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Fourteen red rice varieties were planted in two locations during summer (Hangzhou) and winter (Hainan) to study the effect of genotype and environment on the phytochemicals and antioxidant capacities of rice grain. B‐type proanthocyanidins in red rice were detected by LC‐MS/MS and quantified by using the vanillin assay. Analysis of variance showed that total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC) and 2,2′‐azino‐bis‐(3‐ethylbenzothiazoline‐6‐sulfonic acid) (ABTS) radical scavenging capacity were mainly affected by environmental factors, which accounted for more than 60% of the total variance. However, total proanthocyanidin content (TPAC) and 1,1‐diphenyl‐2‐picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging capacity were equally affected by both genotype and environment. The genotype × environment effects were significant for all traits. The pairwise correlations among TPC, TFC, TPAC, ABTS, and DPPH were also significant (r > 0.900, P < 0.001). Principal component analysis identified the genotypes that had higher contents of antioxidants and more stability across environments. This study showed that indirect selection of a simple trait (i.e., TPC) is an effective way to select rice high in antioxidant capacity in breeding programs. This study also suggests that rice should be produced specifically in a certain environment for the end user to minimize the variation in the functional properties and maximize their contents.  相似文献   
针对贵州山区田块小而分散,提出设计稻麦割晒机时应采用适应多种田间作业需要的通用底盘。小型多功能底盘主要由多功能底盘、发动机、动力传动系统、操作手柄及前后连接支架组成,多功能底盘上安装前后连接支架,根据田间农作物作业需要,与通用底盘快速挂接,可完成旋耕整地、开沟起垄、播种施肥、灌水施药及稻麦割晒等作业。该底盘可构建多功能作业机组,扩大机具使用范围和利用率,解决丘陵山地小田块机械化收割问题。  相似文献   
以新疆特色水果哈密瓜为研究对象,提出一种利用Matlab辅助DSP提取哈密瓜纹理的方法。该方法首先利用Matlab把待处理的图像转换为数据文件(dat文件),然后利用DSP强大的运算能力分割哈密瓜表面纹理特征,并将分割结果同样以dat文件传递给Mat Lab,最后利用Mat Lab强大的数据分析与图像显示能力建立哈密瓜分类模型。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效地对哈密瓜表面纹理进行分割与分类,分类准确率为88.10%。该方法不但能够缩短DSP系统的开发周期,且能够为今后开发基于DSP的哈密瓜品质实时检测系统奠定基础。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to develop regression models for correlation of canine fetal heart development with body size to characterize normal development or suggest cardiac anomalies. Twenty clinically healthy pregnant bitches, either brachycephalic and non-brachycephalic, were examined ultrasonographically. Transabdominal fetal echocardiography was conducted every 4 days from the beginning of cardiac chambers differentiation until parturition. Ten cardiac parameters were measured: length, width and diameter of the heart; heart area; left and right ventricular dimensions; left and right atrial dimensions; and aortic and pulmonary artery diameter. Femoral length, biparietal diameter and abdominal cross-sectional area were also recorded. Regression equations were developed for each parameter of fetal body size, and linear and logarithmic models were compared. The model with the highest correlation coefficient was chosen to produce equations to calculate relative dimensions based on the correlations. Only the left-ventricular chamber differed between the two racial groups. Biparietal diameter was the independent parameter that produced the highest correlation coefficient for the most fetal cardiac dimensions, although good correlations were also observed using femoral length and abdominal cross-sectional area. Heart width and heart diameter were used as surrogates of cardiac development, as these measurements showed the best statistical correlation. Quantitative evaluation of fetal cardiac structures can be used to monitor normal and abnormal cardiac development.  相似文献   
Tendons regenerate poorly due to a dense extracellular matrix and low cellularity. Cellular therapies aim to improve tendon repair using mesenchymal stem cells and tenocytes; however, a current limitation is the low proliferative potential of tenocytes in cases of severe trauma. The purpose of this study was to develop a method useful in veterinary medicine to improve the differentiation of Peripheral Blood equine mesenchymal stem cells (PB-MSCs) into tenocytes. PB-MSCs were used to study the effects of the addition of some growth factors (GFs) as TGFβ3 (transforming growth factor), EGF2 (Epidermal growth factor), bFGF2 (Fibroblast growth factor) and IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) in presence or without Low Level Laser Technology (LLLT) on the mRNA expression levels of genes important in the tenogenic induction as Early Growth Response Protein-1 (EGR1), Tenascin (TNC) and Decorin (DCN). The singular addition of GFs did not show any influence on the mRNA expression of tenogenic genes whereas the specific combinations that arrested cell proliferation in favour of differentiation were the following: bFGF2 + TGFβ3 and bFGF2 + TGFβ3 + LLLT. Indeed, the supplement of bFGF2 and TGFβ3 significantly upregulated the expression of Early Growth Response Protein-1 and Decorin, while the use of LLLT induced a significant increase of Tenascin C levels. In conclusion, the present study might furnish significant suggestions for developing an efficient approach for tenocyte induction since the external administration of bFGF2 and TGFβ3, along with LLLT, influences the differentiation of PB-MSCs towards the tenogenic fate.  相似文献   
