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Case report: A 6.5‐year‐old clinically healthy German Shepherd Dog with regular oestrous cycles of 6 months was presented for pregnancy diagnosis on day 38 after ovulation (p.ov.). Ultrasonography revealed three individual placental sites in progressed resorption and two vital adequately developed foetuses sharing a joint placenta. On days 41 and 48 p.ov., sonographic signs indicated normal development of both foetuses, but on day 52 p.ov., both foetuses were found to be dead. A caesarean section was performed the same day. Examination of the removed uterus confirmed the diagnosis of a “twin” pregnancy with two foetuses sharing the same placental site but separate amniotic membranes. One foetus showed generalized oedema (anasarca). Bacterial culture of swabs taken from inside the placental cavity was negative. At histological examination of the uterus, no signs of inflammation were found. Serum relaxin concentrations (day 38, 41, 48 and 52. p.ov.) were consistent with those of bitches with normal pregnancies. Cytogenetic analysis of the two foetuses revealed dizygotic twins, one male and one female according to SRY‐PCR. By genotyping 17 high‐polymorphic canine microsatellites, it could be demonstrated that the two foetuses developed from two different oocytes.  相似文献   
SUMMARY The use of an ultrasonic Doppler probe for pregnancy diagnosis was evaluated. Data from the examination of 1115 cattle were analysed. Comparison of the probe with manual rectal palpation by an experienced clinician yielded a sensitivity of 92.8 ± 1.6% (± 95% confidence interval) and a specificity of 75.8 ± 7.4%. This level of accuracy was found to be insufficient to recommend the probe be used by farmers for the diagnosis of pregnancy.  相似文献   
The flagellar beating of a spermatozoa's axoneme is caused by the varying activation and inactivation of dynein molecules. Dynein, axonemal, light chain 4 (DNAL 4 ) is a functional candidate gene for sperm motility as it encodes a small subunit of the dyneins. We resequenced the porcine DNAL 4 using three artificial insemination (AI ) boars each with high (>68%) or low (<60%) motility, and detected 23 SNP . These were then genotyped for 82 AI boars. Using spermatological records, significantly negative genetic correlations between ejaculate volume (VOL ) and the further spermatological parameters concentration (CONC ) (r  = ?.43), motility of undiluted semen (MOTUD ) (r  = ?.09), motility after 24 h (MOT 1) (r  = ?.17) and after 48 hr (MOT 2) (r  = ?.23) were estimated. Significantly positive correlations existed between CONC and MOT 1 (r  = .07) as well as MOT 2 (r  = .10), between MOTUD and MOT 1 (r  = .33), between MOTUD and MOT 2 (r  = .36), and finally between MOT 1 and MOT 2 (r  = .70). Significantly negatively correlated were all motility traits with the parameters abnormal acrosome (AA ) (MOTUD r  = ?.06; MOT 1 r  = ?.08, and MOT 2 r  = ?.1) and presence of cytoplasmic droplet (CD ) (MOTUD r  = ?.07; MOT 1 r  = ?.08; MOT 2 r  = ?.07). Association analyses (single marker regression model; SMR ) propose that SNP g.1007A>G, located in the second intron, reduces motility significantly (MOTUD ‐4.59%; MOT 1 ‐10.33%; MOT 2 ‐19.37%). According to the dominant‐recessive model (DRM ), genotype AA is always superior compared to genotypes AG and GG (i.e. MOTUD 67.67%, 64.16% and 53.91%; MOT 1 54.17%, 43.75% and 28.44%; MOT 2 44.12%, 24.91% and 4.97%). The average effect of gene substitution (g.1007A>G) on abnormal midpiece (AM ) was 0.71%, the genotypic values—as expressed by LS means—were 0.1 (AA ) and 0.81 (AG ).  相似文献   
Serological diagnosis of botulism in dairy cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cell-cell contacts are fundamental to multicellular organisms and are subject to exquisite levels of control. Human RPTPmu is a type IIB receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase that both forms an adhesive contact itself and is involved in regulating adhesion by dephosphorylating components of cadherin-catenin complexes. Here we describe a 3.1 angstrom crystal structure of the RPTPmu ectodomain that forms a homophilic trans (antiparallel) dimer with an extended and rigid architecture, matching the dimensions of adherens junctions. Cell surface expression of deletion constructs induces intercellular spacings that correlate with the ectodomain length. These data suggest that the RPTPmu ectodomain acts as a distance gauge and plays a key regulatory function, locking the phosphatase to its appropriate functional location.  相似文献   
An 11-year-old mare presented 36 hours after foaling with a ruptured bladder. Uroperitoneum was diagnosed on ultrasound and from the creatinine concentration of the peritoneal fluid. Bladder endoscopy demonstrated tissue necrosis and a rent in the dorsocranial aspect of the bladder. Following stabilisation, including abdominal drainage and lavage, the mare was taken to standing surgery. Under continuous sedation and epidural anaesthesia, and after surgical preparation, a Balfour retractor was placed in the vagina. Using sterile lubricant and moderate force, it was possible to insert a hand into the bladder. The tear was easily palpable on the dorsal portion of the bladder. Two fingers were inserted through the tear and used to provide traction to evert the bladder completely into the vagina where it could grasped with the surgeons other hand to prevent further trauma. A second surgeon could then visualise the entire tear and repaired this using a single layer of size zero PDS suture in a single continuous pattern. As soon as the bladder was repaired, it was replaced via the urethra. The mare did well after surgery and was discharged after 48 hours, apparently normal.This report is the first describing repair of the bladder without an abdominal incision or incision into the urethral sphincter. This greatly reduces the chance of possible complications such as urine pooling after surgery with the previously described standing technique or bladder trauma due to traction with abdominal surgery.  相似文献   
Although substantial fecal shedding is expected to start years after initial infection with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), the potential for shedding by calves and therefore calf-to-calf transmission is underestimated in current Johne’s disease (JD) control programs. Shedding patterns were determined in this study in experimentally infected calves. Fifty calves were challenged at 2 weeks or at 3, 6, 9 or 12 months of age (6 calves served as a control group). In each age group, 5 calves were inoculated with a low and 5 with a high dose of MAP. Fecal culture was performed monthly until necropsy at 17 months of age. Overall, 61% of inoculated calves, representing all age and dose groups, shed MAP in their feces at least once during the follow-up period. Although most calves shed sporadically, 4 calves in the 2-week and 3-month high dose groups shed at every sampling. In general, shedding peaked 2 months after inoculation. Calves inoculated at 2 weeks or 3 months with a high dose of MAP shed more frequently than those inoculated with a low dose. Calves shedding frequently had more culture-positive tissue locations and more severe gross and histological lesions at necropsy. In conclusion, calves inoculated up to 1 year of age shed MAP in their feces shortly after inoculation. Consequently, there is potential for MAP transfer between calves (especially if they are group housed) and therefore, JD control programs should consider young calves as a source of infection.  相似文献   
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