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Parthenogenetic activation using zona‐free oocytes offers an alternative model that could be applied to develop protocols for the activation of reconstructed embryos for cloning. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of different methods for the activation of zona‐free buffalo oocytes in terms of their effects on the developmental competence of parthenogenetic embryos. The effects of zona removal on parthenogenetic activation and in vitro developmental competence of metaphase II oocytes were also examined. All activation methods were followed by incubation of 2 mm 6‐dimethylaminopurine (6‐DMAP) for 4 h. Out of three different pulse strengths (1.2, 2.1 or 3.3 kV/cm) used, 2.1 kV/cm resulted in the highest blastocyst rate (25.3%). On comparing different chemical agents and electric pulse, highest blastocyst rate was observed for calcium ionophore (CaI) (28.6%) followed by ethanol (25.0%), electric pulse (22.5%) and combined CaI and ethanol treatment (16.7%) although differences among them were not significant. Furthermore, a significantly reduced developmental potential was observed in zona‐free oocytes when compared to zona‐intact ones up to the blastocyst stage (44.3% vs 27.1%). In conclusion, zona‐free buffalo oocytes can be successfully activated for parthenogenetic development using chemical or electrical stimulation. Out of different agents examined, CaI followed by 6‐DMAP resulted in the highest blastocyst rate.  相似文献   
A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) was used to manage the laboratory data and support planning and field activities as part of the response to the equine influenza outbreak in Australia in 2007. The database structure of the LIMS and the system configurations that were made to best handle the laboratory implications of the disease response are discussed. The operational aspects of the LIMS and the related procedures used at the laboratory to process the increased sample throughput are reviewed, as is the interaction of the LIMS with other corporate systems used in the management of the response. Outcomes from this tailored configuration and operation of the LIMS resulted in effective provision and control of the laboratory and laboratory information aspects of the response. The extent and immediate availability of the information provided from the LIMS was critical to some of the activities of key operatives involved in controlling the response.  相似文献   
Voyager 2 images of Neptune reveal a windy planet characterized by bright clouds of methane ice suspended in an exceptionally clear atmosphere above a lower deck of hydrogen sulfide or ammonia ices. Neptune's atmosphere is dominated by a large anticyclonic storm system that has been named the Great Dark Spot (GDS). About the same size as Earth in extent, the GDS bears both many similarities and some differences to the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. Neptune's zonal wind profile is remarkably similar to that of Uranus. Neptune has three major rings at radii of 42,000, 53,000, and 63,000 kilometers. The outer ring contains three higher density arc-like segments that were apparently responsible for most of the ground-based occultation events observed during the current decade. Like the rings of Uranus, the Neptune rings are composed of very dark material; unlike that of Uranus, the Neptune system is very dusty. Six new regular satellites were found, with dark surfaces and radii ranging from 200 to 25 kilometers. All lie inside the orbit of Triton and the inner four are located within the ring system. Triton is seen to be a differentiated body, with a radius of 1350 kilometers and a density of 2.1 grams per cubic centimeter; it exhibits clear evidence of early episodes of surface melting. A now rigid crust of what is probably water ice is overlain with a brilliant coating of nitrogen frost, slightly darkened and reddened with organic polymer material. Streaks of organic polymer suggest seasonal winds strong enough to move particles of micrometer size or larger, once they become airborne. At least two active plumes were seen, carrying dark material 8 kilometers above the surface before being transported downstream by high level winds. The plumes may be driven by solar heating and the subsequent violent vaporization of subsurface nitrogen.  相似文献   
The detoxification capabilities of the predatory mite Amblyseius fallacis and its herbivorous prey Tetranychus urticae are fundamentally different. The activities of mixed-function oxidase and trans-epoxide hydrolase are higher in the prey than in the predator; those of cis-epoxide hydrolase and glutathione transferase are lower; and esterase activity is similar. Dissimilarities may be related both to differing adaptations to plant allelochemicals and to the higher respiration rate of the predator. Hydrolytic and conjugating reactions appear more important than oxidative pathways in imparting organophosphate resistance to these acarines. These resistances provide insecticide selectivity favorable to the predator and improved integrated pest control.  相似文献   
