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湖羊在西北寒旱地区行为学和生理指标的观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究西北寒冷干旱气候条件下湖羊的行为和生理指标变化,进而为西北地区湖羊引种提供数据支持和理论依据,本试验选用12只(公、母各半)舍饲周岁湖羊,通过近红外摄像技术研究了不同季节(A因子,A1夏季,A2冬季)、性别(B因子,B1♂,B2♀)和不同时段(C因子,C1昼,C2夜)条件下湖羊的采食、饮水、反刍、卧息等行为。结果表明,季节因子(A因子)对湖羊采食、卧息、反刍等行为均有极显著影响(P<0.01);性别因子(B因子)仅对湖羊采食和卧息行为有显著影响(P<0.05);昼夜因子(C因子)对湖羊的卧息行为有显著影响(P<0.05),对其采食和反刍行为有极显著影响(P<0.01)。季节和性别的交互作用对湖羊采食行为有显著影响(P<0.05),对反刍行为有极显著影响(P<0.01)。其余因子间交互作用对湖羊行为学无显著影响。试验羊体温、心跳、呼吸频率和血常规等生理指标均在正常范围内。以上结果说明湖羊在当地表现出了良好的适应性,在西北地区引种湖羊可行。  相似文献   
采用溶液培养方法,研究了不同供氮水平对芥蓝生物量及抗癌次生代谢物芥子油苷含量的影响。结果表明,氮素水平从N100 mg/L到常规营养液的 N 200 mg/L范围内,芥蓝地上部、根部及菜苔鲜重均随供N水平的提高而显著增加,但菜苔总芥子油苷含量却随供N水平提高而显著降低;当N素水平提高到N 300~400 mg/L时,芥蓝生物量不再显著增加;而菜苔总芥子油苷含量相对于N 150和200 mg/L处理却显著增加。由于脂肪族和吲哚族芥子油苷分别来源于不同的氨基酸,两者的含量随供N水平的变化趋势不同。脂肪族芥子油苷含量以N 100 mg/L处理最高,是常规供N (200 mg/L)处理的1.2倍,吲哚族芥子油苷以400 mg/L处理最高,是常规供N处理的1.5倍。显然,在常规营养液的供N水平下,可以获得理想的芥蓝生物产量;但适当提高供N水平,在保证高产的同时可显著提高芥蓝菜苔的芥子油苷含量,有利于提高其抗癌品质。  相似文献   
文章重点介绍了农机安全生产管理过程中存在的问题,并提出了安全生产管理的对策,为玉树州的农机的安全生产提供技术指导.  相似文献   
以提高育种资料管理和利用效率为目的,提出基于Visual FoxPro6.0软件开发中国美利奴羊育种信息管理系统的设计思路,阐述了系统的结构和所具备的基本功能.  相似文献   
研究了11种华南乡土阔叶树种幼树在广东增城市林科所松杉人工林林下的生长表现,结果表明:4种壳斗科植物黎蒴、米锥、甜锥和槟榔青冈在移植后5 a均具有较高的树高和冠幅生长量,可作为人工林改造优良树种;香椿在前期生长表现良好,而移植后45 a生长速度有所下降,反映该树种随着年龄增长,其需光性加强,该树种仅适用于低密度人工林的改造;石笔木生长虽然稍慢,但其耐荫性较强,在林下生长良好,可作为次生林改造树种;樟树、枫香和火力楠等树种在林下生长不良.样方调查结果表明:松杉林下植物以耐荫性和鸟播植物为主.  相似文献   
对半夏转录组数据进行分析,设计开发SSR引物,利用筛选出的SSR引物分析不同居群间半夏的遗传多样性,为半夏分子标记辅助育种提供支撑。结果显示:筛选出的19对多态性较高的引物在17个半夏居群中共检测到49个多态性位点,具有较高的多态性;利用UPGMA作图共将17个半夏居群分为3个类群;通过分子方差分析(AMOVA)发现半夏居群内的变异达到88%,说明群体与群体间的差异相对较小,遗传变异主要来源于个体间;居群间平均分化系数Fst为0.124,居群间基因流Nm值为1.765,表明居群间能正常地进行基因交流,且居群间遗传分化受基因流的影响较大。本研究利用SSR技术开发的19对SSR引物在不同半夏居群间具有一定的通用性、多态性,能将17份半夏材料明确区分。  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to determine the distribution of pre‐antral follicles in the ovarian parenchyma of mares. For Experiment 1, each ovary was cut longitudinally at the greater curvature, performing two hemiovaries. After that, six fragments from each hemiovary were obtained, resulting in 12 fragments, which were divided into the innermost region of the parenchyma, the middle region and the outermost region. All the three obtained sections were cut transversally to obtain two fragments from each one. For Experiment 2, each ovary also submitted to a longitudinal cut on the greater curvature, forming two hemiovaries. Each hemiovary was sectioned into four symmetrical fragments, resulting in eight fragments per ovary. The fragments were related as being near to or far from the ovulatory fossa. The fragments of both experiments were immediately fixed in Carnoy for 12 hr and kept in 70% ethanol for 24 hr. Follicles were classified according to the stages of development and for morphological integrity according to oocyte morphology and granulosa cells. After the histological assessment, a total of 1,130 follicles were visualized from Experiment 1, being 1,054 (93.3%) primordial follicles and 76 (4.7%) follicles in development. The innermost region had the highest percentage of pre‐antral follicles compared to the other regions (p < .05). The middle and outermost regions showed higher percentages of intact primordial and developing follicles than the innermost region (p < .05). Considering Experiment 2, 938 follicles were found, being 894 (95.3%) primordial and 44 (4.7%) follicles in development. The region near the ovulatory fossa presented higher (58.7%; 551 of 938) follicular concentration compared to the region far from the ovulatory fossa (41.3%; 387 of 938; p < .05). As a conclusion, distribution of pre‐antral follicles in the equine ovary has a specific pattern through the parenchyma. Also, the follicular integrity differed in the studied ovarian areas.  相似文献   
Veterinary and medical laboratories engaged in the cultural diagnosis of bovine or human tuberculosis were requested to supply samples of the media that they routinely use for the primary isolation of M. bovis. Fourteen laboratories supplied 7 basic media types; these were Lowenstein-Jensen, Stonebrink's, modified Middlebrook 7H11 agar, tuberculosis bovine blood agar, egg yolk agar, Gerloff's egg and Herrold's egg yolk. Two strains of M. bovis were used to test the media, strain AN5, a glycerol-tolerant laboratory strain and M86/90 a glycerol-sensitive wildtype strain. AN5 grew well on all media with the exception of Herrold's and strain M86/90 did not grow on media containing glycerol and grew poorly on Herrold's medium. It is recommended that Lowenstein-Jensen with pyruvate (but without glycerol), Stonebrink's, modified Middlebrook 7H11 and tuberculosis bovine blood agar should be considered the media of choice for the primary isolation of M. bovis. Egg yolk agar also proved adequate for this purpose in the trial. This medium may be suitable for routine use but to date experience with its use is limited.  相似文献   
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