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Japanese farmers manage their irrigation water based on their past experiences and preferences, considering such factors as weather and available water (hereafter defined as empirical water management). They elaborately control the intake and drainage rates of their own paddy fields to maintain optimal ponding depths. But these well-managed systems will drastically change because of the decreasing number of farmers. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify if the optimal ponding depth will be maintained within the limits of traditionally-allowed water intake rate from the main river. The first objective of this study was the quantification of actual water use in the paddy fields, resulting from the farmers water management on the basis of their experience. The significance of the present water intake rate under empirical water management was studied for a paddy field command area of about 230 ha. Water intake rates and the water requirements of the whole area were investigated by measuring the flow rate at 17 points of irrigation and drainage canals. Characteristics of the farmers empirical water management were investigated by measuring the hourly changes in inflow and outflow rates for a sub-area using an automatic measurement system, and an inferential method of determining water management patterns for the paddy fields was proposed. The newly-proposed inferential method was introduced in the tank model, which expresses the characteristics of water management in the command area. The Shuffled Complex Evolution Algorithm (SCE-UA) method was used for optimizing the model parameters. It was proven that the model accuracy improved when the farmers empirical water management was taken into account. The optimal amount of water to be applied to the command area was quantified by the simulation. The second objective was to predict the effect of the decreasing number of farmers on future water use conditions. The simulated result indicates the difficulty of maintaining optimal ponding depth for the whole command area when the farmers empirical water management is not maintained. In other words, results indicated that efficient water use requires an automatic water management system or a new pipeline system to replace the farmers present empirical water management.  相似文献   
Deep rooting is an important trait in rice drought resistance. Genetic resources of deep-rooting varieties are valuable in breeding of water-saving and drought-resistant rice. In the present study, 234 BC2F7 backcross introgression lines were derived from a cross of Dongye 80 (an accession of Dongxiang wild rice as the donor parent) and R974 (an indica restorer line as the recurrent parent). A genetic linkage map containing 1 977 bin markers was constructed by ddRADSeq for QTL analysis. Thirty-one QTLs for four root traits (the number of deep roots, the number of shallow roots, the total number of deep roots and the ratio of deep roots) were assessed on six rice chromosomes in two environments (2020 Shanghai and 2021 Hainan). Two of the QTLs, qDR5.1 and qTR5.2, were located on chromosome 5 in a 70-kb interval. They were detected in both environments. qDR5.1 explained 13.35% of the phenotypic variance in 2020 Shanghai and 12.01% of the phenotypic variance in 2021 Hainan. qTR5.2 accounted for 10.88% and 10.93% of the phenotypic variance, respectively. One QTL (qRDR2.2) for the ratio of deep roots was detected on chromosome 2 in a 210-kb interval and accounted for 6.72% of the phenotypic variance in 2020. The positive effects of these three QTLs were all from Dongxiang wild rice. Furthermore, nine and four putative candidate genes were identified in qRDR2.2 and qDR5.1/qTR5.2, respectively. These findings added to our knowledge of the genetic control of root traits in rice. In addition, this study will facilitate the future isolation of candidate genes of the deep-rooting trait and the utilization of Dongxiang wild rice in the improvement of rice drought resistance.  相似文献   
农业机械污染排放控制技术的现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1  
农业机械作为一种重要的非道路机械类型,其主要动力源为柴油机,而柴油机固有的燃烧方式会导致其颗粒物(PM)和氮氧化物(NOx)等污染物排放严重,开展农业机械污染排放控制技术的研究对人体健康和环境保护均具有重要意义。该文从农业机械排放法规、降低农业机械污染排放的单项技术路线、满足更高排放限值要求的组合技术路线3个方面进行阐述。农业机械排放法规分析了欧盟、美国和中国法规对排放限值和测试循环的要求以及各国法规的差异。中国目前正在实施的农业机械国III排放标准,与欧盟的Stage IV和美国Tier IV标准相比,排放限值相对宽松;欧盟农业机械排放法规的NRSC测试循环主要包括8工况循环和5工况循环,而中国和美国规定,19 k W以下的非恒定转速的农业机械柴油机也可使用6工况循环进行测试;欧盟和中国规定污染物测量的最终结果为冷启动循环结果的10%和热启动循环结果的90%的加权,而美国将冷启动循环结果的比例调低至5%。单项技术路线对油品技术、机内净化技术和机外排气后处理技术进行了介绍。其中,油品技术包括提升燃油和润滑油品质、采用替代燃料等;机内净化技术包括农业机械柴油机本体优化设计、增压及增压中冷、燃油喷射优化和废气再循环(exhaust gas recirculation,EGR)等;机外排气后处理技术包括柴油机氧化催化转化技术(diesel oxidation catalyst,DOC)、柴油机颗粒捕集技术(diesel particulate filter,DPF)和选择性催化还原技术(selective catalytic reduction,SCR)等。组合技术路线总结了满足国III和国IV阶段以及国外最新排放标准的技术路线。"优化燃烧+SCR"技术路线的柴油机比采用"EGR+DPF/CDPF"技术路线的柴油机节省5%~7%的油耗,若扣除尿素消耗,前者仍有一定节油优势;模块构建和单体式后处理系统等先进的农业机械污染排放控制技术是满足Stage IV/Tier IV和Stage V的重要技术路线。最后,针对农业机械污染排放控制技术研究,进行了总结和展望。为满足未来国IV排放标准,加装机外排气后处理催化器已经成为一种重要手段;开发低成本、高净化效率的集成式机外排气后处理催化器,是未来农业机械污染排放控制的重要研究方向。  相似文献   


