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CASE HISTORY: A 14-year-old neutered male Sealyham terrier was referred for assessment of a persistent pyoderma. It had experienced numerous episodes of dermatitis involving pododermatitis, pyoderma and otitis over the previous 6 years.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: Superficial, focally deep and mucocutaneous pyoderma were present, with yellow mucoid exudate on both nares and the lower lips crusted with haemopurulent exudate. Epidermal collarettes were present on the dorsal and lateral trunk. There were peri-anal crusts and mild erythema was present on the concave aspect of both pinnae.

MICROBIOLOGICAL FINDINGS: Culture and microbiological testing identified Staphylococcus pseudintermedius as the infecting organism. Kirby-Bauer disc susceptibility testing revealed the isolate was resistant to numerous antimicrobials including oxacillin. PCR testing of the isolate identified the presence of the mecA gene which confers resistance to β-lactam antimicrobials. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis typing suggested the isolate was not related to the methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius that had been reported to be associated with canine infections in Western Australia.

DIAGNOSIS: Superficial, deep and mucus membrane pyoderma associated with a multi-drug resistant S. pseudintermedius.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: This is the first recorded case of canine pyoderma involving methicillin-resistant multidrug-resistant S. pseudintermedius in New Zealand. Treatment of such cases is difficult because the number of effective and available antimicrobials is limited. This finding should raise the awareness of the veterinary and medical professions to the presence of such organisms in New Zealand and stimulate a discussion about possible biosecurity barriers, treatment strategies and prevention of zoonotic and nosocomial infections.  相似文献   

