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尼加拉瓜废弃农田次生演替后的土壤种子库   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
定量分析了被废弃4年、9年和14年的农田地上派生的次生林土壤中种子组成和密度,从而检测在次生林演替形成过程中,土壤种子库是否能随着植物种群的集成而集成。分别在废弃了4年、9年和14年的农田地里(15cm×15cm样方、9cm土层深),掘取了18,37和48份土壤样品。在废弃了4,9和14年的农田地上,分别发现了3,5和9个物种。在这些不同的生命形态中,在9年和14年的迹地上,土壤种子树木占主要成分,分别为60%和33%,而4年废弃迹地主要被非木本植物所占领。三块废弃地里,4年废弃迹地植物种子的总数为327粒,相应可发育的种子密度为141粒/m2,14年废弃迹地种子的总数为46粒,相应的可发育种子的密度为26粒/m^2,指明种子数、种子密度随废弃地龄成下降趋势。在9年和14年龄废弃地上,土壤种子植物种类与立地木本植物种类的相似度较低,而4年龄地上两者比较则完全不同。我们认为:土壤种子库的物种构成是在次生演替过程中逐渐形成的,但是,所获得的总体种子密度太低,仅仅依赖于这些种子来实现树木自然再生是不可靠的。为了加快这些废弃地次生林的恢复,既要依靠自然集成的土壤种子库,还需要通过直播、所需物种的强化种植和设定人工生长环境以利于种子传播。  相似文献   
This study was performed to determine the growth and survival patterns of the juvenile yellowleg shrimp Farfantepenaeus californiensis cohabiting with the green feather alga Caulerpa sertularioides over a range of temperatures (18, 22, 25, 28 and 32°C) found throughout the year in the Gulf of California. From an initial weight of 46 ± 10 mg, shrimp cohabiting with green feather algae increased in weight by an average of 0.57 (±0.07), 5.44 (±0.45), 6.36 (±0.37), 7.66 (±0.26) and 5.96 (±0.59) g at 18, 22, 25, 28 and 32°C, respectively, whereas shrimp grown without seaweed increased in weight by an average of 0.28 (±0.026), 2.66 (±0.24), 3.15 (±0.49), 4.00 (±0.67), and 3.54 (±0.09) g respectively. Statistically significant differences were observed for the growth rates of juvenile yellowleg shrimp in the presence of C. sertularioides and peak growth was observed at 28°C in experiments with macroalgae. No significant differences were observed for shrimp survival except at 32°C without macroalgae, where survival was lower. These results suggest a beneficial and growth‐promoting effect of cohabitation with live C. sertularioides on F. californiensis.  相似文献   
Climate change will increase the frequency of extreme rain events, causing more flooding episodes. Willows are usually planted in marginal lands like flood prone areas. For willow plantations developed from rootless cuttings, the establishment phase is crucial, because the cuttings are still developing a shoot and root system and have a higher vulnerability to stress. A flooding episode during this early period may have a negative effect upon plants. We analyzed the responses to flooding of eight willow genotypes, representing important species from the economic and ecological point of view (Salix alba, S. matsudana, S. amygdaloides and S. matsudana × S. nigra hybrids). The treatments started when the plants were 2 months old and lasted for 3 weeks. They were identified as: Control (watered to field capacity); F10 (plants submerged 10 cm above soil surface) and F50 (plants submerged 50 cm above soil surface). The F50 treatment showed a greater growth reduction than the F10 treatment in most clones, either measured in height, diameter or total biomass. Both flooding treatments reduced significantly the root-to-shoot ratio compared to control plants. The F50 treatment increased the leaf nitrogen content and specific leaf area in all genotypes. Both treatments changed plant and leaf traits in different ways according to the depth of the floodwater. These changes may have lasting effects on growth recovery in the post-flooding period. Willow clones with a fast initial growth will be the best option to minimize growth reduction in areas prone to experience flooding episodes.  相似文献   
The development of simple predictors of sulfur (S) mineralization and its correlation with field-derived data may help improving corn S availability diagnosis. The objectives of this study were (1) to compare methods to estimate soil S mineralization, (2) to develop a model to predict soil S mineralization from S mineralization indexes and edaphic variables, and (3) to predict field-grown corn S uptake (Suptake) and apparent S mineralization (Smin-app) from different S mineralization indexes and edaphic-climatic variables. We evaluated 26 experimental sites where we measured edaphic variables as soil organic C (SOC), organic C in the particulate fraction (C-PF), S mineralization potential (Smin-10wk), S mineralized during a short-term (7 days) aerobic incubation + initial inorganic S (Smin-7d?+?Sinorg), and N mineralized during a short-term (7 days) anaerobic incubation (Nan). Additionally, 18 field experiments were carried out to quantify Suptake and Smin-app. The C-PF, Smin-7d?+?Sinorg, Nan, and SOC were variables significantly correlated with Smin-10wk (r?=?0.89, 0.89, 0.88, and 0.85, respectively). We developed a simple model to predict Smin-10wk from selected edaphic variables (Smin-10wk?=?0.038*Nan?+?0.106*SOC?+?0.74; Ra2 =?0.87). The Smin-10wk, C-PF, and Smin-7d?+?Sinorg showed a liner-plateau association with Suptake (R2?=?0.73, 0.53, and 0.48, respectively). We modified the method to estimate Smin-app to account for S losses (Smin-app (modified)) and developed a model to predict Smin-app (modified) from C-PF (Smin-app (modified)?=?4.65*C-PF?+?9.86; R2?=?0.62) or Smin-10wk (Smin-app (modified)?=?3.0*Smin-10wk?+?7.4; R2?=?0.54). Our results demonstrate that S mineralization indexes can be used to predict corn S availability under field conditions.  相似文献   

