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Pappophorum vaginatum is the most abundant C4perennial grass desirable to livestock in rangelands of northeastern Patagonia,Argentina.We hypothesized that(1)defoliation reduce net primary productivity,and root length density and weight in the native species,and(2)root net primary productivity,and root length density and weight,are greater in P.vaginatum than in the other,less desirable,native species(i.e.,Aristida spegazzinii,A.subulata and Sporobolus cryptandrus).Plants of all species were either exposed or not to a severe defoliation twice a year during two growing seasons.Root proliferation was measured using the cylinder method.Cylindrical,iron structures,wrapped up using nylon mesh,were buried diagonally from the periphery to the center on individual plants.These structures,initially filled with soil without any organic residue,were dug up from the soil on 25April 2008,after two successive defoliations in mid-spring 2007.During the second growing season(2008–2009),cylinders were destructively harvested on 4 April 2009,after one or two defoliations in midand/or late-spring,respectively.Roots grown into the cylinders were obtained after washing the soil manually.Defoliation during two successive years did reduce the study variables only after plants of all species were defoliated twice,which supported the first hypothesis.The greater root net primary productivity,root length density and weight in P.vaginatum than in the other native species,in support of the second hypothesis,could help to explain its greater abundance in rangelands of Argentina.  相似文献   
Understory plants could can act as indicators of temperate forest sustainability, health and conservation status due to their importance in ecosystem function. Harvesting impacts on understory plant diversity depends on their intensity. Variable retention has been proposed to mitigate the harmful effects of timber harvesting, but its effectiveness remains unknown in southern Patagonian Nothofagus pumilio forests. The objectives of this study were to: (i) define a baseline of understory plant diversity in old-growth forests along a site quality gradient and under canopy gaps; (ii) evaluate stands with three different variable retention treatments compared to old-growth forests; and (iii) assess temporal changes during 4 years after harvesting (YAH). A 61 ha N. pumilio forest was selected. Understory plant (Dicotyledonae, Monocotyledonae and Pteridophyta) richness, cover (including woody debris and bare forest floor) and aboveground dry biomass were characterized in summer for 5 years. Before harvesting, baseline samples were conducted along a site quality gradient and outside/inside canopy gaps. Analyzed treatments include a control of old-growth forest (OGF) and three different harvesting treatments with variable retention: (i) dispersed retention (DR) of 30 m2 ha−1 (20-30% retention); (ii) aggregated retention (AR) with one aggregate per hectare and clear-cuts (28% retention); and (iii) combined dispersed and aggregated retention (DAR) with one aggregate per hectare and dispersed retention of 10-15 m2 ha−1 (40-50% retention). Data analyses included parametric and permutational ANOVAs, multivariate classification and ordinations.Before harvesting, 31 plant species were found, where richness, cover and biomass were directly related to site quality. The presence of canopy gaps did not have a significant impact on the measured variables. After harvesting, 20 new species appeared from adjacent associated environments (two from N. antarctica forests and 18 from grasslands and peatlands). At the stand level, understory values were higher in AR > DR > DAR > OGF. Most (81-95%) plant richness at baseline conditions was conserved in all treatments, where inside the aggregates understory remained similar to OGF. Combination of aggregated and dispersed retention (DAR) better limited exotic species introduction and protected sensitive species, improving conservation in harvested stands. Changes in understory variables were observed after the first YAH in all treatments; greater changes were observed in the harvested areas than in aggregates. Changes stabilized at the fourth YAH. As a conclusion, the location of retention aggregates should be selected to preserve species understory diversity of more speciose and diverse habitats or particularly uncommon stands. Implementation of different kinds (patterns and levels) of retention for improvement of biodiversity conservation in harvested forests should be included in timber and forest management planning.  相似文献   
The present work studies the growth and body composition of 18 Octopus vulgaris (6 per treatment) fed two extruded diets, namely FMS and 3FMS, based on different fish and squid meal ratios (1:1, and 3:1 respectively). The diets are compared with a control diet based on crab (Carcinus mediterraneus) and bogue (Boops boops). The growing tests were conducted on animals placed in individual 300 L rectangular fibreglass tanks in an open seawater system, containing PVC tubes as shelters, resulting in 100% survival rate. The control group exhibited the highest specific growth rates (SGR = 2.14%BW day?1), while values of around 0.69%BW day?1 were achieved by octopuses fed the extruded diets. Even though the three groups of animals showed similar digestive gland indexes, the two extruded diets promoted significant differences in the muscle composition and fatness of the digestive gland. Digestibility of dry matter was not affected by the type of extruded diet, obtaining ADC values of around 88%. The results suggest that squid and fish meal can be both used in dry pelleted extruded diets, with moderate acceptance by the octopus, even though the formulation must be optimized with the aim of improving acceptability and achieve growths in the range of natural diets.  相似文献   
Avian leukosis virus (ALV) is known to cause several neoplastic conditions in chickens, such as B-cell lymphomas, myelocytomas, erythroblastosis, and other types of neoplasia including osteopetrosis. We describe herein the identification of unique ALV-related proviral DNA sequences in an archived chicken bone affected with osteopetrosis. The osteopetrotic bone was obtained from an affected 46-week-old brown layer during an outbreak of osteopetrosis in Costa Rica in 1986. Analysis of proviral DNA in the 23-year-old osteopetrotic bone revealed unique exogenous ALV-related sequences that were named CR-1986 (Costa Rica, 1986). The 5' and 3' long terminal repeats (LTR) in the proviral DNA were identical to each other. The U3 regions in the LTRs were most similar to equivalent sequences in ALV-J, while U5 was identical to known endogenous ALV-E sequences. The predicted CR-1986 envelope protein was most similar to the envelope of myeloblastosis associated virus type 1 (MAV-1), although the percentage of amino acid sequence similarity to MAV-1 was low (90.4%). The variable and hypervariable regions of gp85 displayed several mutations compared to representative strains of ALV. The gp37 (transmembrane or TM) envelope protein showed three leucine to serine mutations that may represent important changes in the conformation of this protein, a finding that is currently being investigated. Several recombination events may have contributed to the emergence of CR-1986 because each analyzed segment was similar to a different ALV. CR-1986 may represent a unique ALV based on distinctive characteristics of its predicted envelope protein in comparison to previously reported ALVs.  相似文献   
Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a highly contagious respiratory disease of chickens caused by infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV). The disease is mainly controlled through biosecurity and by vaccination with live-attenuated vaccines. The chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccines, although proven to be effective in experimental settings, have limited efficacy in controlling the disease in dense broiler production sites due to unrestricted use and poor mass vaccination coverage. These factors allowed CEO vaccines to regain virulence, causing long lasting and, consequently, severe outbreaks of the disease. A new generation of viral vector fowl poxvirus (FPV) and herpesvirus of turkey (HVT) vaccines carrying ILTV genes has been developed and such vaccines are commercially available. These vaccines are characterized by their lack of transmission, lack of ILTV-associated latent infections, and no reversion to virulence. HVT-vectored ILTV recombinant vaccines were originally approved for subcutaneous HVT or transcutaneous (pox) delivery. The increased incidence of ILTV outbreaks in broiler production sites encouraged the broiler industry to deliver the FPV-LT and HVT-LT recombinant vaccines in ovo. The objective of this study was to evaluate the protection induced by ILTV viral vector recombinant vaccines after in ovo application in 18-day-old commercial broiler embryos. The protection induced by recombinant ILTV vaccines was assessed by their ability to prevent clinical signs and mortality; to reduce challenge virus replication in the trachea; to prevent an increase in body temperature; and to prevent a decrease in body weight gain after challenge. In this study, both recombinant-vectored ILTV vaccines provided partial protection, thereby mitigating the disease, but did not reduce challenge virus loads in the trachea.  相似文献   
The importance of agroforestry systems as carbon sinks has recently been recognized due to the need of climate change mitigation. The objective of this study was to compare the carbon content in living biomass, soil (0–10, 10–20, 20–30 cm in depth), dead organic matter between a set of non-agroforestry and agroforestry prototypes in Chiapas, Mexico where the carbon sequestration programme called Scolel’te has been carried out. The prototypes compared were: traditional maize (rotational prototype with pioneer native trees evaluated in the crop period), Taungya (maize with timber trees), improved fallow, traditional fallow (the last three rotational prototypes in the crop-free period), Inga-shade-organic coffee, polyculture-shade organic coffee, polyculture-non-organic coffee, pasture without trees, pasture with live fences, and pasture with scattered trees. Taungya and improved fallow were designed agroforestry prototypes, while the others were reproduced traditional systems. Seventy-nine plots were selected in three agro-climatic zones. Carbon in living biomass, dead biomass, and soil organic matter was measured in each plot. Results showed that carbon in living biomass and dead organic matter were different according to prototype; while soil organic carbon and total carbon were influenced mostly by the agro-climatic zone (P < 0.01). Carbon density in the high tropical agro-climatic zone (1,000 m) was higher compared to the intermediate and low tropical agro-climatic zones (600 and 200 m, respectively, P < 0.01). All the systems contained more carbon than traditional maize and pastures without trees. Silvopastoral systems, improved fallow, Taungya and coffee systems (especially polyculture-shade coffee and organic coffee) have the potential to sequester carbon via growing trees. Agroforestry systems could also contribute to carbon sequestration and reducing emissions when burning is avoided. The potential of organic coffee to maintain carbon in soil and to reduce emissions from deforestation and ecosystem degradation (REDD) is discussed.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Low and nontoxic concentrations (10-50 microM) of suramin, which is a nonspecific inhibitor of multiple growth factors, including fibroblast growth factors, enhances the activities of cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents, such as doxorubicin and paclitaxel, both in vitro and in vivo. Suramin has not been evaluated as a chemosensitizing agent in dogs with cancer. HYPOTHESIS: Nontoxic suramin can be used safely as a chemosensitizer in dogs. ANIMALS: Sixteen dogs of various breeds with measurable tumors were treated; 1 dog that had undergone amputation for osteosarcoma received adjuvant therapy. METHODS: The dogs received 53 courses of treatment with suramin in combination with doxorubicin. The suramin dosage was 6.75 mg/kg IV 3 h before standard doxorubicin administration every 2 weeks. The pharmacokinetics and clinical efficacy were determined. RESULTS: The pharmacokinetics of low-dose suramin followed a 2-compartment model with half-lives of 2 h and 6 days. The distribution volume was a 0.34 +/- 0.12 L/kg, and clearance was 1.86 +/- 0.76 mL/kg/h. During the time interval that doxorubicin was present at therapeutically active concentrations (ie, from the start of infusion to 24 hours), the plasma concentrations were maintained within 20% of the target range (8-60 microM) in 72% of the treatments. The toxicity of the suramin/doxorubicin combination was mild and comparable to the toxicity expected for doxorubicin monotherapy. Objective partial responses were observed in 2 out of 16 evaluable dogs (13%). All 5 dogs that previously received doxorubicin showed improved responses to the suramin/doxorubicin combination. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: A fixed, low-dose suramin regimen yields the desired target plasma concentrations in most dogs, and appears to enhance the activity of doxorubicin without enhancing toxicity.  相似文献   


