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针对宁夏半干旱区7龄以上苜蓿(Medicago sativa)草地退化导致的牧草产量低、品质差等问题,本试验采用单因素随机区组设计,研究了多年生黑麦草(Lolium perenne)、披碱草(Elymus nutans)、苇状羊茅(Festuca arundi-nacea)、无芒雀麦(Bromus inermis)、鸭...  相似文献   
为了检测邻苯二甲醛(ortho-phthalaloehyole,以下简称OPA)的杀菌效果。我们选择大肠杆菌,沙门氏菌,葡萄球菌,魏氏梭菌,荧光假单胞菌,蜡样芽孢杆菌作为试验菌株,采用MIC法测定OPA在不同温度下的最低杀菌浓度,并与甲醛,戊二醛作比较,同时将OPA配成5%的存贮液置不同条件下保存,测定其稳定性,试验结果表明,0.1%-0.7%(W/V)OPA具有杀菌作用,其5%的存贮液在不同条件下保存10个月以上,杀菌效果基本不变。  相似文献   
简述了国内外鸵鸟养殖概况 ,通过对西安地区 5个公司的鸵鸟养殖场中的饲养管理、繁育、疾病防治及产品开发等的调查和分析 ,提出了西安地区在鸵鸟养殖方面存在的问题及我国鸵鸟养殖业的发展对策  相似文献   
用兔病毒性出血症抗原免疫产蛋鸡,收集高免蛋,精制蛋黄抗体(IgY),采用血凝抑制试验(HI)测定IgY的最高滴度为15 1og2.通过IgY的被动免疫保护试验证实,IgY滴度稀释至13 1og2时肌肉注射体重2.0~2.5kg的健康非免家兔5.0mL/只,可抵抗兔病毒性出血症强毒RC株1.0mL(血凝价HA为9 1og2)的攻击.临床应用效果显示:IgY(HI为13 log2)对发病兔进行紧急防治,治愈率为84.38%~92.86%,能迅速控制疫情.  相似文献   
[目的]槟榔江水牛为我国目前为止发现的唯一本土河流型水牛,具有产奶性能高、肉用性能好的特点,为了进一步阐明槟榔江水牛的生长发育规律,本文收集云南腾冲县巴福乐槟榔江水牛2004~2011年生长发育数据资料,研究性别、月份和年度等固定效应对体重的影响。[方法]应用SAS分析性别、月份、年度等非遗传因素对槟榔江水牛体重的影响,并且用MTDFREML软件分析了固定效应值。[结果]本研究结果表明,槟榔江水牛性别对初生重具有显著影响,公犊平均初生重(35.04kg)显著高于母犊(32.63kg);月份对母牛初生重没有显著影响,公牛的效应值比母牛的较大。[结论]月份对槟榔江水牛的体重有显著的影响,可能与饲料的季节性供给有关。  相似文献   
2020年8月25日,内蒙古霍林郭勒市出现一例疑似人炭疽病例。为查明当地是否存在潜在的动物感染,以确定感染来源,通辽市农牧局立即成立专家组,赴霍林郭勒市指导开展畜间炭疽紧急流行病学调查工作。专家组询问病人及其家属了解病史,同动物疫病控制机构相关人员座谈,了解家畜养殖及疫情情况;对该患者饲养的羊只及储存的动物产品和环境样品进行实验室检验,同时指导当地开展畜间紧急流调排查以及紧急免疫和消毒工作。调查发现:患者有去山林活动且被刺伤史;经排查和实验室检测,未发现畜间炭疽疫情及异常病死动物。综合调查结果,可排除患者通过接触畜间动物及其产品感染的可能,推测被环境中炭疽芽孢杆菌感染的可能性极大。调查提示,该地山林环境中存在炭疽芽孢杆菌污染,因而存在人畜感染风险,须加强防范,做到早发现、早处置,防止人畜炭疽的传播和扩散。  相似文献   
With the increasing scarcity of rural labor, the rice transplanting pattern is encountering a shift from artificial transplanting (AT) to mechanical transplanting (MT) in numerous rice‐growing districts of China. The shift of transplanting patterns combined with altered growing environment during the grain‐filling stage in different years presumably affects rice quality. Nevertheless, related information is currently limited. This study investigated the effects of cultivars, transplanting patterns, environment, and their interactions on appearance, milling, eating, and nutritional qualities of four japonica rice varieties. The significant interactive effects of cultivars, environment, and transplanting patterns on almost all rice quality parameters (except Thr, Met, and Ile) were observed. Cultivars and environment were the main factors influencing rice appearance and milling and eating qualities. Cultivar was the primary factor affecting rice nutritional quality. Among all treatments, environment showed the strongest effect on percentage of chalky kernel, milled rice yield, peak