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A planned process of concentration and specialisation in pig production has been introduced in the USSR, GDR, and other socialist countries in recent years and is likely to open up wider opportunities for the use of up-to-date technologies and latest findings of the biological sciences. Large-scale use of bio-engineering and methods of reproduction control is quite logical, in this context. This will provide a real chance for cyclogram control of all events important to management, planning, and follow-up of reproduction processes and for a planful implementation of industrialised production methods. Processes of cycle control are being increasingly applied to industrialised sow breeding units against the background of artificial insemination of pigs which is gaining widespread popularity after its emphasised introduction in the USSR. Research and field results regarding biological engineering in sow of oestrus, ovulation, pregnancy, and birth are reported in this paper and will, hopefully, help in determining mating and farrowing deadlines for breeding on the basis of artificial insemination and, consequently, contribute to widest possible programming of life cycles for the breeding animals concerned.  相似文献   
By means of two aerosol apparatures radioactive labelled Pasteurella-multocida-germs were given to calves via a respiratory mask. Labelling of Pasteurellae was done internal by using special nutritive media with Fe-59 or P-32. In a period of 10-25 minutes 5 X 10(9)-10(10) labelled bacteria were given to the animals for inhalation. Another animal group was injected intratrachealy with the same quantity of labelled germs. Immediately after termination of germ application the animals were killed and dissected. After solution or homogenization, respectively of the total lung tissue radioactivity was determined by liquid-scintillation-counting (Fe-59) or Cerenkov-measurement (P-32), respectively. The activities recovered from lung homogenates rendered is possible to calculate the received amount of bacteria. 40-80% of germs would be recovered in the lung after application by intratracheal injection while only 1-7% could be recovered after individual aerosol application lasting for 15-25 minutes.  相似文献   
Steers from research crossbreeding projects (n = 406) were serially scanned using real-time ultrasound at 35-d intervals from reimplant time until slaughter. Cattle were evaluated for rump fat depth, longissimus muscle area (ULMA), 12th-rib fat thickness (UFAT), and percentage of intramuscular fat (IMF) to determine the ability of ultrasound to predict carcass composition at extended periods before slaughter. Additional background information on the cattle, such as live weight, ADG, breed of sire, breed of dam, implant, and frame score was also used. Carcass data were collected by trained personnel at "chain speed," and samples of the 12th-rib LM were taken for ether extract analysis. Simple correlation coefficients showed positive relationships (P < 0.01) between ultrasound measures taken less than 7 d before slaughter and carcass measures: ULMA and carcass LM area (CLMA, r = 0.66); UFAT and carcass 12th-rib fat thickness (CFAT, r = 0.74); and IMF and carcass numeric marbling score (r = 0.61). The same correlation coefficients for ultrasound measures taken 96 to 105 d before slaughter and carcass values (P < 0.01) were 0.52, 0.58, and 0.63, respectively. Steers were divided into source-verified and nonsource-verified groups based on the level of background information for each individual. Regression equations were developed for the carcass measurements; 46% of the variation could be explained for CLMA and 44% of CFAT at reimplant time, 46% of the variation in quality grade and 42% of the variation in yield grade could be explained. Significant predictors of quality grade were IMF (P < 0.001), natural log of 12th-rib fat thickness (LUFAT, P < 0.001), and ADG (P < 0.01), whereas LUFAT (P < 0.001), ULMA (P < 0.01), live weight (P < 0.001), hip height (P < 0.001), and frame score (P < 0.001) were significant predictors of yield grade. Regressions using ultrasound data taken 61 to 69 d before slaughter showed increasing R2. Live ultrasound measures at reimplant time are a viable tool for making decisions regarding future carcass composition.  相似文献   
Four standardbred horses with subcutaneously relocated carotid arteries were given a seven week training programme of treadmill exercise at a gradient of 19 per cent in order to assess if there were any effects of exercise and training on haematology, arterial blood gas and acid base measurements, plasma biochemistry and heart rate. The exercise consisted of one minute walking at 110 metres/minute followed by five minutes trotting at 200 metres/minute, twice daily in the first week. The period of trotting exercise was increased by one minute per week so that by the seventh week the horses were being given 12 minutes trotting twice daily. Before training commenced venous blood samples, for complete blood counts and plasma biochemistry, and arterial samples, for blood gas, acid base and lactate measurements, were taken at rest, after five minutes and 15 minutes of treadmill exercise (200 metres/minute) and 30 minutes and 60 minutes after completing the exercise. Heart rate was measured by telemetric electrocardiogram at similar intervals. This exercise test and blood collection were repeated after one, three, five and seven weeks of training. The only significant changes were a decrease in exercise lactate with training, increases in exercise and recovery total protein. The haematological response to treadmill exercise included an increase in certain red cell parametes and a leucocytosis which was caused by both a neutrophilia and a lymphocytosis. These effects had largely disappeared by 30 minutes after exercise and all values had returned to resting values by one hour after exercise.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Strains ofTaenia taeniaeformis were shown to possess markedly differing infectivities for Sprague-Dawley rats and CF1 mice. Strains from Scotland, Belgium and Iraq were more infective for mice than rats while this situation was reversed with a Malaysian strain. There were also differences in their ability to infect hosts of different ages within the range 3–12 weeks of age.  相似文献   
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