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L. Bos N. Huijberts H. Huttinga D. Z. Maat 《European journal of plant pathology / European Foundation for Plant Pathology》1983,89(5):207-222
A damaging virus isolated in the Netherlands from lettuce was studied and compared with a virus isolated from dandelion orginating from Czechoslovakia. It was found to biologically resemble dandelion yellow mosaic virus incompletely described from dandelion and lettuce in Great Britain (Kassanis, 1944, 1947) and from dandelion in Germany (Hein, 1963). Mechanical transmission was greatly improved by buffer solution and transmission byMyzus persicae seemed to be in the non-persistent manner. Longevity in vitro of the virus hardly exceeded one day. Thermal inactivation was between 60 and 65 °C and the dilution end-point was between 10 000 and 100 000. It was still infectious in leaf material dried and stored over CaCl2 at 4 °C for 6 1/2 years. The virus was isolated and purified with difficulty and was found to consist of one type of spherical particle of ca 30 nm diameter, with a sedimentation coefficient of 159 S, a buoyant density of 1.42 g.cm?3 and an A260/A280 ratio of 1.67. An antiserum was prepared with a titre of 256 in the agar double-diffusion test. The virus could be identified in crude extracts from lettuce andChenopodium amaranticolor by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), but not by agar double diffusion. It could only be visualized in crude sap in the electron microscope after trapping of virus particles on antiserum-coated grids. The virus cannot yet be assigned to any known virus group. It is of potential economic importance to lettuce because of its occurrence in widely differing regions in Europe, its aggressiveness and virulence on 22 out of 23 lettuce cultivars tested (and on endive) and its pathogenicity toLactuca genotypes which are resistant to lettuce mosaic virus and other important pathogens of lettuce. ‘Laibacher Eis’ was the only cultivar showing some tolerance. 相似文献
R. Bargagli C. Barghigiani B. Z. Siegel S. M. Siegel 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1989,45(3-4):315-327
Young thallus tissue of the epiphytic lichen, Parmelia sulcata, and surface soil associated with its host trees were collected on Mt. Amiata for analysis of metal content including Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Hg. The purpose of this study was to achieve a better understanding of plant-soil Hg relationships by comparisons of the Mt. Amiata minesite with the summit of an active volcano — Mt. Etna — and thereby to gain more insight into metal source and eco-physiology as factors in plant-Hg distribution. Although an Hg source-plant distance relationship clearly exists on Mt. Amiata, its precise nature is still in doubt, as it was impossible to distinguish statistically at p<0.01 among linear, log-linear, exponential, and third order polynomial regressions, even with N=47. Nevertheless, the distance-from-source relationship for Hg was clearly unique. No significant pattern could be assigned to the other metals studied, nor was there evidence of a regular relationship between soil content and plant content except in the case of Hg. Parmelia from Mt. Amiata accumulates Hg from soil degassing which was not at all the case for its mercury source on Mt. Etna. The data also suggests that high Zn values in the lichen of Mt. Amiata may be based on long range atmospheric transport. The Zn content of Parmelia was not analyzed on Mt. Etna. Element atomic ratios, Fe/Al for example, provide good evidence for accumulation of surface soil particulates, other than cinnabar by the thallus. Finally, we conclude that widely separated populations of the same species can display biogeochemical differences that are best explained on an eco-physiological basis. 相似文献
温度对嫁接番茄幼苗生长及SOD、POD活性的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
为探明华南地区番茄嫁接后的适宜生长温度,试验研究了3个温度处理下番茄嫁接苗的生长状况及其叶片内保护酶(SOD、POD)活性的变化。试验结果表明:20/17℃处理下地上部和根系生长都受到抑制,根冠比失调;30/27℃时植株出现徒长迹象,且整株生物量下降;25/22℃环境条件下,嫁接苗根冠协调,茎秆健壮,光合能力较强。相比于25/22℃环境,20/17℃的相对低温处理和30/27℃的相对高温处理下,番茄嫁接苗的SPAD读数分别下降20%和13%,叶片的SOD酶活性为237.58 U/(g?FW)和254.39 U/(g?FW),分别比25/22℃处理下的SOD活性低114 U/(g?FW)和97.19 U/(g?FW)。30/27℃处理下的POD活性高于另外两个处理,但差异不显著。综上所述,嫁接后的白天温度应控制在25℃左右,夜间温度为22℃左右。 相似文献
在高效液相色谱反相条件下,利用手性色谱柱Lux Cellulose-1(纤维素-三(3,5-二甲基苯基氨基甲酸酯,粒径分别为3μm和5μm)对环丙唑醇4个对映异构体进行了直接手性拆分研究。考察了不同粒径、流动相组成和柱温对环丙唑醇对映体色谱保留及分离的影响;并采用在线旋光检测器研究了环丙唑醇对映体的洗脱顺序;同时,利用热力学方法对对映体与固定相之间的色谱保留和分离的热力学机理进行了探讨。结果表明:以乙腈-水为流动相比甲醇-水具有更好的拆分效果,柱温降低有利于对映体的拆分;在以V(乙腈)∶V(水)=60∶40为流动相、柱温为20℃的条件下,环丙唑醇对映体在3μm(流速0.3 m L/min)和5μm(流速1.0 m L/min)色谱柱上均可得到较好分离,在满足对映体完全分离的情况下,建议优先使用3μm色谱柱,异构体洗脱顺序为(+/+/-/-);而当流动相由乙腈-水变为甲醇-水时,对映体的洗脱顺序则变为(+/-/+/-)。热力学研究结果表明:在5~40℃试验温度范围内,van't Hoff方程的线性关系良好(R20.92);以乙腈-水作为流动相时,环丙唑醇对映体的拆分过程受焓驱动;而以甲醇-水为流动相时,对映体的拆分过程既受焓驱动又受熵驱动。 相似文献
The Lr56/Yr38 translocation consists primarily of alien-derived chromatin with only the 6AL telomeric region being of wheat origin. To
improve its utility in wheat breeding, an attempt was made to exchange excess Ae. sharonensis chromatin for wheat chromatin through homoeologous crossover in the absence of Ph1. Translocation heterozygotes that lacked Ph1 were test-crossed with Chinese Spring nullisomic 6A tetrasomic 6B and nullisomic 6A-tetrasomic 6D plants and the resistant
(hemizygous 6A) progeny were analyzed with four microsatellite markers. Genetic mapping suggested general homoeology between
wheat chromosome 6A and the translocation chromosomes, and showed that Lr56 was located near the long arm telomere. Thirty of the 53 recombinants had breakpoints between Lr56 and the most distal marker Xgwm427. These were characterized with additional markers. The data suggested that recombinants #39, 157 and 175 were wheat chromosomes
6A with small intercalary inserts of foreign chromatin containing Lr56 and Yr38, located distally on the long arms. These three recombinants are being incorporated into adapted germplasm. Attempts to identify
the single shortest translocation and to develop appropriate markers are being continued. 相似文献
农村居民点的宜居性将会影响居民点聚集效益的形成及农村集体建设用地的集约利用水平。笔者在对研究区实际调研的基础上,运用农户入户调查法、GIS技术,依据农户意愿对现存农村居民点进行宜居性调查研究。结果表明,宜居农村居民点应具有的条件包括:农户可接受的耕作半径、生产方便;道路通达度较高;满足农民下一代受教育的需求;完善的基础设施建设。 相似文献