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Rectal temperature, respiratory rate, arterial and venous pH and arterial and venous pCO2 were recorded at intervals of 15-30 minutes in female broiler rabbits exposed an environmental temperature of 35 degrees C, until they died. Respiratory rate and blood pH rose, and pCO2 fell, until a rectal temperature of 42 degrees C was reached. Upon further increase in rectal temperature the respiratory rate and pH began to fall, while pCO2 began to rise. The rabbits died when rectal temperature reached 43 degrees C. Features of respiratory function peculiar to the rabbit were discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Mutantechloronerva vonLycopersicon esculentum Mill. nimmt aus Nährlösungen bedeutend mehr Eisen auf als die Ausgangsform Bonner Beste, unabhängig davon, ob das Eisen als Sulfat oder als Chelat der Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure (EDTA) geboten wird. Die Unterschiede im Eisengehalt sind besonders ausgeprägt in den Kotyledonen, wo sie den zehnfachen Wert gegenüber der Ausgangsform erreichen können. Wurzel, Achse und jüngstes Blatt, das bei der Mutante stark chlorotisch ist, enthalten bei beiden Formen etwa gleich viel Eisen. In den Laubblättern der Mutante steigt der Mehrgehalt an Eisen mit zunehmendem Blattalter an. Samen und Keimlinge sind ärmer an Eisen als bei Bonner Beste; besonders betroffen sind Kotyledonen und Samenschale.Unter Eisenmangelbedingungen tritt bei Mutantenreisern auf normaler Unterlage wie in reziproken Pfropfungen keine Scheckung, sondern eine typische Eisenmangelchlorose in Erscheinung. Hinsichtlich der Abhängigkeit des Chlorophyllgehaltes und der Trockensubstanzproduktion von der Eisenversorgung verhalten sich Pfropfungen zwischen Mutante und Ausgangsform genau so wie die Ausgangsform auf eigener Wurzel. Es konnte nicht entschieden werden, ob Eisenhaushalt und Chlorose der Mutante miteinander unmittelbar korreliert sind.
Summary The mutantchloronerva fromLycopersicon esculentum takes up much more iron from nutrient solution than the wildtype Bonner Beste regardless whether the iron is supplied as sulfate or as the chelate of ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). The difference in iron content is highest in the cotyledons, where it amounts to the tenfold concentration compared with the same organs of the wildtype. It is lowest in roots, axis and the youngest leaflet, which exhibits severe chlorosis in the mutant. Seeds and different organs of the seedling contain less iron with regard to the wildtype, especially seedcoat and the cotyledons.Grafts between mutant and wildtype behave like the wildtype regarding to chlorophyll content and dry matter production in relation to different amounts of iron in the root medium. Under conditions of iron deficiency the youngest leaves become chlorotic but never represent a sprinkled pattern which is highly specific for thechloronerva phenotype. It was not possible to decide whether iron metabolism and chlorosis in the mutant are directly correlated.

chloronerva ( ) , . — . , ; . , , , , , -e . ; . , , , , . , , , , . , , — .

