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南宁市农业生物质资源存量估算与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】分析南宁市农业生物质资源存量,评价其应用价值,为新能源的开发利用和农村环境污染综合治理提供决策依据。【方法】查阅南宁市统计年鉴数据,结合实地调查和参考已有的研究成果,确定草谷比参数和畜禽粪便排放参数及其估算方法,估算南宁市农业生物质资源存量。【结果】南宁市全年秸秆产量约330万t,其中甘蔗与稻谷秸秆占60%以上;畜禽粪便猪粪当量由2004年的1683.36万t增长到2009年的1823.69万t,以猪粪当量计,畜禽粪便产生量最大的是牛,而增长最快的是家禽,在数年中产生量几乎翻一番;将2009年南宁市秸秆和畜禽粪便均折算为标准煤,总计量为951.43万t,作为资源具有较大的利用潜力。【建议】政府应采取有效措施,响应国家新能源规划,开发适合地方应用的新工艺,推广现有较成熟技术的应用,促进南宁市农业生物质的产业化发展。  相似文献   
A rapid immunochromatographic lateral-flow test strip was developed in the competitive reaction format for the detection of sulfonamides in eggs and chicken muscle. A monoclonal antibody against the common structure of sulfonamides was conjugated to colloidal gold particles as the detection reagent and an N-sulfanilyl-4-aminobenzoic acid (SUL)-bovine serum albumin (BSA) conjugate was immobilized to a nitrocellulose membrane as the capture reagent to prepare the test strip. With this method, it required only 15 min to accomplish the semiquantitative or quantitative detection of sulfonamides. The sensitivity to sulfonamides (sulfamonomethoxine, sulfamethoxydiazine, sulfadimethoxine, and sulfadiazine) was at least 10 ng/mL, as determined with an optical density scanner. By eye measurement, the sensitivity was 20 ng/mL for sulfamonomethoxine, sulfamethoxydiazine, and sulfadimethoxine and 40 ng/mL for sulfadiazine. On the basis of a sulfamonomethoxine standard curve, recoveries were from 89.5 to 95.6% for sulfamonomethoxine, from 89.5 to 95.1% for sulfamethoxydiazine, from 85.0 to 95.6% for sulfadimethoxine, and from 44.8 to 60.9% for sulfadiazine in egg and chicken muscle samples. A parallel analysis of 27 egg samples and 28 chicken muscle samples from the animal experiment showed that the differences between test strips and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were from 0.8 to 11.2% for egg samples and from 2.2 to 34% for chicken muscle samples for the quantitative detection, and the agreement rates between test strips and HPLC were 100%, based on the maximum allowed residue level of sulfadiazine (100 ng/g) established by the European Union and China. In conclusion, the method is rapid and accurate for the detection of sulfonamides in eggs and chicken muscles.  相似文献   
湖南省及自然保护区蝶类资源记述及保护利用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对湖南省及自然保护区蝶类8 000 余号标本的鉴定,确定湖南省及各自然保护区蝶类284 种,隶属于11 科132 属,其中凤蝶科13 属32 种、粉蝶科9 属24 种、斑蝶科4 属7 种、环蝶科3属3 种、眼蝶科14 属51 种、蛱蝶科37 属82 种、珍蝶科1 属1 种、喙蝶科1 属2 种、蚬蝶科2 属4种、灰蝶科23 属35 种、弄蝶科25 属43 种。对已鉴定的标本抽取有详细分布资料的240 种进行区系分析,得出湖南省蝶类在世界动物地理区划中,以东洋区种为主,占38.33% ,中国特有种占26.67% ,古北区种占15.42% ,古北- 东洋共有种占13.32% ,其他组合比例较低;湖南蝶类在中国地理区划中,以华中- 华南共有种、华中-华南- 西南共有种为主,分别占17.50% 和16.25% ,其次华中- 华南- 青藏共有种占12.08% ,其他组合比例较低;对湖南省240 种蝶类在湖南4 个农业区的归属进行分析,得出其在湘西农业区所占比重为25.83% ,四区共有种20.83% ,其它农业区及组合所占比重较低。并提出了蝶类资源保护与利用措施。  相似文献   
基于GIS技术的河南粮食核心区小麦玉米区域潜力研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨河南粮食核心区小麦玉米的生产潜力,采用机制法研究了基于GIS的小麦、玉米光合、光温、气候和土土等自然生产潜力。结果表明:河南省小麦玉米均存在较大的增产潜力,并且玉米的增产潜力远高于小麦,表现在玉米的光温潜力、气候潜力和土壤潜力高于小麦的各项潜力指标;各潜力指标与县区间的比例关系为:光合和光温潜力中产县的比例大,高产县和低产县的比例均较少,气候潜力和土壤潜力高产县和低产县的比例增加,并高于中产县比例;小麦玉米潜力各指标间优势区域不完全相同,总体趋势是,豫北和豫中地区潜力较大,现实产量也最高,豫东、豫东南地区居中,豫西和豫西南地区较低;河南省粮食核心区建设的关键是挖掘小麦、玉米的气候生产潜力和土壤生产潜力。  相似文献   
文章在试验的基础上,研究探讨了利用生物天敌中华甲虫蒲螨Pyemotes zhonghuajia Yu and Zhang防治双条杉天牛Semanotus bifasciatus(Motschulsky)的技术。本试验将有虫侧柏木段(长1m, 直径10cm)绑置在柏树林中以模拟田间状况,并在4月上中旬到5月下旬,每隔10天左右释放一次天敌蒲螨。每次设置两个蒲螨释放量及一个空白量。试验结果表明两个试验量即1管螨/木段和2管螨/木段对天牛幼虫的致死率差异不显著;并就天敌蒲螨释放时间对天牛致死率的影响分析得出,北京地区利用天敌蒲螨防治双条杉天牛幼虫的最佳时间为5月上中旬,即日均气温到达20℃以上。因此在实际的防治工作中,应在温度条件适合蒲螨寻找寄主时,利用较少的天敌投放量,尽早开展防治工作。  相似文献   