The low conductivity of sediments for mass and electron transport is the most severe limiting factor in sediment microbial fuel cells (SMFCs), so that sediment ameliorations yielded more remarkable effects than electrode improvements. The objective of this research was to enhance the electricity generation of SMFCs with amendments of biochar to freshwater sediments for conductivity enhancement.

Materials and methods

Laboratory-scale SMFCs were constructed and biochars were produced from coconut shells at different temperatures. Variations in the power output, electrode potential, internal resistance, total organic carbon (TOC) content, and microbial communities were measured.

Results and discussion

Amending with biochar reduced the charge transfer resistances of SMFCs and enriched the Firmicutes (mainly Fusibacter sp.) in the sediment, which improved the SMFC power generation by two- to tenfold and enhanced the TOC removal rate by 1.7- to fourfold relative to those without the amendment.


The results suggested that biochar amendment is a promising strategy to enhance SMFC power production, and the electrical conductivity of biochar should be considered important when interpreting the impact biochar has on the electrical performance of soil or freshwater sediment MFCs.
仿生敲击式山核桃破壳机的设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
针对目前国内山核桃破壳机实用机型少,破壳率较低,果仁损伤率较高等情况,提出了一种仿生敲击(即模仿人工加工山核桃的方式)破壳方式,研制一款仿生敲击式山核桃破壳机。根据山核桃的物料特性以及破壳时所需的各项力学特性参数,建立了破壳机构设计的数学模型。确定了敲击臂的结构尺寸,优化了凸轮结构,并最终得到了凸轮的实际轮廓曲线。该文阐述了破壳机的总体结构与性能,建立了整机的三维实体模型,并根据建模制造了样机。该样机通过现场试验,结果表明:山核桃的含水率为14.55%~16.35%,大小为直径18~22 mm(沿缝合线方向)时,破壳率为99.41%,果仁损伤率为6.25%,生产率为94.93 kg/h,满足生产要求。该研究丰富与完善了坚果类果实的破壳机理与方法,为含隔坚果类的破壳机具设计与开发提供系统的理论依据和应用基础。  相似文献   
基于国内板栗脱蒲机,针对六至八成熟的嫩板栗存在的机器脱蒲分离率低、适应性差、容易损伤及嫩板栗成熟周期短等问题,设计了一种嫩板栗脱蒲试验台。该试验台选用柔性挤压的脱蒲方法,利用旋转的脱蒲滚子与栅栏挤压杆相互揉搓挤压作用对嫩板栗进行脱蒲。该试验台的脱蒲滚子及栅栏挤压杆均可更换。通过试验对比,可以分析出不同类型的脱蒲滚子与挤压杆对板栗脱蒲的影响。此外,本试验台配备了变频器,可以在不更换电动机的前提下,将电动机的转速进行随意调节。测试结果表明:该试验台不同的脱蒲滚子、栅栏挤压杆及主轴的旋转速度都会对嫩板栗的脱蒲造成不同的影响,根据不同的数据可以为嫩板栗脱蒲机械提供不同的改善方案及理论依据。  相似文献   
娄伟平  吴睿 《中国农学通报》2009,25(20):316-321
本文目的研究不同气候年型下,江南花生地膜覆盖栽培的适宜性。通过对江南花生种植进行地膜覆盖和生长中后期灌溉的田间试验表明,地膜覆盖在花生生长前期增温保墒,生育期明显提前,个体生长发育良好,生长后期降温保墒,提高经济性状。地膜覆盖增温保墒的增产率为58.4%,降温保墒的增产率为62.2%。在6月20日后采用灌溉处理,夏季高温干旱明显的2007年,旱地露地和覆膜、稻田露地产量比对照分别高出64.6%、37.2%、50.5%,稻田覆膜因土壤水分过多比对照减产40.2%。因此,出现高温干旱天气,及时灌溉能促进旱地栽培、稻田露地栽培花生生长和增产。降水过多会道导致稻田覆膜栽培花生减产,如果气象部门预报夏季降水偏多以连阴雨天气为主,应及时除去稻田地膜。  相似文献   
红枣气体射流冲击干燥收缩特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chinese jujube originated in China and has a long historical standing. China is the only country which can produce a great amount of Chinese jujube in the world. Modern research showed that the nutrition of Chinese jujube is abundant. Chinese jujube has great medicinal and food value, with high economic value and good prospects for development. Shrinkage characteristics of dates generally refer to volume shrinkage characteristics of whole dates. Large