Key message

Quercus secondary forests show a gradual transition toward mixed forests, with sweet chestnut ( Castanea sativa ) becoming increasingly abundant in the western Spanish Central System. Additionally, in chestnut-dominated stands, it shows a certain resistance to competitive displacement by Quercus pyrenaica . Our results partially refute the traditional view that C. sativa is unable to recruit in the absence of cultural inputs.


Sweet chestnut, Castanea sativa, is a component of European broadleaf forests and is one of the most managed trees. Due to a reduction in cultural inputs, chestnut-dominated stands tend to be invaded by other species, and it is unclear how chestnut is able to persist in natural mixed forests.


Our work aimed to identity the main factors that limit the establishment of C. sativa and to analyze the recruitment and mortality processes of C. sativa trees.


The age, growth ring patterns, regeneration density, and the spatial structure of trees and saplings in 11 plots in the Spanish Central System were analyzed.


Chestnut seedling density increased with C. sativa basal area, but transition toward the sapling stage appeared limited owing to light availability. In Quercus pyrenaica secondary forests, sparse canopies did not constrain chestnut regeneration, and in old chestnut stands, C. sativa showed a certain resistance to competitive displacement. By contrast, mixed young coppices showed a high mortality, most likely due to competition with other vigorous resprouters.


Quercus secondary forests showed a gradual transition toward mixed forests with sweet chestnut becoming increasingly more abundant. In old stands, C. sativa is likely to persist under a gap-phase mode of regeneration. Our results partially refute the traditional view that C. sativa is unable to recruit in the absence of cultural inputs.
Wheat plants were cultivated in pots with the objective of evaluating the effect of two sulfur (S) rates (+S and ?S) on (i) shoot growth, S and nitrogen (N) uptake and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and (ii) root growth and architecture and its relations with S and N uptake. Plant samplings were at Z39, Z51 and Z92 stages. Shoot mass and NUE were greater in +S treatment at the three stages. ?S treatment increased root growth at Z39 (14% more length and 16% more tips) in comparison with +S, but the opposite occurred at Z51 (31% less area and 42% less mass). S uptake per unit root mass, area and length were greater in +S treatment at Z39 and Z51. A similar pattern was determined for nitrogen uptake (Nu) at Z39, but the opposite occurred at Z51. This indicates that Nu is mainly controlled by shoot growth and not by root growth.  相似文献   
A case of feline multicentric lymphoma is reported in an 8-year-old male cat weighing 4.7 kg. At the time of the clinical consultation the animal presented weight loss, anorexia and generalised lymphadenomegaly. After careful clinical observation and a detailed laboratory workup, the diagnosis of small cleaved cell lymphoma was established. It was classified as a stage III b multicentric lymphoma. Chemotherapy was initiated according to a classical COP protocol to which atorvastatin was added. After 34 months, the cat continues to enjoy an excellent quality of life with no clinical or haematological signs of lymphoma. This is the first report in clinical veterinary medicine about a new effective adjuvant therapy in feline multicentric lymphoma. Further studies are needed to confirm that the addition of atorvastatin can provide a regular, safe and improved treatment in feline lymphoma cases.  相似文献   
Microbes have developed high-affinity uptake mechanisms to assimilate iron (Fe) and other metals such as aluminum (Al), gallium (Ga), chromium (Cr), and copper (Cu). Siderophores, which are metal chelating compounds, and membrane receptor proteins are involved in these specialized mechanisms. A few siderophore-producing microorganisms associated with plant roots also influence the uptake of some metals. In this study, the potential microbial-assisted Cu and Fe uptake by Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean) plants was evaluated. Seedlings of cultivated common bean varieties Bayo-INIFAP (B) and Negro-150 (N) and wild types yellowish (WY) and black (WB) were developed in the presence