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Studies have demonstrated that oviductal fluid (ODF) proteins associate with eggs of numerous species including the bovine. In this study, the association of three ODF proteins, the bovine oestrus‐associated protein, osteopontin (OPN), lipocalin‐type prostaglandin D synthase (L‐PGDS), with the bovine zona pellucida (ZP) was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry and western blot. The biological function of ODF derived egg‐associated OPN and L‐PGDS in sperm binding, fertilization and embryonic development was also explored. In vitro matured bovine oocytes were pre‐incubated with ODF collected by cannula from cows in oestrus, or ODF with antibodies to OPN, L‐PGDS and bovine serum albumin (BSA). Following incubation, oocytes were inseminated with 1 × 105 frozen‐thawed spermatozoa, and they were evaluated for sperm binding, fertilization and embryonic development in vitro. Pre‐treatment of ODF with antibodies to all of proteins reduced sperm binding to the ZP and fertilization in vitro. Cleavage rates were not significantly different among incubations, but rates of embryo development were significantly decreased. We conclude that antibodies to OPN, L‐PGDS and BSA react with oocytes incubated with ODF and inhibit sperm binding, fertilization and embryonic development in vitro, suggesting a potential role of these proteins in these events.  相似文献   
It is well established that reproductive function is metabolically gated. However, the mechanisms whereby energy stores and metabolic cues influence appetite, energy homeostasis and fertility are yet to be completely understood. Adipose tissue is no longer considered as only a depot to store excess energy. Recent findings have identified numerous genes, several neurotrophic factors, interleukins, insulin-like growth factor binding protein-5, ciliary neurotrophic factor and neuropeptide Y (NPY) as being expressed by adipose tissue during pubertal development. These studies demonstrated for the first time the expression of several major adipokines or cytokines in pig adipose tissue which may influence local and central metabolism and growth. Leptin appears to be the primary metabolic signal and is part of the adipose tissue-hypothalamic regulatory loop in the control of appetite, energy homeostasis and luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion. Leptin's actions on appetite regulation are mediated by inhibition of hypothalamic NPY and stimulation of proopiomelanocortin. Its effects on gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)/LH secretion are mediated by NPY and kisspeptin. Thus, leptin appears to be an important link between metabolic status, the neuroendocrine axis and subsequent fertility in the gilt and sow.  相似文献   
The arthritic form of swine erysipelas was induced in pigs by multiple intravenous inoculation of 2 strains of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. The strains differed significantly in their arthritogenicity but not in the number of cases of lameness induced. The use of 3 intravenous inoculations instead of 5 did not significantly affect the outcome. In a second trial, the more arthritogenic strain was injected in ten-fold dilutions from 5 x 10(9) to 5 x 10(4) organisms. Pigs receiving the lower doses showed high variability in their arthritic responses that precluded sensitive analysis of the dose effects on the number of arthritic and infected joints. However, slaughter weights showed a significant negative correlation with dose. Mean slaughter weights in treatment groups varied by 14.6 kg per pig, an average weight loss of 3 kg per pig for each ten-fold rise in dose of the highly virulent strain, and significantly correlated with the number of arthritic and infected joints. Culture of homogenised synovial membrane through selective horse meat-serum broth containing kanamycin, neomycin and vancomycin identified 66% and 59% more infected joints than primary blood agar culture of synovial fluid or synovial membrane homogenate, respectively.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the survival time of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis in amitraz-based cattle dip fluid derived from an active dip site in northern New South Wales. PROCEDURE: Following inoculation of triplicate 5 L containers with faeces (0.5 g/L) from a clinical case of bovine paratuberculosis, samples collected up to 8 weeks after inoculation were examined by conventional and radiometric culture. M a paratuberculosis colonies were enumerated on solid media. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: M a paratuberculosis survived in amitraz cattle dip fluid for up to 2 weeks, but not 3 weeks. Where 1% of solids in dip fluid is derived from a clinical case of paratuberculosis, dip fluid may contain viable M a paratuberculosis for at least 2 weeks. These findings have implications for the management of cattle dip sites.  相似文献   
Data from a wide variety of igneous rock types show that the ratio of potassium to uranium is approximately 1 X 10(4). This suggests that the value of K/U approximately 1 X 10(4) is characteristic of terrestrial materials and is distinct from the value of 8 X 10(4) found in chondrites. In a model earth with K/U approximately 10(4), uranium and thorium are the dominant sources of radioactive heat at the present time. This will permit the average terrestrial concentrations of uranium and thorium to be 2 to 4.7 times higher than that observed in chondrites. The resulting models of the terrestrial heat production will be considerably different from those for chondritic heat production because of the longer half-life of U(238) and Th(238) compared with K(40).  相似文献   
