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Residues of the insect growth regulator diflubenzuron were quantified on horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) leaves treated with a diflubenzuron 480 g litre?1 SC, Dimilin. To analyse the samples, an analytical procedure was developed involving a simple extraction step followed by high‐performance liquid chromatography on an octadecyl‐modified silica column with methanol + 0.01 M ammonium acetate mobile phase. The results showed diflubenzuron to be highly stable on horse chestnut leaves; more than 4 months (127 days) after application, 38% (on average) of the insecticide still remained on/in the leaves. The data confirmed biological observations showing diflubenzuron's long‐term efficacy against the horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimi?, which is the most important pest of the horse chestnut in Europe. The hypothesis of possible penetration of diflubenzuron into the leaf mass is explored and discussed. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Interleukin-8 plays a critical role in inflammatory processes. Hence generation of molecules with anti-IL-8 activity is likely to be important for successful feeding and for survival of the ticks. Anti-IL-8 activity was studied in saliva of three ixodid tick species--Dermacentor reticulatus (Fabricius, 1794), Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Neumann, 1901, and Amblyomma variegatum (Fabricius, 1794). The greatest activity was shown in saliva prepared from D. reticulatus. The activity was attributed to tick salivary gland molecules that bind to IL-8, preventing binding of the chemokine to its specific receptor, rather than to occupation of the IL-8 cell receptor by the tick molecules. The distribution of anti-IL-8 activity in fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) fractions of salivary gland extracts (SGE) derived from adult female D. reticulatus, R. appendiculatus and A. variegatum was compared directly by both ELISA and receptor-binding inhibition assays. The correspondence in results with fractions of SGE from ELISA is consistent with detection of tick molecules that inhibit IL-8 binding to its receptor. As IL-8 is an important chemoattractant and activator of neutrophils, the presence of an anti-IL-8 activity in tick saliva indicates that neutrophils play an important role in the host response to parasitism by ticks.  相似文献   
Fu  Zihao  Hong  Zijin  Wei  Junling  Liao  Yukai  You  Songlin  Wang  Yifan  Lv  Jianjing  Feng  Huan  Kolenčík  Marek  Chang  Xuexiu  Qian  Yu 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2022,22(9):2530-2547
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Sediment phosphorus fractionation, adsorption kinetics, and adsorption isotherm characteristics were studied in two rivers, Muyang River and Lengshui River in...  相似文献   
The aims of the present study were to determine whether salsolinol (SAL), a dopamine-related compound, is present in the bovine posterior pituitary (PP) gland, and to clarify the effect of SAL on the secretion of prolactin (PRL) in ruminants. SAL was detected in extract of bovine PP gland using high-pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-EC). A single intravenous (i.v.) injection of SAL (5 and 10mg/kg body weight) significantly and dose-dependently stimulated the release of PRL in goats (P<0.05). Plasma PRL levels reached a peak 10min after the injection, then gradually returned to basal values in 60-80min. The PRL-releasing pattern was similar to that in response to sulpiride (a dopamine receptor antagonist). The intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injection of 1mg of SAL had no significant effect on the release of PRL in calves, however, 5mg significantly stimulated the release (P<0.05) with peak values reached 30-40min after the injection. Moreover, SAL significantly stimulated the release of PRL from cultured bovine anterior pituitary cells at doses of 10(-6) and 10(-5)M, compared to control cells (P<0.05). Taken together, our data clearly show that SAL is present in extract of the PP gland of ruminants, and has PRL-releasing activity both in vivo and in vitro. Therefore, this endogenous compound is a strong candidate for the factor having PRL-releasing activity that has been previously detected in extract of the bovine PP gland.  相似文献   
