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A lupinosis-associated myopathy occurred in 26 of 48 sheep given a crude toxic extract of Phomopsis leptostromiformis, and in 18 of 34 sheep that grazed a toxic lupin stubble. Treatment with selenium or alpha-tocopherol alone neither prevented nor cured the myopathy, but selenium and alpha-tocopherol together may have been partially effective. Among the group of 48 intoxicated sheep, those with myopathy had a significantly lower mean terminal concentration of alpha-tocopherol in their livers than those with no myopathy. There was no relationship between the severity of liver injury and the occurrence of the myopathy. It was considered that this lupinosis-associated myopathy may have a similar pathogenesis to nutritional myopathy. Data on plasma creatine phosphokinase and erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase activities, plasma alpha-tocopherol concentrations and terminal tissue concentrations of selenium and alpha-tocopherol are presented.  相似文献   
To evaluate the extent of the genetic change and its effects on the seed protein composition of soybean cultivars released during the past 60 years, representative ancestral cultivars and those derived from selective breeding were grown in a side-by-side comparison. Total seed protein content, determined by combustion analysis of nitrogen, revealed a decline in the protein content after decades of selection and breeding. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis comparison of protein profiles of the soybean cultivars indicated that relative expression of most of the seed storage proteins had not varied substantially from the ancestral lines to the present commercial cultivars. There was noticeably less beta-subunit of beta-conglycinin, a protein devoid of sulfur amino acids, in the modern cultivars represented by Mustang, Pioneer 93B09, and Asgrow 3602. Comparison of the amino acid profiles of soybean seed, a benchmark of the protein's nutritional quality, revealed that the ancestral progenitor, G. soja, was significantly higher in cysteine, glutamic acid, histidine, and arginine than either the ancestral or the modern cultivars. Selective breeding over the past 60 years minimally affected the overall amino acid composition. The degree of divergence in the DNA sequence of the genes encoding glycinin and beta-conglycinin in the ancestral and modern cultivars was investigated using Southern hybridization and the polymerase chain reaction. Even though some restriction fragment polymorphisms could be detected, overall, the banding patterns were remarkably similar among the ancestral cultivars and those derived from them, suggesting a high degree of conservation of seed-storage protein genes. The results of our study suggest that selection and breeding for yield during the past 60 years had no major influence on the protein composition, ostensibly because of limited genetic diversity among the parental lines.  相似文献   
The relationship between bulk tank somatic cell count (SCC) and farm management and infrastructure was examined using data from 398 randomly selected, yet representative, Irish dairy farms where the basal diet is grazed grass. Median bulk tank SCC for the farms was 282,887 cells/ml ranging from 82,209 to 773,028 cells/ml. Two questionnaires were administered through face-to-face contact with each farmer. Herd-level factors associated with bulk tank SCC were determined using linear models with annual somatic cell score (i.e., arithmetic mean of the natural logarithm of bulk tank SCC) included as the dependent variable. All herd level factors were analysed individually in separate regression models, which included an adjustment for geographical location of the farm; a multiple regression model was subsequently developed. Management practices associated with low SCC included the use of dry cow therapy, participation in a milk recording scheme and the use of teat disinfection post-milking. There was an association between low SCC and an increased level of hygiene and frequency of cleaning of the holding yard, passageways and cubicles. Herd management factors associated with bulk tank SCC in Irish grazing herds are generally in agreement with most previous studies from confinement systems of milk production.  相似文献   
An immunohistochemical study of 25 lesions from 7 dogs with disseminated aspergillosis (Aspergillus terreus) is presented. All had multiple fungal granulomas in many viscera, with centres of necrotic tissue and hyphal elements surrounded by a mixed infiltrate of predominantly mononuclear cells. Within these lesions, hyphae coated with immunoglobulin (IgG, IgM, IgA) and complement (C3, C4) were identified, together with peri-lesional mononuclear cells that reacted with antisera directed towards either IgG, IgM, IgA or a T lymphocyte marker (MUII). A conspicuous feature was the prominent hyphal fluorescence seen with IgA and C3 antisera. The IgA reagent also marked large numbers of mononuclear cells both around lesions and scattered throughout interstitial tissue, suggesting an abnormality of IgA production or regulation as a factor predisposing to this condition.  相似文献   
The effect of four levels of progesterone on the occurrence and intensity of estrous behavior was determined in ovariectomized cows. Twelve Holsteins were bilaterally ovariectomized at least 2 mo before treatment. Progesterone (P4) was administered im two times/day for 5 d followed 72 h later with 2 mg estradiol (E2) im to induce estrous behavior. Treatments were control = oil, 100 mg P4/d, 300 mg P4/d and 500 mg P4/d. Each animal received all P4 treatments in a 4 X 4 Latin-square design. From d 2 through 6, with d 1 being the first day of P4 treatment, serum P4 concentrations averaged .3, 2.5, 6.1 and 12.3 ng/ml in treatments I to IV, respectively. Progesterone levels at the time of peak E2 (d9) were less than 1 ng/ml for treatments I, II and III and 1.8 ng/ml for treatment IV. Peak E2 levels for all groups averaged 23.9 pg/ml (12 h after E2 injection). Cows were observed continuously for 48 h after E2 injection to quantitate estrous behavior. Behavioral traits measured were: mounts initiated, mounts received, standing when mounted, chin rests initiated and chin rests received. Progesterone treatment caused a decrease in frequency of all five traits measured. As P4 levels increased, there was a linear (P less than .01) decrease in frequency of a behavioral trait. The percentage of the cows that showed each behavioral trait and mean time to first occurrence of each trait were not different after progesterone treatment, with the exception of standing behavior.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
AIMS: To evaluate a multivalent leptospiral and clostridial vaccine for prevention of renal colonisation and urinary shedding in sheep, following experimental challenge with New Zealand strains of Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo type Hardjobovis and L. interrogans serovar Pomona.

