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近年来,武邑县紧紧围绕建设"林业大县和生态强县"的总体目标,以实现"一人一亩林"为核心,咬定植绿不放松,全面推进造林绿化进程,整体绿化水平迅速提高。截至2014年底,全县林地总面积达34.6万亩,植树2600万株,森林覆盖率达28%,在全市率先实现了"一人一亩林"目标。先后荣膺"河北省造林绿化先进集体"、"全省农田林网建设先进县"、"河北省造林绿 相似文献
近年来,石家庄市秉承"让森林走进城市,让城市拥抱森林"的建设理念,结合本地实际,按照"依山傍水锦绣地、林茂果丰森林城、幸福美丽石家庄"的建设思路,大手笔规划,大力度实施,积极开展创建国家森林城市活动。先后实施了退耕还林、太行山绿化、环省会绿化、西山森林公园、绿色通道、万树进村、五河绿化、滹沱河百里绿色长廊、大西柏坡绿化等一系列林 相似文献
Background: Forest managers must deal with inherently stochastic ecological and economic processes. The future growth of trees is uncertain, and so is their value. The randomness of low-impact, high frequency or rare catastrophic shocks in forest growth has significant implications in shaping the mix of tree species and the forest landscape. In addition, the fluctuations of wood prices influence greatly forest revenues.Methods: Markov decision process models(MDPs) offer a rigorous and practical way of developing optimum management strategies, given these multiple sources of risk.Results: Examples illustrate how such management guidelines are obtained with MDPs for combined ecological and economic objectives, including diversity of tree species and size, landscape diversity, old growth preservation, and carbon sequestration.Conclusions: The findings illustrate the power of the MDP approach to deal with risk in forest resource management.They recognize that the future is best viewed in terms of probabilities. Given these probabilities, MDPs tie optimum adaptive actions strictly to the state of the forest and timber prices at decision time. The methods are theoretically rigorous, numerically efficient, and practical for field implementation. 相似文献
经过走访调研,对黑龙江省森工林区方正林业局在第五经理期企业的经营状况进行了简要归纳和介绍,旨在为该局今后经济社会发展提供借鉴和帮助。 相似文献
立足于青藏高原黄河谷地特有的气候特点和立地条件,通过总结核桃的良种繁育、嫁接以及栽培管理技术等技术方法,为今后在本区域大力发展核桃经济林提供技术参考。 相似文献
采用3414完全实施方案,水稻品种选用Q优6号,在棕紫泥田进行氮、磷、钾肥料效应田间试验,并根据试验结果获得了肥料效应方程。试验结果表明:水稻产量与氮磷钾肥料效应回归模型为:Y=292.4774+57.3039N-40.2008P-28.3270K-4.0933NP-2.4420NK+18.0570PK-1.8946N-2+1.4654P‘-2-2.6787K-2;水稻推荐施肥量为N119.6kg/hm2、P20558.4kg/hm2、K2O53.1kg/hm2,水稻最佳产量6204kg/hm2。 相似文献