Conservation of threatened animals is frequently limited by lack of knowledge about their ecological preferences, and often artificial feeding is one of the few chances to save endangered species. We investigated the possibility to artificially feed two endangered flat bark beetles dependent on dead wood for their diet—namely, Cucujus cinnaberinus (Scopoli, 1763) and Cucujus haematodes Erichson, 1845—by examining their dietary preferences, life cycle duration, and survival in laboratory conditions. Individuals of the two species were caught in the wild and larvae and adults were fed in laboratory conditions by live or dead prey. Three species of saproxylic beetles: two cerambycids (Acanthocinus griseus Fabricius, 1793 and Rhagium inquisitor Linnaeus, 1758), one scolytid (Ips sexdentatus Börner, 1776) one tenebrionid (Tenebrio molitor (Linnaeus, 1758)) one dipteran (Lucilia sericata (Meigen, 1826)) and one ant (Lasius sp. Fabricius, 1804) were used as prey, with minced meat as a control. Our results indicated high survival and no difference in prey choice between the two flat beetle species. Larvae and adults preferred dead prey, but no significant preference was detected among dead prey taxa, supporting the hypothesis that the two species are opportunistic scavengers. Comparing data with previous results, both species and their developmental stages should be classified as obligate saproxylic organisms with preference to the dead and decaying organic material. Successful artificial feeding and rearing of these endangered species, followed by the release in the wild through rescue or reintroduction programs, therefore appear relevant for their protection and future conservation.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, da? es m?glich ist, durch die Anwendung subletaler Konzentrationen des Insektizids DTHP, d. h. durch eine allgemeine Schw?chung des Organismus erwachsener Rüsselk?fer (Hylobius abietis L.), eine geeignete Disposition dieses Sch?dlings zur Infektion durch den parasitischen PilzBeauveria bassiana (Bals-Criv.) Vuill. herbeizuführen. Die K?fer, die in Fangrinden oder Fallen an Kiefern? stchen — welche in ein kombiniertes Pr?parat einer 0,05% DTHP-Suspension (Organophosphorverbindung vom Dipterex-Typ, technischer Block 0,0-Dimethyl-2,2,2-trichlor-1-hydroxy?thyl-phosphonat) mit 0,1% Sporen vonBeauveria bassiana getaucht worden waren — konzentriert wurden, nahmen keine Nahrung mehr auf und starben allm?hlich ab. Wie die histologischen Untersuchungen gezeigt haben, wurden Erkrankung und Tod der K?fer durch den genannten parasitischen Pilz herbeigeführt. Obwohl nur zwei Vergleichsfl?chen zur Verfügung standen, ist aus dem obengesagten klar, da? bei der Anwendung des kombinierten Pr?parates mit einer gewissen selektiven Wirkung gerechnet werden kann: W?hrend an der nur mit 1% DTHP behandelten Versuchsfl?che ungef?hr 2,5% nützlicher Insekten unter den get?teten K?fern festgestellt wurden (vor allem Laufk?fer der GattungPterostichus), betrug der Prozentsatz der get?teten nützlichen Insekten bei der Anwendung des kombinierten Pr?parates (DTHPBeauveria bassiana-Sporen) nur 0,25%. Die angeführten Versuche bewiesen die Anwendbarkeit der Kombination von Insektiziden — in subletalen Dosen oder Konzentrationen — mit Sporen parasitischer Pilze.  相似文献   
In 2015 and 2016, the North American maple tree pathogen Eutypella parasitica was identified in Bohemian and Polish Silesia. To date, the pathogen has been recorded in 35 locations over an area of approximately 400 km2. It has been found primarily in natural stands in Silesia in several types of ravine and alluvial forests, in other natural or commercial forests, in riparian stands and in open landscapes. The proportion of diseased maples ranged between approximately 1% and 50% in certain locations. Acer pseudoplatanus was confirmed as the main host but infections were also detected on A. platanoides and A. campestre. E. parasitica damages the most valuable sycamore timber and represents a clear risk for maple cultivation in the region.  相似文献   
Variations in radial patterns of xylem water content and sap flow rate were measured in five laurel forest tree species (Laurus azorica (Seub.) Franco, Persea indica (L.) Spreng., Myrica faya Ait., Erica arborea L. and Ilex perado Ait. ssp. platyphylla (Webb & Berth.) Tutin) growing in an experimental plot at Agua García, Tenerife, Canary Islands. Measurements were performed around midday during warm and sunny days by the heat field deformation method. In all species, water content was almost constant (around 35% by volume) over the whole xylem cross-sectional area. There were no differences in wood color over the whole cross-sectional area of the stem in most species with the exception of E. arborea, whose wood became darker in the inner layers. Radial patterns of sap flow were highly variable and did not show clear relationships with tree diameter or species. Sap flow occurred over the whole xylem cross-sectional area in some species, whereas it was limited to the outer xylem layers in others. Sap flow rate was either similar along the xylem radius or exhibited a peak in the outer part of the xylem area. Low sap flow rates with little variation in radial pattern were typical for shaded suppressed trees, whereas dominant trees exhibited high sap flow rates with a peak in the radial pattern. Stem damage resulted in a significant decrease in sap flow rate in the outer xylem layers. The outer xylem is more important for whole tree water supply than the inner xylem because of its larger size. We conclude that measurement of radial flow pattern provides a reliable method of integrating sap flow from individual measuring points to the whole tree.  相似文献   
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