The commercial feasibility of sawmilling depends on the expected volume and value of sawn planks. Models that predict the volume of sawn timber of a particular quality and produced from logs of known characteristics are therefore very useful.


The objectives were to study variation in sawing yield and to obtain models that predict lumber volume and grade recovery on the basis of easy-to-measure predictor variables of saw logs.


Forty-six oak trees growing in Galicia (NW Spain) were felled and cut into logs. The logs were visually graded and sawn mainly into quartersawn planks, which were dried, planed and visually graded for structural purposes.


The total volumetric sawing yield was 47.6 %. The sawing yield for planks of structural dimensions (cross-section, 70?×?120 or 70?×?170 mm) was 43.4 %, but decreased to 8.4 % for structural sized and quality grade beams because of wane and biotic damage in many pieces. Log grade did not significantly affect sawing yield in the sample analysed, despite the wide range of diameter over bark at the smallest end in the sampled logs (22–77 cm). The sawing pattern affected total sawing yield (F?=?4.913; p value?=?0.001) and the sawing yield for structural planks (F?=?6.142; p value?=?0.0002); radial sawing with one cut and live sawing of half logs provided the highest yields. Three models were proposed for estimating sawn volume in timber products, with the small-end log diameter over bark as the predictor variable and R adj 2 between 0.31 and 0.78 (p value?<?0.01).


For the purpose of producing oak timber destined for structural use, the presence of bark and sapwood in planks must be reduced in the sawing process; this would decrease the total lumber recovery but increase the timber value yield. Air drying must be accelerated to reduce biotic damage in sawn planks. Geometric mean diameter over bark at the smallest end (d) outperforms other measures as a predictor variable for total or structural sawn timber volume.  相似文献   
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