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A field study was conducted in the moist deciduous forests of the Western Ghats (India) to test the following three hypotheses: (1) Litter production in tropical forests is a function of the floristic composition, density, basal area and disturbance intensity; (2) Decay rate constants of tropical species is an inverse function of the initial lignin/nitrogen ratio; (3) Decomposition rates in tropical forests are faster than temperate forests.

Litter fall was estimated by installing 63 litter traps in the moist deciduous forests of Thrissur Forest Division in the Western Ghats at three sites. Litter fall followed a monomodal distribution pattern with a distinct peak during the dry period from November–December to March–April.Dillenia pentagyna, Grewia tiliaefolia, Macrosolen spp.,Xylia xylocarpa, Terminalia spp.,Lagerstroemia lanceolata, Cleistanthus collinus, Bridelia retusa, andHelicteres isora were the principal litter producing species at these sites. The annual litter fall ranged from 12.18 to 14.43 t ha−1. Structural attributes of vegetation such as floristic composition, basal area, density and disturbance intensity did not directly influence litter fall rates.

Leaf litter decay rates for six dominant tree species were assessed following the standard litter bag technique. One hundred and eight litter bags per species containing 20 g samples were installed in the forest floor litter layer at the same three sites selected for the litter fall quantification exercise. The residual litter mass decreased linearly with time for all species. In general, less disturbed sites and species adapted to higher nitrogen availabilities exhibited relatively higher decay rate coefficients (k). The rapid organic matter turnover observed in comparison with published temperate forest litter decay rates confirms that tropical moist deciduous forest species are characterised by faster decomposition rates.

Mean concentrations of N, P and K in the litter were profoundly variable amongst the dominant species. Initial nitrogen content of the leaf litter varied from 0.65 to 1.6%, phosphorus from 0.034 to 0.077% and potassium from 0.25 to 0.62%.C. collinus, an understorey shrub consistently recorded the lowest litter concentrations for all nutrients. The overriding pattern is one of higher nutrient levels in the overstorey leaf litter and lower concentrations in the understorey litter. Furthermore, as decomposition proceeded, the nitrogen concentration of the residual biomass increased.  相似文献   