of a Cu and Fe solution and associated with the siderophore-producing microorganisms R. leguminosarumbv. Phaseoli (strains 19, 44, and 46); Pseudomonas fluorescens(strain Avm), and Azospirillum brasilense (strain 154). Seedlings of cultivated variety N and black wild type WB inoculated with the strain CPMex.44 accumulated 71% and 30% more Fe than the un-inoculated plants, respectively; however, the wild black bean accumulated the highest absolute amount of Fe (221.56 mg/kg of dry matter) as compared with the cultivated black variety N (126.16 mg/kg of dry matter) (P < 0.05). In the wild type WY seedlings, the highest Fe accumulation was observed when the seeds were inoculated with the Pseudomonas strain Avm (206 mg/kg of dry matter) (P < 0.05). The interaction of Pseudomonas strain Avm with seedlings of the cultivated B variety and the wild type WB promoted the highest accumulation of Cu (51 and 54 mg/kg of dry matter, respectively), 7 and 14 mg more than in the respective non-inoculated seedlings. No promotion of Fe accumulation was observed in the seedlings of the cultivated B variety and in roots; instead, less Fe was accumulated. The wild type WY did not show any improvement in Cu accumulation. In this study, Rhizobiumstrains promoted Fe but not Cu uptake in P. vulgaris seedlings while Pseudomonas strains promoted the uptake of both Cu and Fe.  相似文献   
Gas production and gas retention properties of doughs are pivotal to the manufacture of bread of good quality, but these properties are rarely measured directly in fermenting dough due to a paucity of suitable instrumentation. A digital image analysis-based method was used to measure the dynamic specific volume (DSV) of various chemically leavened dough systems. Sodium bicarbonate (1.4–4.2 g per 100 g of flour) in combination with equivalent neutralizing amounts of the leavening acidulants glucono-delta-lactone, potassium acid tartrate, adipic acid or sodium acid pyrophosphate consistently increased the specific volume of bread dough so that void fractions in the dough spanned between 5 and 67% at ordinary fermentation temperatures. The relationship between the specific volume of dough at the end of fermentation and the actual gas evolved (measured independently) was essentially linear and was characterized by a slope that provided a good index of the actual gas-trapping properties of dough. Therefore, the use of the DSV technique in conjunction with chemical leaveners offers the possibility of obtaining quantitative, real time information on the gassing capacity of the leavening system and the gas-holding capacity of the dough.  相似文献   
Relationships between diel changes in stem expansion and contraction and discharge and refilling of stem water storage tissues were studied in six dominant Neotropical savanna (cerrado) tree species from central Brazil. Two stem tissues were studied, the active xylem or sapwood and the living tissues located between the cambium and the cork, made up predominantly of parenchyma cells (outer parenchyma). Outer parenchyma and sapwood density ranged from 320 to 410 kg m(-3) and from 420 to 620 kg m(-3), respectively, depending on the species. The denser sapwood tissues exhibited smaller relative changes in cross-sectional area per unit change in water potential compared with the outer parenchyma. Despite undergoing smaller relative changes in cross-sectional area, the sapwood released about 3.5 times as much stored water for a given change in area as the outer parenchyma. Cross-sectional area decreased earlier in the morning in the outer parenchyma than in the sapwood with lag times up to 30 min for most species. The relatively small lag time between dimensional changes of the two tissues suggested that they were hydraulically well connected. The initial morning increase in basal sap flow lagged about 10 to 130 min behind that of branch sap flow. Species-specific lag times between morning declines in branch and main stem cross-sectional area were a function of relative stem water storage capacity, which ranged from 16 to 31% of total diurnal water loss. Reliance on stored water to temporarily replace transpirational losses is one of the homeostatic mechanisms that constrain the magnitude of leaf water deficits in cerrado trees.  相似文献   
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