1. Mitteil. Scholz (1965).  相似文献   
Two fish cestodes, the little-known Eubothrium fragile (Rudolphi, 1802) and E. rugosum (Batsch, 1786), the type species of the genus Eubothrium Nybelin, 1922, are redescribed on the basis of new material from twaite shad, Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803), from England and burbot, Lota lota (Linnaeus, 1758), from Russia, respectively. The tapeworms are compared with two other species of the genus, E. crassum (Bloch, 1779) and E. salvelini (Schrank, 1790), common parasites of salmonid fish in the Holarctic. The most notable differential characters are the size and the shape of the scolex (smaller and oval in E. fragile), the shape of the apical disc (four or more indentations in E. crassum), the number and size of the testes (the largest and least numerous in E. rugosum), and the position and size of the vitelline follicles (almost entirely cortical in distribution in E. fragile and E. crassum versus largely medullary in E. rugosum and E. salvelini). A comparison of species has also shown the morphological similarity of the freshwater species (E. rugosum and E. salvelini) on one hand and those of marine origin, E. fragile and E. crassum, on the other, with the latter species occurring also in fresh waters. A key to the identification of the species studied is also provided.  相似文献   
The fine structure of the ovary, ovicapt, oviduct, fertilisation canal, vitelline ducts, vitelline reservoir, ovovitelline duct, ootype and Mehlis' gland, and proximal, middle and distal parts of the uterus of the spathebothriidean cestode, Cyathocephalus truncatus (Pallas, 1781), from salmoniform fish, has been studied for the first time by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Emphasis was given to characteristics which might shed light on the unclarified phylogenetic position of spathebothriideans, belonging among the most basal tapeworms (Eucestoda). New for cestodes is the finding of a multinucleate cell that plugs the ovicapt lumen. The morphology of the proximal part of the oviduct resembles that of the pseudophyllidean tapeworm Diphyllobothrium latum. After fertilisation in the fertilisation canal, vitellocytes of C. truncatus become associated with fertilized oocytes in the ovovitelline duct. Only one type of Mehlis' gland secretory cell is present. The eggs with electron-dense eggshells containing large pores first appear in the proximal part of the uterus. The middle portion of the uterus has well-developed uterine glands. The distal portion of the uterus has apical microtriches. Ultrastructural data on the female genital system of C. truncatus are compared and discussed with those for other cestodes. However, on the basis of available ultrastructural data it is not possible to conclude whether the Spathebothriidea are phylogenetically closer to the Caryophyllidea or to the Pseudophyllidea.  相似文献   
Only three of the eleven species of the genus Yersinia are associated with disease. Y. pestis is the causative agent of plague, Y. pseudotuberculosis and several pathogenic bio/serovars of the species Y. enterocolitica cause yersiniosis. New Y. enterocolitica subspecies with diagnostic relevance have been proposed allowing the differentiation of European and American isolates. The ISO-standard (ISO 102739) summarizes the knowledge gained from enrichment and isolation of Y. enterocolitica from food and feed samples. The final biochemical identification must be carried out by classical tube testing, as commercially available test-systems are not sensitive and specific. For the assessment of the presumptive pathogenicity of a Y. enterocolitica isolate empiric virulence markers can be replaced by PCR assays targeting plasmoidal or chromosomal genes. Their evaluation in terms of routine diagnostic procedures is still missing. The definite identification of Y. enterocolitica isolates can also be achieved by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. Immunoblot based on plasmoidal encoded Yersinia proteins enables the serological determination of animal and human infections. The development of simple, sensitive and specific rapid identification systems applicable for the direct and indirect diagnosis for veterinary use is a challenge for the future.  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used to measure, in vivo, the volume of several organs and tissues of a total of 111 pigs (males and females) ranging in BW from 6.1 to 97.2 kg. In one experiment the in vivo MRI volumes were compared to tissue or organ weights obtained by dissection. For internal organs, the correlation (R2) between MRI volume and dissected weight ranged from 0.64 (SE of estimation = 65 g) for the heart to 0.90 (SE of estimation = 125 g) for the liver. The MRI volume of the kidneys was approximately 10% less than the dissected weight, whereas the MRI volumes of the heart, liver, and brain exceeded the weights of dissected organs by 13, 17, and 26%, respectively. For fat and muscle tissues, the correlation between MRI