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This review summarises research of management practices that potentially impact on the welfare of farmed deer. The processes of capture and initial domestication of feral deer caused many welfare problems but are now essentially complete in New Zealand. The health and production status of farmed deer, and readily visible indicators of their welfare are generally good, although preventive medicines and optimum management practices have not been universally adopted. Research into social behaviour, effects of yarding, weaning, mating, calving, shelter, shade and nutrition has identified ways of improving the welfare of farmed deer and has provided recommendations for deer industry quality assurance programmes. Research has identified transport design and practices that minimise the impact of transport on deer welfare and reduce carcass wastage caused by bruising during transport. Time in lairage prior to slaughter should be minimised and electrical stunning is a humane method of slaughter. Ongoing research is needed on management practices and farm environments to further improve the welfare of farmed deer, consistent with the goals of the New Zealand deer industry and its proactive approach to date.  相似文献   
AIM: To determine whether short-term progesterone supplementation post mating or shearing of ewes in early pregnancy affected either the proportion of ewes that lambed or that had multiple lambs, or the birthweight of lambs.

METHODS: Romney ewes (n=457) were synchronised in oestrus using controlled internal drug-releasing (CIDR) devices containing progesterone, and mated to Romney rams over a 5-day period. The mid-point of mating (Day 0) occurred 2 days after the withdrawal of CIDR devices. Ewes mated (n=397) were randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups: shearing at Day 5, shearing at Day 30, no shearing, and no shearing plus progesterone supplementation using a CIDR device inserted on Day 3 for 6 days. During the period from Day 5 to Day 27, six harnessed Suffolk rams were placed with the ewes and matings recorded. At Day 48, all ewes that did not return to the Suffolk rams were scanned for pregnancy using ultrasound. At Day 140, single- and multiple-bearing ewes were set-stocked at 15.1 and 12.2 ewes/ha, respectively, and equivalent numbers of ewes from each treatment group were placed in each paddock. Blood samples from 10 unshorn and 10 progesterone-supplemented ewes were collected on Days 3, 6 and 9, and analysed for plasma progesterone concentrations. Lambs were identified to their dam and weighed within 12 h of birth, and again at 27 and 93 days after the mid-point of lambing. The ewes were weighed at regular intervals throughout the trial.

RESULTS: Plasma progesterone concentrations of supplemented ewes were higher than those of unsupplemented ewes (3.28 vs 1.75 ng/ml) on Day 6 (p=0.02) but not on Day 9 (4.58 vs 4.63 ng/ml). Treatment of ewes had no effect on either the proportion of ewes which lambed to the synchronised mating period or that had multiple lambs. Lambs born to ewes shorn at Day 30 tended (p=0.09) to be heavier at birth (by 0.28 kg) than those born to unshorn ewes but this effect was not evident when data were corrected for length of gestation. Neither shearing at Day 5 nor progesterone supplementation had any effect on the birthweight of lambs, and the treatment of ewes had no effect on the survival rate of lambs to weaning.

CONCLUSIONS: Progesterone supplementation for 6 days beginning 3 days post mating did not increase either the proportion of ewes that lambed or that had multiple lambs, or the birthweight of lambs. Shearing 5 days after mating had no significant effect on the reproductive performance of ewes and need not be avoided, but is unlikely to result in an increase in lamb birthweight. Shearing ewes at Day 30 may result in an increase in the birthweight of lambs but, ideally, ewes should be further advanced in pregnancy before shearing is undertaken.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine within-farm prevalence, longitudinal pattern of exposure measured by serology, antibody titre longevity and point prevalence of shedding in urine of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo and L. interrogans serovar Pomona in naturally infected sheep on a sample of commercial farms in New Zealand.