Brucellosis, caused by a facultative intracellular pathogen Brucella, is one of the most prevalent zoonosis worldwide. Host infection relies on several uncanonical virulence factors. A recent research hotpot is the links between carbon metabolism and bacterial virulence. In this study, we found that a carbon metabolism-related pyruvate kinase (Pyk) encoded by pyk gene (locus tag BAB_RS24320) was associated with Brucella virulence. Determination of bacterial growth curves and resistance to environmental stress factors showed that Pyk plays an important role in B. abortus growth, especially under the conditions of nutrition deprivation, and resistance to oxidative stress. Additionally, cell infection assay showed that Pyk is necessary for B. abortus survival and evading fusion with lysosomes within RAW264.7 cells. Moreover, animal experiments exhibited that the Pyk deletion significantly reduced B. abortus virulence in a mouse infection model. Our results elucidated the role of the Pyk in B. abortus virulence and provided information for further investigation of Brucella virulence associated carbon metabolism.  相似文献   
铁皮石斛在人工光型密闭式植物工厂的适宜光照强度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人工光型密闭式植物工厂适于高附加值植物尤其是珍贵药用植物的大规模/低成本化生产,其环境调控对珍贵药用植物的产量和质量有重要影响。笔者研究探索在控制温度、湿度、CO2浓度和光周期的条件下,光照强度对铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale)组培苗生长发育的影响,以期找到铁皮石斛组培阶段在人工光可控环境下的适宜光照环境。鲜重约300mg的铁皮石斛单腋芽作为外植体在温度24±1℃、湿度65±5%、光周期12h/d、及光期CO2浓度800±50μmol/mol的环境条件下,设置光照强度为37、68、92、120μmol/(m2·s)的4组试验区,并使用容积为380mL的方型聚碳酸酯组培容器在人工光型密闭式植物工厂中培育92d。组培容器的顶部留2个直径为10mm的圆孔覆盖高分子透气膜用来与容器外进行气体交换。铁皮石斛组培苗的生长发育和生理活性在光照强度为68μmol/(m2·s)时最佳,超过92μmol/(m2·s)时呈现明显的光抑制;多糖含量随着光照强度的增强而增加,超过92μmol/(m2·s)时呈下降趋势,但是68和92μmol/(m2·s)光照强度试验区的多糖含量没有显著性差异。因此,铁皮石斛组培苗在人工光型密闭式植物工厂内培育的适宜光照强度为60 ̄70μmol/(m2·s)。  相似文献   
In this paper the inevitable trend of constructing open ecosystem in modern settlement environment was discussed through the history of the settlement environment and the characters of modern settlement environment.The ecological crisis,change of the modern life and the citizens' needs and the ecological system character show,that it is important for sustainable development of the settlement environment to construct open ecosystem.The construction of modern habitation and the city room embodies the concept of open ecosystem.Then,in construction and research of modern settlement,the ecological viewpoint and method should be applied.  相似文献   
Irrigation techniques that reduce water applications are increasingly applied in areas with scarce water resources. In this study, the effect of two regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies on peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. “Catherine”] performance was studied over three growing seasons. The experimental site was located in Murcia (SE Spain), a Mediterranean region. Two RDI strategies (restricting water applications at stage II of fruit development and postharvest) based on stem water potential (Ψs) thresholds (?1.5 and ?1.8 MPa during fruit growth and ?1.5 and ?2.0 MPa during postharvest) were compared to a fully irrigated control. Soil water content (θv), Ψs, gas exchange parameters, vegetative growth, crop load, yield and fruit quality were determined. RDI treatments showed significantly lower values of θv and Ψs than control trees when irrigation water was restricted, causing reductions in stomatal conductance and photosynthesis rates. Vegetative growth was reduced by RDI, as lower shoot lengths and pruning weights were observed under those treatments when compared to control. However, fruit size and yield were unaffected, and fruit quality was slightly improved by RDI. Water savings from 43 to 65 % were achieved depending on the year and the RDI strategy, and no negative carryover effect was detected during the study period. In conclusion, RDI strategies using Ψs thresholds for scheduling irrigation in mid–late maturing peach trees under Mediterranean conditions are viable options to save water without compromising yield and even improving fruit quality.  相似文献   
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