An in vitro propagation method for female plants of Momordica dioica (Roxb.) has been established. The nodal segments were harvested and the cut ends of the explants were sealed with wax and then surface sterilized and cultured. Bud breaking occurred on Murashige and Skoog’s (MS) agar-gelled medium + 2.0 mg L−1 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) + 0.1 mg L−1 Indole-3 acetic acid (IAA). The cultures were amplified by passages on MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg L−1 BAP + 0.1 mg L−1 IAA. Further, shoot amplification (29.2 shoots per vessel) was achieved by subculturing of in vitro regenerated shoot clump on MS medium + 0.5 mg L−1 BAP + 0.1 mg L−1 IAA. The micropropagated shoots were subsequently transferred for root formation on half-strength MS medium + 2.0 mg L−1 Indole-3 butyric acid (IBA) with 89% success rate. The in vitro-regenerated shoots were also rooted ex vitro with 34% success. These plantlets were hardened in the greenhouse and transferred to the field. The established protocol is suitable for true to type cloning of mature female plant of M. dioica.  相似文献   
Summary A preliminary evaluation for resistance to chili thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood of 41 and 194 pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) germplasms during 1987 and 1988, respectively, indicated chili accessions may be a promising source of resistance. In contrast, all sweet pepper accessions tested were highly susceptible. A number of chili accessions produced a moderate yield, in spite of a high thrips infestation indicating tolerance to S. dorsalis. Rating for thrips damage was more reliable and efficient than estimating thrips numbers in screening pepper accessions for resistance to thrips. Highly significant, positive correlation between ratings at the seedling stage and final rating for thrips damage indicated the feasibility of screening pepper accessions at the seedling stage. Comparing the similarities in rating among accessions resulted in 40 distinct groups. The variance-covariance matrix of the data from these 40 groups was subjected to principal component analysis. This accounted for 56 and 18 per cent of the variation across the two principal axes, respectively. Projection of chili and sweet pepper accessions along these two axes revealed three distinct clusters. About 80 per cent of chili accessions formed the first cluster, 58 per cent of the sweet pepper accessions formed the second cluster and a third cluster exhibited intermediate ratings for thrips damage. The significance of these findings in relation to geographical divergence and resistance to thrips among pepper accessions is discussed.  相似文献   
The Asian rice gall midge, Orseolia oryzae Wood Mason (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), is a major pest of rice in several South and South East Asian countries. The maggots feed internally on the growing tips of the tillers and transform them into tubular galls, onion leaf-like structures called ‘silver shoots’ resulting into severe yield loss to the rice crop. We studied the mode of inheritance and allelic relationships of the resistance genes involved in resistant donor Line 9, a sib of a susceptible cultivar ‘Madhuri’. The segregation behaviour of F1, F2 and F3 populations of the cross between Line 9 and susceptible cultivar MW10 confirmed the presence of a single dominant gene for resistance. Tests of allelism with all the known genes giving resistance to this population indicated that Line 9 possessed a new gene which was designated Gm 9 This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The genetics of resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii R. Alef, the wild progenitor of cultivated cucumber was assessed by challenge inoculation and by natural infection of CMV. Among the 31 genotypes of C. sativus var. hardwickii collected from 21 locations in India the lowest mean percent disease intensity (PDI) was recorded in IC-277048 (6.33%) while the highest PDI was observed in IC-331631 (75.33%). All the four cultivated varieties (DC-1, DC-2, CHC-1 and CHC-2) showed very high PDI and susceptible disease reaction. Based on mean PDI, 8 genotypes were categorized as resistant, 13 as moderately resistant, 9 as moderately susceptible and one as susceptible. A chi-square test of frequency distribution based on mean PDI in F2 progenies of six resistant × susceptible crosses revealed monogenic recessive Mendelian ratio 1(R):3(S) to be the best fit. This monogenic recessive model was further confirmed by 1(R):1(S) ratio as the best fit for back cross with resistant parent and no fit for either 3:1 or 1:1 in the back cross with the susceptible parent. The results revealed that CMV resistance in C. sativus var. hardwickii was controlled by a single recessive gene. Considering the cross compatibility between C. sativus var. hardwickii and cultivated cucumber, the resistance trait can be easily transferred to cultivated species through simple backcross breeding.  相似文献   
Chickpea suffers cold stress (<10 °C) damage especially during reproductive phase resulting in the abortion of flowers and pods, poor pod set, and reduction in seed yield and seed quality. One of the ways in modifying cold tolerance involves exogenous treatment of the plants with chemicals having established role in cold tolerance. In the present study, the chickpea plants growing under optimum temperature conditions (28/12 °C, as average maximum and minimum temperature) were subjected to cold conditions of the field (10–12/2–4 °C; day/night as average maximum and minimum temperature) at the bud stage. Prior to exposure, these plants were treated exogenously with 10 μm abscisic acid (ABA) and thereafter again after 1 week of exposure. The stress injury measured in terms of increase in electrolyte leakage, decrease in 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride reduction %, relative leaf water content and chlorophyll content was observed to be significantly mitigated in ABA-applied plants. A greater pollen viability, pollen germination, flower retention and pod set were noticed in ABA-treated plants compared with stressed plants. The seed yield showed considerable improvement in the plants treated with ABA relative to the stressed plants that was attributed to the increase in seed weight, greater number of single seeded pods and reduction in number of infertile pods. The oxidative damage measured as thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances was lesser in ABA-treated plants that was associated with greater activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, ascorbic acid, glutathione and proline in these plants. It was concluded that cold stress effects were partly overcome by ABA treatment because of the improvement in water status of the leaves as well as the reduction in oxidative damage.  相似文献   
Kumar A  Ali M 《Fitoterapia》2000,71(2):101-104
A new steroidal alkaloid, named antidysentericine, has been isolated from the seeds of Holarrhena antidysenterica and characterized as 3 beta-dimethylaminocon-5-enin-18-one (1).  相似文献   
Charles R  Garg SN  Kumar S 《Fitoterapia》2000,71(6):716-718
A new gingerdione has been isolated from the rhizomes of Zingiber officinale and identified as 1-dehydrogingerdione (1).  相似文献   

Bamboo scrimber is one of the most emerging structural materials for future building applications and it possesses properties comparable to other natural wood-based engineered materials such as glulam, laminated veneer lumber and cross-laminated timber. The goal of this work was to study the decay resistance of bamboo scrimber against white-rot (Trametes versicolor) and brown-rot fungi (Serpula lacrymans). Bamboo scrimber samples were incubated in petri dishes with the wood-decaying fungi and the weight loss after 12 weeks was measured. The surface morphology of fungal-degraded bamboo scrimber was evaluated using optical microscopy. Based on the percentage weight loss, bamboo scrimber could be classified as highly resistant against bio-deterioration by white and brown-rot fungi.  相似文献   
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