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Understory vegetation is an important component in forest ecosystems. However, the effects of understory on soil properties in subtropical forests are not fully understood. We thus conducted an experimental manipulative study in two young fast-growing plantations—Eucalyptus urophylla and Acacia crassicarpa—in southern China, by removing understory vegetation in both plantations, to estimate the effects of understory vegetation on microclimate, soil properties and N mineralization. Our data showed that, after 6 months, understory removal (UR) in both plantations had greatly increased soil surface luminous intensity (90–500 cd) and temperature (0.5–0.8 °C); soil moisture was reduced in the Eucalyptus plantation but not in the Acacia plantation. Understory removal also reduced soil organic matter (SOM), but had little impact on other soil chemical properties, including total phosphorus, C/N, pH, exchangeable cations (K, Ca, Mg), available P, ande extractable NH4–N and NO3–N. We found a significant decline of soil N mineralization and nitrification rates in the 0–5 cm soils of UR in both plantations. The decline of SOM in UR may contribute to the lower N transformations rates. This study indicates that a better understanding of understory vegetation effects on soil N cycling would be beneficial to forest management decisions and could provide a critical foundation for advancing management practices.  相似文献   
鼠尾藻的生物学特性及筏式养殖技术研究   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
报道了鼠尾藻的生物学特性及人工筏式养殖技术。经106天的筏式养殖,藻体平均长度从5.5cm长到79.1cm;每绳重量从860g长到3500g,而对照组只长到1750g。试验组每667m^2产值约6000元。  相似文献   
The peripheral blood cells of one-year-old Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) have been studied by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The erythrocyte count was 84.86 × 104 cell mm−3 in the peripheral blood of the fish and that of leukocytes was 2.24 × 104 cell mm−3. The erythrocytes and four main types of leucocyte—thrombocytes, lymphocytes, granulocytes (including neutrophils and eosinophils), and monocytes, were identified in the peripheral blood. In addition to normal erythrocytes, reticulocytes and division of erythrocytes were observed. Thrombocytes were the most numerous among the leukocytes, and the number of neutrophils with lobated nuclei was larger than for other fish. The structures of the erythrocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, granulocytes, and thrombocytes of the fish were studied. The erythrocytes were almost completely devoid of organelles, except for some mitochondria and granules. A large number of vacuoles and a few organelles were observed in cytoplasm of the monocytes. There were many microvilli on the membrane and pseudopodia-like cytoplasm bulge in the lymphocytes. The neutrophils were round or oval in shape with bilobed, trilobed, or multilobed nuclei whereas the eosinophils had big special granules, dark stained. There were many vesicles in some thrombocytes, which were related to its phagocytosis; some thrombocytes had almost no cytoplasm or organelles.  相似文献   