Ketamine has been implicated as causing increases in intraocular pressure. The purpose of this study is to document the effects of ketamine, diazepam, and their combination on intraocular pressure (IOP) in normal, unpremedicated dogs. Random-source dogs were assigned to one of five groups of 10 dogs each: ketamine 5 mg kg–1 (KET5), ketamine 10 mg kg–1 (KET10), diazepam 0.5 mg kg–1 (VAL), ketamine 10 mg kg–1 with diazepam 0.5 mg kg–1 (KETVAL), saline 0.1 mL kg–1 (SAL), all given intravenously. A baseline IOP was measured before injection, immediately after injection, and at 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes following injection. IOP was increased over baseline immediately after injection in the KET5, KET10, and KETVAL groups; at 5, 10, and 15 minutes in the KET5 group; and at 20 minutes in the KETVAL group. The mean IOP change compared to SAL increased immediately after injection and at 5 minutes in the KET5, KET10, and KETVAL groups; at 10 and 15 minutes in the KET5 group, and at 20 minutes in the KETVAL group. The mean IOP increased up to 5.7, 3.2, and 3.1 mm Hg over mean baseline in the KET5, KET10, and KETVAL groups, respectively. All dogs in the KET5 group and the majority in the KETVAL and KET10 groups had an increase in their IOP over baseline. Ketamine caused a clinically and statistically significant elevation in IOP over baseline and compared to SAL. The concurrent addition of diazepam did not blunt this increase. Ketamine should be avoided in dogs with corneal trauma, glaucoma, or in those undergoing intraocular surgery.  相似文献   
INDEPTH geophysical and geological observations imply that a partially molten midcrustal layer exists beneath southern Tibet. This partially molten layer has been produced by crustal thickening and behaves as a fluid on the time scale of Himalayan deformation. It is confined on the south by the structurally imbricated Indian crust underlying the Tethyan and High Himalaya and is underlain, apparently, by a stiff Indian mantle lid. The results suggest that during Neogene time the underthrusting Indian crust has acted as a plunger, displacing the molten middle crust to the north while at the same time contributing to this layer by melting and ductile flow. Viewed broadly, the Neogene evolution of the Himalaya is essentially a record of the southward extrusion of the partially molten middle crust underlying southern Tibet.  相似文献   
Summary Periodical application of trans-\-farnesene, incorporated in polyvinylchloride from which it was slowly and regularly released, did not measurably inhibit the infection of seed-potato-plots with PVYN by aphid alatae. The progeny of PVYN-infected hills proved to be only partially infected with the disease.  相似文献   
Information on the contribution of various soil nitrogen (N) sources to plant N uptake is often needed for the implementation of sustainable or site-specific management practices in agriculture. Considering the limitations of traditional methods in meeting these needs, this study investigated the potential of leaf δ15N as an early indicator of nutrient deficiency in cotton. The spatial and temporal natural abundance of 15N was measured in the soil and leaves of a fertilized cotton field located near the village of Moschochori (Larissa, Greece). The isotopic signal of the leaves was interpreted in the context of the relative contribution of fertilizer to cotton N uptake,as has been demonstrated in the past for other agricultural crops such as wheat (Triticum aestivam L.) and corn (Zea mays). Spatial variability of leaf δ15N was high early in the growing season (June), reflecting differences in fertilizer N availability and uptake between the east and west side of the field, as well as differences resulting from soil denitrification in depressions. The west side of the field appears to have lost significant amounts of fertilizer N, due to leaching during the rainy period in May, that accumulated in depressions near the waterway. In the subsequent months, the isotopic signal of the leaves was consistently high and indicated reduced fertilizer N uptake on the west side that resulted in deficiencies of N as well as of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). The significant correlations of mid-square leaf δ15N with late-season nutrient content and soil elelctrical conductivity(EC) provided evidence that the natural abundance of 15N was a sensitive indicator of soil and plant nutrient status in this fertilized cotton field.  相似文献   
Cassava is a major staple, bio‐energy and industrial crop in many parts of the developing world. In Southeast Asia, cassava is grown on >4 million ha by nearly 8 million (small‐scale) farming households, under (climatic, biophysical) conditions that often prove unsuitable for many other crops. While SE Asian cassava has been virtually free of phytosanitary constraints for most of its history, a complex of invasive arthropod pests and plant diseases has recently come to affect local crops. We describe results from a region‐wide monitoring effort in the 2014 dry season, covering 429 fields across five countries. We present geographic distribution and field‐level incidence of the most prominent pest and disease invaders, introduce readily‐available management options and research needs. Monitoring work reveals that several exotic mealybug and (red) mite species have effectively colonised SE Asia's main cassava‐growing areas, occurring in respectively 70% and 54% of fields, at average field‐level incidence of 27 ± 2% and 16 ± 2%. Cassava witches broom (CWB), a systemic phytoplasma disease, was reported from 64% of plots, at incidence levels of 32 ± 2%. Although all main pests and diseases are non‐natives, we hypothesise that accelerating intensification of cropping systems, increased climate change and variability, and deficient crop husbandry are aggravating both organism activity and crop susceptibility. Future efforts need to consolidate local capacity to tackle current (and future) pest invaders, boost detection capacity, devise locally‐appropriate integrated pest management (IPM) tactics, and transfer key concepts and technologies to SE Asia's cassava growers. Urgent action is needed to mobilise regional as well as international scientific support, to effectively tackle this phytosanitary emergency and thus safeguard the sustainability and profitability of one of Asia's key agricultural commodities. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
As a multifunctional cytokine, transforming growth factor‐beta1 (TGF‐β1) was detected in the utero‐placental interface during early pregnancy in the pig and believed to enhance trophoblast attachment to the endometrium. In this experiment, we selected TGF‐β1 as the candidate gene affecting litter size in pigs. Four polymorphic loci of TGF‐β1 gene were found by PCR‐SSCP (single‐strand conformation polymorphism) in Large white sows (n = 567): C→T mutation at 33nt in the intron 4; G→A mutation at 179nt in the intron 6; C→T mutation at 1043nt in the intron 6; GG→AA linkage mutations at 2490nt and 2494nt respectively. We haplotyped these SNPs as: CGCAA (denote as P) and TATGG (denote as K). The effects of three haplotypic combinations (HCs) of PP, PK and KK on litter sizes were investigated by a linear model. It was found that for the first parity litters, the least squares mean for total number born (TNB) of KK was 1.02 piglets/litter, higher than that of PK (p < 0.05), 0.49 piglets/litter higher than that of PP (p > 0.1). There were no significant differences between HCs on the second parity. The result indicated that KK HCs was significantly associated with pig litter size.  相似文献   
The concurrence of a decrease of the concentration of ribosomes and glycoproteins in leaves of potato plants under field conditions and mature plant resistance against potato virus YN was studied. On four of five dates with intervals of one or two weeks plants of randomly chosen plots in the field were inoculated. During plant growth sixth, tenth and fifteenth leaves of main stems were collected at regular intervals. With the aid of cellulose columns and polyethylene glycol-containing solvents the ribosome- en glycoprotein-contents (and in one experiment also the RNA-content) of these leaves were determined. Tubers were harvested from plants, inoculated fourteen days before. Lack of typical virus symptoms on plants grown from these tubers gave information on the presence of mature plant resistance.It was concluded that in plants which had developed about 20 leaves, there was a high degree of mature plant resistance when ribosome- and glycoprotein-contents in the fifteenth leaf was less than 2 and 4 OD260/ml/g fresh weight respectively. When higher absorbance values are measured, mature plant resistance may or may not occur depending on environmental conditions. The ribosome- and glycoprotein-contents have a remote relation to the mature plant resistance. It is suggested that ribosome- and glycoprotein-contents of the youngest fully expanded leaves give the best indication of mature plant resistance.Samenvatting In veldproeven werde het verband tussen de concentraties van ribosomen en glycoproteinen in bladeren van aardappelplanten en de ouderdomsresistentie tegen aardappel YN-virus (PVYN) bestudeerd. Op vier of vijf data met tussenpozen van een of twee weken werden planten in het veld met PVYN geïnoculeerd. Gedurende de groeiperiode van de planten werden zesde, tiende en vijftiende bladeren op vastgestelde tijden verzameld. Chromatografische analyse met behulp van cellulosekolommen en solvents die polyethyleenglycol bevatten, leidde tot de bepalingen van de ribosoom- en glycoproteïnegehalten (en in één proef ook het RNA-gehalte) in de verzamelde bladeren. De oogst van de knollen vond plaats 14 dagen na inoculatie. Het niet tot ontwikkeling komen van de typische virussymptomen bij planten, die uit deze knollen waren gegroeid, was een aanwijzing voor het optreden van de ouderdomsresistentie.Geconcludeerd wordt dat waarschijnlijk enige mate van ouderdomsresistentie tegen PVYN in een pootaardappelgewas aanwezig is, als het ribosoom- en glycoproteïnegehalte in het vijftiende blad van hoofdstengels met ongeveer twintig bladeren, leidt tot corresponderende extinctiewaarden bij 260 nm per ml en per gram vers gewicht van respectievelijk minder dan 2 en 4. Wanneer hogere extinctiewaarden worden gevonden kan ouderdomsresistentie wel of niet in belangrijke mate voorkomen, afhankelijk van de omstandigheden waaronder het gewas is gegroeid. Gesuggereerd wordt de jongste volledig ontwikkelde bladeren te gebruiken voor het aantonen van een gelijktijdig optreden van de afname in de ribosoom- en glycoproteïnegehalten en een praktisch waarneembare mate van ouderdomsresistentie.  相似文献   
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