viscosity, breakdown, setback, consistence, amylose, Glu, Tyr, and Met contents. However, Leu and Phe contents were unaffected by environment but only by cultivars and transplanting patterns. In addition to amylose and protein, Glu and Met contents were also involved in determining rice eating quality. Amino acid contents (except Cys, Tyr, and Met) were significantly negatively correlated with head rice yield, showing the function of amino acids in controlling rice milling quality. Percentage of chalky kernel as well as protein and almost all amino acid contents were significantly negatively correlated with the difference of maximum and minimum temperature (DMMT) and positively correlated with relative humidity (RH), whereas head rice yield did it reversely. Amylose content and setback were significantly negatively related to daily maximum temperature (DMAT), daily minimum temperature (DMIT), daily average temperature (DAT), and effective temperature accumulation (ETA). However, peak viscosity, breakdown, and consistence had contrary performances. According to these results, we can infer that DMMT and RH are important environmental factors affecting rice appearance, milling qualities, and nutritional qualities and that DMAT, DMIT, DAT, and ETA are key environmental factors influencing rice eating quality.  相似文献   
介绍了LM-BP神经网络模型的原理及算法和模型的优点。针对实际水质评价问题,利用随机内插方法在地表水环境质量分级标准阈值间生成训练样本和检验样本,建立了新乡市卫河地面水环境质量综合评价的LM-BP神经网络模型,将模型应用于卫河2011年3月份、9月份的水质评价,并与单因子评价法、模糊综合评价法进行了比较分析。实验结果表明该模型设计合理,泛化能力强,收敛速度快,算法稳定,推导严谨,有较充分的理论依据,应用于水质评价具有其合理性、实用性和有效性,适用于作深入的水环境质量分析。  相似文献   
耿杏雨  杨帆  王秀  姜凯  王莎 《农机化研究》2015,(2):199-202,209
为了解决当前育苗过程中环境参数控制不便等问题,提出一种新的基于嵌入式ARM平台的育苗架智能监控系统。该系统搭载嵌入式Linux操作系统,采用Pt100温度传感器和NWSF-1AT湿度传感器,以及加热、加湿装置,可以对育苗架内的环境参数进行实时监测和智能控制。系统采用Modbus通信协议和RS-485数据接口,利用Qt开发用户界面,同时包含数据库功能,能够自动记录历史数据,便于后续的数据分析。大量实验表明,本系统可以实时监测育苗架内温湿度变化,当设定期望温度为25℃、湿度为40%RH时,能够有效地将育苗架内的温湿度环境稳定在设定值,能够为催芽育苗工作提供所良好的内部环境。  相似文献   
Some new concepts of coneD_s convexity,coneD-s quasiconvexity,cone D-s pseudoconvexity,s right derivative of vector value mapping are proposed;and their related properties are discussed;the optimality necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for constrained extremum problem(VP)involving in cone D-s convex mapping are extablished;the relation between local optimal solution and global optimal solution;as well as the relation between weakly efficient solution and efficient solution for (VP) are derived;the corresponding results generalize the related results of classic convex programming.  相似文献   
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