METHODS: Two separate but similarly designed studies were conducted. In both studies, Romney-cross lambs, aged 9–11 weeks, were randomly allocated to a vaccinated group and a control group. Vaccinated lambs each received two 1.5-mL S/C doses of a multivalent leptospiral and clostridial vaccine, 4 weeks apart, and animals in the control groups received the same dose of saline. Groups of 12 vaccinated and 12 control lambs were randomly selected in each study for challenge with serovars Hardjo or Pomona. Challenge was initiated 16 weeks following the second vaccination with three daily doses of live leptospires by intranasal and conjunctival routes. Following challenge, urine samples were collected weekly for 6 weeks, for dark field microscopy and leptospiral culture; 6 weeks after challenge the lambs were slaughtered and kidneys collected for leptospiral culture.

RESULTS: In lambs challenged with serovar Hardjo, 8/12 unvaccinated lambs had ≥1 urine or kidney sample that was positive for leptospires following culture, compared with 0/12 lambs in the vaccinated group (p=0.001). In lambs challenged with serovar Pomona, 9/12 unvaccinated lambs had ≥1 urine or kidney sample that was positive following culture, compared with 0/12 lambs in the vaccinated group (p<0.001). Prevention of renal colonisation and urinary shedding, expressed as the prevented fraction, was 100 (95% CI=61.7–100)% and 100 (95% CI=68.3–100)% against challenge with serovars Hardjo and Pomona, respectively, at 4 months after vaccination.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Use of a multivalent leptospiral and clostridial vaccine demonstrated protection against challenge from New Zealand strains of serovars of Hardjo and Pomona 4 months after vaccination in lambs first vaccinated at 9–11 weeks of age. Further studies are required to assess the duration of immunity against challenge in sheep.  相似文献   

Relatively molecular mass of GnRH antigens is small and hence needs to couple to a large carrier molecule to enhance its immunogenicity. This study investigated whether hepatitis B surface antigen S (HBsAg‐S) gene can be used as an effective carrier molecule for developing GnRH DNA immunocastration vaccine. Two copies of human GnRH gene were fused with HBsAg‐S gene for constructing a recombinant plasmid pVAX‐HBsAg‐S‐2GnRH that coded for 27 kDa target fusion protein. Ten male mice were divided into two equal groups, treatment and control. The vaccine (50 μg/mice) prepared in saline solution was injected into male mice at weeks 0, 1, 2, 4 and 7 of the experiment. Vaccine's efficacy was evaluated in terms of GnRH‐specific IgG antibody response, plasma testosterone levels, testicular weight and extent of the testicular tissue damage. The specific anti‐GnRH antibody titre in vaccinated animals was significantly higher than in controls in only 4th week of immunization (p < 0.05). In addition, vaccinated animals showed lower testicular weight than those of the controls (p < 0.05). Spermatogenesis in seminiferous tubules in vaccinated animals was suppressed. In conclusion, in this study, the engineered plasmid to be used as a GnRH DNA vaccine induced antibody response and suppressed spermatogenesis in mice. This suggests that HBsAg‐S gene can be an effective carrier molecule for developing GnRH DNA immunocastration vaccine when relatively molecular mass of the aimed antigens is small.  相似文献   
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