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Flowers of Ziziphus spina christi are known to be attractive for parasitoids and predators. In Y-tube olfactometer experiments, the dried flowers attracted significantly (p < 0.001) the female parasitoids Aphelinus abdominalis. The flower volatile compounds were analyzed to understand which compounds could be specifically responsible for this attractiveness. The volatile compounds of Ziziphus flowers were extracted by closed-loop-stripping-analysis (CLSA) and also by solid phase microextraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. The main chemical classes of the volatile compounds are aldehydes, monoterpene-alcohols, ketones and hydrocarbons. Flower extract and some specific compounds will be further tested for their responsiveness to predators and parasitoids in behavioural and electrophysiological experiments.  相似文献   
Ultrasound approach has been used to assess morphology of the gonadal structure in the sex-reversed rainbow trout females (neomales) provided in the course of 11β-hydroxyandrostenedione treatment applied within gonadal differentiation period. Eighteen matured individuals (in range 38.0–48.6 cm of body length and 802–1644 g of body weight) were scanned using digital ultrasound apparatus (DP-6900 model) Mindray Ltd., during the spawning season. After screening, fishes were killed to validate the morphological configuration and position of the gonads in the body cavity. The favorable place for cross-sectional imaging of gonadal lobes was half of the distance between the pectoral and pelvic fins below lateral line of neomales. Most of the examined specimens (61 %) had properly shaped, paired testis. Moreover, presence of individuals with asymmetrical gonads (33 %) and one bisexual fish was confirmed. There were no differences between total volume of sampled semen and sperm motility, but statistically significantly different in sperm concentration within selected (with symmetrical and asymmetrical testis) groups of neomales. It was confirmed that ultrasonic imaging is an efficient and accurate method to determine the state of gonads of mature sex-reversed rainbow trout females during spawning season and offers the opportunity for non-invasive detection of any morphological anomalies in their gonads.  相似文献   
We observe second-harmonic generation from metamaterials composed of split-ring resonators excited at 1.5-micrometer wavelength. Much larger signals are detected when magnetic-dipole resonances are excited, as compared with purely electric-dipole resonances. The experiments are consistent with calculations based on the magnetic component of the Lorentz force exerted on metal electrons-an intrinsic second-harmonic generation mechanism that plays no role in natural materials. This unusual mechanism becomes relevant in our work as a result of the enhancement and the orientation of the local magnetic fields associated with the magnetic-dipole resonances of the split-ring resonators.  相似文献   
A key gene involved in plant senescence, mutations of which partially disable chlorophyll catabolism and confer stay-green leaf and cotyledon phenotypes, has been identified in Pisum sativum, Arabidopsis thaliana, and Festuca pratensis by using classical and molecular genetics and comparative genomics. A stay-green locus in F. pratensis is syntenically equivalent to a similar stay-green locus on rice chromosome 9. Functional testing in Arabidopsis of a homolog of the rice candidate gene revealed (i) senescence-associated gene expression and (ii) a stay-green phenotype after RNA interference silencing. Genetic mapping in pea demonstrated cosegregation with the yellow/green cotyledon polymorphism (I/i) first reported by Gregor Mendel in 1866.  相似文献   
Resin or pitch pockets cause a significant reduction in timber quality of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst). Their occurrence is very variable within the stem and between trees and stands. Researchers have suggested several causes of resin pocket formation with a majority arguing in favour of storms as the main causing factor.  相似文献   
We report the draft genome sequence of the model moss Physcomitrella patens and compare its features with those of flowering plants, from which it is separated by more than 400 million years, and unicellular aquatic algae. This comparison reveals genomic changes concomitant with the evolutionary movement to land, including a general increase in gene family complexity; loss of genes associated with aquatic environments (e.g., flagellar arms); acquisition of genes for tolerating terrestrial stresses (e.g., variation in temperature and water availability); and the development of the auxin and abscisic acid signaling pathways for coordinating multicellular growth and dehydration response. The Physcomitrella genome provides a resource for phylogenetic inferences about gene function and for experimental analysis of plant processes through this plant's unique facility for reverse genetics.  相似文献   
The paper tests the hypothesis that cultural and social background is far more influential to form preferences about policy than the level of fact-based knowledge a person possesses. The data for the case study stem from a web-based survey among a representative sample of the adult population in Norway. The degree of knowledge of agriculture in this paper is operationalized through questions on five key characteristics of Norwegian agriculture that frequently arise in the public discussion. The results show that the amount of fact-based knowledge of agriculture to a very little extent explains differences within the sample. The cultural background of respondents is much more suited to explain agricultural policy preferences. Knowledge, however, shifts the attention from food price issues towards the delivery of public goods. The results allow us to hint at hot cognition as a possible explanation for such findings.  相似文献   
  • ? Forest certification sets requirements for minimizing the impacts of logging on the natural structure and floristic composition of forests.
  • ? We assessed the impact of certification by comparing the floristic composition of 52 taxa of trees and shrubs in the treefall gaps of certified, conventionally managed and protected forests in northern Honduras.
  • ? The highest abundance of light-benefiting taxa was found in certified forests, whereas conventionally managed forests were floristically more similar to natural forests. The environmental conditions measured in certified gaps were not favourable for a natural forest floristic composition.
  • ? Past logging may have altered the species composition in certified forests relatively more than in conventionally managed forests. This implies that the need for restoration operations should be considered in certification requirements, along with landscape-level planning to enhance post-logging recovery.
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