at application but which were subsequently exposed to infested sheep are discussed.  相似文献   
鸡传染性鼻炎流行病学调查(Ⅱ)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用鸡传染性鼻炎PCR试剂盒和阻断ELISA试剂盒,对29份菌株、136份临床样品和1019份血清进行了检验和分析,结果PCR阳性率为36.4%,A型阳性率为10.3%,C型阳性率为6.4%。  相似文献   
A total of 31 isolates of Haemophilus parasuis obtained from Australian pigs were serotyped by the Kielstein-Rapp-Gabrielson scheme. The isolates were assigned to serovar 1 (1 isolate), serovar 2 (1 isolate), serovar 4 (4 isolates), serovar 5 (7 isolates), serovar 9 (2 isolates), serovar 10/7 (4 isolates), serovar 12 (1 isolate) and serovar 13 (6 isolates). The remaining 5 isolates could not be assigned to a serovar. Two different serovars (5 and 13) were detected in one herd. The only 2 isolates obtained from clinically normal pigs (from the same herd) were serovar 9. The common serovars were isolated from pigs with pneumonia as well as from pigs with conditions of the Glässer's disease type. The serological heterogeneity amongst Australian isolates of H parasuis has important implications for the use of vaccines to control Glässer's disease.  相似文献   
Monensin, a polyether ionophore antibiotic, is potentially an important agent for bloat relief in dairy cows grazing temperate legume-based pasture. A series of studies was undertaken to determine the effect of monensin, when delivered continuously in the rumen of lactating dairy cows by means of controlled-release capsules (monensin CRC). Such devices release approximately 300 mg/head/day for 100 d. A short-term pilot study made at Ruakura, New Zealand, tested monensin CRC in cows selected for high susceptibility to bloat and grazing lucerne (Medicago sativa) or red clover (Trifolium pratense). Treatment significantly reduced the incidence of bloat, while milk yield and protein yield were increased. There was no effect on fat yield. Following the pilot study, 6 large-scale field experiments involving a total of 368 lactating dairy cows, were made in Australia and New Zealand to confirm the effectiveness of monensin CRC for bloat control and to measure the effect of such treatment on milk production and composition. A severe bloat problem occurred in 2 experiments, mild bloat occurred in 2 others, while no visual signs of bloat were observed in the remaining 2 experiments. Bloat was significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced by monensin CRC treatment when data was pooled over the 4 experiments in which bloat occurred. Daily milk yield was increased in all experiments from a mean of 17.7 in untreated groups to 18.8 kg/head/day (P less than 0.05) in monensin CRC-treated cows. Protein percentage was not affected by treatment, while there was a decrease from 4.29 to 4.10% fat, although total fat yield was not affected.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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