Five new norditerpene endoperoxides, named diacarperoxides H–L (1–5), and a new norditerpene diol, called diacardiol B (6), were isolated from the South China Sea sponge, Diacarnus megaspinorhabdosa. Their structures, including conformations and absolute configurations, were determined by using spectroscopic analyses, computational approaches and chemical degradation. Diacarperoxides H–J (1–3) showed some interesting stereochemical issues, as well as antimalarial activity.  相似文献   
研究了两种可变电荷土壤和两种恒电荷土壤在不同铜离子浓度条件下,pH对铝释放的影响.结果显示,随着加入铜离子浓度的增加,由铜离子交换作用而引起的可溶性铝也随之增加,相同pH条件下,可溶性铝的解吸量依次为砖红壤>红壤>黄棕壤>棕壤,恒电荷土壤中铜离子浓度变化对铝释放的影响较可变电荷土壤更大,当pH大于3.6(恒电荷土壤)或pH大于4.0(可变电荷土壤)时,溶液中可溶性铝的含量几乎可以忽略不计.因此在所研究的铜离子浓度范围内,引起可溶性铝离子量变化的主导因素应该是体系pH值的变化而非铜离子的吸附.  相似文献   
为了更加方便、简捷、快速的对温室番茄叶绿素含量进行检测,利用光谱分析技术,开发了一种用于预测温室番茄叶片叶绿素含量的新型作物长势仪。仪器选择527 nm和762 nm两个波长作为特征波长。由一个“Y”型光纤,两个硅光电池,一个信号处理单元,中心处理器及友好的人机交互界面组成。由番茄叶片反射回来的反射光经过“Y”型光纤到达硅光电池的表面,硅光电池可以将此光信号转换成电信号。然后经过信号处理单元的放大滤波转换成可以经CPU处理的电压信号。根据测量得到的光谱反射率可以计算出番茄叶片的光谱系数,再根据光谱系数预测  相似文献   
树型喷洒靶标外形轮廓探测方法   总被引:10,自引:9,他引:1  
为了在线探测靶标外形并为变量喷药提供基础支持,研究了树型喷洒靶标外形轮廓探测方法。该文基于超声传感器搭建了靶标外形轮廓探测试验平台,该平台能够驱动步进电机精确匀速运动,以0.02 m为步长密集测量树冠形状,将获得的数据传给计算机实时显示,并能够在Access数据库中长期存储。使用该测试平台针对自制规则树树冠和花期樱桃树树冠分别进行了试验。试验结果显示规则树冠和樱桃树冠体积探测精度分别为92.8%和90.0%,表明该方法具有较高探测精度。  相似文献   
为深入研究太湖鲢鱼的种群遗传结构及进化过程,有效的保护和利用太湖鲢鱼种质资源,作者采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术对太湖鲢鱼的mtDNA D-loop序列进行扩增,获得了大小约为500 bp的扩增产物.PCR产物经纯化后克隆到pMD19-T Vector进行序列鉴定测序,得到了520 bp的核苷酸片段(除去引物及部分端部序列).用CLUSTAL X(1.83)软件进行排序比较,在30个个体中,共检测到52个变异位点,包括1个碱基缺失、36个转换位点、15个颠换位点及1个转换与颠换同时存在的位点.运用MEGA软件计算出不同个体间的遗传距离,并据此构建了NJ系统树.用DNASP软件计算出的多态位点数(S)为52、核苷酸多样性(Pi)和平均核苷酸差异数(k)分别为1.24%0.35%和6.368.研究结果表明,太湖鲢鱼的mtDNAD-loop个体序列变异程度较大,遗传多样性较为丰富.  相似文献   
澜沧江上游森林珍稀草本植物生态位研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
20 0 2年和 2 0 0 3年 7— 8月 ,笔者采用常规调查方法对三江源自然保护区内澜沧江上游物种进行了调查研究 .以不同群落类型和海拔高度作为资源位 ,分别以物种重要值和个体多度为生态位计测的状态指标 ,对澜沧江上游桃儿七、星叶草和角盘兰及选取的几种对照草本植物进行生态位的计测和分析 .结果表明 :桃儿七、星叶草、角盘兰生态位宽度值小 ,充分显示了它们的稀有性 ,在该地区应优先保护 .桃儿七种群在海拔 36 0 0~ 36 5 0m分布最多 ,并且种群数量随海拔高度的增加逐渐减少 ;星叶草种群在海拔 36 5 0~ 375 0m分布最多 ,但种群数量不随海拔高度变化呈现规律性变化 .草本植物物种的生态位相似性比例值大于 0 5的占 5 0 % ,桃儿七、星叶草、角盘兰的生态位相似性比例大 ,说明它们在该地区的生态位相似程度大 .草本植物的生态位重叠值较小 ,大于 0 0 1的占 2 1 4 3% .桃儿七、星叶草、角盘兰之间生态位重叠程度小 ,它们分布的群落类型相似程度小 .  相似文献   
为明确草栖钝绥螨Amblyseius herbicolus对二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae的控制潜能,在温度分别为19、22、25、28和31℃、相对湿度均为(85±5)%、光周期均为16 L∶8 D条件下测定草栖钝绥螨对二斑叶螨各螨态的捕食偏好性、捕食功能反应及自身干扰反应。结果表明,草栖钝绥螨对二斑叶螨幼螨和第1若螨具有嗜食性,对其捕食选择系数分别为2.22和1.27,均大于1.00,对二斑叶螨卵、第2若螨和雌成螨捕食选择系数分别为0.61、0.68和0.22,均小于1.00。在不同温度条件下,草栖钝绥螨对二斑叶螨各螨态的捕食功能反应均符合HollingⅡ型;在19~31℃范围内,草栖钝绥螨对二斑叶螨各螨态的瞬时攻击率、最大日捕食量和捕食能力均随着温度升高呈先升高后降低的趋势,在28℃时达到最大值;而草栖钝绥螨对二斑叶螨各螨态的处理时间随着温度升高呈先缩短后延迟的趋势,在28℃下处理时间最短。在相同温度下,草栖钝绥螨对二斑叶螨卵、幼螨和第1若螨的捕食作用较强。在有限的捕食空间和二斑叶螨密度固定的条件下,草栖钝绥螨单头捕食量和捕食作用率随其自身密度的增加而逐渐下降,说...  相似文献   
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