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畜禽基因组选择的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基因组选择(genomic selection,GS)是继标记辅助选择(marker-assisted selection,MAS)之后发展起来的新一代畜禽遗传评估的新方法。近年来,不少学者从各方面对GS在畜禽育种中的运用进行了研究,结果发现,与其他方法相比,GS优势明显,是当前畜禽遗传育种领域的研究热点。作者系统地阐述了GS估计染色体片段效应的方法及其准确性比较,详细介绍了影响GS准确性的因素、GS的经济效益,以及世界各国学者研究GS在实际育种中的应用情况,最后简述了中国畜禽育种开展GS策略所面临的挑战及其展望。  相似文献   
Based on the stochastic medium theory, influence on the surrounding rock and soil by tunnel excavation was studied. formula for predicting movement and deformation of rock and soil mass caused by tunnelling were deduced. And especially for the tunnel with circular arch section, half analytic solution for this problem was put forward. Furthermore, a program was developed to compute the movement and deformation of the rock and soil mass resulted from excavation. The deformation failure criterion of stochastic medium for estimating the surroundings safety was provided and was applied in an engineering example, which proved that the results of the research were reasonable and significant for the tunnel safety construction.  相似文献   
该文利用1953—2016年(6—8月)合肥市高温气象资料,采用时间序列方法研究了合肥市高温热浪特征。结果表明:合肥市高温从6月中下旬开始增多,峰值出现在7月底至8月初;总高温日数达958d,年均高温14.9d,在20世纪60、70年代和90年代中期,总高温日数偏多;2000年以来合肥市夏季高温日和热浪现象出现还是较稳定频繁的,且从1993年开始连续23年均发现高温热浪现象,可能跟城市化的加速发展和全球气候的变暖关系密切;年均气温存在准7~8a、准3a和准2a尺度的周期变化规律,夏季最高气温以10年以内的年际周期振荡最为显著,气温变化频率高,一般3a左右就发生一次明显的变化。  相似文献   
通过近几年小麦赤霉病发生特点、发生程度等进行比较得出,2015年宣州区小麦赤霉病病穗症状初见期迟,前期病情发展慢,后期病情发展迅速,发生程度较重,造成这种现象的原因主要是前期小麦赤霉病病菌可能已侵入,但由于气象条件的不适宜未能及时表现,后期由于气象条件适宜,继续侵染并现症。发生程度的轻重主要是由主栽品种的开花高峰期与当时的雨日、雨量、温度等气象因素决定,而田间稻桩带菌情况仅是小麦赤霉病发生和流行的充要条件,非必要条件。为有效控制小麦赤霉病的发生发展,该文提出了小麦赤霉病的防治对策。  相似文献   
We discussed the trends and challenges of rapid urbanization for modern landscape from a development viewpoint. We analyzed the problems of modern landscape in P. R. China. Based on ecological principles, we proposed a corresponding eco-thinking model composing eco-thinking of vision, culture, environmental protection and public participation. We carried out a case study of the south entrance of Tongniuling Scenic Spot in Dalian. We constructed diverse scenarios according to the leading factors selected by factor analysis. We assessed them with the Delphi method and public anticipation. The priority rating was, in order, scenario number 2 (48.3%), number 1 (30.5%) and number 3 (15.7%). Scenario number 2 was the best for its prominent visual image, typical culture presentation, weaker disturbance and reasonable cost. Scenario numbers 1 and 3 took culture and environment as leading factors, respectively. The cost of the former was low while the latter was high. Our work indicates that the eco-thinking model, as a brand-new thinking for modern landscape, is feasible.  相似文献   
Abstract:In the modern society due to the increasingly high requirements on the environment circumstances, it is imperative to study the insulation coating.This paper introduces the testing method and heat insulating principle of the building external wal  相似文献   
Gas seepage characteristics of briquette samples in a stress field   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A new apparatus was constructed to investigate the impact of various loading conditions on the permeability of coal specimens. Test results show that loading condition has a definite influence on the permeability of coal specimens. Higher pressures lead to lower permeability, and it seems that the confining pressure has a greater effect than the axial stress does, while the permeability is related exponentially to applied stresses. Based on the experimental results, an equation governing gas seeping through coal seams is deduced within the frame of Darcys Law, which may be helpful to understand the permeability properties of stressed coal seams and to improve the drainage of gassy coal beds.  相似文献   
自驾车旅游在国内市场的兴起,引起旅游者对这种新兴旅游方式的关注,同时旅游目的地在发展旅游的战略中,也开始寻求自驾车旅游开发的自身潜力。在借鉴国外自驾车旅游理论框架基础上,建立自驾车旅游开发要素模型,并提出开发的一般思路与步骤;通过对霍山自驾车旅游开发的实证研究,得出资源依托型旅游城镇发展自驾车旅游的结论和相关启示。  相似文献   
【目的】明确新疆克拉玛依种植的瓜尔豆(Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.)新爆发的细菌性病害的病原,以防止该病害在新疆瓜尔豆上进一步扩散和蔓延,保证该地区瓜尔豆产业的可持续发展。【方法】从新疆瓜尔豆产区采集发病叶片、茎干及豆荚等组织进行病菌分离,对分离后的菌株采用喷雾法和针刺法进行致病性测定,并根据采集地点、田间发病症状和发病组织的不同,选取9个代表菌株观测其培养特性和生理生化特征;同时选取3个代表菌株进行16S rDNA测序。【结果】该病害在整个瓜尔豆生长季均可以发生,危害叶片、茎干、叶柄、荚柄、豆荚和种子,造成叶枯、落叶、茎干爆裂、顶枯、豆荚和种子不能成熟或变黑坏死。从发病植株上共获得21个具有致病性的细菌菌株,菌株的致病性表现与田间症状基本一致。9个代表性菌株在YEPG培养基上培养72 h后形成淡黄色奶油状的圆形菌落,在KB培养基上无黄绿色荧光反应;均为革兰氏阴性、杆状、严格的好氧型细菌;烟草过敏性坏死反应均为阳性;接触酶阳性,氧化酶阴性,耐盐性表现为耐20~30 g/L NaCl。选取的3个代表菌株的16S rDNA 序列与Xanthomonas axonopodis菌株XV 938的同源性达99.95%。【结论】将引起该病害的病原确定为地毯草黄单胞菌瓜尔豆致病变种(Xanthomonas axonopodis pv.cyamopsidis),该病害确定为瓜尔豆细菌性疫病。  相似文献   
To create a model for recycling technology, a waste FR 4 printed circuit board (PCB) recycling process employing supercritical fluid CO2 (SCF CO2) is studied using central composite design. The influence of temperature and treatment time on the PCB delamination ratio, latitudinal tensile strength of glass fiber sheets, and their synthesized effect are analyzed. The optimal temperature and treatment time for FR 4 PCB recycling with SCF CO2 are found by building a quadratic polynomial equation model of output parameters in recycling technology. The accuracy of the derived optimal temperature and treatment time is validated by a series of experiments.  相似文献   
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