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Chickens can be killed in less than one second by exposing their heads to microwave irradiation with a frequency of 2450 MHz. Positioning the head exactly is necessary. The only way to avoid this handling is the exposure of the whole body. But because of a particular high rate of absorption the wings are heated so that the meat is not edible any more. Before slaughtering the chickens are hung up headlong. This causes increased cardiac and respiratory frequencies while the blood pressure is not altered yet. This handling is a considerable stress. Animal-prevention arguments suggest to prefer anaesthesia before hanging the chickens in the conveyor belt.  相似文献   
Properdin (BF) was investigated as a candidate gene influencing litter size in a commercial pig cross population. The BF gene was chosen because of its integral role in influencing uterine epithelium growth and because several quantitative trait loci (QTL) with impact on reproductive traits have been detected near the centromere of porcine chromosome 7. A total of 123 F2 (Large White × Landrace) × Leicoma sows were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) method. The sows were divided into two extreme performance groups, one with a high litter size (n = 61, ≥14.3 piglets per litter) and the other with a low litter size (n = 62, ≤11.3 piglets per litter). Although genotype and allele frequencies were uneven with 2.4% (AA), 16.3% (AB), 81.3% (BB) and 0.11 (A): 0.89 (B), the allele A was the unfavourable one, leading to less offspring. With regard to the level of significance at p < 0.05, the total number of born (TNB) and number of born alive (NBA) piglets were associated with BF genotypes. The genotype AA led to 10.55 TNB and 10.00 NBA, whereas the genotype BB led to 13.19 TNB and 12.11 NBA. The genotype AB was intermediate. In future, a systematic mating test is necessary in order to obtain more balanced genotype frequencies. Furthermore, it should be taken into consideration that the investigated polymorphism is located in an intronic region and the causative mutation is not clear yet.  相似文献   
Y. M. Yan    S. L. K. Hsam    J. Z. Yu    Y. Jiang  F. J. Zeller 《Plant Breeding》2003,122(2):120-124
Gliadin variation at Gli‐Dt1 and Gli‐Dt2 loci in 198 Aegilops tauschii accessions was studied by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (A‐PAGE) and capillary electrophoresis (CE). High genetic polymorphisms were found at both gliadin coding loci, revealing a total of 184 and 169 gliadin variants at the Gli‐Dt1 and Gli‐Dt2 loci, respectively. In particular, 12 gliadin blocks encoded by different alleles were apparently expressed and readily identified in six synthetic hexaploids produced by hybridization between Triticum durum and Ae. tauschii accessions. Compared with Ae. tauschii ssp. eusquarrosa, the gliadin profile of the D genome in Ae. tauschii ssp. strangulata more resembles that of T. aestivum, supporting the view that the subspecies strangulata is the most likely progenitor of bread wheat. Capillary electrophoresis analysis showed that the method is capable of separating and characterizing gliadins with speed, in high resolution using small sample amounts, and is well‐suited to detect protein alleles and to identify desirable genotypes in wheat quality improvement.  相似文献   
小麦资源胚乳蛋白Glu-1、Glu-3、Gli-1基因位点变异特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
141个普通小麦品种及农家种中,由Glu-1位点控制的高分子量谷蛋白亚基共27种图谱,最常见的图谱是(N,7+8,2+12)占22%和(N,7+9,2+12)占19.9%,Glu-A1、Glu-B1、Glu-D1位点控制的均为正效应亚基,其图谱(1,7+8,5+10),(1,14+15,5+10),(1,13+16,5+10),(1,17+18,5+10),(2*,7+8,5+10),(2*,13+16,5+10)占13.4%; 由Glu-3位点控制的低分子量谷蛋白亚基共48种以上的图谱,最常见的图谱是(a, j, c), Glu-A3位点存在6个以上等位基因,新发现的占5.7%, Glu-B3位点存在10个以上等位基因,新发现的占2.8%, Glu-D3位点存在3个等位基因;由Gli-1位点控制的醇溶蛋白共81种以上图谱,Gli-1A1位点存在7个以上等位基因,新发现的占7.1%, Gli-B1位点存在12个以上等位基因,新发现的等位基因占3.5%, Gli-D1位点存在10个等位基因,Gli-B1位点的l为1B/1R易位系,占总数的33.6%; 由Gli-1位点控制的醇溶蛋白和由Glu-3位点控制的低分子量谷蛋白亚基基因变异远比由G1u-1位点控制的高分子量谷蛋白亚基复杂和丰富。  相似文献   
Declining fisheries catches are a global trend, with management failing to keep pace with growth in fishing effort and technological advances. The economic value of Honduras’ catches was estimated within the industrial and artisanal sectors. Catches were found to be 2.9 times greater than the official statistics between 1950 and 2015. The merging of industrial and artisanal catch data masked the decline in industrial catches and hid the strong growth of artisanal fisheries. In 1996, annual artisanal fisheries landed catches surpassed the industrial fishery sector, and in 2000, the annual net value of artisanal fisheries eclipsed the value of the industrial fisheries. These data highlight the importance of artisanal fisheries in Honduras and challenge the long‐held belief that the industrial sector contributes more to the national economy. The global paucity of fisheries data highlights the need for comprehensive strategies to collect more detailed and accurate fisheries data.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Seit mehreren Jahren sind an der Wiener Landw.-chemischen Bundesversuchsanstalt in Wien Untersuchungen im Gange, die zeigen sollen, ob und wie der Mineralstoffgehalt von Weizen sortenabhängig ist und wie der Mineralstoffgehalt verschiedener Sorten vom Düngungszustand und sonstigen bodenchemischen Faktoren abhängt. Auch wurde geprüft, wie sich der Mineralstoffgehalt in verschiedenen Teilen der Pflanze und in der ganzen Pflanze im Laufe der Vegetationsperiode verändert. Hierbei ist es notwendig, die Ergebnisse auf eine während der ganzen Vegetationszeit gleichbleibende Bezugsgröße zu beziehen. Trockengewicht oder Aschegehalt kommen daher nicht in Frage. Als geeignete Bezugsgrößen erwiesen sich die durchschnittliche Einzelpflanze, der Gesamtentzug pro Flächeneinheit, aber auch der Mineralstoffgehalt eines Saatkornes scheint brauchbar zu sein.Die Untersuchungen sind noch keineswegs abgeschlossen, ein Teil des vorhandenen außerordentlich umfangreichen Zahlenmaterials, das sich sowohl auf die Massenelemente als zum Teil auch auf die Spurenelemente bezieht, konnte aber schon ausgewertet werden und wird in übersichtlicher Form dargestellt. Der verhältnismäßig geringe Informationsgehalt der auf Trockensubstanz bezogenen Zahlen kommt hierbei deutlich zum Ausdruck und Luxuskonsum und sortenabhängiges Speicher- und Aufnahmevermögen werden deutlich.
Summary The Federal Institute for Agricultural Chemistry in Vienna has for a number of years investigated the mineral composition of different varieties of wheat and the influence of the nutritional status and other chemical factors of the soil on the minerals in the wheat plant. In addition, the mineral composition of the wheat plants has been investigated as to how it is dependent on the developmental state and growth of the plants. To this end it was necessary to use a point of reference which is constant during all of the growing period. Dry matter and ash are therefore not suitable for this purpose. Useful points of reference were found to be the average plant, the total nutrient uptake per unit area or the mineral content of the seed used.The investigations are by no means yet completed but some of the many data so far obtained, have been analysed. They concern not only the major but also a number of minor elements and they are presented in a summarized form. It can be seen that comparatively little information can be obtained from data relating the mineral content of the plants to their dry matter content and that luxury consumption and varietal differences of nutrient uptake and nutrient storage come to light, using the suggested points of reference.

