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Soil pH declined from 5.9 to 5.0 in 8 years beneath plantations of Eucalyptus saligna (Sm.) in Hawaii. In stands of Albizia falcataria, (L.) Fosberg, the soil pH change was more dramatic, declining from 5.9 to 4.6. We measured several components of soil acidity beneath four mixtures of the two tree species to gain insight on the processes responsible for the decline in soil pH. These components were studied using an empirical method of comparing acid quantity, degree of neutralization (depletion of base cations), and acid strength. The decline in soil pH differed between species as a result of differences in the degree of neutralization of the soil exchange complex; the larger decrease in soil pH under Albizia was produced by greater acidification of the exchange complex. Empirical titration curves suggested that differences in acid strength moderated the divergence in soil pH beneath the species. Had the acids accumulating in the soil under Albizia been as strong as those in the Eucalyptus soil, the difference in soil pH would have been greater. Though the two species had contrasting effects on soil pH, the differences in degree of neutralization, responsible for the pH decline, were small compared with differences in the amount of cations stored in tree biomass. Continued supply of nutrient cations (from weathering or fertilization) will ultimately control both the extent of soil pH decline and the level of productivity sustained by the forest.  相似文献   
通过八面通林区实施森林资源管护经营责任制的实践 ,论述森林资源管护经营责任制的实施、延续、发展及推行责任区经济的意义 ,阐明发展责任区经济同实施森林资源管护经营责任制之间的关系 ,为改革的发展和完善起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   
狗枣猕猴桃果实软化过程中阶段性专一酶的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
狗枣猕猴桃果实采后软化过程分两个阶段,第一阶段软化较快,起主要作用的阶段性专一酶是淀粉酶;第二阶段软化较慢,起主要作用的阶段性专一酶是多聚半乳糖醛酸酶。乙烯释放对果实软化有促进作用;保护性酶(过氧化物酶。过氧化氢酶)出现在果实软化后期,因而不是果实软化的阶段性专一酶。  相似文献   
本文对光箨篌竹笋期的出笋规律、成竹规律以及竹笋的生长发育规律进行了研究。初步认为,光箨篌竹林分的母竹立竹度一般应保持在2500株/亩左右、Ⅰ~Ⅱ级母竹株数保持在40%以上时,才能保证林分的优质高产与稳产;抽枝成竹历期长短受竹笋笋级大小、出土早晚或立地环境条件的影响可相应延长或推迟2~4d左右,一般历时25d,竹笋开始抽枝成竹时的高度一般为5m左右;竹笋在生长发育高峰期明显受到气候因子的影响,尤其是对气温更为敏感。  相似文献   
Multispecific resistance to benzimidazoles was studied in three selected farms. These farms had bred dairy goats for more than 15 years. The helminths were introduced with the goats at the establishment of the farms which afterwards remained isolated. Nematode resistance could then be related to their own management practices. Faecal egg count tests and egg hatch assays were performed to assess intensity of resistance. The generic (infective larvae in faecal cultures) and specific richness (adult worms) were assessed. The resistant species were Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Teladorsagia circumcincta, Haemonchus contortus and Oesophagostomum venulosum. Faecal egg count reduction tests and egg-hatch assays did not match exactly. Faecal larval counts after treatments gave a distorted picture of multispecific resistance: Haemonchus and Oesophagostomum were very largely over represented. The number of species found in the three farms was relatively low compared with other reports in goat farms of the area. This reduction of diversity might also be due in part to characteristics of breeding management and history (use of permanent pasture and introduction of goats at the establishment of farm).  相似文献   
我市共放养春蚕4533张,收购鲜茧20万公斤,投放茧款597万元。种桑养蚕已成为莱西农民增收主渠道。小蚕茧扛起增收大梁“全市有15个乡镇、街办267个村靠养蚕增收,养蚕农户2167户,小蚕茧已撑起了农民增收的大梁。”市丝绸公司说预计今年的蚕茧收成一定会比去年更好。  相似文献   
黑龙江流域中俄保护区现状及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江地处中俄边界,在流域内中俄积极开展保护合作。本文分析了中俄在黑龙江两侧的保护区类型、保护对象,结果表明黑龙江流域的众保护区具有共同的保护对象,保护区的类型也惊人的相似。这些相同相似之处对于中俄保护合作深入发展有重要义。  相似文献   
1、阳光充足石榴属阳性植物,喜阳光,整个生长季节要求有充足的光照。只要不缺水分,石榴是不怕强光的。光照不足必然影响植株生长,进而影响孕花孕蕾,开花结果。2、控花促长有时扦插新苗,当年就能开花结果,小苗首要的是先长“树身”,过早开花结果不利树身生长。头几年应抹去花芽,  相似文献   
上虞市海涂实验农场中心试验区的排水系统,能满足十年一遇的年最大24h降雨,两天内排出的要求。滨海盐土的地下水位高,农田基本建设除用浅、密的排水沟布置外,还应结合平整土地、发展灌溉以及适用的农、林技术等综合措施,才能达到治盐改土的效果。  相似文献   
Χ灾绷吹矸酆康挠跋焓钦?,直接影响比间接影响大。Study on the correlation between rice quality and agronomic traits of quality riceNIE Cheng rong, WEN Yu hui, WANG Yun bo, CHEN Ming zhong,LI Mei, LIU Dao quan(Agronomy Department, Foshan University , Nanhai 528231,China)The correlative analy  相似文献   
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