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Attempts to reproduce in calves the arthropathy associated with Brucella abortus strain 19 (S19) vaccination by direct intra-articular injection of S19 or virulent Brucella cells were unsuccessful. Intra-articular injection of rabbits and a calf with immune complexes isolated from the synovial fluid of a field case produced clinical and histological signs of arthropathy accompanied by the development of rheumatoid factor.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of successive days of endurance exercise on select serum chemistry values in conditioned Alaskan sled dogs. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. ANIMALS: 10 conditioned Alaskan sled dogs. PROCEDURES: All dogs ran 160 km/d for 5 consecutive days. Serum was obtained prior to exercise and immediately after each exercise run; all samples were obtained before dogs were fed. Serum electrolyte, mineral, protein, total bilirubin, urea nitrogen, creatinine, and cardiac troponin-I concentrations and serum alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, creatine kinase, and aspartate aminotransferase activities were measured. Data were analyzed by means of analysis of covariance for a randomized complete block design with dog as a blocking variable, time as a covariate, and distance run as the treatment of interest. Least square mean values were compared with values obtained prior to exercise, and linear and quadratic contrasts were examined. RESULTS: Serum globulin concentration was low prior to exercise (mean +/- SD, 2.2 +/- 0.3g/dL) and progressively decreased as exercise continued. Exercise was associated with increases in serum chloride, urea nitrogen, and cardiac troponin-I concentrations and serum alanine aminotransferase, creatine kinase, and aspartate aminotransferase activities and with progressive decreases in serum potassium, total protein, and albumin concentrations. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that multiple successive days of endurance exercise resulted in mild aberrations in serum chemistry variables in conditioned sled dogs. Changes likely reflected the metabolic stresses of prolonged endurance exercise as well as dietary composition. Hypoglobulinemia in resting, conditioned sled dogs may reflect the immunosuppressive or catabolic effects of intense endurance training.  相似文献   
A survey of the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of 100 rice farmers and 50 coconut farmers was conducted in the coastal lowland agro-ecosystems of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor, Luzon, Philippines to identify current rodent management practices and to understand the extent of rat damage and the attitudes of farmers to community actions for rodent management. Pests were most commonly listed as one of the three most important rice and coconut production constraints. Other major crop production constraints were typhoons and insufficient water. Farmers consider rats to be the major pest of coconut and of rice during the wet season rice crop, with average yield losses of 3.0% and 13.2%, respectively. Rice and coconut farmers practised a wide range of rodent management techniques. These included scrub clearance, hunting and trapping. Of the 42 rice farmers and 3 coconut farmers that applied rodenticides to control rodents, all used the acute rodenticide, zinc phosphide. However, only ten rice farmers (23.8%) applied rodenticides prior to the booting stage and only seven farmers (15.6%) conducted pre-baiting before applying zinc phosphide. The majority of farmers belonged to farmer organisations and believed that rat control can only be done by farmers working together. However, during the last cropping season, less than a third of rice farmers (31.2%) applied rodent management as a group. In order to reduce the impact of rodents on the farmers of the coastal lowlands of the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor, integrated management strategies need to be developed that specifically target the pest rodents in a sustainable manner, and community actions for rodent management should be promoted.  相似文献   
Control of invertebrate pests in broad-acre agriculture largely relies on the application of broad-spectrum pesticides, however resistance problems and environmental concerns are driving a search for alternatives including more selective products. Here we explore the feasibility of using novel chemical groupings in the control of problematic pests that attack germinating pastures and grain crops in Australia. A modified laboratory bioassay is described for testing the response of several invertebrate pests to pesticides that have contact and systemic/translaminar properties. Two contact pesticides (fenitrothion and gamma-cyhalothrin) and three pesticides with strong systemic/translaminar properties (lambda-cyhalothrin, abamectin and diafenthiuron) showed promise for control of the collembolan Sminthurus viridis and four mite pests (Halotydeus destructor, Balaustium medicagoense, Penthaleus falcatus and Bryobia sp.). No single pesticide emerged as the most efficacious against all these pests, highlighting the need for correct pest identification before making control recommendations. Incorporating these new chemical options into pest control programs may help to control emerging pests and counter pesticide resistance issues. Selective pesticides in particular are likely to be compatible with integrated control programs that promote the establishment and maintenance of beneficial natural enemies.  相似文献   
Wastewater‐fed aquaculture is generally in decline. The 12 500 ha East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW) Ramsar site in peri‐urban Kolkata, India, is the only large‐scale formal system still operating and appears to demonstrate a high degree of resilience. This paper identifies aspects of wastewater‐fed aquaculture in the EKW that contribute to its sustained operation. The Driving Forces, Pressures, State, Impact, Response (DPSIR) framework was used to structure the assessment. Resilience within the EKW can be attributed to the scale of operation, adaptive production strategies that optimise resource utilisation while minimising risks, self‐organisation among stakeholders and timely legislation and institutional interventions to preserve the natural character of the wetlands. The introduction of externalising technologies, erosion of social capital and loss of traditional ecological knowledge threaten to undermine this resilience. Outcomes from this analysis should inform future management of the EKW to ensure that resilience is retained and enhanced.  相似文献   
Objective: To (1) determine prevalence of radiographically detectable meniscal mineralization in domestic cats and (2) to evaluate the association between meniscal mineralization and degenerative joint disease (DJD). Study Design: Prospective study. Animals: Client‐owned cats (n=100) and 30 feline cadavers. Methods: Randomly selected client‐owned cats were used to determine the prevalence of meniscal mineralization. Stifles from feline cadavers were used to evaluate the relationship between meniscal mineralization (using high‐resolution X‐ray), radiographic DJD, and cartilage damage. Menisci were evaluated histologically. Results: Forty‐six percent of the client‐owned cats had meniscal mineralization detected in 1 or both stifles. Pain scores were not significantly different between stifles with meniscal mineralization and those with no radiographic pathology (P=.38). Thirty‐four of 57 cadaver stifles had meniscal mineralization, which was always located in the cranial horn of the medial meniscus. Percentage mineralization of the menisci was significantly correlated with the cartilage damage score of the medial femoral (r2=0.6; P<.0001) and tibial (r2=0.5; P<.0001) condyles as well as with the total joint cartilage damage (r2=0.36; P<.0001) score and DJD score (r2=0.8; P<.0001). Conclusion: Meniscal mineralization is a common condition in domestic cats and seems to indicate medial compartment DJD. Clinical Relevance: Clinical significance of meniscal mineralization is uncertain. Further work is needed to determine if the meniscal mineralization is a cause, or a consequence of joint degeneration.  相似文献   
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