Early Forest Soils and Their Role in Devonian Global Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A paleosol in the Middle Devonian Aztec Siltstone of Victoria Land, Antarctica, is the most ancient known soil of well-drained forest ecosystems. Clay enrichment and chemical weathering of subsurface horizons in this and other Devonian forested paleosols culminate a long-term increase initiated during the Silurian. From Silurian into Devonian time, red clayey calcareous paleosols show a greater volume of roots and a concomitant decline in the density of animal burrows. These trends parallel the decline in atmospheric carbon dioxide determined from isotopic records of pedogenic carbonate in these same paleosols. The drawdown of carbon dioxide began well before the Devonian appearance of coals, large logs, and diverse terrestrial plants and animals, and it did not correlate with temporal variation in volcanic or metamorphic activity. The early Paleozoic greenhouse may have been curbed by the evolution of rhizospheres with an increased ratio of primary to secondary production and by more effective silicate weathering during Silurian time.  相似文献   
The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) z-axis accelerometer has obtained over 200 vertical structures of thermospheric density, temperature, and pressure, ranging from 110 to 170 kilometers, compared to only three previous such vertical structures. In November 1997, a regional dust storm in the Southern Hemisphere triggered an unexpectedly large thermospheric response at mid-northern latitudes, increasing the altitude of thermospheric pressure surfaces there by as much as 8 kilometers and indicating a strong global thermospheric response to a regional dust storm. Throughout the MGS mission, thermospheric density bulges have been detected on opposite sides of the planet near 90 degreesE and 90 degreesW, in the vicinity of maximum terrain heights. This wave 2 pattern may be caused by topographically-forced planetary waves propagating up from the lower atmosphere.  相似文献   
SUMMARY An Australian bovine herpesvirus 1 (BHV1) isolate with a defined (427 base pair) deletion in the protein coding region of the thymidine kinase gene was obtained by standard marker rescue procedures. After selection in the presence of the nucleotide analogue 5iodo-deoxy-uridine the virus was analysed by hybridisation with three differential oligonucleotide probes, restriction endonuclease profile studies and DNA sequence analysis. The virus elicited an immune response in recipient animals after either intramuscular or intravenous administration and produced no significant deleterious side-effects when administered at a dose sufficient to stimulate the host immune response. The safety and immunogenicity of the recombinant BHV1 virus 39B1 were similar to those reported for other registered BHV1 vaccines and the virus would appear to be suitable for the production of a vaccine seed lot and more exhaustive field trials as a prelude to commercial vaccine production and registration.  相似文献   

HISTORY: A similar episodic neurological disorder occurred in new born lambs on two unrelated properties involving disparate breeds of sheep. Because of the number of lambs born, cross-breeding and the fact it occurred in some mating groups and not others, a dominant mode of inheritance was, initially and separately, suspected in each case. The sires of affected lambs were apparently normal. Whereas one was New Zealand Romney, the other was a composite breed with East Friesian genetics, but both rams originated from the same source property. To investigate the pathogenesis of the disorder these two rams were acquired and mated with unrelated sheep, under experimental conditions in a more controlled environment.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: A proportion of lambs born to both sires exhibited a similar neurological disorder. Some lambs were noted to be abnormal at birth, both on home properties and in the experimental flock. They tended to adopt a head and neck extended posture and were slow to get to their feet and suckle when they then became more or less normal. When forced to move, they and other more robust lambs elicited an asymmetric gait, base-wide extensor hypertonia (hypometria) of thoracic limbs and flexor hypertonia (hypermetria) of pelvic limbs. In some there was nystagmus. After several metres of asymmetric ataxic gait they would fall to one side, sometimes adopting a sitting position. Recovery usually occurred in one to several minutes. As lambs aged, it became more difficult to elicit the episodes of dysfunction and by 6 months of age they appeared normal.

DIAGNOSIS: The disorder was diagnosed as a dominant familial episodic cerebellovestibular ataxia inherited as a dominant trait, with incomplete penetration of observed clinical signs and variable expressivity.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A proportion of affected lambs are likely to die in the neonatal period so the specific nature of the disorder may go unrecognised. Because of incomplete penetrance and varying expressivity, many of the lambs carrying this mutation will survive without showing clinical signs and may enter breeding flocks, where the disorder may be perpetuated and contribute to neonatal deaths.  相似文献   
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