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Abstract. During the years of 1989 and 1990, the yield of the commercial fishery for the catarina scallop, Argopecten circularis (Sowerby, 1835), in Magdalena Bay, was 750 million organisms (5186t of muscles), which were gathered by diving at 12–30m depth. This production is the largest registered to date and accounted for 53% of the total Mexican scallop production since 1981. The formation of large beds in that area is a sporadic phenomenon which needs to be studied. In the present paper, a model to explain the formation of such beds is drawn, in which the bentho-pelagic red crab, Pleuroncodes planipes (Stimpson, 1860), plays a role as primary substrate for the recruitment of the spat and simultaneously is the active transporter of juveniles into the Bay during the winter months of cold years. Apparently exploitable beds are formed only when temperatures of 16°C or lower, are registered deep inside the Bay for at least 2 months. Relating these findings with short and long-term temperature fluctuations, it seems possible to predict future exploitable stocks in the area.  相似文献   
The development of artificial feeds for marine fish larvae is demanding and, taking into account the difficulties and costs associated with the rearing of the larvae of some fish, preliminary evaluation of feed ingredients using in vitro techniques may be an alternative to in vivo assays. Some proteins used in microfeeds for marine fish were tested in vitro for examination of their effect on the proteases of seabream larvae. Casein and cuttlefish meal did not affect protease activity of crude larval extracts, whereas ovalbumin produced a 60% inhibition. The use of a pH-stat for the assessment of the degree of hydrolysis (DH) of proteins confirmed the low nutritive value of ovalbumin, since a much lower value was obtained for microcapsules prepared using this protein source when compared with those prepared using casein or cuttlefish meal (3.2 vs. 7.3 and 7.6, respectively). Products resulting from such hydrolysis were analysed using sodium dodecyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE). Image analysis of such gels led to the formulation of an index named the coefficient of protein degradation (CPD) which expressed the extent to which the main protein fractions were hydrolysed by larval proteases in a given time. A significant correlation ( r 2 = 0.98, P  < 0.05) was obtained between DH and CPD values measured for either protein sources or microcapsules. The combination of protease inhibition assays with measurements of DH and CPD is proposed as a preliminary evaluation of protein ingredients used in the formulation of artificial feeds for larval fish.  相似文献   
Food quality aspects of farmed turbot (Psetta maxima) were compared following two methods of slaughter: the current commercial method, by immersion in an ice slurry, which is then dewatered after approximately 20 min, or by first humanely, electrically stunning the fish using a prototype commercial stunner, before immersion in an ice slurry, which is dewatered after 20 min. Quality was assessed for up to 10 days of storage on ice following slaughter. No differences were found between the slaughter methods in terms of an overall carcass quality: overall appearance, haemorrhage, damage, burst gall bladder, staining of the body cavity by leakage from the gut or damage to the spine. No detectable difference was found between the treatments using the industry standard freshness scoring system, the Quality Index Method. Both groups of fish were classified as ‘Fresh’ after 10 days of storage on ice. Using objective measurements of colour, no differences between fish from either treatment were found in fillet colour. Changes in flesh pH were similar in electrically stunned and traditionally killed fish with a mean pH (±SE) at 2 h post‐mortem of 6.80±0.027 declining to 6.44±0.032 at 24 h post‐mortem. Humane electrical stunning of turbot at slaughter neither detectably improved nor decreased product quality as measured between 1 and 10 days of storage on ice.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   In the present study, the role of carbonic anhydrase (CA) and Na/K-ATPase in the gill and epidermal tissues in the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii was examined as a function of molting stage. CA activity levels in the front and back gills were low at the intermolt stage C0, but increased significantly at premolt stage D3, and then decreased after molting. In the epidermal tissue, activity levels decreased gradually towards premolt to a minimum level at stage D3, but became elevated at postmolt stages A and B. Na/K-ATPase levels in the front and back gills did not change significantly during the molt cycle. CA in the gill is possibly involved in supplying counter-ions for ion uptake, while CA in the epidermal tissue may play a role in mineralizing the exoskeleton after ecdysis. Na/K-ATPase in the gills may function in ion uptake from the ambient medium; however, since its activity was not influenced by the molt cycle, it probably does not have a major role in osmoregulation in the freshwater environment.  相似文献   
Hematological status was examined in rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss, held for 3–4 weeks under temperature, photoperiod and PO 2 conditions approximating those of their winter, spring and summer habitats. The most striking change observed was in red cell population composition. In winter fish mature cells were predominant; juvenile and developing erythrocytes characterized spring and summer animals. Hemoglobin, hematocrit and both mean erythrocytic volume and hemoglobin were modestly lower in spring and summer than in winter fish. Red cell numbers were not significantly affected. These observations suggest that avoidance of viscosity-based increases in circulatory work cost is more advantageous than elevation of blood O2-carrying capacity. Although hemoglobin isomorph profiles were significantly altered, there is little evidence that such changes are of critical adaptive importance. Given presumed age-based reduction in gas transport effectiveness, the replacement of mature and senescent cells by more metabolically-competent juvenile cells appears to be the pivotal event in hematological response. Leucocyte counts were significantly elevated in spring and summer as compared to winter fish. Lymphocyte/heterophil ratios declined from 8.27 in winter fish to 3.13 in summer trout. Thrombocyte, monocyte, eosinophil and basophil abundances were little changed.  相似文献   
The influence of long-term administration of high-carbohydrate/low-protein and high-fat/non-carbohydrate diets were studied in relation to kinetic behaviour of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase in liver and kidney of rainbow trout. In all cases studied, the saturation curves of these enzyme showed typical hyperbolic kinetics without evidence of sigmoidicity. After 30 days of feeding with a high-fat diet (170 g kg?1), there was a significant decrease in Vmax and specific activity (45%) as well as catalytic efficiency (39%) without changes in Km or activity ratio of hepatic glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase. These changes agree more with a clearly decreased cell concentration than with an inhibition of the pre-existing enzyme. The administration of a high-carbohydrate diet (60 g kg?1), contrary to what was previously thought, decreased Vmax by 21% and specific activity and catalytic efficiency by 30%, without significant changes in the other kinetic parameters of the hepatic enzyme. The kinetic behaviour under these nutritional conditons was due to the rejection of this diet by the fish and thus could be considered a low-feeding situation. On the other hand, no variations in the kinetics of renal glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase were found, clearly demonstrating that in this organ, the pentosephosphate pathway showed no adaptive response related to fattyacid and other lipid synthesis. The activity of the renal enzyme was consistently half that of the hepatic enzyme.  相似文献   
Proteases secreted by strains of Aeromonas salmonicida   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract. The proteases secreted by four strains (MT004, 1102, 480 and 480P-) of Aeromonas salmonicida grown in liquid culture have been studied. Strains MT004, 1102 and 480 all show a similar pattern with two types of proteases produced; one of molecular weight 70 000 which is active against casein and gelatin and one (or more) of lower molecular weight (about 20 000) which is (are) active against gelatin but not casein. Strain 480P- produces only the latter type of protease(s). The protease of molecular weight 70 000 is classified as a serine-type protease, but further characterization of the features of its active site has not yet proved possible. The results are discussed in terms of the previously published but often contradictory data on the proteases of A. salmonicida.  相似文献   
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