METHODS: On eight commercial sheep farms, between September 2011 and January 2014, blood samples were collected from 115–217 ewe lambs on each farm, at intervals of 2–11 months. They were analysed by microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for antibodies to L. borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo and L. interrogans serovar Pomona, using a titre cut-point of 48. Urine from 98 animals was tested by quantitative PCR (qPCR). The half-life of antibodies was estimated in 185 sheep for serovar Hardjo and 21 for Pomona, and the seroprevalence and mean titre of animals lost to follow-up was compared with those remaining in the study.

RESULTS: Within-flock seroprevalence for serovar Hardjo reached a maximum at 17–22 months of age, ranging from 79 to 100%. Seroprevalence for serovar Pomona rose above 10% on three farms and increased to 21–54% by 4–14 months. Seroconversions occurred mainly from late autumn to early summer at 7–15 months of age. Seroprevalences ranging from 3 to 76% for serovar Hardjo and 0.5 to 15% for serovar Pomona were observed up to 3 months of age, likely due to maternally derived immunity. The half-life of antibody in response to infection was estimated to be 6.7 (95% CI=5.8–7.9) months for serovar Hardjo and 6.3 (95% CI=4.8–9.0) months for Pomona. The prevalence of sheep with urine positive for leptospires on qPCR on each farm ranged from 11 to 88%. All but one of the qPCR-positive animals were seropositive for serovar Hardjo. On two farms where Pomona exposure was observed, animals that were lost to follow-up had a higher geometric mean titre for serovar Pomona than those remaining in the study.

CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrated seasonal exposure from autumn to early summer in young sheep, a wide range of within-flock serological and shedding prevalence, and gives an estimation of the half-life of MAT titres in sheep. More extensive data are needed to fully understand the epidemiology of leptospirosis in sheep flocks across New Zealand and, along with economic analysis, to justify and design cost-effective and efficient control measures to protect human and animal health.  相似文献   


I refer to the correspondence by Dr Jackson (2003) Jackson, R. 2003. Journal standards. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 51: 199199. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] in the August 2003 issue of the New Zealand Veterinary Journal, regarding citation of articles published in non-peer reviewed publications in this journal.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the effects of liveweight (LW) and condition score (CS) of ewes at mating on both mating performance and scanning percentage, and to determine if effects of CS were independent of LW.

METHODS: Two groups of ewes, comprising 1,780 mixedaged Romney (Rom MA) and 692 composite two-tooth (? East Friesian 1/16 Finn 13/16 Romney, Comp TT) ewes were grazed separately with harnessed rams for two reproductive cycles. Romney rams were used for the first 17 days of mating and then replaced on the morning of Day 18 by Suffolk rams. Ewes were weighed and CS assessed on a scale of 0–5 before the introduction of the rams. Ewes were identified as having been mated during the first cycle only, during both cycles, during the second cycle only, or not mated. All mated ewes were scanned using ultrasound, 50 days after the end of mating, and identified as being either non pregnant, single-, twin- or triplet-bearing.

RESULTS: Linear relationships (R2=0.99) between mean LW and CS at mating were evident for both Rom MA and Comp TT ewes and the mean increase in LW per unit increase in CS was greater in the Rom MA ewes (7.88 kg) than the Comp TT (4.78 kg) ewes (p<0.05). Ewes mated in the second cycle only were significantly (p<0.05) lighter than those mated in the first cycle only. In Rom MA ewes, a greater proportion were mated in the first cycle only if CS was .2.0 than if CS was <2.0, and the proportions of ewes mated in the first cycle only or in both cycles did not differ if CS was ≥2.5. In Comp TT ewes, there was no difference in the proportions mated in the first cycle or both cycles, if CS was ≥2.0. Triplet-bearing ewes were heavier than twin-bearing ewes, which were in turn heavier than both singleton-bearing and non pregnant ewes. Twin-bearing ewes had higher CS than both single-bearing and non pregnant ewes (p<0.05) but differences were not significant if LW was included as a covariate. In both Rom MA and Comp TT ewes, greater proportions were non pregnant and lower proportions had twins if CS was <2.0 than if CS was ≥2.0. In Rom MA ewes only, a greater proportion again had twins and a lower proportion had singletons if CS was ≥3.0 than if CS was <3.0. In Comp TT ewes, the proportion that were non pregnant or twin-bearing did not vary with CS if CS was ≥2.0. Reproductive performance was maximal for Rom MA and Comp TT ewes that had CS at mating ≥3.0 and ≥2.0, respectively, equating to LW of 62.6 and 48.5 kg, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: In both groups of ewes, CS and LW at mating positively affected reproductive performance measured at the time of mating and at scanning, however, no reproductive advantage was evident above a minimum CS of 3.0 and 2.0, equating to LW of 62.6 and 48.5 kg, for Rom MA and Comp TT ewes, respectively. Sheep farmers should direct management to ensure that no ewes are below these minimum targets rather than ensuring high average LW and/or CS of a mob.  相似文献   
AIM: To identity perceptions of farmers with respect to advantages of hogget lambing and to identify optimal management strategies for hogget lambing used in New Zealand.

METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to 1,038 sheep farmers in New Zealand who had indicated their hoggets would be lambing in 2002. Information was gathered on the practice of hogget lambing in New Zealand, in particular on the numbers and breeds of hoggets and rams used, selection criteria used for hoggets, use of teasers (vasectomised rams), length of mating period, use of mating crayons, vaccinations, medications and mineral supplements given, level of feed offered, use of pregnancy scanning, management during pregnancy and lambing, number of lambs present at docking, and shearing policies for hoggets. Farmers were also asked to indicate the relative importance of five stated reasons for choosing to have their hoggets mated in 2002.

RESULTS: A total of 629 (60.6%) responses were incorporated in the analysis, and the average percentage of hogget lambing was 60%. Use of vaccinations, length of the mating period, number of rams used, breed of hogget, weight at mating, management during lactation, and shearing policy were associated (p<0.05) with the lambing performance of hoggets, in the multivariate analysis.

CONCLUSIONS: This study indicated that to ensure high lambing percentages (LP) in hoggets in New Zealand, sheep farmers should: vaccinate hoggets against toxoplasmosis and campylobacteriosis; utilise a 40-day mating period; use 2.6–3.5% of rams during mating; incorporate Finn or East Friesian genetics; ensure liveweights at mating are as high as possible; manage single- and multiple-bearing/-rearing hoggets separately during the lambing and lactation periods; and shear hoggets pre-mating.  相似文献   
SUMMARY The response of sheep to a recombinant multivalent footrot vaccine containing pilus antigens was examined after the administration of two doses of vaccine at Intervals ranging from 2 to 52 weeks. Agglutinating antibody titres were measured 3 weeks after the second vaccination and showed that lengthening of the interdose interval results in higher agglutinin titres. The capability of sheep to mount an increasingly strong immune response as the interval between doses is increased provides an opportunity to maximise the usefulness of vaccination by administering the first dose well before an expected footrot transmission period. This advantage of increasing the interdose interval has not been reported for traditional, whole-cell footrot vaccines, and use of the new pilus vaccine in this manner may improve prospects for disease control. Furthermore, sheep given a third dose either 6 or 12 months after their initial two-dose vaccination program achieved significantly higher titres than those elicited after the second dose, suggesting the likelihood of further improvement in disease control in successive seasons.  相似文献   
Long-term agroecosystem experiments can be defined as large-scale field experiments more than 20 years old that study crop production, nutrient cycling, and environmental impacts of agriculture. They provide a resource for evaluating biological, biogeochemical, and environmental dimensions of agricultural sustainability; for predicting future global changes; and for validating model competence and performance. A systematic assessment is needed to determine the merits of all known experiments and to identify any that may exist in tropical and subtropical environments. The establishment of an international network to coordinate data collection and link sites would facilitate more precise prediction of agroecosystem sustainability and future global change.  相似文献   
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