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Formal public sector soybean breeding in Africa spans over four decades, and it was initiated by the International Institute of Tropical Agricultural (IITA). As the demand of soybean continues to outstrip production, strategic projects such the Tropical Legume (TL) were initiated, in which the main goal was to enhance the productivity of soybean in the farmers’ fields in Sub‐Saharan Africa. One of the strategies to enhance the productivity of soybean in the farmers’ fields is through developing and deploying improved soybean varieties in the target countries. Through the TL I and TL II projects, a number of varieties were released in the target countries, Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi and Mozambique by employing participatory variety selection (PVS). This review provides highlights of the achievements made by IITA breeding programme and insights of what needs to be done to enhance yield improvement for soybean in Africa using demand‐driven breeding approaches.  相似文献   
植物遗传改良的主要目的之一就是通过提高植物抵抗病虫害的能力,来增加作物的产量。然而,即使是转基因植物获得了成功,依然要对其生物安全性进行评估,以确保有意识的生物学修饰被介入,来平息公众的恐惧。甚至在植物中只有一个或两个基因可能被修改,都不能假定认为它们的蛋白质结构不会被改变。任何改变都可能导致不必要的植物代谢产物的产生,包括潜在的有毒化合物。  相似文献   
The emulation of natural disturbances such as fire is a prominent harvest management strategy for ecosystems in Canada's boreal forest region, but the effect of harvesting on subsequent lightning fire occurrence has not been studied systematically in the mixedwood boreal forest. We quantified the relationship between annual patterns of lightning fire initiation, forest composition, lightning, and fire weather conditions over eight years (1994–2001) in a 60,000 km2 region of actively harvested mixedwood boreal forest in western Canada. Our analyses illustrated that forest harvesting and burning had opposite effects on subsequent fire initiation, so harvest was not a surrogate for fire. Fire initiation increased in landscapes with more area harvested and decreased with area recently burned. Our data suggested that increased fire initiation was most pronounced in harvested stands up to a decade old, and there was some evidence that the effect might last as long as 30 years. We then used a dynamic fire-succession simulation model to quantify the long-term effects of these fuel-based relationships using two metrics. As expected, the first metric demonstrated that the number of years between disturbances was significantly less in stands that were harvested and then burned, than those that were burned and then burned again. However, the more revealing component of the simulations was an illustration that despite the strong, positive relationship between harvested areas and fire initiation, the area affected over the long-term by a reduced disturbance interval was relatively small. Accordingly, our study shows that spatiotemporal regulation of lightning fire initiation through harvesting activity results in a systematic accelerated frequency of disturbance that is novel to the mixedwood boreal system, but the area affected by these events amount to local peculiarities rather than broad-scaled regularities.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: 1,3‐Dichloropropene (1,3‐D, CAS No. 542‐75‐6) is a broad‐spectrum soil fumigant used to control numerous species of soilborne plant‐parasitic nematodes. 1,3‐D consists of two isomers, (Z)‐ and (E)‐1,3‐D. There are a number of low‐level chlorinated compounds that could potentially be produced as a part of the 1,3‐D manufacturing process. 1,3‐D and its metabolites, as well as potentially related chlorinated compounds, represent potential groundwater contaminants. RESULTS: This study has investigated the hydrolytic stability, under biotic and abiotic conditions in the laboratory, of an extensive representative list of 1,3‐D and potentially related chlorinated compounds in order to predict their environmental fate. All of these compounds showed intrinsic hydrolytic instability under both abiotic and biotic test conditions. Furthermore, a monitoring programme was carried out. Twenty‐five wells were monitored in five Italian regions characterised by historical and existing use of 1,3‐D. The parent compound, its two major metabolites and potentially related chlorinated compounds were not detected in the well water at > 0.1 µg L?1 at any sampling location. CONCLUSION: The soil fumigant (E,Z)‐1,3‐D, its metabolites and potentially related chlorinated compounds constitute a low risk to groundwater. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
Water, Air, &; Soil Pollution - Top-down inventories of anthropogenic SO2 and NOx emissions were compiled for 1995 for developing country regions. Regional emission factors were used to generate...  相似文献   
An assessment was conducted of the discharge from dental facilities of mercury in the form of amalgam to surface waters in the United States. Two pathways were examined – effluent from publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) and air emissions from sewage sludge incinerators (SSIs). The annual use of mercury in the form of amalgam in the U.S. is approximately 35.2 tons (31.9 metric tons). It was estimated that 29.7 tons (26.9 metric tons) of mercury in the form of amalgam are annually discharged to the internal wastewater systems of dental facilities during amalgam placements and removals. Based on the partial capture of this amalgam in conventional chair-side traps and vacuum filters, the discharge of mercury in the form of amalgam from dental facilities to POTWs was estimated to be 6.5 tons (5.9 metric tons). The discharge of mercury to surface water via POTW effluents and SSI emissions was estimated to total approximately 0.4 tons (0.4 metric tons). A cost-effectiveness analysis determined that the annual cost to the dental industry to reduce mercury discharges through the use of amalgam separators would range from 380 millionto 1.14 billion per ton.  相似文献   
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