volume and dissected weight ranged from 0.82 (psoas muscle) to 0.97 (total right ham muscles). The MRI volume of the backfat and shoulder muscles exceeded the dissected weights by approximately 2%, whereas the MRI volumes of the ham muscles, jowl fat, longissimus muscle, and psoas muscle were 2, 8, 18 and 20% less than their respective weights. In another series of experiments, MRI volume measurements of fat and muscle regions (Jowl fat, backfat, shoulder muscles, LD muscles, psoas muscles, ham muscles, a 10-cm section of the longissimus muscles and overlying fat, and a 15-cm section of the ham muscles and overlying fat) were evaluated by stepwise regression for the prediction of total body fat, lean, and protein. The best prediction of percentage total body fat was obtained using the fat volume from the 10-cm section of longissimus muscle and the fat:muscle ratio from the 15-cm section of the ham (R2 = 0.9). The best prediction of percentage total body protein was obtained using a combination of the volumes (as a percentage of BW) of jowl fat, backfat, shoulder muscle, and ham muscle (R2 = 0.62). The combination fat volume from the 10-cm section of longissimus muscle, the fat:muscle ratio from the 15-cm section of the ham, and the lean volume percentage from the 15-cm section of ham provided the best prediction of the percentage of total body lean (R2 = 0.88).  相似文献   
Genetic parameters for the prevalence of abomasal displacement and for milk yield traits were estimated using a data set of 3578 cows. The animals originated from 50 farms near Hanover being under the official milk recording scheme. At these farms all cases of abomasal displacement in German Holsteins were registered from July 2001 to January 2003. Using REML heritability estimates in linear animal models were h2 = 0.034 +/- 0.014, h2 = 0.017 +/- 0.013 and h2 = 0.029 +/- 0.011 for all cases of abomasal displacement, leftsided abomasal displacement and rightsided abomasal displacement, respectively. Additive genetic correlations between all cases of abomasal displacement and milk yield traits were small, ranging from rg = -0.20 (fat content) to rg = 0.08 (milk kg). However, there was a highly positive additive genetic correlation between leftsided abomasal displacement and milk yield of rg = 0.683 +/- 0.227. Leftsided abomasal displacement was correlated additive genetically to fat and protein yield, fat and protein content with rg = 0.595 +/- 0.297, r9 = 0.653 +/- 0.250, rg = -0.768 +/- 0.3280 und rg = -0.643 +/- 0.354, respectively. The additive genetic correlation to the ratio between fat and protein content was rg = -0.585 +/- 0.470. For rightsided abomasal displacement, additive genetic correlations were of similar size but with reversed signs. The estimates obtained for the residual correlations were negligibly small throughout.  相似文献   
Transdisciplinarity is defined as a specific type of knowledge prodution that has to be distinguished from interdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinarity deals with relevant, complex societal problems and organizes processes of mutual learning between agents from the scientific and the non-scientific world. We introduce principles of transdisciplinarity when presenting projects on groundwater and soil management in the Klettgau trough, a catchment of 156 km2. Currently, the groundwater aquifer shows a critical nitrate load due to intense agriculture. The projects are the ETH-UNS Case Study Responsible Soil Use in the German-Swiss Area and the Interreg II EG/EU project Developmental Strategy for the Klettgau Trough. The ETH-UNS study is part of a new type of undergraduate course. The project organization, the methods of knowledge integration, process details and results are introduced as an example of transdisciplinary activities. The project was linked to the INTERREG II program that also used participatory methods in soil and groundwater management.  相似文献   
K-nearest neighbors (KNN), support vector machine (SVM) and self-organizing map (SOM) were applied to predict five-day @ 20?C N- Allylthiourea biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended solids (SS), and to assess novel alternative methods of analyzing water quality performance indicators for constructed treatment wetlands. Concerning the accuracy of prediction, SOM showed a better performance compared to both KNN and SVM. Moreover, SOM had the potential to visualize the relationship between complex biochemical variables. However, optimizing the SOM requires more time in comparison to KNN and SVM because of its trial and error process in searching for the optimal map. The results suggest that BOD and SS can be efficiently estimated by applying machine learning tools with input variables such as redox potential and conductivity, which can be monitored in real time. Their performances are encouraging and support the potential for future use of these models as management tools for the day-to-day process control.  相似文献   
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