Résumé Depuis plusieurs années à la station fédérale de chimie agricole de Vienne des recherches sont en cours pour déterminer dans quelle mesure la teneur en substances minérales du blé depend des variétés, de la fumure et des facteurs agropédologiques. Les variations taux de substances minérales dans les diverses parties de la plante, pendant de la phase de la développement de la végétation, ont également été suivies. Il est nécessaire pour cela de rapporter les résultats à une valeur de référence qui reste constante durant toute la période de végétation. Le poids sec le taux de cendres, ne peuvent servir de référence. Il s'est révélé objectif de rapporter les résultats à la plantule moyenne, et de ramener les prélèvements de minéraux à la surface cultivée; le taux de substances minérales d'un grain de semence est aussi une référence utilisable.Nos recherches ne sont nullement terminées; une partie de nos très nombreux résultats numériques, qui se rapportent aussi bien aux macroéléments qu'à divers oligoéléments, ont été exploités et présentés de facon synthétique. L'information pauvre de la valeur relative des taux rapportés au poids sec apparaît ainsi; on peut mettre en évidence une consommation de luxe, ainsi qu'une différence dans le pouvoir d'absorption et de stockage selon la variété.

Vortrag gehalten auf der gemeinsamen Tagung EUCARPIA-CIQ in Lund, Schweden (14. – 17. Juli 1965) am 16.7.1965.  相似文献   


Many dogs suffering from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are presented to veterinary clinics. These patients are diagnosed based on a history of chronic gastrointestinal signs and biopsy‐confirmed histopathologic intestinal inflammation. Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) are part of the first line of defense in the gastrointestinal immune system. Alterations in IEL subsets may play a role in the pathogenesis of IBD.


The aim of this study was to characterize the phenotypes of IEL in dogs with IBD compared with healthy control dogs.


Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes subpopulations of control dogs (n = 5) obtained from endoscopic biopsies (EB) were compared to those obtained from full thickness biopsies (FTB) on the same day. In addition, the phenotypes of IEL from FTB of control dogs (n = 10) were compared with EB of IBD dogs (n = 10). Each participant was scored clinically using the canine inflammatory bowel disease activity index (CIBDAI), and all samples were graded histopathologically. Three‐color flow cytometry of isolated IEL was performed using monoclonal antibodies against T‐ and B‐lymphocyte subpopulations.


No significant differences in the composition of IEL subpopulations were found in control dogs based on method of biopsy. The IBD dogs had significantly higher CIBDAI and histopathologic scores compared with control dogs and their IEL contained a significantly higher frequency TCRγδ T‐cells.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Endoscopic biopsies provide suitable samples for 3‐color flow cytometry when studying canine intestinal IEL and IBD patients show significant changes of major T‐cell subsets compared to healthy control dogs.  相似文献   
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