fruit and plump grain appearance of dates is the first choice of consumers to buy elements. The volume of dried jujube points to the consumer’s heart, and is an important indicator of consumers whether to buy. Jujube processing enterprises grade the date in accordance with its size, different grades dates have different value and price. Therefore, drying is the most important steps during the dates processing as it affects directly the quality of the product, and the shrinkage characteristics is the most important quality characteristic of Chinese jujube after drying. However, the traditional natural desiccation and desiccation in the drying room of the red dates has many problems. The conventional drying method for Chinese jujube has some disadvantages of severe shrinkage, long drying time and large energy consumption etc. Therefore, in order to improve the quality of dried Chinese jujube and reduce the shrinkage, it is imperative to replace the traditional drying method with the modern technologies. Air impingement drying technology was applied to dry Chinese jujube. The drying characteristics of shrinkage, moisture effective diffusivity considering shrinkage characteristics and the activation energy of Chinese jujube shrinkage were investigated under different air temperatures (55, 60, 65 and 70℃) and air velocities (6, 9, 12 and 15m/s). The dynamic changes of the regular pattern for the shrinkage characteristic of Chinese jujube in the air impingement drying process were studied, the results showed that the volume relative shrinkage ratio of Chinese jujube appeared to increase and then decrease with the increase of air temperature and air velocity. Considering shrinkage characteristics, the moisture effective diffusivity of Chinese jujube in the air impingement drying process through the Fick’s second law was obtained. The diffusivity appeared to increase and then decrease with the decrease in moisture content in dry basis of Chinese jujube. The Arrhenius equation calculated the shrinkage activation energy of the Chinese jujube was 1281kJ/mol. This research provided technical basis for shrinkage characteristics of Chinese jujube using air impingement drying technology.  相似文献   
视觉导引AGV鲁棒特征识别与精确路径跟踪研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对AGV多分支路径与工位点标识的可靠识别以及导引路径的精确跟踪问题,提出了一种基于双视野窗口的鲁棒特征识别与精确路径跟踪方法。采用整幅视野范围作为模式识别窗口,在该窗口采用基于核主成分分析(KPCA)和BP神经网络的识别方法,将路径特征通过核函数映射到高维空间进行PCA降维,再利用BP神经网络识别降维后的样本矩阵。同时提出一种导引扫描窗口设置方法,该窗口范围取决于摄像机竖直视角以及摄像机安装倾斜角,在导引扫描窗口内将导引路径简化为直线模型并用最小二乘法拟合,针对拟合直线计算导引所需的路径偏差。实验结果表明,KPCA-BP方法显著提高了路径特征识别的实时性和鲁棒性,6类路径特征的平均特征识别正确率为99.5%;导引扫描窗口有效减小了导引路径直线拟合的计算误差,直线路径跟踪误差小于3 mm,曲线路径跟踪误差小于30 mm。  相似文献   
基于保护环境的原则,针对传统植树挖坑机的缺点,研发了一种挖坑质量高、速度快、安全可靠、劳动强度低、挖坑成本低以及能适应不同坑深要求、地形变化和土壤硬度等条件的新型植树挖坑机。分析了植树挖坑机的工作原理,对刀盘进行了受力分析,采用APDL参数化设计语言建立了挖坑机各零件的有限元模型。有限元分析的结果表明:新型行走式植树挖坑机能够满足工作要求,并且挖坑机的各零件能够满足刚度和强度要求。  相似文献   
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