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Poly-alpha2,8-sialic acid (PSA) has been implicated in numerous normal and pathological processes, including development, neuronal plasticity, and tumor metastasis. We report that cell surface PSA expression can be reversibly inhibited by a small molecule, N-butanoylmannosamine (ManBut). Inhibition occurs through a metabolic mechanism in which ManBut is converted to unnatural sialic acid derivatives that effectively act as chain terminators during cellular PSA biosynthesis. N-Propanoylmannosamine (ManProp), which differs from ManBut by a single methylene group, did not inhibit PSA biosynthesis. Modulation of PSA expression by chemical means has a role complementary to genetic and biochemical approaches in the study of complex PSA-mediated events.  相似文献   
陕西省生态旅游开发初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对陕西省开发旅游的必要性进行了分析,根据陕西省生态旅游资源的实际赋存条件,提出陕西省生态旅游产品开发各地市层次定位的框架构想,并对陕西省生态旅游产品开发提出几点建议.  相似文献   
On the basis of clinical signs and histological findings eight 9-month-old male rusa deer ( Cervus timorensis ) were diagnosed with sheep associated-malignant catarrhal fever. Following a variable course involving rectal temperatures around 40.5°C, depression, inappetence, diarrhoea, corneal opacity and hypopyon all animals died or were euthanased over a 5-week period. Severe multifocal vasculitis, mainly periglomerular and in the arcuate vessels were consistent histological findings which in the past have been adequate to confirm clinical diagnosis of sheep associated-malignant catarrhal fever. A nested poly-merase chain reaction test has been used to detect a sheep associated-malignant catarrhal fever PRC product, 238 base-pairs in size, in DNA extracted from lymphocyte preparations. The result supported the diagnosis of sheep associated-malignant catarrhal fever in these deer.  相似文献   
Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) enhances our ability to see the patent ductus arteriosus in the dog. The improved visualization may potentially improve our ability to perform transcatheter coil embolization in patients that are more likely to have a successful outcome. This report uses still and video images to detail the specifics of coil embolization as performed with the assistance of TEE and compares the images with those of angiography, surgery and postmortem examination.  相似文献   
A commercially available absorbed ELISA for the diagnosis of Johne's disease (JD) (paratuberculosis) in cattle, the Johne's Absorbed EIA, was compared with the conventional complement-fixation test (CFT) used in Australia. Stored plasma from 3 Victorian dairy herds with a history of JD, sera from specimens submitted from animals showing clinical signs of JD and sera from the US National Repository for Paratuberculosis Specimens were used to determine the sensitivity of each test. The EIA detected 48.8% of 43 Australian animals with subclinical JD, while the CFT detected only 12 (21.4%) of 56 subclinically affected cattle. Of 150 subclinically infected US cattle, the EIA detected 47.3% and the CFT detected 52.0%. The EIA detected 59.7% of animals which at the time of sampling were shedding Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in their faeces, but showed no clinical signs of JD, while the CFT detected 57.3%. The EIA correctly identified 88.2% of 136 histologically confirmed clinical cases, and the CFT detected 83.4%. The specificity of each test was determined by testing sera collected at slaughter from animals residing in a known JD-free area of Australia, and from samples from the US National Repository of Paratuberculosis Specimens collected from certified-free herds in Wisconsin. The EIA was found to have a specificity of 99.8% when 998 Australian animals were used as the test population, and 99.0% when 196 US animals were used. The specificity of the CFT using Australian samples was 96.9% and 95.2% using American samples.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine whether evidence could be obtained of foetal infection with Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo in aborted foetuses collected from dairy farms. Material from 197 abortions occurring over a wide area of Victoria was collected over 3 years. None of 195 foetal kidney cultures or 7 cultures from membranes was positive for leptospiral organisms. Immunogold silver staining for leptospires was performed on sections of kidneys, lungs or heart from 156 foetuses, with negative results. Evidence of transient leptospiral infection in 11 of 123 foetuses was obtained by foetal heart blood serology. Two isolates of L. interrogans serovar hardjo were obtained from the urine of milking cows. These strains were examined by restriction endonuclease analysis and both were shown to be of the genotype Hardjobovis, as have been all Australian isolates studied so far. It appears that foetal infection with serovar hardjo is not associated with any substantial proportion of bovine abortions in Victoria, in contrast to the situation in Northern Ireland. The apparent absence from Victoria of the pathogenic genotype Hardjoprajitno is a possible explanation.  相似文献   
The expression of human complement regulatory proteins (hCRP; hDAF, hCD59, and hMCP) in pig tissues has been suggested as one of strategies to overcome the hyperacute rejection (HAR) in pig‐to‐human transplantation. Expression of human tissue factor pathway inhibitor (hTFPI) in porcine endothelial cells has been suggested as a remedy to overcome microvascular thrombosis. To investigate the effects of these combined transgenes, we established transformed pig cells expressing human decay accelerating factor (hDAF) under the control of enhancer promoter (5′LTR‐PCMVIE), and the fusion protein (hTFPI/hCD4) consisting of the functional domains (K1 and K2) of hTFPI and membrane‐tethering domains (D3 and D4) of hCD4 under the control of PCMVIE. Transgenic pigs were generated with the transformed porcine cells through somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) technology. Analysis of quantitative PCR and real‐time quantitative RT‐PCR showed that four copies of hDAF were integrated and 391 copies of hDAF mRNA expressed in the cells of the transgenic pig. The enhancing activity of 5′LTR was approximately 2 fold compared to CMVIE promoter only. The cell viability test showed that more than 80% of ear cells were viable in the presence of 50% human serum. The chromogenic substrate assay and immunocytochemical staining with tail cells showed that the TFPI activity of fusion protein was observed on the cell membrane. The membrane localization of hDAF and hTFPI proteins was observed by immunocytochemical staining, and the expression of transgenes in heart and liver tissues was also confirmed by immunohistochemistry.  相似文献   
Atrioventricular (AV) canal defects comprise a rare category of congenital heart disease associated with abnormal development of the endocardial cushions. These anomalies include a broad spectrum of lesions involving the atrial septum primum, the inlet portion of the ventricular septum, and the atrioventricular valves. In severe cases heart failure may result. The present report describes cardiopulmonary findings in a six-week-old, female Thoroughbred foal with persistent tachypnea and tachycardia since birth. Clinical, echocardiographic, cardiac catheterization, and pathologic findings were compatible with complete AV canal defect with bi-directional shunting, congestive heart failure, and pulmonary hypertension. Gross cardiac pathologic findings included a large atrioventricular septal defect, a common atriovalvular orifice, five atrioventricular leaflets, with two free-floating bridging leaflets. Histopathologic lesions in the lung included hypertrophy of the pulmonary arteriolar walls due to thickening of the tunica media. This represents a well documented case of complete endocardial cushion defect with anomalous development of the atrioventricular valves and resultant pulmonary hypertension and heart failure.  相似文献   
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