A preliminarv profile of the atmosphere of Jupiter in the South Equatorial Belt shows (i) the tropopause occurring at a pressure level of 100 millibars and temperature of about 113K, (ii) a higher warm inversion layer at about the 35-millibar level, and (iii) a lower-altitude constant lapse rate matching the adiabatic value of about 2 K per kilometer, with the temperatutre reaching 150 K at the 600-millibar level. Preliminary afternoon and predawn ionospheric profiles at 12 degrees south latitude and near the equator, respectively, have topside plasma scale heights of 590 kilometers changing to 960 kilometers above an altitucde of 3500 kilometers for the dayside, and about 960 kilomneters at all measured heights above the peak for the nightside. The higher value of scale height corresponds to a plasma temperature of 1100 K under the assumption of a plasma of protons and electrons in ambipolar diffusive equilibrium. The peak electron concentration in the upper ionosphere is approximately 2 x 10(5) per cubic centimeter for the dayside and about a factor of 10 less for the nightside. These peaks occur at altitudes of 1600 and 2300 kilometers, respectively. Continuing analyses are expected to extend and refine these results, and to be used to investigate other regions and phenomena.  相似文献   
Voyager 2 radio occultation measurements of Saturn's atmosphere probed to the 1.2-bar pressure level, where the temperature was 143 +/- 6 K and the lapse rate apparently equaled the dry adiabatic value of 0.85 K per kilometer. The tropopause at both mid-latitude occultation locations (36.5 degrees N and 31 degrees S) was at a pressure level of about 70 millibars and a temperature of approximately 82 K. The stratospheric structures were very similar with the temperature rising to about 140 K at the 1-millibar pressure level. The peak electron concentrations sensed were 1.7 x 10(4) and 0.64 x 10(4) per cubic centimeter in the predawn (31 degrees S) and late afternoon (36.5 degrees N) locations. The topside plasma scale heights were about 1000 kilometers for the late afternoon profile, and 260 kilometers for the lower portions and 1100 kilometers for the upper portions of the topside predawn ionosphere. Radio measurements of the masses of Tethys and Iapetus yield (7.55 +/- 0.90) x 10(20) and (18.8 +/- 1.2) x 10(20) kilograms respectively; the Tethys-Mimas resonance theory then provides a derived mass for Afimas of (0.455 +/- 0.054) x 10(20) kilograms. These values for Tethys and Mimas represent major increases from previously accepted ground-based values, and appear to reverse a suggested trend of increasing satellite density with orbital radius in the Saturnian system. Current results suggest the opposite trend, in which the intermediate-sized satellites of Saturn may represent several classes of objects that differ with respect to the relative amounts of water, ammonia, and methane ices incorporated at different temperatures during formation. The anomalously low density of lapetus might then be explained as resulting from a large hydrocarbon content, and its unusually dark surface markings as another manifestation of this same material.  相似文献   
Fourteen profiles of electron density in the ionosphere of Venus were obtainecd by the dual-frequency radio occulation method with the Pioneer Venus orbiter between 5 and 30 December 1978. The solar zenith angles for these measurements were between about 85 degrees and 92 degrees , and the latitudes ranged from about 81 degrees to 88 degrees (ecliptic north). In addition to the expected decreasein peak electron density from about 1.5 x 10(3) to 0.5 x 10(3) per cubic centimeter with increasing solar zenith angle, a region of almost constant electron density above about 250 kilometers was observed. The ionopause height varies from about 300 to 700 kilometers and seems to be influenced by diurnal changes in solar wind conditions. The structures of the profiles are consistent with models in which O(2)(+) dominates near the ionization peak and is replaced by O(+) at higher altitudes.  相似文献   

This article presents a collaborative project undertaken by a group of veterinary librarians as an attempt to deal with the problematic nature of grey literature. It provides the historical context of grey literature in veterinary medicine, noting its importance in preserving the history of the veterinary profession in the United States. It also surveys veterinary grey literature and discusses the challenges of dealing with this type of material. Emphasizing the common problems presented to the veterinary library community, the paper then reports on the cooperative efforts of the group, describing the development of a mission, core values, and an action plan.  相似文献   
选用地理纬度相似的中国辽宁省、美国俄亥俄州新近育成的大豆品种,分别和中国辽宁省20世纪20年代老品种进行了农艺性状的比较研究。结果表明:中美大豆品种主要农艺性状遗传改进的共有趋势是主茎荚数、单株荚数、3粒和4粒荚率、单株粒数、单株粒重、百粒重、粒茎比、收获指数明显增加。株高、主茎节数、节间长度和分枝数显著降低。美国新品种的单株荚数、单株粒数和粒茎比的增加幅度明显高于同期的中国新品种。而中国新品种的百粒重显著高于美国新品种。施肥水平对不同年代大豆品种主要农艺性状也有一定影响,且美国新品种在高肥条件下比中国新品种表现出更高的增产潜力。  相似文献   
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