Cotton-based intercropping systems are one of modern agriculture farming systems aiming at improving overall economic profitability of cotton field, which not only release the competition for land between other crops and cotton and increase growing area and yield of both crops, but also represent a mechanistic approach to reconciling crop production and biodiversity conservation. Recently, cotton-based intercropping systems have been widely focused and applied. Here, we reviewed the potential of cotton-based intercropping systems to reinforce agroecosystem services and functioning, including promoted plant biodiversity, improved overall productivity and economic profits, increased light use efficiency, improved cotton quality, reduced pest and disease occurrence, and suppressed weed growth. Further, the underlying mechanisms behind the enhancement of agroecosystem services and functioning by cotton-based intercropping systems through niche complementarity, interspecific facilitation, and allelopathy between intercropped species were summarized in the paper. Finally, the research prospects were also pointed out.  相似文献   
Comprehensive knowledge of osteological development of fish not only provides means for understanding its functional development, but also allows early detection of skeletal anomalies. The present study was conducted to determine osteological development and occurrence of anomalies from the first to the 40th day after hatching (DAH) for yellow catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, a commercially important species in China. Vertebral ontogeny started with formation of anterior neural arches at 3 DAH, and completed at 6 DAH. Vertebral centra started to develop at 4 DAH and ossification in all centra was visible at 15 DAH. Caudal fin appeared at 2 DAH and ossification was visible at 26 DAH. The onset of dorsal and anal fins appeared at 4 DAH and their ossifications were visible at 20 DAH. Pectoral fins were present before first feeding and formed entirely at 9 DAH, and their ossifications were visible at 21 DAH. Pelvic fins appeared at 9 DAH, and formed completely at 21 DAH. The ossification of pelvic fins was not finished until the end of the experiment (40 DAH). 24 types of skeletal anomalies were observed. About 20% of individuals showed at least one anomaly. Haemal vertebrae anomalies occurred at the highest frequency, followed by pre‐haemal, caudal vertebrae and anal fin anomalies, and caudal fin had the lowest anomalies frequency. For the first time, our study determined osteological development and anomalies incidence in larval yellow catfish, which help further investigations into rearing conditions leading to appearance of these anomalies to prevent their incidence.  相似文献   
通过盆栽试验研究了包膜尿素(自制)和尿素等肥料在灰潮土中对芹菜生长、氮吸收、产量和品质等的影响。结果表明:在2种质地的灰潮土中施包膜尿素较尿素使芹菜增产11.5%~15.2%,N吸收增加5.9%~9.5%,土壤氨挥发损失N减少12.2%~14.4%,淋失和反硝化N损失减少25.5%~28.3%,N素利用率提高20.1%~27.9%,土壤持留N量占施氮量的32.0%~37.3%;芹菜产品中NO3^--N含量降低44.2%~60.3%,维生素C含量显著提高,品质明显得到改善。  相似文献   
茂兰自然保护区珍稀濒危植物石山木莲的资源现状及保护   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
石山木莲(Manglietia calcarea X.H.Song)是贵州特有珍稀濒危植物。为了解茂兰保护区石山木莲资源现状,采用样线调查法,对茂兰保护区石山木莲资源分布现状进行调查。结果表明:茂兰保护区石山木莲资源分布狭窄、数量稀少,仅发现8个分布点共计10株,已处于濒危状态。主要分布在保护区洞多、洞常、瑶寨、卡记海拔650~820 m之间的山坳、山腰、洼地、槽谷的次生林中、闲置地边、黔竹林内及密林下。根据石山木莲在茂兰保护区的地理分布特点和资源现状,分析其濒危原因,探讨实现其有效保护的措施。  相似文献   
我国农民工养老保险制度推行现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了农民工概念的界定、群体分类及特征,分析了目前我国农民工养老保险制度推行模式及制约因素,并基于扩大保障、统一性、连续性、低标准进入、发展性等原则构建了农民工养老保险制度新模式。提出应落实相关配套措施;确保农民工最低工资保障;加强农民工的技能培训,加大农民工养老保险宣传力度;建立专门的社会保障法律制度等对策建议。  相似文献   
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